def Get_Add_Int(mol_icords, Z_BONDS, Z_ANGLES, Z_TORSIONS): all_bonds_mol, all_angles_mol, all_torsions_mol = mol_icords[ 'BONDS'], mol_icords['ANGLES'], mol_icords['TORSIONS'] Z_B = { pairing_func(i[0] - 3, i[1] - 3): [i[0] - 3, i[1] - 3] for i in Z_BONDS.values() } Z_A = { ang_id([i[0] - 3, i[1] - 3, i[2] - 3]): [i[0] - 3, i[1] - 3, i[2] - 3] for i in Z_ANGLES.values() } Z_T = { tor_id([i[0] - 3, i[1] - 3, i[2] - 3, i[3] - 3], False, list(Z_B.keys())): [i[0] - 3, i[1] - 3, i[2] - 3, i[3] - 3] for i in Z_TORSIONS.values() } Z_Ad_B, Z_Ad_A, Z_Ad_T = collections.OrderedDict( ), collections.OrderedDict(), collections.OrderedDict() Z_Ad_I = collections.OrderedDict() for b_ij in all_bonds_mol.values(): uid_b_ij = pairing_func(b_ij[0], b_ij[1]) if uid_b_ij not in list(Z_B.keys()): Z_Ad_B[uid_b_ij] = [b_ij[0], b_ij[1]] for a_ij in all_angles_mol.keys(): if a_ij not in list(Z_A.keys()): Z_Ad_A[a_ij] = [i for i in all_angles_mol[a_ij]] for t_ij in all_torsions_mol.keys(): if t_ij not in list(Z_T.keys()): Z_Ad_T[t_ij] = [i + 3 for i in all_torsions_mol[t_ij]] for c in mol_icords['IMPROPERS'].values(): Z_Ad_I[impr_id([c[0], c[2], c[3]])] = [i for i in c] return (Z_Ad_B, Z_Ad_A, Z_Ad_T, Z_Ad_I)
def tor_id(a, isImp, bndlist): bond = pairing_func(a[1], a[2]) ends = pairing_func(a[0], a[3]) if isImp: ndata = tor_cent(a, bndlist) aimp = np.sort(ndata[1:]) return (ang_id(aimp)) else: return (pairing_func(bond, ends))
def PrintPairs(tordf_A, tordf_B, itp): ''' tordf_A: DF with proper and improper torsions of State A tordf_B: DF with proper and improper torsions of State B itp : File object to write ''' pA = tordf_A[tordf_A.ADIH_TYP == False][['AI', 'AL']] pB = tordf_B[tordf_B.BDIH_TYP == False][['BI', 'BL']] pA['UID'] = [pairing_func(i, j) for i, j in zip(pA.AI, pA.AL)] pB['UID'] = [pairing_func(i, j) for i, j in zip(pB.BI, pB.BL)] a_dict = pA.set_index('UID')[['AI', 'AL']].to_dict() b_dict = pB.set_index('UID')[['BI', 'BL']].to_dict() # pALL_I = {**a_dict['AI'], **b_dict['BI']} # pALL_L = {**a_dict['AL'], **b_dict['BL']} pALL_I = merge_two_dicts(a_dict['AI'], b_dict['BI']) pALL_L = merge_two_dicts(a_dict['AL'], b_dict['BL']) itp.write('''[ pairs ]\n; ai aj funct\n''') for k in list(pALL_I.keys()): itp.write('%5d %5d %5d\n' % (pALL_I[k], pALL_L[k], 1)) return None
