Example #1
    def __init__( self, jdata ) :
        --- property    --  unit    -- 
        1.  Length      --   nm     --   self.alatt, self.first, self.second
        2.  Volume      --   nm^3   --   self.volume
        2.  Time        --   s      --
        3.  Temperature --   K      --
        4.  Energy      --   eV     --
        5.  Pressure    --   Gpa    --  

        1 eV = 1.60217663410E-19 J  ->  1 J = 1.0 / 1.60217663410 * 1.E+19 eV
        shear modulus:
        1.0 Gpa = 1.E9 Pa = 1.E9 N / m^2 = 1.e9 J/m^3 = 1.E9 * 1.0 / 1.60217663410 * 1.E+19 eV/(10^9 nm)^3 = 1.0 / 1.60217663410 * 10 eV/nm^3
        Boltzmann constant, unit: eV/ K
        kb = 1.380649 * 10 ** (-23) J / K = 1.380649 * 10 ** (-23) * 1.0 / 1.60217663410 * 10**( 19 ) eV/K = 1.380649 / 1.60217663410 * 1.E-4 eV/K

        'shear modulus, unit: eV/nm^3.'
        self.shear_modulus = 161.0 / 1.60217663410 * 10

        'poisson ratio'
        self.poisson_ratio = 0.28

        'lattice constant'
        self.alatt = j_must_have( jdata, 'alatt' )

        lattice = j_must_have( jdata, 'lattice' )

        if lattice == 'bcc' :

            'first nearest neighbour'
            self.first = math.sqrt( 3.0 ) * 0.5 * self.alatt
            'second nearest neighbour'
            self.second = self.alatt
            'atomic volume'
            self.volume = self.alatt * self.alatt * self.alatt * 0.5

        elif lattice == 'fcc' :
            print( '# should be change for lattice fcc !' )
        elif lattice == 'hcp' :
            print( '# should be change for lattice hcp !' )

        self.kb = 1.380649 / 1.60217663410 * 1.E-4

        'prefactor: Hz'
        self.prefactor = 10.0 * 10 ** 12

        self.u_disk_disk_prefactor = self.shear_modulus / ( 4.0 * math.pi * ( 1.0 - self.poisson_ratio ) )

        self.u_sphere_disk_prefactor = 1.0 / ( 3.0 * math.pi ) * ( 1.0 + self.poisson_ratio ) / ( 1.0 - self.poisson_ratio ) * self.shear_modulus
Example #2
    def __init__( self, 
                  tmp_defectObject_list ) :
        Properties of BoxLinkcell:
        No change:
         1.  self.box
         2.  self.linkcell_space
         3.  self.nlc_vector
         4.  self.fnlc_vector
         5.  self.nlc
         6.  self.periodic
         7.  self.nnbrs
         8.  self.hmeps
         9. self.nix, self.niy, self.niz
        Change :
         10. self.numb_defectObject
         11. self.ltop[ 0 : self.nlc ]
         12. self.linkmp[ 0 : self.numb_defectObject ]

        self.box = np.array( j_must_have( jdata, 'box' ) )

        self.linkcell_space = np.array( j_must_have( jdata, 'linkcell_space' ) )

        for item in self.linkcell_space > self.box :
            if item : raise RuntimeError( 'linkcell_space > box, wrong !' )

        rcutoff_elastic = j_must_have( jdata, 'rcutoff_elastic' )

        for item in self.linkcell_space < rcutoff_elastic :
            if item : raise RuntimeError( 'linkcell_space < rcutoff_elastic, wrong !' )

        'python3 np.divide, / and np.true_divide are same.'
        self.fnlc_vector = np.floor_divide( self.box, self.linkcell_space )

        self.nlc_vector = convert_int_array( self.fnlc_vector )

        self.nlc = self.nlc_vector[ 0 ] * self.nlc_vector[ 1 ] * self.nlc_vector[ 2 ]
        self.periodic = j_must_have( jdata, 'periodic' )
        self.nnbrs = j_must_have( jdata, 'max_numb_in_27_cells' )

        self.hmeps = -1e-9

        self.nix = [ 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1,  0,  1, -1, 0, 1,  0, 1, 1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  1, -1, -1, -1 ]
        self.niy = [ 0,  0, -1,  1, 1, 0,  0, 0, -1, -1, -1,  1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1,  1,  0, -1,  0, -1,  1,  0, -1,  1 ]
        self.niz = [ 0,  0,  0,  0, 0, 1,  1, 1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 1, 1,  0, 0, 0,  0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ]

        self.linked( tmp_defectObject_list )
Example #3
    def set_min_max_nsize_dict(self, defectsys, jdata):
        'set min nsize and max nsize for every defecttype.'

