def show_team(): # 判断用户权限 judge(g.user['level']) if request.method == 'POST': team_name = request.form['team_name'] db = get_db() posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT,t.team_name,t.team_describe, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user u WHERE AS team_count FROM team t WHERE team_name=? ''', (team_name, )).fetchall() else: db = get_db() posts = db.execute(''' SELECT,t.team_name,t.team_describe, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user u WHERE AS team_count FROM team t ''').fetchall() pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(posts), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) list = posts[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('admin/team/show.html', list=list, html=html)
def notice_user(): db = get_db() if request.method == 'POST': search_name = request.form['search_name'] name = '%' + request.form['name'] + '%' if search_name == '按标题搜索': posts = db.execute( nt_sql + ''' AND cp_title LIKE ? ORDER BY cp_created DESC ''', (name, )).fetchall() else: posts = db.execute( nt_sql + ''' AND username LIKE ? ORDER BY cp_created DESC ''', (name, )).fetchall() else: posts = db.execute(nt_sql + ''' ORDER BY cp_created DESC ''').fetchall() pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(posts), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) posts = posts[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('user/notice/show.html', posts=posts, html=html)
def not_allow(): # 判断用户权限 judge(g.user['level']) if request.method == 'POST': search_name = request.form['search_name'] name = '%' + request.form['name'] + '%' db = get_db() # 按员工姓名搜索 if search_name == '按员工姓名搜索': posts = db.execute( not_allow_sql + 'AND username LIKE ?' + order_by, (g.user['username'], name)).fetchall() # 按请假类型搜索 elif search_name == '按请假类型搜索': posts = db.execute( not_allow_sql + 'AND leave_name LIKE ?' + order_by, (g.user['username'], name)).fetchall() else: db = get_db() posts = db.execute(not_allow_sql + order_by, (g.user['username'], )).fetchall() # 分页 pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(posts), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) posts = posts[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('admin/leave/not_allow.html', posts=posts, html=html)
def show(): # 判断用户权限 judge(g.user['level']) db = get_db() if request.method == 'POST': search_name = request.form['search_name'] # 变成模糊搜索格式 name = '%' + request.form['name'] + '%' # 按姓名搜索 if search_name == '按姓名搜索': posts = db.execute(sql + '''WHERE u.username LIKE ?''', (name, )).fetchall() # 按性别搜索 elif search_name == '按性别搜索': posts = db.execute(sql + '''WHERE LIKE ?''', (name, )).fetchall() # 按权限搜索 elif search_name == '按权限搜索': posts = db.execute(sql + '''WHERE u.level LIKE ?''', (name, )).fetchall() # 按职位搜索 elif search_name == '按职位搜索': posts = db.execute(sql + '''WHERE p_name LIKE ?''', (name, )).fetchall() # 按所属团队搜索 elif search_name == '按所属团队搜索': posts = db.execute(sql + '''WHERE t_name LIKE ?''', (name, )).fetchall() # 按所属部门搜索 elif search_name == '按所属部门搜索': posts = db.execute(sql + '''WHERE d_name LIKE ?''', (name, )).fetchall() # 默认条件下展示所有员工 else: posts = db.execute(sql).fetchall() ''' current_page——表示当前页。 total_count——表示数据总条数。 base_url——表示分页URL前缀,请求的前缀获取可以通过Flask的request.path方法,无需自己指定。 例如:我们的路由方法为@app.route('/test'),request.path方法即可获取/test。 params——表示请求传入的数据,params可以通过request.args动态获取。 例如:我们链接点击为:http://localhost:5000/test?page=10,此时request.args获取数据为ImmutableMultiDict([('page', u'10')]) per_page_count——指定每页显示数。 max_pager_count——指定页面最大显示页码 ''' # 分页 pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(posts), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) list = posts[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('admin/personnel/show.html', list=list, html=html)
def show_all(): if request.method == 'POST': search_name = request.form['search_name'] name = '%' + request.form['name'] + '%' db = get_db() if search_name == '按姓名搜索': posts = db.execute( sql + ''' WHERE u.username LIKE ? ''', (name, )).fetchall() elif search_name == '按性别搜索': posts = db.execute( sql + ''' WHERE LIKE ? ''', (name, )).fetchall() elif search_name == '按职位搜索': posts = db.execute( sql + ''' WHERE p_name LIKE ? ''', (name, )).fetchall() elif search_name == '按所属团队搜索': posts = db.execute( sql + ''' WHERE t_name LIKE ? ''', (name, )).fetchall() elif search_name == '按所属部门搜索': posts = db.execute( sql + ''' WHERE d_name LIKE ? ''', (name, )).fetchall() else: db = get_db() posts = db.execute(sql).fetchall() pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(posts), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) list = posts[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('user/personnel/show_all.html', list=list, html=html)