def make_graphs(atoms, coos, bonds): G = nx.DiGraph() # ADD NODES USING ATOM TYPES AND COORDINATES for i in coos.keys(): G.add_node(i, XYZ=coos[i], elem=atoms[i], atno=bossElement2Num(atoms[i])) for (i, j, rij) in zip(bonds['BI'], bonds['BJ'], bonds['RIJ']): G.add_edge(i, j, distance=rij) G.add_edge(j, i, distance=rij) # all_ps = dict(nx.algorithms.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(G)) all_ps = dict(nx.algorithms.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(G, cutoff=3)) all_paths = [] for s in all_ps.keys(): for e in all_ps[s].keys(): if all_ps[s][e] == 1: all_paths += list( nx.algorithms.all_simple_paths(G, s, e, cutoff=1)) # all_paths += list(nx.algorithms.shortest_simple_paths(G, s, e)) elif all_ps[s][e] == 2: all_paths += list( nx.algorithms.all_simple_paths(G, s, e, cutoff=2)) # all_paths += list(nx.algorithms.shortest_simple_paths(G, s, e)) elif all_ps[s][e] == 3: all_paths += list( nx.algorithms.all_simple_paths(G, s, e, cutoff=3)) # all_paths += list(nx.algorithms.shortest_simple_paths(G, s, e)) all_bonds = [p for p in all_paths if len(set(p)) == 2] new_angs = [p for p in all_paths if len(set(p)) == 3] new_tors = [p for p in all_paths if len(set(p)) == 4] bndlist = [pairing_func(a[0], a[1]) for a in all_bonds] dict_new_tors = {tor_id(t, False, bndlist): t for t in new_tors} dict_new_angs = {ang_id(t): t for t in new_angs} imp_keys = [n for n in G.nodes() if / 2 == 3] all_imps = {} for i in imp_keys: nei = np.sort(list(G.neighbors(i))) if G.node[i]['atno'] == 6: all_imps[impr_id([nei[0], nei[1], nei[2]])] = [nei[0], i, nei[1], nei[2]] # print(all_imps) MOL_ICOORDS = { 'BONDS': all_bonds, 'ANGLES': dict_new_angs, 'TORSIONS': dict_new_tors, 'IMPROPERS': all_imps } return (G, MOL_ICOORDS)
def GetGeomVars(ALL_BNDS, A_UID, B_UID, A_UID_RIJ, B_UID_RIJ, FEP_ITY, FEP_FTY): geom_var = pd.DataFrame(ALL_BNDS).T geom_var.columns = ['BI', 'BJ'] geom_var['UID'] = [ pairing_func(i, j) for i, j in zip(geom_var.BI, geom_var.BJ) ] geom_var['INI_BT'] = [ '%s-%s' % (FEP_ITY[i], FEP_ITY[j]) for i, j in zip(geom_var.BI, geom_var.BJ) ] geom_var['FIN_BT'] = [ '%s-%s' % (FEP_FTY[i], FEP_FTY[j]) for i, j in zip(geom_var.BI, geom_var.BJ) ] test_A = [] test_B = [] BL_A = [] BL_B = [] # print(geom_var) for rb in geom_var.iterrows(): i, r = rb if r.UID in A_UID: test_A.append(1) BL_A.append(A_UID_RIJ[r.UID]) if r.UID in B_UID: test_B.append(1) BL_B.append(B_UID_RIJ[r.UID]) if (r.UID not in A_UID): test_A.append(0) if ('100' in r.INI_BT) or ('4894' in r.INI_BT): BL_A.append(0.300) else: BL_A.append(B_UID_RIJ[i]) if (r.UID not in B_UID): test_B.append(0) if ('100' in r.FIN_BT) or ('4894' in r.FIN_BT): BL_B.append(0.300) else: BL_B.append(A_UID_RIJ[i]) geom_var['INIT'] = test_A geom_var['FINAL'] = test_B geom_var['IB'] = BL_A geom_var['FB'] = BL_B return (geom_var)
def impr_id(a): a = np.sort(np.array(a)) bond_a = pairing_func(a[0], a[1]) bond_b = pairing_func(a[1], a[2]) return (pairing_func(bond_a, bond_b))
