def trim_file(infile): removebranches = ('lab[0-9]_MC12TuneV[0-9]_ProbNN', 'lab[0-9]_ProbNN', 'lab[0-9]_PID', 'lab0_DTF_vtx_DstMass', 'lab0_DTF_vtx_BothMass', 'lab0_DTF_DstMass', 'lab0_DTF_D0Mass', 'lab0_DTF_BothMass', 'lab[0-9]_hasMuon', 'lab[0-9]_isMuon', 'lab[0-9]_hasRich', 'lab[0-9]_UsedRich', 'lab[0-9]_RichAbove', 'lab[0-9]_hasCalo') outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(infile + '.trim', 'recreate') infile = ROOT.TFile.Open(infile) for k in infile.GetListOfKeys(): if 'KK' in k.GetName() or 'WIDEMASS' in k.GetName(): continue outfile.mkdir(k.GetName()) for tname in infile.Get(k.GetName()).GetListOfKeys(): print 'Copy tree', k.GetName() + '/' + tname.GetName() tcopy = copy_tree(infile.Get(k.GetName() + '/' + tname.GetName()), removebranches=removebranches) tcopy.Write() outfile.Close() infile.Close() shutil.move(outfile.GetName(), infile.GetName())
def filter_2015_pipi(): sels = { 'Resolved': { '': selection_R, '_LowMass': selection_R_low, '_HighMass': selection_R_high }, 'Merged': {} } for finalstate in 'pipi', : # 'Kpi' : # Merged doesn't work currently cause the BDT expects lab6&7 to be the photons. for pi0 in 'Resolved', : # 'Merged' : for mag in 'Up', 'Down': dataset = 'Data_2015_{finalstate}pi0_{pi0}_Mag{mag}_full'.format( **locals()) print dataset info = datalib.get_data_info(dataset) tree = datalib.get_data(dataset) for suff, sel in sels[pi0].items(): outputname = dataset.replace('_full', suff) print outputname outputdir = os.path.join(filtereddatadir, outputname) if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.makedirs(outputdir) outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir, outputname + '.root') fout = ROOT.TFile.Open(outputfile, 'recreate') treeout = copy_tree(tree, sel, write=True) fout.Close()
def _make_dataloader(self): '''Make the DataLoader for training.''' # Load the data. self.dataloader = TMVA.DataLoader( # Add training variables. for var in self.variables: if not isinstance(var, (tuple, list)): var = (var, ) try: self.dataloader.AddVariable(*var) except: print 'Failed to call dataloader.AddVariable with args', var raise # Add spectator variables. for var in self.spectators: if not isinstance(var, (tuple, list)): var = (var, ) try: self.dataloader.AddSpectator(*var) except: print 'Failed to call dataloader.AddSpectator with args', var raise # Register trees. # If we have explicit cuts for training and testing, we need to copy the TTrees first, # applying these cuts. if self.trainingcut: pwd = ROOT.gROOT.CurrentDirectory() self.tmpfile = ROOT.TFile.Open( os.path.abspath('DataLoader_' + random_string() + '.root'), 'recreate') signal_usedleaves, background_usedleaves = self.used_leaves() usedleaves = { 'Signal': signal_usedleaves, 'Background': background_usedleaves } aliases = { 'Signal': get_aliases(self.signaltree), 'Background': get_aliases(self.backgroundtree) } addtreeargs = [] for name in 'Signal', 'Background': lname = name.lower() namecut = getattr(self, lname + 'cut') for tname, ttype, cut in ('Training', TMVA.Types.kTraining, self.trainingcut), ( 'Testing', TMVA.Types.kTesting, self.testingcut): classname = + '_' + name + '_' + tname + '_' cut = AND(*filter(None, [namecut, cut])) tree = getattr(self, lname + 'tree') seltree, copyfriends = copy_tree( tree, selection=cut, keepbranches=usedleaves[name], rename=( lambda name: classname + name.replace('/', '_')), write=True, returnfriends=True) addtreeargs.append((seltree.GetName(), name, getattr(self, lname + 'globalweight'), ROOT.TCut(''), ttype)) weight = getattr(self, lname + 'weight') if weight: self.dataloader.SetWeightExpression(weight, name) fname = self.tmpfile.GetName() self.tmpfile.Close() self.tmpfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname) for args in addtreeargs: tree = self.tmpfile.Get(args[0]) _aliases = aliases['Signal'] if 'Signal' in args else aliases[ 'Background'] for name, alias in _aliases.items(): tree.SetAlias(name, alias) self.dataloader.AddTree(tree, *args[1:]) self.dataloader.GetDataSetInfo().SetSplitOptions( str(self.splitoptions)) if pwd: else: self.dataloader.AddSignalTree(self.signaltree, self.signalglobalweight) self.dataloader.AddBackgroundTree(self.backgroundtree, self.backgroundglobalweight) # Set weight expressions. if self.signalweight: self.dataloader.SetSignalWeightExpression(self.signalweight) if self.backgroundweight: self.dataloader.SetBackgroundWeightExpression( self.backgroundweight) # Prepare the training. self.dataloader.PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( ROOT.TCut(self.signalcut), ROOT.TCut(self.backgroundcut), str(self.splitoptions)) return True
default=-1, help='Number of entries to copy (default all).') optParse.add_argument("--selection", default='', help='Selection to apply (default none).') optParse.add_argument( '--keepBranches', nargs='*', help='List of regexes to be matched to branches to be kept.') optParse.add_argument( '--removeBranches', nargs='*', help='List of regexes to be matched to branches to be removed.') args = optParse.parse_args() from ROOT import TTree, TFile inFile = TFile(options.inFile) inTree = TTree() inFile.GetObject(options.inTree, inTree) outFile = TFile(options.outFile, "recreate") outTree = copy_tree(inTree, selection=args.selection, nentries=args.nEntries, keepbranches=args.keepBranches, removebranches=args.removeBranches) outTree.Write() outFile.Close()