Example #1
 def createNew_clone(folder, cloneFrom, newMeshInstance):
     Creates a new runConfig in a not previously existing folder,
     which has identical settings as an already existing runConfig.
     The newly created runConfig is then returned.
     This is a deep copy, runners, solvers, and analysis etc. are also cloned.
     #Create the new runConfig
     AcdOptiRunConfig.createNew(folder, cloneFrom.runner.type, None)
     newRC = AcdOptiRunConfig(folder, newMeshInstance)
     #Copy runner data
     #Copy the solvers
     for solv in cloneFrom.solverSetups:
         print "Add solver " + str(solv)
         newSolv = AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew_clone(folder, solv,newRC)
     #Copy analysis
     for (anaName, ana) in cloneFrom.analysis.iteritems():
         newRC.analysis[anaName] = ana.createNew_clone(os.path.join(folder, "analysis"), ana, newRC)
     return newRC
Example #2
    def createNew(folder, runnerType, solverTypes=None):
        Create a new RunConfig, if wanted with ready-made
        SolverSetups and Runners created and attached.
        - Folder      : In which folder to store the setup files etc.
        - runnerType  : String with the runner type wanted (example: Hopper)
        - solverTypes : String or list of strings with the types of SolverSetups wanted
                        (as accepted by AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew()).
                        If None, don't attach any solvers
        print "AcdOptiRunConfig::createNew(), folder=" + folder
        #Construct the instance name from folder
        instname = folder
        if instname[-1] == "/":
            instname = instname[0:-1]
        instname = os.path.split(instname)[1]
        if os.path.isdir(folder):
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_createFail ("Folder \"" + folder + "\" already exists")

        #Create the SolverSetups:
        solverSetups = []
        if solverTypes == None:
            pass #To simplify the "else" at the end...
        elif type(solverTypes) == str:
            solverSetups.append(AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew(solverTypes, folder))
        elif type(solverTypes) == list:
            for st in solverTypes:
                solverSetups.append(AcdOptiSolverSetup.createNew(st, folder))
            raise AcdOptiException_runConfig_createFail ("Expected solverTypes to be a string or list of strings, got " + str(solverTypes))

        #Create the runner
        AcdOptiRunner.createNew(runnerType, folder)

        #Create the paramFile
        paramFile = AcdOptiFileParser_simple(\
            os.path.join(folder, "paramFile.set"), 'w')
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("fileID", "runConfigParamFile")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("instName", instname)
        if len(solverSetups):
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("status", "initialized")
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("status", "not_initialized")
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageName", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageFolder", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("stageFile", "")
#        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("finishedFolder", "")

        #Pushback all solverSetups under the same key
        for ssName in solverSetups:
            paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("solverSetup", ssName)
        #Runner type
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("runnerType", runnerType) 
        #Analysis dictionary
        paramFile.dataDict.pushBack("analysis", DataDict())
        #Create the staging folder
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, "stage"))

        #Create the finished folder
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(folder, "finished"))
        #Create the analysis folder