Example #1
    def ext_delete_event(self, widget, event, windowactor):
        # The GTK window itself has no jurisdiction
        # over whether it should close.  It must inform
        # the Window Actor that a close request has been
        # made but responsibility for closing the window
        # is delegated to the Actor.

        # This is a GTK callback so we must use the native interface
        native.send(windowactor, "close_request")
        return True
Example #2
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
   if hasattr(thread_local, 'actor'):
     actor = thread_local.actor
     if actor.state.actor_id == self.__source:
       return actor.state.get_method(self.__method)(*args, **kwds)
       (val, actor_id) = actor.sendmessage(self.__source, self.__method, args, kwds)
       if actor_id:
         self.__ref_to_ref.actor_id = actor_id
       return val
     return send(self.__source, self.__method, *args, **kwds)
Example #3
 def link_clicked(self, doc, link):
   """Internal GTK callback method"""
   # Inform the HtmlView actor that a link has been 
   # clicked
   native.send(self.actor, 'link_clicked', link)