Example #1
def Address_tests():
    print "+-----------------------------+"
    print "|        Address Tests        |"
    print "+-----------------------------+"
    # There should be a valid subnet for each valid ip. They should share the same index. If you add more then make sure you add a subnet that works with the ip AT THE SAME INDEX AS EACHOTHER.
    valid_ip = ["", "", "", ""]
    valid_subnets = [
        "", "", "", ""
    invalid_ip = ["", "-", "", "1000.80.10.2"]
    invalid_subnets = []
    for idx in range(len(valid_ip)):
        assert (Address.isValidIPv4(valid_ip[idx]))
        print "[+] Successfully validated IP '{}'".format(valid_ip[idx])
        assert (Address.isValidSubnet(valid_subnets[idx]))
        print "[+] Successfully validated subnet '{}'".format(
        assert (Address.isMemberOfSubnet(valid_ip[idx], valid_subnets[idx]))
        print "[+] Successfully verified that '{0}' is a member of '{1}'".format(
            valid_ip[idx], valid_subnets[idx])

    for ip in invalid_ip:
        assert (not Address.isValidIPv4(ip))
        print "[+] Successfully caught invalid IP '{}'".format(ip)

    print "Address Tests Succeeded!"