Example #1
    def export_assembly_as_fasta(self, ctx, params):
        A method designed especially for download, this calls 'get_assembly_as_fasta' to do
        the work, but then packages the output with WS provenance and object info into
        a zip file and saves to shock.
        :param params: instance of type "ExportParams" -> structure:
           parameter "input_ref" of String
        :returns: instance of type "ExportOutput" -> structure: parameter
           "shock_id" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: output
        #BEGIN export_assembly_as_fasta

        atf = AssemblyToFasta(self.callback_url, self.sharedFolder)
        output = atf.export_as_fasta(ctx, params)

        #END export_assembly_as_fasta

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(output, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method export_assembly_as_fasta return value ' +
                             'output is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [output]
Example #2
    def get_assembly_as_fasta(self, ctx, params):
        Given a reference to an Assembly (or legacy ContigSet data object), along with a set of options,
        construct a local Fasta file with the sequence data.  If filename is set, attempt to save to the
        specified filename.  Otherwise, a random name will be generated.
        :param params: instance of type "GetAssemblyParams" (@optional
           filename) -> structure: parameter "ref" of String, parameter
           "filename" of String
        :returns: instance of type "FastaAssemblyFile" -> structure:
           parameter "path" of String, parameter "assembly_name" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: file
        #BEGIN get_assembly_as_fasta

        atf = AssemblyToFasta(self.callback_url, self.sharedFolder)
        file = atf.assembly_as_fasta(ctx, params)

        #END get_assembly_as_fasta

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(file, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method get_assembly_as_fasta return value ' +
                             'file is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [file]
Example #3
    def genome_obj_to_fasta(self, ref, obj_type):

        # Initiate needed objects
        atf = AssemblyToFasta(self.callback_url, self.scratch)
        upas = []

        if 'KBaseSets.GenomeSet' in obj_type:
            obj_data = self.ws.get_objects2({'objects': [{"ref": ref}]})['data'][0]
            upas = [gsi['ref'] for gsi in obj_data['data']['items']]
        elif 'KBaseSearch.GenomeSet' in obj_type:
            obj_data = self.ws.get_objects2({'objects': [{"ref": ref}]})['data'][0]
            upas = [gse['ref'] for gse in obj_data['data']['elements'].values()]
        elif "KBaseGenomes.Genome" in obj_type:
            upas = [ref]

        if upas:
            for genome_upa in upas:
                # Get genome object assembly_ref or contigset_ref through subsetting object
                genome_data = self.ws.get_objects2({'objects': \
                            [{"ref": genome_upa, 'included' : ['/assembly_ref/','/contigset_ref/']}]}) \

                # If genome object contains an assembly_ref or contigset_ref it will return a dictionary, genome_data.
                # If not an empty dictionary will be returned
                if genome_data:
                    # Get assembly_upa and fasta
                    assembly_upa = genome_upa + ';' + \
                                   str(genome_data.get('assembly_ref') or genome_data.get('contigset_ref'))

                    faf = atf.assembly_as_fasta({'ref': assembly_upa})
                    # Input data into object dict
                    self.add_to_dict(assembly_upa, {'paths' : [faf['path']], 'type': obj_type, 'parent_refs': [ref]})

                    raise TypeError("KBase object type %s does not contain an assembly reference or contig reference." % obj_type)
    def export_assembly_as_fasta(self, ctx, params):
        A method designed especially for download, this calls 'get_assembly_as_fasta' to do
        the work, but then packages the output with WS provenance and object info into
        a zip file and saves to shock.
        :param params: instance of type "ExportParams" -> structure:
           parameter "input_ref" of String
        :returns: instance of type "ExportOutput" -> structure: parameter
           "shock_id" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: output
        #BEGIN export_assembly_as_fasta

        atf = AssemblyToFasta(self.callback_url, self.sharedFolder)
        output = atf.export_as_fasta(ctx, params)

        #END export_assembly_as_fasta

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(output, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method export_assembly_as_fasta return value ' +
                             'output is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [output]
    def get_assembly_as_fasta(self, ctx, params):
        Given a reference to an Assembly (or legacy ContigSet data object), along with a set of options,
        construct a local Fasta file with the sequence data.  If filename is set, attempt to save to the
        specified filename.  Otherwise, a random name will be generated.
        :param params: instance of type "GetAssemblyParams" (@optional
           filename) -> structure: parameter "ref" of String, parameter
           "filename" of String
        :returns: instance of type "FastaAssemblyFile" -> structure:
           parameter "path" of String, parameter "assembly_name" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: file
        #BEGIN get_assembly_as_fasta

        atf = AssemblyToFasta(self.callback_url, self.sharedFolder)
        file = atf.assembly_as_fasta(ctx, params)