        ICluster_lower = 2
        ICluster_upper = j_must_have(jdata, 'ICluster_upper')

        VCluster_lower = 2
        VCluster_upper = VCluster_lower  #

        ILoop100_lower = ICluster_upper + 1
        ILoop100_upper = ILoop100_lower  #

        ILoop111_lower = ICluster_upper + 1
        ILoop111_upper = ILoop111_lower  #

        VLoop100_lower = j_must_have(jdata, 'VLoop_lower')
        VLoop100_upper = VLoop100_lower  #

        VLoop111_lower = VLoop100_lower
        VLoop111_upper = VLoop111_lower  #

        self.min_nsize_dict = {
            'I': 1,
            'V': 1,
            'ICluster': ICluster_lower,
            'VCluster': VCluster_lower,
            'ILoop100': ILoop100_lower,
            'VLoop100': VLoop100_lower,
            'ILoop111': ILoop111_lower,
            'VLoop111': VLoop111_lower

        self.max_nsize_dict = {
            'I': 1,
            'V': 1,
            'ICluster': ICluster_upper,
            'VCluster': VCluster_upper,
            'ILoop100': ILoop100_upper,
            'VLoop100': VLoop100_upper,
            'ILoop111': ILoop111_upper,
            'VLoop111': VLoop111_upper

        for item in defectsys.defectObject_list:
            tmp_defecttype = item.defecttype
            tmp_nsize = item.nsize
            if self.max_nsize_dict[tmp_defecttype] < tmp_nsize:
                self.max_nsize_dict[tmp_defecttype] = tmp_nsize

        self.max_nsize = max(item for item in self.max_nsize_dict.values())
Example #4
    def output_points(self, defectsys, jdata):
        ''' format:
        I 1 10.0 10.0 10.0
        V 1 10.0 10.0 10.0

        box = np.array(j_must_have(jdata, 'box'))
        total_point_defects_str_list = self._return_points(defectsys, jdata)

        new_total_point_defects_str_list = [
            to_str(box) + ' # b011, b022, b033\n'

        for item in total_point_defects_str_list:

            defectStr = item.lstrip().rstrip()
            defectStr_list = defectStr.split()
            position = np.array(
                [np.float64(item2) for item2 in defectStr_list[0:3]]) * box

            if defectStr_list[3] == '0':
                new_defectStr = 'V ' + ' 1 ' + to_str(position) + '\n'
                new_defectStr = 'I ' + ' 1 ' + to_str(position) + '\n'


Example #5
    def output_area_density(self, jdata):
        ''' format:
        I        1     1.0
        V        1     1.0
        ICluster nsize 1.0
        VCluster nsize 1.0
        ILoop100 nsize 1.0
        ILoop111 nsize 1.0
        VLoop100 nsize 1.0
        VLoop111 nsize 1.0

        box = j_must_have(jdata, 'box')
        area = box[0] * box[1]

        density_str_list = [
            '#--(1) Dtype--(2) nsize--(3) density( nm^-2 )---\n'
        for item in self.sum_numb_nsize_dict.keys():

            min_size = self.min_nsize_dict[item]
            max_size = self.max_nsize_dict[item]
            for i in range(self.sum_numb_nsize_dict[item].size):
                if i >= min_size and i <= max_size:
                    density_str = item + ' ' + str(i) + ' ' + str(
                        self.sum_numb_nsize_dict[item][i] / area) + '\n'

