def add_job(): sess = DbSession().get_session() user = get_user(sess, session["username"]) post = request.form quantity = extract_field(post, 'qty_adj', 1) for job_num in range(quantity): new_job = Job() new_job.OwnerId = user.Id if not new_job.populate(post): return jsonify({"status":0, "error":"Double check fields. Integers only please."}) if job_num > 0: new_job.Name += " %d" % (job_num+1) if job_num == 0: if user.GoldPool < (new_job.GoldCost*quantity): return jsonify({"status":0, "error":"Insufficient Gold. Gold remaining: %d. Needed: %d." % (user.GoldPool, new_job.GoldCost*quantity)}) if user.XpPool < (new_job.XpCost*quantity): return jsonify({"status":0, "error":"Insufficient Experience. Experience remaining: %d. Needed: %d." % (user.XpPool, new_job.XpCost*quantity)}) user.GoldPool -= new_job.GoldCost user.XpPool -= new_job.XpCost sess.add(new_job) sess.commit() session["next_tab"] = 2 return jsonify({"status":1})
def rm_job(): sess = DbSession().get_session() user = get_user(sess, session["username"]) job = sess.query(Job).filter(Job.Id == request.form["id"]).first() if job.TimeCost != 0: user.GoldPool += job.GoldCost user.XpPool += job.XpCost sess.delete(job) sess.commit() return jsonify({"status":1})
def add_wright(): sess = DbSession().get_session() new_wright = Wright() #user = sess.query(User).filter(User.Username == session["username"]) user = get_user(sess, session["username"]) new_wright.OwnerId = user.Id new_wright.Name = request.form["wright_name"] sess.add(new_wright) sess.commit() session["next_tab"] = 2 return redirect(url_for("calc"))
def calc(): sess = DbSession().get_session() user = get_user(sess, session["username"]) sess.commit() #wrights = sess.query(Wright).filter(Wright.OwnerId == User.Id).all() #jobs = sess.query(Job).filter(Job.OwnerId == User.Id).all() if "next_tab" in session: current_tab = session["next_tab"] del session["next_tab"] else: current_tab = 0 return render_template("calc.html", user=user, current_tab=current_tab)
def modify_resources(): sess = DbSession().get_session() user = get_user(sess, session["username"]) op = request.form["action"] if op == "add_gold": user.GoldPool += int(request.form["value"]) sess.commit() return jsonify({"status":1, "value":str(user.GoldPool)}) elif op == "add_exp": user.XpPool += int(request.form["value"]) sess.commit() return jsonify({"status":1, "value":str(user.XpPool)}) else: return jsonify({"status":0})
def pass_time(): sess = DbSession().get_session() user = get_user(sess, session["username"]) time_to_pass = int(request.form["value"]) if time_to_pass < 0: return redirect(url_for("calc")) while True: job_completed = False free_wrights = [wright for wright in user.wrights if not wright.currentJob] available_jobs = [job for job in if not job.wright and job.TimeCost != 0] available_jobs = sorted(available_jobs, key=lambda job: -job.Priority) if len(free_wrights) == len(user.wrights) and len(available_jobs) == 0: break for wright in free_wrights: if len(available_jobs) > 0: wright.currentJob = available_jobs.pop(0) sess.commit() print free_wrights, available_jobs time_step = min([job.TimeCost for job in if job.wright] + [time_to_pass]) time_to_pass -= time_step print time_step print [job.TimeCost for job in if job.wright] for wright in user.wrights: if wright.currentJob: wright.currentJob.TimeCost -= time_step if wright.currentJob.TimeCost == 0: wright.currentJob = None job_completed = True sess.commit() if time_to_pass <= 0 and not job_completed: break session["next_tab"] = 0 return redirect(url_for("calc")) app.secret_key = os.urandom(128) if __name__ == "__main__": if "PRODUCTION" in os.environ and bool(os.environ["PRODUCTION"]): print("Environment: Production") else: print("Environment: Development") app.debug = True app.secret_key = '\xe5\x1e\xe8\xc7h\xccr\x9c7\xee|dN\x85\x8c{-4<\xa5\xe5\x03\xc7?\x16\xc3\x181+\xab\xf3q'
def pass_time(): sess = DbSession().get_session() user = get_user(sess, session["username"]) time_to_pass = int(request.form["value"]) if time_to_pass < 0: return redirect(url_for("calc")) while True: job_completed = False free_wrights = [wright for wright in user.wrights if not wright.currentJob] available_jobs = [job for job in if not job.wright and job.TimeCost != 0] available_jobs = sorted(available_jobs, key=lambda job: -job.Priority) if len(free_wrights) == len(user.wrights) and len(available_jobs) == 0: break for wright in free_wrights: if len(available_jobs) > 0: wright.currentJob = available_jobs.pop(0) sess.commit() print free_wrights, available_jobs time_step = min([job.TimeCost for job in if job.wright] + [time_to_pass]) time_to_pass -= time_step print time_step print [job.TimeCost for job in if job.wright] for wright in user.wrights: if wright.currentJob: wright.currentJob.TimeCost -= time_step if wright.currentJob.TimeCost == 0: wright.currentJob = None job_completed = True sess.commit() if time_to_pass <= 0 and not job_completed: break session["next_tab"] = 0 return redirect(url_for("calc"))