def __init__(self, GUI): self.is_terminated = False self.GUI = GUI self.hwnd = self.hook_window() self.OCR = OCREngine() self.AnalysisEngine = AnalysisEngine() self.Brain = Brain() self.last_ss_time = time.time_ns() self.last_ss = None = [] self.last_cook_time = None self.last_food = "" self.is_paused = False self.is_editing = False self.edit_stack = [] keyboard.on_press(self.key_hook) keyboard.add_hotkey("enter", self.end_edit)
class Bot: def __init__(self, GUI): self.is_terminated = False self.GUI = GUI self.hwnd = self.hook_window() self.OCR = OCREngine() self.AnalysisEngine = AnalysisEngine() self.Brain = Brain() self.last_ss_time = time.time_ns() self.last_ss = None = [] self.last_cook_time = None self.last_food = "" self.is_paused = False self.is_editing = False self.edit_stack = [] keyboard.on_press(self.key_hook) keyboard.add_hotkey("enter", self.end_edit) def key_hook(self, e): if == "f1": self.terminate() elif == "f2": self.pause() elif == "f3": self.edit() elif self.is_editing and not keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl"): self.edit_stack.append( def hook_window(self): windows = [] def enum_handler(hwnd, lParam): title = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd) if title == 'Cook, Serve, Delicious!' or 'CSDBot:' in title: windows.append(hwnd) win32gui.EnumWindows(enum_handler, None) if len(windows) == 0: input( "Error! Game not detected. Press [ENTER] when the game is loaded. " ) return self.hook_window() return windows[0] def terminate(self): self.is_terminated = True def edit(self): self.is_editing = True def pause(self): self.is_paused = not self.is_paused keyboard.press_and_release("esc") def end_edit(self): if not self.is_editing: return self.is_editing = False if len(self.edit_stack) > 0 and self.edit_stack[-1] != "enter": self.edit_stack.append("enter") self.edit_stack = [] def title(self): base = "CSDBot: [F1 - QUIT / F2 - PAUSE / F3 - EDIT]" if self.is_terminated: print(f"[!] Bye!") win32gui.SetWindowText(self.hwnd, "Cook, Serve, Delicious!") sys.exit(0) elif self.is_paused: win32gui.SetWindowText(self.hwnd, f"{base} ~ Paused") elif self.is_editing: win32gui.SetWindowText( self.hwnd, f"{base} ~ {self.Brain.lastUnknown}: {self.edit_stack}") else: win32gui.SetWindowText(self.hwnd, f"{base}{self.Brain.status()}") def update(self): while True: self.title() if self.is_paused: continue if time.time_ns() - self.last_ss_time > 100000000: delta = (time.time_ns() - self.last_ss_time) / 1000000000 self.last_ss_time = time.time_ns() image = self.AnalysisEngine.normalize( self.GUI.screenshot(self.hwnd)) if self.last_ss and self.AnalysisEngine.image_equal( image, self.last_ss): Delay.add_freezetime(delta) elif delta > 1.2: Delay.add_freezetime(delta - 0.5) self.last_ss = image = self.AnalysisEngine.get_active(image) self.Brain.update( if not self.Brain.is_cooking(): text = self.OCR.text(self.AnalysisEngine.crop_order(image)) text = text.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[0] text = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z ]', "", text).strip() if text: if text == "Robbery Witness Criminal Description": desc = self.OCR.text( self.AnalysisEngine.crop_desc(image)) desc = re.sub(r'\n', " ", desc).strip() desc = desc.lower() self.Brain.robber(desc) else: if text == self.last_food and time.time_ns( ) - self.last_ss_time < 100000000: continue # make sure the same food doesn't get parsed twice! self.Brain.process(text) self.last_food = text self.last_cook_time = time.time_ns()
