def generatePanorama(im1, im2): ''' Returns a panorama of im1 and im2 without cliping. ''' ###################################### # TO DO ... locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) print(f'No of desc1 is {desc1.shape[0]}') locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) print(f'No of desc2 is {desc2.shape[0]}') matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) print(f'No of matches is {matches.shape[0]}') H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=10000, tol=1) #Save result'../results/q6_1.npy', H2to1) #pano_im = imageStitching_mask(im1, im2, H2to1) pano_im = imageStitching(im1, im2, H2to1) pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) cv2.imwrite('../results/q6_3.jpg', pano_im) return pano_im
def generatePanorama(im1, im2): locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) pano_im_no_clip = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) return pano_im_no_clip
def generatePanaroma(im1, im2): ''' Generate and save panorama of im1 and im2. INPUT im1 and im2 - two images for stitching OUTPUT Blends img1 and warped img2 (with no clipping) and saves the panorama image. ''' ###################################### # TO DO ... locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) locs1[:, [0, 1]] = locs1[:, [1, 0]] locs2[:, [0, 1]] = locs2[:, [1, 0]] bestH = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) #print(bestH) output = imageStitching(im1, im2, bestH) #output=imageStitching_noClip(im1,im2,bestH) return output
def generatePanorama(im1, im2): ''' Accepts two images as input, computes keypoints and descriptors for both the images, finds putative feature correspondences by matching keypoint descriptors, estimates a homography using RANSAC and then warps one of the images with the homography so that they are aligned and then overlays them [input] * im1 - Input image 1 * im2 - Input image 2 [output] * pano_im - Output panorama image ''' # Compute keypoints and descriptors print('Computing feature descriptors for im1...') locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) print('Computing feature descriptors for im2...') locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) # Match keypoint descriptors matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) # Estimate homography H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) # Align and blend the images to form the panorama pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) return pano_im
def generatePanaroma(im1, im2): ''' Generate and save panorama of im1 and im2. INPUT im1 and im2 - two images for stitching OUTPUT Blends img1 and warped img2 (with no clipping) and saves the panorama image. ''' ###################################### # TO DO ... t = time.time() locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) print('Time to compute Brieflite: ' + str(time.time() - t)) t = time.time() matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) print('Time to compute BriefMatch: ' + str(time.time() - t)) t = time.time() H = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=2000, tol=2) print('Time to compute Ransac: ' + str(time.time() - t))'../results/q6_1.npy', H) return imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H)
def generatePanaroma(img1, img2): im1 = cv2.imread(img1) im2 = cv2.imread(img2) locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=10000, tol=2) return imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)
def generatePanorama(im1, im2): locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) cv2.imwrite('../results/q6_3.jpg', pano_im)
def generatePanorama(im1, im2): locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches, m = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) m, n = matches.shape H2to1 = ransacH(matches, m, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) # To get the M - Translation and scalling matrix first_1 = np.array([[1064], [576], [1]]) first_2 = np.array([[0], [0], [1]]) first_3 = np.array([[0], [576], [1]]) first_4 = np.array([[1064], [0], [1]]) second_1 = np.matmul(H2to1, first_1) n4 = second_1[2, 0] second_1 = second_1 / n4 print(second_1) second_2 = np.matmul(H2to1, first_2) n4 = second_2[2, 0] second_2 = second_2 / n4 print(second_2) second_3 = np.matmul(H2to1, first_3) n4 = second_3[2, 0] second_3 = second_3 / n4 print(second_3) second_4 = np.matmul(H2to1, first_4) n4 = second_4[2, 0] second_4 = second_4 / n4 print(second_4) # Through geometry image_width = second_1[1] - second_4[1] image_height = second_4[0] - second_3[0] # 600 and 1500 are previously defined distances in the function (Random values taken) translation_height = image_height - 600 translation_width = 1500 - image_width # im1 = cv2.warpPerspective(im1,np.eye(3),(3000,600)) M = np.eye(3) + np.array([[.85, 0, translation_height], [0, .85, 400], [0, 0, 1]]) warp_im_1 = cv2.warpPerspective(im1, M, (1714, 815)) warp_im_2 = cv2.warpPerspective(im2, np.matmul(M, H2to1), (1714, 815)) im3 = np.maximum(warp_im_1, warp_im_2) return im3