def ang_id(a): bond_a = pairing_func(a[0], a[1]) bond_b = pairing_func(a[1], a[2]) return (pairing_func(bond_a, bond_b))
def print_FEPZMAT(atoms, G_mol, mol_icords, coos, umatchA, umatchB, extra, G_vars, num2typ, zmat_name='TEST_A2B.z', resid='A2B'): Z_ATOMS = {1: 'X', 2: 'X'} Z_INI = {1: -1, 2: -1} Z_FIN = {1: -1, 2: -1} Z_BONDS = {1: (1, 0, 0.000), 2: (2, 1, 1.00), 3: (3, 2, 1.00)} Z_ANGLES = { 1: (1, 0, 0, 0.000), 2: (2, 1, 0, 0.000), 3: (3, 2, 1, 90.00), 4: (4, 3, 2, 90.0) } Z_TORSIONS = { 1: (1, 0, 0, 0, 0.00), 2: (2, 1, 0, 0, 0.00), 3: (3, 2, 1, 0, 0.00), 4: (4, 3, 2, 1, 0.00), 5: (5, 4, 3, 2, 90.0) } for i in range(len(atoms)): Z_ATOMS[i + 3] = atoms[i] for i in range(len(atoms)): Z_INI[i + 3] = G_mol.node[i]['init_no'] Z_FIN[i + 3] = G_mol.node[i]['finl_no'] #print(i,Z_INI[i + 3],Z_FIN[i + 3]) ######## collect all the bonds ###################### n_ats = 0 B_LINK = {} for i in range(1, len(G_mol.nodes())): # if n_ats > 0: neigs = np.sort(list(G_mol.neighbors(i))) B_LINK[i] = neigs[0] Z_BONDS[i + 3] = (i + 3, neigs[0] + 3, Distance(coos[i], coos[neigs[0]])) n_ats += 1 ######## Collect all the angles ##################### n_ats = 0 A_LINK = {} for i in G_mol.nodes(): if n_ats > 1: neigs = np.sort(list(G_mol.neighbors(B_LINK[i]))) neigs = neigs[neigs < i] if i > (len(coos) - len(umatchB) - 1): neigs = np.array([j for j in neigs if j not in umatchA]) A_LINK[i] = neigs[0] ang = angle(coos[i], coos[B_LINK[i]], coos[neigs[0]]) Z_ANGLES[i + 3] = (i + 3, B_LINK[i] + 3, neigs[0] + 3, ang) n_ats += 1 ######## Collect all the IC torsions/impropers ###### n_ats = 0 for i in G_mol.nodes(): if n_ats > 2: neigs = list(G_mol.neighbors(A_LINK[i])) neigs = np.array( [j for j in neigs if j not in [i, B_LINK[i], A_LINK[i]]]) neigs = np.sort(neigs) neigs = neigs[neigs < i] if len(neigs) < 1: neigs = [ j for j in list(G_mol.neighbors(B_LINK[i])) if j not in [i, A_LINK[i]] ] if impr_id([i, A_LINK[i], neigs[0]]) in mol_icords['IMPROPERS'].keys(): del mol_icords['IMPROPERS'][impr_id( [i, A_LINK[i], neigs[0]])] [ti, tj, tk, tl] = [i, B_LINK[i], A_LINK[i], neigs[0]] dihed = dihedral(coos[ti], coos[tj], coos[tk], coos[tl]) Z_TORSIONS[i + 3] = (ti + 3, tj + 3, tk + 3, tl + 3, dihed) n_ats += 1 ######## Removing the repeated IC using Additional ICs ############## UID_2_IB = G_vars.set_index('UID')['IB'].to_dict() UID_2_FB = G_vars.set_index('UID')['FB'].to_dict() GG_V = { i: [ UID_2_IB[pairing_func(Z_BONDS[i][0] - 3, Z_BONDS[i][1] - 3)], UID_2_FB[pairing_func(Z_BONDS[i][0] - 3, Z_BONDS[i][1] - 3)] ] for i in range(4, len(G_mol.nodes()) + 3) } Z_Ad_B, Z_Ad_A, Z_Ad_T, Z_Ad_I = Get_Add_Int(mol_icords, Z_BONDS, Z_ANGLES, Z_TORSIONS) #Z_BONDS = {1: (1, 0, 0.000), 