Example #6
    def set_sum_numb_nsize_dict(self, defectsys, jdata):

        defecttypes = j_must_have(jdata, 'defecttype')
        self.sum_numb_nsize_dict = {}

        for item in defecttypes:
            self.sum_numb_nsize_dict[item] = np.zeros(self.max_nsize + 1)

        for item in defectsys.defectObject_list:
            tmp_defecttype = item.defecttype
            tmp_nsize = item.nsize
            self.sum_numb_nsize_dict[tmp_defecttype][tmp_nsize] += 1.0
Example #7
def multi_cascade_annealing(jdata, cascade):

    tmp_ConstNumber = ConstNumber(jdata)
    box = j_must_have(jdata, 'box')

    trap = False
    trapSys = None

    if j_have(jdata, 'trap'): trap = jdata['trap']
    if trap: trapSys = TrapSystem(jdata)

    total_cascade_numb = int(jdata['fluence'] * box[0] * box[1])
    position_random = jdata['position_random']

    cascade_numb = cascade.return_cascade_numb()
    i_select = np.random.randint(0, cascade_numb)

    'build a defectSys of Class DefectSystem for okmc simulation.'
    defectSys = DefectSystem(jdata,
                             cascade.return_defectStr_list(jdata, i_select))

    outputFile = OutputFile(defectSys, jdata)

    print('# %d cascades in database, total %d cascades annealing' %
          (cascade_numb, total_cascade_numb))

    for i in range(total_cascade_numb):

        start_time = time.time()

        'reset trap for all defectObject in model of Class DefectSystem.'
        if trap: defectSys.reset_trap_defectSystem(jdata, trapSys)

        defectSys.evolution(jdata, outputFile, trapSys)

        i_select = np.random.randint(0, cascade_numb)

        add_defectStr_list = cascade.return_defectStr_list(jdata, i_select)

        defectSys.add_defectObject(jdata, add_defectStr_list, position_random)
            jdata, tmp_ConstNumber)


        end_time = time.time()

        print('# cascade %d running time: %.3f s' % (i, end_time - start_time))
        print('#    ')

    print('# All cascades annealing done !')

    return None
Example #8
    def load_point_defects_uniform_distribution(self, jdata, seed=None):
        self.defectStr_list, format: 
         'I 1 10.0 10.0 10.0\n'
         'V 1 10.0 10.0 10.0\n'

         len( ) == 5

        if seed != None: np.random.seed(seed)

        tmp_box = np.array(j_must_have(jdata, 'box'))

        self.defectStr_list = []

        for i in range(self.I_total):
            position = np.random.random(3) * tmp_box
            defectStr = 'I 1 ' + to_str(position) + '\n'

        for i in range(self.I_total):
            position = np.random.random(3) * tmp_box
            defectStr = 'V 1 ' + to_str(position) + '\n'
Example #9
    def output_cfg(self, defectsys, jdata):
        output configuration file with format *.cfg:

        Number of particles = 10000
        A = 1 Angstrom (basic length-scale)
        H0(1,1) = 760.164 A
        H0(1,2) = 0 A 
        H0(1,3) = 0 A 
        H0(2,1) = 0 A 
        H0(2,2) = 760.164 A
        H0(2,3) = 0 A 
        H0(3,1) = 0 A 
        H0(3,2) = 0 A 
        H0(3,3) = 760.164 A
        entry_count = 4
        auxiliary[0] = IV
        0 0 0 1 
        0.00208333 0.00208333 0.00208 0

        box = j_must_have(jdata, 'box')
        mass = j_must_have(jdata, 'mass')
        symbol = j_must_have(jdata, 'symbol')

        total_point_defects_str_list = self._return_points(defectsys, jdata)
        numb_point_defects = len(total_point_defects_str_list)

        head_str_list = []

        head_str_list.append('Number of particles = ' +
                             str(numb_point_defects) + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('A = 1 Angstrom (basic length-scale)' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('H0(1,1) = ' + str(box[0] * 10.0) + ' ' + 'A' +
        head_str_list.append('H0(1,2) = 0 A' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('H0(1,3) = 0 A' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('H0(2,1) = 0 A' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('H0(2,2) = ' + str(box[1] * 10.0) + ' ' + 'A' +
        head_str_list.append('H0(2,3) = 0 A' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('H0(3,1) = 0 A' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('H0(3,2) = 0 A' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('H0(3,3) = ' + str(box[2] * 10.0) + ' ' + 'A' +
        head_str_list.append('.NO_VELOCITY.' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('entry_count =  4' + '\n')
        head_str_list.append('auxiliary[0] = IV' + '\n')


        new_total_point_defects_str_list = []
        for item in total_point_defects_str_list:
            new_total_point_defects_str_list.append(str(mass) + '\n')
            new_total_point_defects_str_list.append(symbol + '\n')