################################################################################ # Analysis Engine Tester # # # # PROGRAMMER: Ben McEwen # # CLASS: CG120 # # ASSIGNMENT: Assignment 5 # # INSTRUCTOR: Dean Zeller # # TA: Robert Carver # # SUBMISSION DATE: 10/19/2018 # # # # DESCRIPTION: # # This program is the tester for the Analysis Engine. It creates a study # # and prints the report. # # # # COPYRIGHT: # # This program is (c) 2018 Ben McEwen and Dean Zeller. This is original # # work, without use of outside sources. # ################################################################################ from AnalysisEngine import AnalysisEngine study1 = AnalysisEngine() study1.introduction() study1.gatherData() study1.performCalculations() study1.printReport() study1.closing()
def controller(): LEVELS = {'debug': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'critical': logging.CRITICAL} def setLoggingLevel(): try: level = LEVELS.get(header.levelName , logging.NOTSET) logging.basicConfig(filename=header.logFileName , level=level) if level == logging.NOTSET: logging.warning("Logging level not set properly. Allowed levels are : critical , error , warning , info , debug ") except Exception as e: print e.message return #home dir, default directory home = "D://SRA//Data//" settings = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() #settings._interpolation = ConfigParser.ExtendedInterpolation()'D://SRA//Data//Settings.config') # Initialize level of logging. header.levelName = settings.get('LOGGING_INPUTS', 'LEVEL_NAME') # Initialize file name to which logging will be dumped. log_dir_path = settings.get('LOGGING_INPUTS', 'LOG_DIR_PATH') if not os.path.isdir(log_dir_path): logging.warning("LOG_DIR_PATH not set properly. logs are redirected to log.txt placed at:" + home) log_dir_path = home header.logFileName = os.path.join(log_dir_path , "log.txt") setLoggingLevel() # File containing site information. header.siteInfoFilePath = settings.get('CRAWLER_INPUTS', 'SITE_INFO_FILE_PATH') if not os.path.isfile(header.siteInfoFilePath): logging.warning("SITE_INFO_FILE_PATH not set properly") header.siteInfoFilePath = os.path.join(home , "SiteTimestampInfo.p") #sys.exit # File storing list of important keywords. header.keywordFilePath = settings.get('CRAWLER_INPUTS', 'KEYWORD_FILE_PATH') if not os.path.isfile(header.keywordFilePath): logging.critical("KEYWORD_FILE_PATH not set properly") sys.exit # File which will store crawled data. out_dir_path = settings.get('CRAWLER_INPUTS', 'OUTPUT_DIR_PATH') if not os.path.isdir(out_dir_path): logging.warning("OUTPUT_DIR_PATH not set properly. Output.csv will be stored in " + home) out_dir_path = home header.outputFilePath = os.path.join(out_dir_path , "Output.csv") #TODO it shud be dir rather than file header.siteTimestampPickleFile = settings.get('CRAWLER_INPUTS' , 'SITE_PICKLE_DUMP_FILE') # if not os.path.isfile(header.siteTimestampPickleFile): # logging.critical("SITE_PICKLE_DUMP_FILE not set properly. Make sure path is correct") # sys.exit header.nounfilter = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS','NOUNFILTER') header.trainingFilePath = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'TRAINING_FILE_PATH') header.labelColNameRiskClassifier = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'LABEL_COL_NAME_RISK_CLASSIFIER') header.textFieldRiskClassifier = (settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'TEXT_FIELDS_RISK_CLASSIFIER')).split(',') header.riskClassifierModelFilePath = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'RISK_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_FILE_PATH') header.textFieldTopicClassifier = (settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'TEXT_FIELDS_TOPIC_CLASSIFIER')).split(',') header.labelColNameTopicClassifier = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'LABEL_COL_NAME_TOPIC_CLASSIFIER') header.topicClassifierModelFilePath = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'TOPIC_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_FILE_PATH') header.labelColNameSubTopicClassifier = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'LABEL_COL_NAME_SUB_TOPIC_CLASSIFIER' ) header.subTopicOneClassifierModelFilePath = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'SUB_TOPIC_ONE_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_FILE_PATH' ) header.subTopicTwoClassifierModelFilePath = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'SUB_TOPIC_TWO_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_FILE_PATH' ) header.subTopicThreeClassifierModelFilePath = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'SUB_TOPIC_THREE_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_FILE_PATH' ) header.subTopicFourClassifierModelFilePath = settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'SUB_TOPIC_FOUR_CLASSIFIER_MODEL_FILE_PATH' ) if "true" in (settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'IS_PARAM_TUNE')).lower(): header.isParamTune = True header.riskClassifierRatioRemoveSkewness = float(settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'RISK_CLASSIFIER_RATIO_REMOVE_SKEWNESS' )) if "true" in (settings.get('ANALYSIS_ENGINE_INPUTS' , 'IS_REMOVE_SKEWNESS')).lower(): header.isRemoveSkewness = True # Invoke Crawler to crawl data from sites #while(True): #crawler = Crawler() #del crawler # Run every 6hours #time.sleep(21600) # Commented to execute only analysis engine # crawler = Crawler() # del crawler analyzer = AnalysisEngine() ## # analyzer.performTrainingForAllTasks() ## analyzer.analyze() sys.exit
def main(argv): __opt_inode_query = None __opt_post_analysis = None __opt_quick_pol = None # Parse command-line parameters try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv, "hta:cedf:o:q:sk:rpgGi:u:x", [ "help", "attacks", "post-analysis=", "check-missing", "check-excluded-files", "debug", "frequency", "inode", "extensions", "related-files", "output=", "output-fs=", "score", "quick-pol=", "skip=", "user", "clusters", "print-clusters", "graph", "graph-clusters", "disable-plotting" ]) except (getopt.GetoptError): print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) else: for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): print(USAGE_STRING + "\n\n\n\n") print("--attacks:\n\tSimulates attacks and reports " "on proportions of infected files and apps.\n") print("--check-excluded-files:\n\tPrints the lists of files " "accessed by apps that also wrote to excluded\n\tfiles," " then aborts execution of the program.\n") print("--check-missing:\n\tChecks whether some Desktop IDs " "for apps in the user's directory are\n\tmissing. If so," " aborts execution of the program.\n") print("--clusters:\n\tPrints clusters of files with " "information flows to one another. Requires\n\tthe " "--score option.\n") print("--debug:\n\tPrints additional debug information in " "various code paths to help debug\n\tthe program.\n") print("--disable-plotting:\n\tDo not plot cluster graphs. See " "the --graph option.\n") print("--extensions:\n\tPrints file extensions and MIME type " "associations for this user.\n") print("--frequency:\n\tSets the frequency used by the " "frequent-itemsets algorithm in the\n\t--related-files " "post-analysis. Requires the --related-files option.\n") print("--graph:\n\tFind communities in file/app " "accesses using graph theory methods.\n") print("--help:\n\tPrints this help information and exits.\n") print("--output=<DIR>:\n\tSaves a copy of the simulated " "files, and some information on events\n\trelated to " "them, in a folder created at the <DIR> path.