Example #1
def frame_check_output(chunk: Chunk, expected_frames: int) -> int:
    actual_frames = frame_probe(chunk.output_path)
    if actual_frames != expected_frames:
            f'Frame Count Differ for Source {chunk.name}: {actual_frames}/{expected_frames}'
    return actual_frames
Example #2
def create_video_queue_vs(args: Args, split_locations: List[int],
                          script: str) -> List[Chunk]:
    Create a list of chunks using vspipe and ffms2 for frame accurate seeking

    :param args: the Args
    :param split_locations: a list of frames to split on
    :param script: source filter script to use with vspipe (ignored with vs input)
    :return: A list of chunks
    # add first frame and last frame
    last_frame = frame_probe(args.input)
    split_locs_fl = [0] + split_locations + [last_frame]

    # pair up adjacent members of this list ex: [0, 10, 20, 30] -> [(0, 10), (10, 20), (20, 30)]
    chunk_boundaries = zip(split_locs_fl, split_locs_fl[1:])

    source_file = args.input.absolute().as_posix()
    vs_script = args.input

    if not args.is_vs:
        # create a vapoursynth script that will load the source with ffms2
        load_script = args.temp / 'split' / 'loadscript.vpy'
        cache_file = (args.temp / 'split' /
        with open(load_script, 'w+') as file:
            file.write(script.format(source_file, cache_file))
        vs_script = load_script

    chunk_queue = [
        create_vs_chunk(args, index, vs_script, *cb)
        for index, cb in enumerate(chunk_boundaries)

    return chunk_queue
Example #3
def create_chunk_from_segment(args: Args, index: int, file: Path) -> Chunk:
    Creates a Chunk object from a segment file generated by ffmpeg

    :param args: the Args
    :param index: the index of the chunk
    :param file: the segmented file
    :return: A Chunk
    ffmpeg_gen_cmd = [
        'ffmpeg', '-y', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i',
        file.as_posix(), *args.pix_format, '-bufsize', '50000K', '-f',
        'yuv4mpegpipe', '-'
    file_size = file.stat().st_size
    frames = frame_probe(file)
    extension = ENCODERS[args.encoder].output_extension

    chunk = Chunk(args.temp, index, ffmpeg_gen_cmd, extension, file_size,

    return chunk
Example #4
def create_video_queue_select(args: Args,
                              split_locations: List[int]) -> List[Chunk]:
    Create a list of chunks using the select filter

    :param args: the Args
    :param split_locations: a list of frames to split on
    :return: A list of chunks
    # add first frame and last frame
    last_frame = frame_probe(args.input)
    split_locs_fl = [0] + split_locations + [last_frame]

    # pair up adjacent members of this list ex: [0, 10, 20, 30] -> [(0, 10), (10, 20), (20, 30)]
    chunk_boundaries = zip(split_locs_fl, split_locs_fl[1:])

    chunk_queue = [
        create_select_chunk(args, index, args.input, *cb)
        for index, cb in enumerate(chunk_boundaries)

    return chunk_queue
Example #5
def frame_check_output(chunk: Chunk, expected_frames: int) -> int:
    actual_frames = frame_probe(chunk.output_path)
    if actual_frames != expected_frames:
        print(f'Chunk #{chunk.name}: {actual_frames}/{expected_frames} fr')
    return actual_frames
Example #6
def pyscene(video, threshold, min_scene_len, is_vs, temp):
    Running PySceneDetect detection on source video for segmenting.
    Optimal threshold settings 15-50
    if not min_scene_len:
        min_scene_len = 15

    log(f'Starting PySceneDetect:\nThreshold: {threshold}, Min scene length: {min_scene_len}\n Is Vapoursynth input: {is_vs}\n'

    if is_vs:
        # Handling vapoursynth, so we need to create a named pipe to feed to VideoManager.
        # TODO: Do we clean this up after pyscenedetect has run, or leave it as part of the temp dir, where it will be cleaned up later?
        if sys.platform == "linux":
            vspipe_fifo = temp / 'vspipe.y4m'
            vspipe_fifo = None

        vspipe_cmd = compose_vapoursynth_pipe(video, vspipe_fifo)
        vspipe_process = Popen(vspipe_cmd)

        # Get number of frames from Vapoursynth script to pass as duration to VideoManager.
        # We need to pass the number of frames to the manager, otherwise it won't close the
        # receiving end of the pipe, and will simply sit waiting after vspipe has finished sending
        # the last frame.
        frames = frame_probe(video)

    video_manager = VideoManager([str(vspipe_fifo if is_vs else video)])
    scene_manager = SceneManager()
        ContentDetector(threshold=threshold, min_scene_len=min_scene_len))
    base_timecode = video_manager.get_base_timecode()

        frames, video_manager.get_framerate()) if is_vs else None)

    # Set downscale factor to improve processing speed.

    # Start video_manager.

    scene_manager.detect_scenes(frame_source=video_manager, show_progress=True)

    # If fed using a vspipe process, ensure that vspipe has finished.
    if is_vs:

    # Obtain list of detected scenes.
    scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list(base_timecode)

    scenes = [int(scene[0].get_frames()) for scene in scene_list]

    # Remove 0 from list
    if scenes[0] == 0:
    log(f'Found scenes: {len(scenes)}\n')

    return scenes