Example #10
    def __init__(self, defectsys, jdata, index=None):

        self.out_dir = os.path.join(j_must_have(jdata, 'out_dir'), 'output')

        if index == None or index == 0:
            if os.path.exists(self.out_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.out_dir)

        if index != None:
            self.out_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, str(index))
            if os.path.exists(self.out_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.out_dir)

        self.step = defectsys.c_step
        self.time = defectsys.c_time

        self.out_style_freq = j_must_have(jdata, 'out_style_freq')

        self.out_cfg = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'out_cfg_dir_name'):
            '0. self.out_cfg, 1. self.cfg_path, 2. self.cfg_name, 3. self.target_cfg'

            self.out_cfg = True
            out_cfg_dir_name = jdata['out_cfg_dir_name']
            self.cfg_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, out_cfg_dir_name[0])

            self.cfg_name = out_cfg_dir_name[1]
            self.target_cfg = os.path.join(
                self.cfg_path, self.cfg_name + '.' + str(self.step) + '.cfg')

        self.out_defectStr = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'out_defectStr_dir_name'):
            '0. self.out_defectStr, 1. self.defectStr_path, 2. self.defectStr_name, 3. self.target_defectStr'

            self.out_defectStr = True

            out_defectStr_dir_name = jdata['out_defectStr_dir_name']

            self.defectStr_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir,

            self.defectStr_name = out_defectStr_dir_name[1]
            self.target_defectStr = os.path.join(
                self.defectStr_name + '.' + str(self.step))

        self.out_volume_density = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'out_volume_density_dir_name'):
            '0. self.out_volume_density, 1. self.volume_density_path, 2. self.volume_density_name, 3. self.target_volume_density'

            self.out_volume_density = True

            out_volume_density_dir_name = jdata['out_volume_density_dir_name']

            self.volume_density_path = os.path.join(
                self.out_dir, out_volume_density_dir_name[0])

            self.volume_density_name = out_volume_density_dir_name[1]
            self.target_volume_density = os.path.join(
                self.volume_density_name + '.' + str(self.step))

        self.out_area_density = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'out_area_density_dir_name'):
            '0. self.out_area_density, 1. self.area_density_path, 2. self.area_density_name, 3. self.target_area_density'

            self.out_area_density = True

            out_area_density_dir_name = jdata['out_area_density_dir_name']

            self.area_density_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir,

            self.area_density_name = out_area_density_dir_name[1]
            self.target_area_density = os.path.join(
                self.area_density_name + '.' + str(self.step))

        self.out_points = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'out_point_defects_dir_name'):
            '0. self.out_points, 1. self.points_path, 2. self.points_name, 3. self.target_points'

            self.out_points = True

            out_points_dir_name = jdata['out_point_defects_dir_name']

            self.points_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir,

            self.points_name = out_points_dir_name[1]
            self.target_points = os.path.join(
                self.points_path, self.points_name + '.' + str(self.step))

        self.out_size_distri = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'out_size_distri_dir_name'):

            '0. self.out_size_distri, 1. self.size_distri_path, 2. self.size_distri_name, 3. self.target_size_distri.'

            self.out_size_distri = True

            out_size_distri_dir_name = jdata['out_size_distri_dir_name']
            self.size_distri_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir,

            self.out_size_distri_defecttype = jdata[

            for item in self.out_size_distri_defecttype:
                os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.size_distri_path, item))

        '1. self.target_steptime.'