2: (2, 1, 1.00), 3: (3, 2, 1.00)} GG_V[1] = [0.0, 0.0] GG_V[2] = [1.0, 1.0] GG_V[3] = [1.0, 1.0] # PRINTING ACTUAL Z-MATRIX ofile = open(zmat_name, 'w+') ofile.write('MCPRO/BOSS FEP Z-Matrix by LSD\n') for i in range(1, len(atoms) + 3): ofile.write('%4d %-3s%5d%5d%5d%12.6f%4d%12.6f%4d%12.6f%4s%5d\n' % (i, Z_ATOMS[i], Z_INI[i], Z_FIN[i], Z_BONDS[i][1], GG_V[i][0], Z_ANGLES[i][-2], Z_ANGLES[i][-1], Z_TORSIONS[i][-2], Z_TORSIONS[i][-1], resid[0:3], 1)) ofile.write( ' Geometry Variations follow (2I4,F12.6)\n') for k in range(4, len(G_mol.nodes()) + 3): ofile.write('%4d%4d%12.6f\n' % (k, 1, GG_V[k][1])) ofile.write(' Variable Bonds follow (I4)\n') for i in range(4, len(atoms) + 3): ofile.write('%4d\n' % i) ofile.write(' Additional Bonds follow (2I4)\n') if len(Z_Ad_B) > 0: for i in Z_Ad_B.values(): ofile.write('%4d%4d\n' % (i[0] + 3, i[1] + 3)) # CREATE A FUNCTION TO DEFINE ADDITIONAL BONDS IN CASE OF RINGS ofile.write( ''' Harmonic Constraints follow (2I4,4F10.4) Variable Bond Angles follow (I4)\n''') for i in range(5, len(atoms) + 3): ofile.write('%4d\n' % i) ofile.write(' Additional Bond Angles follow (3I4)\n') if len(Z_Ad_A) > 0: for i in Z_Ad_A.values(): ofile.write('%4d%4d%4d\n' % (i[0] + 3, i[1] + 3, i[2] + 3)) # CREATE A FUNCTION TO DEFINE ADDITIONAL BONDS IN CASE OF RINGS ofile.write( ' Variable Dihedrals follow (3I4,F12.6)\n') for i in range(6, len(atoms) + 3): ofile.write('%4d%4d%4d%12.6f\n' % (i, -1, -1, 0.000)) ofile.write(' Additional Dihedrals follow (6I4)\n') if len(Z_Ad_T) > 0: for k in Z_Ad_T.keys(): torsion = Z_Ad_T[k] ofile.write( '%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d\n' % (torsion[0], torsion[1], torsion[2], torsion[3], -1, -1)) add_imp_lines = [] if len(Z_Ad_I) > 0: for k in Z_Ad_I.keys(): imp = Z_Ad_I[k] ui = Z_INI[imp[1] + 3] uf = Z_FIN[imp[1] + 3] imp_ity = CENT2IMPty(num2typ[ui]) imp_fty = CENT2IMPty(num2typ[uf]) #print(num2typ[ui],num2typ[uf],imp_ity,imp_fty) #print(ui,uf,imp_ity,imp_fty) add_imp_lines.append('%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d\n' % (imp[0] + 3, imp[1] + 3, imp[2] + 3, imp[3] + 3, imp_ity, imp_fty)) # ofile.write('%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d%4d\n'%(imp[0]+3,imp[1]+3,imp[2]+3,imp[3]+3,imp_ity,imp_fty)) ofile.write(' Domain Definitions follow (4I4)\n') for i in umatchA: for j in umatchB: ofile.write('%4d%4d%4d%4d\n' % (i + 3, i + 3, j + 3, j + 3)) ofile.write(''' Conformational Search (2I4,2F12.6) Local Heating Residues follow (I4 or I4-I4) Final blank line\n Final Non-Bonded Parameters for QM (AM1 CM1Ax1.14) Atoms:\n ''') for i in extra: ofile.write('%s' % i) ofile.close() return add_imp_lines