\n") print("--post-analysis=<DIR,DIR,DIR>:\n\t" "Uses the value pointed to" " by --output in order to produce graphs and\n\t" "statistics.\n") print("--quick-pol=Policy:\n\tReplace the default policies " "with this one single Policy.\n") print("--related-files:\n\tMines for files that are frequently" " accessed together by apps. Produces\n\toutput files in" " scoring mode, and an analysis output in post-analysis" "\n\tmode. See also --frequency.\n") print("--score:\n\tCalculates the usability and security " "scores of a number of file access\n\tcontrol policies" ", replayed over the simulated accesses. Prints results" "\n\tand saves them to the output directory.\n") print( "--skip=<Policy,Policy,'graphs'>:\n\tSkip the scoring of " "policies in the lists. If the list contains the word" "\n\t'graphs', skips the general graph computation.\n") sys.exit() elif opt in ('-c', '--check-missing'): __setCheckMissing(True) elif opt in ('-e', '--check-excluded-files'): __setCheckExcludedFiles(True) elif opt in ('-x', '--extensions'): __setPrintExtensions(True) elif opt in ('-d', '--debug'): __setDebug(True) elif opt in ('-r', '--related-files'): __setRelatedFiles(True) elif opt in ('-s', '--score'): __setScore(True) elif opt in ('-p', '--print-clusters', '--clusters'): __setPrintClusters(True) elif opt in ('-g', '--graph-clusters', '--graph'): __setGraph(True) elif opt in ('-t', '--attacks'): __setAttacks(True) elif opt in ('-G', '--disable-plotting'): __setPlottingDisabled(True) elif opt in ('-f', '--frequency'): if not arg: print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) __setFrequency(arg[1:] if arg[0] == '=' else arg) elif opt in ('-o', '--output-fs', '--output'): if not arg: print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) __setOutputFs(arg[1:] if arg[0] == '=' else arg) elif opt in ('-u', '--user'): if not arg: print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) __setUser(arg[1:] if arg[0] == '=' else arg) elif opt in ('-i', '--inode'): if not arg: print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) try: __opt_inode_query = (arg[1:] if arg[0] == '=' else arg) except (ValueError) as e: print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) elif opt in ('-a', '--post-analysis'): if not arg: print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) __opt_post_analysis = (arg[1:] if arg[0] == '=' else arg) elif opt in ('-q', '--quick-pol'): if not arg: print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) __opt_quick_pol = (arg[1:] if arg[0] == '=' else arg) elif opt in ('-k', '--skip'): if not arg: print(USAGE_STRING) sys.exit(2) __opt_skip = (arg[1:] if arg[0] == '=' else arg) __setSkip(__opt_skip.split(",")) registerTimePrint() if __opt_post_analysis: if relatedFilesEnabled(): tprnt("Starting post-analysis of related files...\n") engine = FrequentFileEngine() engine.processFrequentItemLists(__opt_post_analysis) else: tprnt("Starting post-analysis of usability/security scores...\n") from AnalysisEngine import AnalysisEngine if outputFsEnabled(): engine = AnalysisEngine(inputDir=__opt_post_analysis, outputDir=outputFsEnabled()) else: engine = AnalysisEngine(inputDir=__opt_post_analysis) engine.analyse() sys.exit(0) # Make the application, event and file stores store = ApplicationStore.get() evStore = EventStore.get() fileStore = FileStore.get() initMimeTypes() datapath = getDataPath() # Load up user-related variables userConf = UserConfigLoader.get(path=datapath + USERCONFIGNAME) # Load up and check the SQLite database sql = None tprnt("\nLoading the SQLite database: %s..." % (datapath + DATABASENAME)) try: sql = SqlLoader(datapath + DATABASENAME) except ValueError as e: print("Failed to parse SQL: %s" % e.args[0], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) if