        out_steptime_dir_name = j_must_have(jdata, 'out_steptime_dir_name')

        steptime_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, out_steptime_dir_name[0])

        self.target_steptime = os.path.join(steptime_path,
        self.file_out_steptime = open(self.target_steptime, 'w')
            '# step, c_time(s), total_defects_I, total_defects_V, numb_defectObject'
            + '\n'

        self.set_min_max_nsize_dict(defectsys, jdata)
        self.set_sum_numb_nsize_dict(defectsys, jdata)
Example #11
    def load_cascade_from_file(self, jdata, serial_numb):
        1. self.cluster == True, cascade file format:
         100.0 100.0 100.0 # b011, b022, b033, units: nm
         I 1 10.0 10.0 10.0
         V 1 10.0 10.0 10.0

         reading defects and convert clusters

        2. self.cluster == False, cascade file format:
         100.0 100.0 100.0 # b011, b022, b033, units: nm
         (1): ILoop100 13 10.0 10.0 10.0
         (2): ILoop111 13 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.5 0.5 0.5

         reading defects directly

        if serial_numb > self.cascade_numb:
            raise RuntimeError('serial_numb %d not in range [ 0, %d ]' %
                               (serial_numb, self.cascade_numb))

        file_in = open(self.cascade_file[serial_numb], 'r')

        alatt = j_must_have(jdata, 'alatt')

        burgers_vector_unit_array = np.array(
            j_must_have(jdata, 'burgers_vector_unit'))

        burgers_vector_scale_length_array = np.array(
            j_must_have(jdata, 'burgers_vector_scale_length'))

        'set d_probability = 1.0 / burgers_vector_scale_length_array.size + 0.037142857 formatly.'
        d_probability = 0.037142857 + 1.0 / burgers_vector_scale_length_array.size
        if j_have(jdata, 'probability'): d_probability = jdata['probability']

        if self.cluster:

            # test_cgzhang
            print('defect cluster algorithm is done!')

            I_position_list = []
            V_position_list = []

            s = file_in.readline()
            defectStr = s.lstrip().rstrip()
            defectStr_list = defectStr.split()
            tmp_box = np.array(
                [np.float64(item) for item in defectStr_list[0:3]])

            while True:
                s = file_in.readline()
                if s == '':

                defectStr = s.lstrip().rstrip()
                defectStr_list = defectStr.split()

                position = [np.float64(item) for item in defectStr_list[2:5]]

                if defectStr_list[0] == 'I':

            I_position_array = np.array(I_position_list)
            V_position_array = np.array(V_position_list)

            clusterSys = ClusterSystem(alatt, self.ICluster_upper,
                                       self.VLoop_lower, 'I',
                                       self.IC_VC_rcut[0], I_position_array,
                                       tmp_box, burgers_vector_unit_array,
            clusterSys.add_clusters(alatt, self.ICluster_upper,
                                    self.VLoop_lower, 'V', self.IC_VC_rcut[1],
                                    V_position_array, tmp_box)

            self.defectStr_list = clusterSys.return_defectStr_list()


            self.defectStr_list = []

            s = file_in.readline()
            while True:
                s = file_in.readline()
                if s == '':
Example #12
    def load_cascade_from_formula(self, jdata, seed=None):
        self.defectStr_list, defectStr format: 
         'I        1  10.0 10.0 10.0\n'
         'ICluster 7  10.0 10.0 10.0\n'
         'ILoop111 13 10.0 10.0 10.0\n'
         'ILoop100 13 10.0 10.0 10.0\n'

         'V        1  10.0 10.0 10.0\n'
         'VCluster 7  10.0 10.0 10.0\n'
         'VLoop111 13 10.0 10.0 10.0\n'
         'VLoop100 13 10.0 10.0 10.0\n'

        if seed != None: np.random.seed(seed)

        tmp_box = np.array(j_must_have(jdata, 'box'))


        self.defectStr_list = []

        for item in self.int_defect_size_R:

            if item[0] == 1:
                defecttype = 'I'
            elif item[0] >= 2 and item[0] <= self.ICluster_upper:
                defecttype = 'ICluster'
            elif item[0] > self.ICluster_upper:
                if np.random.rand() < self.ratio_ILoop111_ILoop100[0]:
                    defecttype = 'ILoop111'
                    defecttype = 'ILoop100'

