Example #1
 def togglePerPixelLighting(self):
     if self.perPixelEnabled:
         self.perPixelEnabled = False
         if self.shadowsEnabled:
             self.shadowsEnabled = False
             #  self.light2.setShadowCaster(False)
         self.perPixelEnabled = True
Example #2
    def _mouseTask(self, task):
        # This task deals with the highlighting and dragging based on the mouse

        # First, clear the current highlight
        if self.hiSq is not False:
            self.hiSq = False

        # Check to see if we can access the mouse. We need it to do anything else
        if base().mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            # get the mouse position
            mpos = base().mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()

            # Set the position of the ray based on the mouse position
            base().pickerRay.setFromLens(base().camNode, mpos.getX(),

            # If we are dragging something, set the position of the object
            # to be at the appropriate point over the plane of the board
            if self.dragging is not False:
                # Gets the point described by pickerRay.getOrigin(), which is relative to
                # camera, relative instead to render
                nearPoint = render().getRelativePoint(
                # Same thing with the direction of the ray
                nearVec = render().getRelativeVector(
                    PointAtZ(.5, nearPoint, nearVec))

            # Do the actual collision pass (Do it only on the squares for efficiency purposes)
            if base().pq.getNumEntries() > 0:
                # if we have hit something, sort the hits so that the closest is first, and highlight that node
                i = int(base().pq.getEntry(0).getIntoNode().getTag('square'))
                # Set the highlight on the picked square
                self.hiSq = i

        return Task.cont
Example #3
 def makeForrest(self):
     self.forest = p3dc.NodePath(p3dc.PandaNode("Forest Root"))
     #self.forest.hide(p3dc.BitMask32(self.lightMask | self.plainMask))
         "fireflies_models/background", "fireflies_models/foliage01",
         "fireflies_models/foliage02", "fireflies_models/foliage03",
         "fireflies_models/foliage04", "fireflies_models/foliage05",
         "fireflies_models/foliage06", "fireflies_models/foliage07",
         "fireflies_models/foliage08", "fireflies_models/foliage09"
Example #4
 def __init__(self, square, colour):
     self.obj = loader().loadModel(self.model)
Example #5
    def setupLights(
    ):  # This function sets up some default lighting with simple shadows
        #ambientLight = p3dc.AmbientLight("ambientLight")
        #ambientLight.setColor((.8, .8, .8, 1))
        #directionalLight = p3dc.DirectionalLight("directionalLight")
        #directionalLight.setDirection(p3dc.LVector3(0, 45, -45))
        #directionalLight.setColor((0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1))

        # Shadows
        self.light = p3dc.Spotlight("Spot")
        self.light_node = render().attachNewNode(
            self.light)  # generates instance of p3dc.NodePath
        self.light.setShadowCaster(True, 1024 * 4,
                                   1024 * 4)  #.setShadowCaster(True)
        # This exponent value sets how soft the edge of the spotlight is.
        # 0 means a hard edge. 128 means a very soft edge.
        # Attenuation controls how the light fades with distance.
        # The three values represent the three attenuation constants (constant, linear and quadratic)
        # in the internal lighting equation. The higher the numbers the shorter the light goes.
        self.light.setAttenuation(p3dc.LVector3(0.3, 0.0, 0.0))
        # The cone of a spotlight is controlled by it's lens. This creates the lens
        # This sets the Field of View (fov) of the lens, in degrees for width
        # and height.  The lower the numbers, the tighter the spotlight.
        self.light.getLens().setFov(40, 40)
        self.light.getLens().setNearFar(0.5, 500)
        self.light.setColor((0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 1))
        #self.light_node.setPosHpr(0, -10, 15, 0, -50, 0) #This does not light the tiles... (similar to https://discourse.panda3d.org/t/shadows-with-directional-light-source-strange-behaviour/10025 )
        #self.light_node.setPosHpr(0, 10, 15, 180, -50, 0) #This works as intended
        #self.light_node.setPosHpr(0, 0, 8, 0, -80, 0) #This lights half the tiles but I don't know why this works to a degree but the first one doesn't at all
        self.light_node.setPosHpr(0, 8, 12, 180, -50, 0)  #This is now used
        #self.light2 = p3dc.Spotlight("Spot")
        #self.light2_node = render().attachNewNode(self.light2) # generates instance of p3dc.NodePath
        #self.light2.setShadowCaster(True, 1024, 1024)#.setShadowCaster(True)
        ## This exponent value sets how soft the edge of the spotlight is.
        ## 0 means a hard edge. 128 means a very soft edge.
        ## Attenuation controls how the light fades with distance.
        ## The three values represent the three attenuation constants (constant, linear and quadratic)
        ## in the internal lighting equation. The higher the numbers the shorter the light goes.
        #self.light2.setAttenuation(p3dc.LVector3(0.3, 0.0, 0.0))
        ## The cone of a spotlight is controlled by it's lens. This creates the lens
        ## This sets the Field of View (fov) of the lens, in degrees for width
        ## and height.  The lower the numbers, the tighter the spotlight.
        #self.light2.getLens().setFov(40, 40)
        #self.light2.getLens().setNearFar(0.5, 50)
        #self.light2.setColor((0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 1))
        #self.light2_node.setPosHpr(0, -10, 15, 0, -50, 0)