checkMissingEnabled(): tprnt("Checking for missing application identities...") sql.listMissingActors() sql.loadDb(store) sqlAppCount = sql.appCount sqlInstCount = sql.instCount sqlEvCount = sql.eventCount sqlValidEvCount = sql.validEventRatio tprnt("Loaded the SQLite database.") # Load up the PreloadLogger file parser tprnt("\nLoading the PreloadLogger logs in folder: %s..." % datapath) pll = PreloadLoggerLoader(datapath) if checkMissingEnabled(): tprnt("Checking for missing application identities...") pll.listMissingActors() pll.loadDb(store) pllAppCount = pll.appCount pllInstCount = pll.instCount pllEvCount = pll.eventCount pllValidEvCount = pll.validEventRatio tprnt("Loaded the PreloadLogger logs.") # Resolve actor ids in all apps' events tprnt("\nUsing PreloadLogger Applications to resolve interpreters in " "Zeitgeist Applications...") (interpretersAdded, instancesEliminated) = store.resolveInterpreters() tprnt("Resolved interpreter ids in %d Applications, and removed %d " "instances by merging them with another as a result." % (interpretersAdded, instancesEliminated)) # Update events' actor ids in the ApplicationStore, then take them and send # them to the EvnetStore. Finally, sort the EventStore by timestamp. tprnt("\nInserting and sorting all events...") store.sendEventsToStore() evStore.sort() evCount = evStore.getEventCount() tprnt("Sorted all %d events in the event store." % evCount) # Simulate the events to build a file model tprnt("\nSimulating all events to build a file model...") evStore.simulateAllEvents() del sql del pll evStore.sort() tprnt("Simulated all events. %d files initialised." % len(fileStore)) appCount = store.getAppCount() userAppCount = store.getUserAppCount() instCount = len(store) userInstCount = store.getUserInstCount() fileCount = len(fileStore) docCount = fileStore.getUserDocumentCount(userConf.getSetting("HomeDir")) if printExtensions(): exts = set() for f in fileStore: exts.add(f.getExtension()) try: exts.remove(None) except (KeyError): pass tprnt("Info: the following file extensions were found:") for e in sorted(exts): print("\t%s: %s" % (e, mimetypes.guess_type("f.%s" % e, strict=False))) if checkExcludedFilesEnabled(): tprnt("\nPrinting files written and read by instances which wrote" "to excluded directories...") dbgPrintExcludedEvents() import time as t t.sleep(10) # Manage --inode queries if __opt_inode_query: inodes = __opt_inode_query.split(",") for inode in sorted(int(i) for i in inodes): f = fileStore.getFile(inode) tprnt("\nInode queried: %d" % inode) tprnt("Corresponding file: %s\n\t(%s)" % (f.getName(), f)) sys.exit(0) # Print the model as proof of concept if debugEnabled(): tprnt("\nPrinting the file model...\n") fileStore.printFiles(showDeleted=True, showCreationTime=True, showDocumentsOnly=True, userHome=userConf.getSetting("HomeDir"), showDesignatedOnly=False) # Make the filesystem corresponding to the model if outputFsEnabled(): tprnt("\nMaking a copy of the file model at '%s'...\n" % outputFsEnabled()) fileStore.makeFiles(outputDir=outputFsEnabled(), showDeleted=True, showDocumentsOnly=False, userHome=userConf.getSetting("HomeDir"), showDesignatedOnly=False) with open(os.path.join(outputFsEnabled(), "statistics.txt"), "w") as f: msg = "SQL: %d apps; %d instances; %d events; %d%% valid\n" % \ (sqlAppCount, sqlInstCount, sqlEvCount, sqlValidEvCount) msg += "PreloadLogger: %d apps; %d instances; %d events; " \ "%d%% valid\n" % \ (pllAppCount, pllInstCount, pllEvCount, pllValidEvCount) msg += "Simulated: %d apps; %d instances; %d user apps; %d user" \ " instances; %d events; %d files; %d user documents\n" % \ (appCount, instCount, userAppCount, userInstCount, evCount, fileCount, docCount) exclLists = userConf.getDefinedSecurityExclusionLists() for l in exclLists: msg += "Exclusion list '%s' defined.