Example #1

# import Aerothon modules
from scalar.units import LBF, SEC, ARCDEG, FT, IN, SLUG, OZF, OZM
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.DefaultMaterialsLibrary import PinkFoam, Monokote, Basswood,\
     Balsa, Ultracote, Poplar
from Aerothon.ACWing import ACMainWing
from Aerothon.ACWingWeight import ACSolidWing, ACRibWing

# Create the wing
Wing = ACMainWing(1)
Wing.Airfoil = 'S1223_TC'

# lift-off conditions
Wing.Lift_LO = 55 * LBF  # 151107: shiggins guess
#Wing.V_Stall = 38 * FT/SEC #SPH: where does this come from?
Wing.Alt_LO = 710 * FT  # approximation for elevation in Ft. Worth, TX

# wing geometry (to launch 54.5 pounds under 200 feet)
#Wing.b = 188*IN      # wing span
#Wing.S = 22*FT**2  # wing surface area
# More realistic 12 ft wing
Wing.b = 144 * IN  # wing span
Wing.S = 18 * FT**2  # wing surface area

Wing.FullWing = True
Example #2

# import Aerothon modules
from Aerothon.scalar.units import LBF, SEC, ARCDEG, FT, IN, SLUG, OZF, OZM
from Aerothon.scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.DefaultMaterialsLibrary import PinkFoam, Monokote, Basswood,\
     Balsa, Ultracote, Poplar, AluminumBalsa
from Aerothon.ACWing import ACMainWing
from Aerothon.ACWingWeight import ACSolidWing, ACRibWing

# Create the wing
Wing = ACMainWing(1)
Wing.Airfoil = 'S1223'

# lift-off conditions
Wing.Lift_LO = 45 * LBF  # 151107: shiggins guess
#Wing.V_Stall = 38 * FT/SEC #SPH: where does this come from?
Wing.Alt_LO = 197 * FT  # approximation for elevation in Ft. Worth, TX

# wing geometry (to launch 54.5 pounds under 200 feet)
Wing.b = 68.66 * IN  # wing span
Wing.S = (29 * 68.66) * IN**2  # wing surface area (was 3695.04)
# More realistic 12 ft wing
#Wing.b = 144*IN      # wing span
#Wing.S = 20*FT**2  # wing surface area

Wing.FullWing = True
Example #3
Wing.Gam = [0 * ARCDEG, 0 * ARCDEG, 0 * ARCDEG]
Wing.Lam = [0 * ARCDEG, 0 * ARCDEG, 0 * ARCDEG]
Wing.Fb = [0.5, 0.9, 1]
Wing.CEdge = 'LE'
Wing.ConstUpper = True

# Aerodynamic properties

# Set the airfoils
Wing.Airfoil = 'e423'

Wing.o_eff = 0.98
Wing.FWCF = 0.98

# Polar slope evaluations

Wing.ClSlopeAt = (6 * ARCDEG, 7 * ARCDEG)
Wing.CmSlopeAt = (-1 * ARCDEG, 0 * ARCDEG)

# Control surfaces
Example #4

# import Aerothon modules
from scalar.units import LBF, SEC, ARCDEG, FT, IN, SLUG, OZF, OZM
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.DefaultMaterialsLibrary import PinkFoam, Monokote, Basswood,\
     Balsa, Ultracote, Poplar, AluminumBalsa
from Aerothon.ACWing import ACMainWing
from Aerothon.ACWingWeight import ACSolidWing, ACRibWing

# Create the wing
Wing = ACMainWing(1)
Wing.Airfoil = 'S1223_TC'  # will probably stick with this airfoil because of past trade studies

# lift-off conditions
Wing.Lift_LO = 60 * LBF  # aircraft max weight is 55lbs, will keep at 60lbs for safety factor
#Wing.V_Stall = 38 * FT/SEC #SPH: where does this come from?
Wing.Alt_LO = 197 * FT  # approximation for elevation in Ft. Worth, TX

# wing geometry (to launch 54.5 pounds under 200 feet)
Wing.b = 143.5 * IN  # wing span
Wing.S = 3300 * IN**2  # wing surface area using a constant chord length of 25in

Wing.FullWing = True

# Wing Chord vs Position
### Box Wing
#Wing.Fb = [1.0 ] # Wingspan Position (0 to 1)
Wing.TR = [1, 0.8, .7]  # Taper ratio
Wing.Gam = [20 * ARCDEG, 20 * ARCDEG, 20 * ARCDEG]  # Dihedral
Wing.Lam = [0 * ARCDEG, 0 * ARCDEG, 0 * ARCDEG]  # wing sweep angles
Wing.CEdge = 'LE'  # Defines constant edge
Wing.ConstUpper = True

# Aerodynamic properties

# Set the airfoils
Wing.Airfoil = 'CLi4005b'  # Chooses airfoil from /AircraftDesign/Airfoils.. just load in normal .dat files like you would to xflr5
Wing.o_eff = 0.98  # Oswald Efficiency
Wing.FWCF = 0.98  # I'm... not srue what this does it isn't referenced in any calculations.

# Polar slope evaluations
Wing.ClSlopeAt = (6 * ARCDEG, 7 * ARCDEG
                  )  # Just the range that the polars will be drawn
Wing.CmSlopeAt = (-1 * ARCDEG, 0 * ARCDEG)  # Range polars will be drawn

# Control surfaces
Example #6
#Winglet.TR  = [0.9, 0.8]
#Winglet.SweepFc = 0
#Winglet.Symmetric = True
#Winglet.WingWeight.WingMat = PinkFoam.copy()

# Aerodynamic properties

# Set the airfoils
Wing.Airfoil = 'E423'  #'E423_M' #'S1223'

# Finite wing correction factor. Used to make 2D airfoil data match the 3D wing profiles.
Wing.FWCF = 0.98

# Oswald efficiency
Wing.o_eff = 0.98

# Polar slope evaluations
Wing.ClSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 7 * ARCDEG)
Example #7
#Winglet.SweepFc = 0
#Winglet.Symmetric = True
#Winglet.WingWeight.WingMat = PinkFoam.copy()

# Aerodynamic properties

# Set the airfoils
Wing.Airfoil = 'NACA0012'

# Finite wing correction factor. Used to make 2D airfoil data match the 3D wing profiles.
Wing.FWCF = 0.98

# Oswald efficiency
Wing.o_eff = 0.98

# Polar slope evaluations
Wing.ClSlopeAt = (0*ARCDEG, 7*ARCDEG)
Example #8
#Winglet.Fb  = [0.1, 1.0]
#Winglet.TR  = [0.25, 0.5]
#Winglet.SweepFc = 0
#Winglet.Symmetric = True
#Winglet.WingWeight.WingMat = PinkFoam.copy()

# Aerodynamic properties
# Set the airfoils
Wing.Airfoil = 'NACA0006'
# Finite wing correction factor. Used to make 2D airfoil data match the 3D wing profiles.
Wing.FWCF = 0.98

# Oswald efficiency
Wing.o_eff = 0.98

# Polar slope evaluations
Wing.ClSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 15 * ARCDEG)
Wing.CmSlopeAt = (0 * ARCDEG, 15 * ARCDEG)