        #END get_assembly_as_fasta

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(file, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method get_assembly_as_fasta return value ' +
                             'file is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [file]
Example #6
    def assembly_obj_to_fasta(self, ref, obj_type):
        # Initiate needed objects
        atf = AssemblyToFasta(self.callback_url, self.scratch)
        obj = {"ref": ref}

        if "KBaseGenomes.ContigSet" in obj_type or "KBaseGenomeAnnotations.Assembly" in obj_type:
            # Get fasta
            faf = atf.assembly_as_fasta(obj)
            self.add_to_dict(ref, {'paths': [faf['path']], 'type': obj_type, 'parent_refs': [ref]})

        elif "KBaseSets.AssemblySet" in obj_type:
            # Get assembly set object
            obj_data = self.ws.get_objects2({'objects': [obj]})['data'][0]
            for item_upa in obj_data['data']['items']:
                # Get fasta
                faf = atf.assembly_as_fasta({"ref": item_upa['ref']})
                # Input data into object dict
                self.add_to_dict(item_upa['ref'], {'paths' : [faf['path']], 'type' : obj_type, 'parent_refs': [ref]})
Example #7
    def type_to_fasta(self, ctx, ref_lst):

        fasta_dict = dict()
        fasta_array = []
        atf = AssemblyToFasta(self.callback_url, self.scratch)

        # Get type info for each ref in ref_lst
        for idx, ref in enumerate(ref_lst):

            upas = []
            obj = {"ref": ref}
            obj_info = self.ws_url.get_object_info3({"objects": [obj]})
            obj_type = obj_info["infos"][0][2]

            # From type info get object
            if 'KBaseSets.GenomeSet' in obj_type:
                obj_data = self.dfu.get_objects({"object_refs": [ref]})['data'][0]
                upas = [gsi['ref'] for gsi in obj_data['data']['items']]
            elif 'KBaseSearch.GenomeSet' in obj_type:
                obj_data = self.dfu.get_objects({"object_refs": [ref]})['data'][0]
                upas = [gse['ref'] for gse in obj_data['data']['elements'].values()]
            elif "KBaseGenomes.Genome" in obj_type:
                upas = [ref]

            elif "KBaseGenomes.ContigSet" in obj_type or "KBaseGenomeAnnotations.Assembly" in obj_type:
                faf = [atf.assembly_as_fasta(ctx, obj)]
                fasta_array.extend([faf[0]['path'], ref])

            elif "KBaseSets.AssemblySet" in obj_type:
                fasta_paths = []

                obj_data = self.dfu.get_objects({"object_refs": [ref]})['data'][0]

                for item_upa in obj_data['data']['items']:
                    faf = [atf.assembly_as_fasta(ctx, {"ref": item_upa['ref']})]
                    fasta_paths.extend([faf[0]['path'], item_upa['ref']])
                    fasta_array = fasta_paths

            elif 'KBaseMetagenomes.BinnedContigs' in obj_type:
                fasta_paths = []

                bin_file_dir = self.mgu.binned_contigs_to_file({'input_ref': ref, 'save_to_shock': 0})['bin_file_directory']
                for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(bin_file_dir):
                    for fasta_file in filenames:
                        fasta_path = os.path.join(self.scratch, fasta_file)
                        copyfile(os.path.join(bin_file_dir, fasta_file), fasta_path)
                        fasta_paths.extend([fasta_path, ref])
                fasta_array = fasta_paths

            if upas:
                for genome_upa in upas:
                    genome_data = self.ws_url.get_objects2({'objects': [{"ref": genome_upa}]})['data'][0]['data']
                    assembly_upa = genome_upa + ';' + str(genome_data.get('contigset_ref') or genome_data.get('assembly_ref'))
                    faf = [atf.assembly_as_fasta(ctx, {'ref': assembly_upa})]
                    fasta_array.extend([faf[0]['path'], assembly_upa])

        # return dictionary of FASTA
        fasta_dict["FASTA"] = fasta_array

        return fasta_dict