\n" % l print(msg, file=f) # Build a general access graph. if graphEnabled(): skipList = skipEnabled() if skipList and 'graphs' in skipList: tprnt("\nGraphs in skip list, skipping global graph generation.") else: engine = GraphEngine.get() engine.runGraph(policy=None) # Policy engine. Create a policy and run a simulation to score it. if scoreEnabled() or attacksEnabled() or graphEnabled(): engine = PolicyEngine() if __opt_quick_pol: policies = [__opt_quick_pol] polArgs = [None] else: policies = [ CompoundLibraryPolicy, CustomLibraryPolicy, DesignationPolicy, DistantFolderPolicy, FilenamePolicy, FileTypePolicy, FolderPolicy, OneDistantFolderPolicy, OneFolderPolicy, OneLibraryPolicy, UnsecurePolicy, Win10Policy, Win8Policy, HSecurePolicy, HBalancedPolicy, 'HSecureSbPolicy', 'HSecureSbFaPolicy', 'HSecureFaPolicy', 'HBalancedSbPolicy', 'HBalancedSbFaPolicy', 'HBalancedFaPolicy', 'OneDistantFolderSbPolicy', 'OneDistantFolderSbFaPolicy', 'OneDistantFolderFaPolicy', 'HUsableSecuredSbPolicy', 'HUsableSecuredSbFaPolicy', 'HUsableSecuredFaPolicy', 'HBalancedSecuredSbPolicy', 'HBalancedSecuredSbFaPolicy', 'HBalancedSecuredFaPolicy', 'DistantFolderSbPolicy', 'DistantFolderSbFaPolicy', 'DistantFolderFaPolicy', 'LibraryFolderSbPolicy', 'LibraryFolderSbFaPolicy', 'LibraryFolderFaPolicy', 'FileTypeSbPolicy', 'FileTypeSbFaPolicy', 'FileTypeFaPolicy', 'OneFolderSbPolicy', 'OneFolderSbFaPolicy', 'OneFolderFaPolicy', 'FolderSbPolicy', 'FolderSbFaPolicy', 'FolderFaPolicy', 'OneLibrarySbPolicy', 'OneLibrarySbFaPolicy', 'OneLibraryFaPolicy', 'CompoundLibrarySbPolicy', 'CompoundLibrarySbFaPolicy', 'CompoundLibraryFaPolicy', 'CustomLibrarySbPolicy', 'CustomLibrarySbFaPolicy', 'CustomLibraryFaPolicy', ] polArgs = [ None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ] # dict(folders=["~/Downloads", "/tmp"]) skipList = skipEnabled() for (polIdx, polName) in enumerate(policies): pol = None arg = polArgs[polIdx] # Names with certain suffixes are dynamically generated policies. if isinstance(polName, str): if polName.endswith('SbPolicy'): pols = [ getattr(sys.modules[__name__], polName[:-8] + 'Policy'), StickyBitPolicy ] args = [arg, dict(folders=["~", "/media", "/mnt"])] pol = CompositionalPolicy(pols, args, polName) elif polName.endswith('SbFaPolicy'): pols = [ getattr(sys.modules[__name__], polName[:-10] + 'Policy'), StickyBitPolicy, FutureAccessListPolicy ] args = [arg, dict(folders=["~", "/media", "/mnt"]), None] pol = CompositionalPolicy(pols, args, polName) elif polName.endswith('FaPolicy'): pols = [ getattr(sys.modules[__name__], polName[:-8] + 'Policy'), FutureAccessListPolicy ] args = [arg, None] pol = CompositionalPolicy(pols, args, polName) # A normal policy, just invoke it directly. else: polName = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], polName) # Existing policies, with arguments / or normal policies passed as # strings, including via the --quick flag. if not pol: pol = polName(**arg) if arg else polName() tprnt("\nRunning %s..." % if skipList and in skipList: tprnt("%s is in skip list, skipping." % continue engine.runPolicy(pol, outputDir=outputFsEnabled(), printClusters=printClustersEnabled()) if == "FileTypePolicy" and checkMissingEnabled(): pol.abortIfUnsupportedExtensions() if attacksEnabled(): tprnt("Simulating attacks on %s..." % sim = AttackSimulator(seed=0) sim.runAttacks(pol, outputDir=outputFsEnabled() or "/tmp/") del pol # Calculate frequently co-accessed files: if relatedFilesEnabled(): engine = FrequentFileEngine() tprnt("\nMining for frequently co-accessed file types...") engine.mineFileTypes()