def level_leave(): db = get_db() if request.method == 'POST': search_name = request.form['search_name'] name = '%' + request.form['name'] + '%' if search_name == '按请假类型搜索': posts = db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM leave WHERE leave_name LIKE ? AND username=? ORDER BY id DESC', ( name, g.user['username'], )).fetchall() elif search_name == '按批复人搜索': posts = db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM leave WHERE allow_name LIKE ? AND username=? ORDER BY id DESC', ( name, g.user['username'], )).fetchall() elif search_name == '按批复状态搜索': posts = db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM leave WHERE allow_level LIKE ? AND username=? ORDER BY id DESC', ( name, g.user['username'], )).fetchall() else: posts = db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM leave WHERE username=? ORDER BY id DESC', (g.user['username'], )).fetchall() pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(posts), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) posts = posts[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('user/leave/level.html', posts=posts, html=html)
def show_user_dp(): db = get_db() if request.method == 'POST': dp_name = request.form['dp_name'] posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT,d.dp_name,d.dp_describe, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user u WHERE AS dp_count FROM department d WHERE d.dp_name=? ''', (dp_name, )).fetchall() else: posts = db.execute(''' SELECT,d.dp_name,d.dp_describe, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user u WHERE AS dp_count FROM department d ''').fetchall() pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(posts), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) list = posts[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('user/department.html', list=list, html=html)
def show_user_pt(): if request.method == 'POST': pt_name = request.form['pt_name'] db = get_db() posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT,p.pt_name,p.pt_describe, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user u WHERE AS pt_count FROM position p WHERE p.pt_name=? ''', (pt_name, )) li = [] for post in posts: li.append(post) pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(li), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) list = li[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('user/position.html', list=list, html=html) else: db = get_db() posts = db.execute(''' SELECT,p.pt_name,p.pt_describe, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user u WHERE AS pt_count FROM position p ''') li = [] for post in posts: li.append(post) pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(li), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) list = li[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('user/position.html', list=list, html=html)
def show_user_dp_same(): db = get_db() # 拿到部门的名称 d_posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT dp_name FROM department WHERE id=? ''', (g.user['dp_id'], )) # 按条件搜索时 if request.method == 'POST': search_name = request.form['search_name'] name = '%' + request.form['name'] + '%' # 按姓名搜索 if search_name == '按姓名搜索': posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT,u.username,,,, (SELECT t.team_name FROM team t WHERE u.team_id = AS t_name, (SELECT p.pt_name FROM position p WHERE u.pt_id = AS p_name FROM user u WHERE u.dp_id=? AND u.username LIKE ? ''', ( g.user['dp_id'], name, )).fetchall() # 按性别搜索 elif search_name == '按性别搜索': posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT,u.username,,,, (SELECT t.team_name FROM team t WHERE u.team_id = AS t_name, (SELECT p.pt_name FROM position p WHERE u.pt_id = AS p_name FROM user u WHERE u.dp_id=? AND LIKE ? ''', ( g.user['dp_id'], name, )).fetchall() # 按职位搜索 elif search_name == '按职位搜索': posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT,u.username,,,, (SELECT t.team_name FROM team t WHERE u.team_id = AS t_name, (SELECT p.pt_name FROM position p WHERE u.pt_id = AS p_name FROM user u WHERE u.dp_id=? AND p_name LIKE ? ''', ( g.user['dp_id'], name, )).fetchall() # 按所属团队搜索 elif search_name == '按所属团队搜索': posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT,u.username,,,, (SELECT t.team_name FROM team t WHERE u.team_id = AS t_name, (SELECT p.pt_name FROM position p WHERE u.pt_id = AS p_name FROM user u WHERE u.dp_id=? AND t_name LIKE ? ''', ( g.user['dp_id'], name, )).fetchall() else: # 拿到同部门同事的参数 posts = db.execute( ''' SELECT,u.username,,,, (SELECT t.team_name FROM team t WHERE u.team_id = AS t_name, (SELECT p.pt_name FROM position p WHERE u.pt_id = AS p_name FROM user u WHERE u.dp_id=? ''', (g.user['dp_id'], )).fetchall() pager_obj = Pagination(request.args.get("page", 1), len(posts), request.path, request.args, per_page_count=10) list = posts[pager_obj.start:pager_obj.end] html = pager_obj.page_html() return render_template('user/department/show_same.html', list=list, html=html, d_posts=d_posts)