def generatePanorama(im1, im2): ''' Returns a panorama of im1 and im2 without cliping. ''' ###################################### locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) bestH = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) blended_image = imageStitching(im1, im2, bestH) panorama = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, bestH) cv2.imwrite('../results/q6_3.jpg', panorama) cv2.imshow('6.3p', panorama)
def generatePanorama(im1, im2): ''' Returns a panorama of im1 and im2 without cliping. ''' ###################################### # TO DO ... locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) return pano_im
def perform_match(original_image, rotation_image, display=False): locs1, desc1 = briefLite(original_image) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(rotation_image) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) if display: plotMatches(original_image, rotation_image, matches, locs1, locs2) original_points = [] rotation_points = [] for item in matches: point1 = locs1[item[0]][:-1] point2 = locs2[item[1]][:-1] original_points.append(point1) rotation_points.append(point2) return np.array(original_points), np.array(rotation_points)
def generatePanorama(im1, im2): """ This is to generate the panorama given im1 and im2 by detecting and matching keypoints, calculating homography with RANSAC. Args: im1: input image1 in numpy.array with size [H, W, 3] im2: input image2 in numpy.array with size [H, W, 3] Returns: im3: stitched panorama in numpy.array. """ locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) im3 = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) return im3
def generatePanorama(im1, im2): # computes keypoints and descriptors for both the images locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) # finds putative feature correspondences by matching keypoint descriptors matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) # estimates a homography using RANSAC H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) # warps one of the images with the homography so that they are aligned and then overlays them. pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) # save and display panaroma cv2.imwrite('../results/panoImg.jpg', pano_im) cv2.imshow('panoramas', pano_im) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(args): im1 = cv2.imread(args.im1) im2 = cv2.imread(args.im2) # Compute BREIF descriptors locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) # Match descriptors matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) # Estimate best Homogrpahy H H2to1, _ = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) # Stitch images together pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) # Save and show cv2.imwrite('../results/panoImg.jpg', pano_im)
def generatePanaroma(im1, im2): ''' Generate and save panorama of im1 and im2. INPUT im1 and im2 - two images for stitching OUTPUT Blends img1 and warped img2 (with no clipping) and saves the panorama image. ''' ###################################### # TO DO ... locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc2, desc1) H = np.load('../results/q6_1.npy') #H = ransacH(matches, locs2, locs1, num_iter=5000, tol=2) im3 = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H) cv2.imwrite('../results/panorama.png', im3)
def generatePanaroma(im1, im2): ''' Generate and save panorama of im1 and im2. INPUT im1 and im2 - two images for stitching OUTPUT Blends img1 and warped img2 (with no clipping) and saves the panorama image. ''' ###################################### locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2) pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1) cv2.imwrite('../results/6_3_stitched.jpg', pano_im) return pano_im
def get_brief_rot_accuracy(im, degree): im_rot, M = get_rotated_image(im, degree) locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im_rot) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) im_rot_matched_locs = locs2[matches[:, 1], :] # homogeneous coord im_rot_matched_locs[:, 2] = 1 # (2*N) im_rot_reprojected_locs = cv2.invertAffineTransform(M) @ np.transpose( im_rot_matched_locs, (1, 0)) # (N*2) im_rot_reprojected_locs = im_rot_reprojected_locs.transpose((1, 0)) # (N*2) im_matched_locs = locs1[matches[:, 0], :][:, 0:2] dists = np.sum((im_matched_locs - im_rot_reprojected_locs)**2, axis=1) n_correct = np.sum(dists < 25) n_matches = matches.shape[0] accuracy = n_correct * 1.0 / n_matches return accuracy