            position = 0.5 * tmp_box + R_convert_to_position(item[1])
            defectStr = defecttype + ' ' + str(
                item[0]) + ' ' + to_str(position) + '\n'


        for item in self.vac_defect_size_R:

            if item[0] == 1:
                defecttype = 'V'
            elif item[0] >= 2 and item[0] < self.VLoop_lower:
                defecttype = 'VCluster'
            elif item[0] >= self.VLoop_lower:

                kesi = np.random.rand()

                if kesi < self.ratio_VCluster_VLoop100_VLoop111[0]:
                    defecttype = 'VCluster'
                elif kesi < self.ratio_VCluster_VLoop100_VLoop111[
                        0] + self.ratio_VCluster_VLoop100_VLoop111[1]:
                    defecttype = 'VLoop100'
                    defecttype = 'VLoop111'

            position = 0.5 * tmp_box + R_convert_to_position(item[1])
            defectStr = defecttype + ' ' + str(
                item[0]) + ' ' + to_str(position) + '\n'

Example #13
    def __init__(self, jdata):
        Class Cascade properties:

         1. self.defectStr_list

            (1): ILoop100 13 10.0 10.0 10.0
            (2): ILoop111 13 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.5 0.5 0.5

        mode :  
         1. cascade from formula

         2. cascade from file
            a. self.cluster == True, defects of I and V convert into clusters
            b. self.cluster == False, defects of I and V does not convert into clusters

         3. cascade I and V randomly and uniformly distributed in simulation box, for electron irradiation

        self.cascade_from_formula = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'cascade_from_formula'):
            self.cascade_from_formula = jdata['cascade_from_formula']

        if self.cascade_from_formula:

            self.cascade_numb = j_must_have(jdata, 'cascade_numb')
            self.I_total = j_must_have(jdata, 'I_total')
            self.SI = j_must_have(jdata, 'SI')
            self.mu = j_must_have(jdata, 'mu')
            self.sigma = j_must_have(jdata, 'sigma')
            self.SV = j_must_have(jdata, 'SV')

            self.ICluster_upper = j_must_have(jdata, 'ICluster_upper')
            self.ratio_ILoop111_ILoop100 = j_must_have(
                jdata, 'ratio_ILoop111_ILoop100')

            self.VLoop_lower = j_must_have(jdata, 'VLoop_lower')
            self.ratio_VCluster_VLoop100_VLoop111 = j_must_have(
                jdata, 'ratio_VCluster_VLoop100_VLoop111')

        self.cascade_from_file = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'cascade_from_file'):
            self.cascade_from_file = jdata['cascade_from_file']

        if self.cascade_from_file:

            sys_path = j_must_have(jdata, 'systems')
            cascade_prefix = j_must_have(jdata, 'cascade_prefix')

            if j_have(jdata, 'sys_defects_cfg'):
                sys_defects_cfg = jdata['sys_defects_cfg']
                defects_cfg_prefix = j_must_have(jdata, 'defects_cfg_prefix')
                self.defects_cfg_file = glob.glob(
                    os.path.join(sys_defects_cfg, defects_cfg_prefix + '.*'))

                if os.path.exists(sys_path): shutil.rmtree(sys_path)

                self.cascade_cfg_2_points_defectStr(sys_path, cascade_prefix)

            self.cascade_file = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(sys_path, cascade_prefix + '.*'))
            self.cascade_numb = len(self.cascade_file)

            self.cluster = j_must_have(jdata, 'cluster')

            if self.cluster:
                self.IC_VC_rcut = j_must_have(jdata, 'IC_VC_rcut')
                self.VLoop_lower = j_must_have(jdata, 'VLoop_lower')
                self.ICluster_upper = j_must_have(jdata, 'ICluster_upper')

        self.point_defects_uniform_distribution = False

        if j_have(jdata, 'point_defects_uniform_distribution'):
            self.point_defects_uniform_distribution = jdata[

        if self.point_defects_uniform_distribution:

            self.cascade_numb = j_must_have(jdata, 'cascade_numb')
            self.I_total = j_must_have(jdata, 'I_total')