        self.alight = render().attachNewNode(p3dc.AmbientLight("Ambient"))
        self.alight.node().setColor(p3dc.LVector4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1))

        # Important! Enable the shader generator.
Example #6
    def start(self):
        self.setupLights()  # Setup default lighting

        # Now we create the chess board and its pieces

        # We will attach all of the squares to their own root. This way we can do the
        # collision pass just on the squares and save the time of checking the rest of the scene
        self.squareRoot = render().attachNewNode("squareRoot")
        self.squareRoot.setPos((0, 0, 0))

        # For each square
        self.squares = [None for i in range(64)]
        self.pieces = [None for i in range(64)]
        for i in range(64):
            # Load, parent, colour and position the model (a single square polygon)
            self.squares[i] = loader().loadModel("chessboard_models/square")
            # Set the model itself to be collideable with the ray. If this model was
            # any more complex than a single polygon, you should set up a collision
            # sphere around it instead. But for single polygons this works fine.
            # Set a tag on the square's node so we can look up what square this is later during the collision pass
            self.squares[i].find("**/polygon").node().setTag('square', str(i))
            # We will use this variable as a pointer to whatever piece is currently in this square

        # The order of pieces on a chessboard from white's perspective. This list
        # contains the constructor functions for the piece classes defined below
        pieceOrder = (Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Rook)

        for i in range(8, 16):
            # Load the white pawns
            self.pieces[i] = Pawn(i, WHITE)
        for i in range(48, 56):
            # load the black pawns
            self.pieces[i] = Pawn(i, PIECEBLACK)
        for i in range(8):
            # Load the special pieces for the front row and colour them white
            self.pieces[i] = pieceOrder[i](i, WHITE)
            # Load the special pieces for the back row and colour them black
            self.pieces[i + 56] = pieceOrder[i](i + 56, PIECEBLACK)

        # This will represent the index of the currently highlighted square
        self.hiSq = False
        # This wil represent the index of the square where currently dragged piece was grabbed from
        self.dragging = False

        # Per-pixel lighting and shadows are initially on
        self.perPixelEnabled = True
        self.shadowsEnabled = True
        # This code puts the standard title and instruction text on screen
        self.mouseText = self.makeStatusLabel(0)
        self.mouseText.setText("Left-click and drag: Pick up and drag piece")
        self.spaceText = self.makeStatusLabel(1)
        self.spaceText.setText("SPACE: Cycle camera positions")
        self.lightingPerPixelText = self.makeStatusLabel(2)
        self.lightingShadowsText = self.makeStatusLabel(3)

        # Finally call the function that builds the instruction texts

        # Start the task that handles the picking
        self.mouseTask = base().taskMgr.add(self._mouseTask, 'mouseTask')
        base().accept("mouse1", self.grabPiece)  # left-click grabs a piece
        base().accept("mouse1-up", self.releasePiece)  # releasing places it
        self.nextCamPos = 1
        base().accept("space", self.toggleCam)  # releasing places it
        base().accept("l", self.togglePerPixelLighting)
        base().accept("e", self.toggleShadows)