''' ###################################### # TO DO ... locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc2, desc1) H = np.load('../results/q6_1.npy') #H = ransacH(matches, locs2, locs1, num_iter=5000, tol=2) im3 = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H) cv2.imwrite('../results/panorama.png', im3) #cv2.waitKey(0) if __name__ == '__main__': im1 = cv2.imread('../data/incline_L.png') im2 = cv2.imread('../data/incline_R.png') locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) matches = briefMatch(desc2, desc1) #H = ransacH(matches, locs2, locs1, num_iter=5000, tol=2)'../results/q6_1.npy', H) #H = np.load('H2to1.npy') #cv2.warpPerspective(color_warp, Minv, (image.shape[1], image.shape[0])) #im3 = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H) #im3 = cv2.warpPerspective(im2, H, (im2.shape[1], im2.shape[0])) #cv2.imshow('Pyramid of image', im3) #cv2.waitKey(0) generatePanaroma(im1, im2)
def plot_bar_chart(matches_num, label): # this is for plotting purpose index = np.arange(len(label)), matches_num) plt.xlabel('Angle') plt.ylabel('No. of Matches') plt.xticks(index, label, fontsize=7, rotation=30) plt.title('Number of matches at each angle') if __name__ == '__main__': print('------------------------- IMAGE 1 -----------------------------') im1 = cv2.imread('../data/model_chickenbroth.jpg') locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1) print('------------------------- IMAGE 2 -----------------------------') im2 = cv2.imread('../data/model_chickenbroth.jpg') angles = [] matches_num = [] for angle in range(0, 361, 10): print('angle', angle) im_rotated = rotateImage(im2, angle) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im_rotated) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) print('matches shape: ', matches.shape) # plotMatches(im1, im_rotated, matches, locs1, locs2)
import numpy as np import cv2 import os from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from keypointDetect import DoGdetector from BRIEF import briefLite from BRIEF import briefMatch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': im3 = cv2.imread( '/home/geekerlink/Desktop/Computer Vision/Homeworks/hw3/data/model_chickenbroth.jpg' ) locs3, desc3 = briefLite(im3) (h, w) = im3.shape[:2] centre = (w / 2, h / 2) scale = 1 num_of_matches = [] rotation_angles = [] for angle in range(0, 360, 10): rotation = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(centre, angle, scale) im3_rotated = cv2.warpAffine(im3, rotation, (w, h)) locs4, desc4 = briefLite(im3_rotated) matches = briefMatch(desc3, desc4) num_of_matches.append(matches.shape[0]) rotation_angles.append(angle), num_of_matches, width=3.5, align='center') plt.xlabel('angle') plt.ylabel('number of matches')
from BRIEF import briefLite, briefMatch im = cv2.imread('../data/model_chickenbroth.jpg') inc = 10 #cv2.getRotationMatrix2D() #cv2.warpAffine() h, w = im.shape[:2] centerX, centerY = (h // 2, w // 2) center = (centerX, centerY) angle = np.arange(0, 360, 10, dtype=int) numAngles = len(angle) numMatches = np.zeros(numAngles, dtype=int) locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im) #locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2) #matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) for i in range(numAngles): currAngle = angle[i] a = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, currAngle, 1.0) rotIm = cv2.warpAffine(im, a, (h, w)) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(rotIm) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) numMatches[i] = len(matches), numMatches, align='center', alpha=0.5)
# Normalize the x,y coordinate according to z normal = np.matlib.repmat(im1_pred_kps[2, :], 2, 1) im1_pred_kps = np.divide(im1_pred_kps[0:2, :], normal) inline = 0 # for every predicted point, compute the distance between it and the original points for j in range(4): dist = np.linalg.norm(im1_pred_kps[:, j] - im1_orig_kps[0:2, j]) if dist < tol: inline += 1 inline_all_H[i, 0] = inline bestH = all_H[np.argmax(inline_all_H), :, :] return bestH if __name__ == '__main__': compareX, compareY = makeTestPattern() im1 = cv2.imread('../data/incline_L.png') im2 = cv2.imread('../data/incline_R.png') locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1, compareX, compareY) locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2, compareX, compareY) matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2) plotMatches(im1, im2, matches, locs1, locs2) bestH = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)'../results/q6_1', bestH) print(1)