def __init__(self, make_upload, downloader, choker, numpieces, ratelimiter, rawserver, config, private, my_id, add_task, infohash, context, addcontactfunc, reported_port, tracker_ips, log_prefix): """ @param downloader: MultiDownload for this torrent. @param my_id: my peer id. @param tracker_ips: list of tracker ip addresses. ConnectionManager does not drop connections from the tracker. This allows trackers to perform NAT checks even when there are max_allow_in connections. @param log_prefix: string used as the prefix for all log entries generated by the ConnectionManager and its created Connectors. """ self.make_upload = make_upload self.downloader = downloader self.choker = choker # aaargh self.piece_size = self.numpieces = numpieces self.ratelimiter = ratelimiter self.rawserver = rawserver self.my_id = my_id self.private = private self.config = config self.add_task = add_task self.infohash = infohash self.context = context self.addcontact = addcontactfunc self.reported_port = reported_port self.everinc = False self.tracker_ips = tracker_ips self.log_prefix = log_prefix self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.log_prefix) self.closed = False # submitted self.pending_connections = {} # transport connected self.connectors = set() # protocol active # we do a lot of itterating and few mutations, so use a list self.complete_connectors = [] # set() # use a dict for a little semi-randomness self.spares = {} # OrderedDict() self.cached_peers = OrderedDict() self.cache_limit = 300 self.connector_ips = DictWithInts() self.connector_ids = DictWithInts() self.banned = set() self._ka_task = self.add_task(config['keepalive_interval'], self.send_keepalives) self._pex_task = None if not self.private: self._pex_task = self.add_task(config['pex_interval'], self.send_pex) self.reopen(reported_port)
def __init__(self, make_upload, downloader, choker, numpieces, ratelimiter, rawserver, config, private, my_id, add_task, infohash, context, addcontactfunc, reported_port, tracker_ips, log_prefix ): """ @param downloader: MultiDownload for this torrent. @param my_id: my peer id. @param tracker_ips: list of tracker ip addresses. ConnectionManager does not drop connections from the tracker. This allows trackers to perform NAT checks even when there are max_allow_in connections. @param log_prefix: string used as the prefix for all log entries generated by the ConnectionManager and its created Connectors. """ self.make_upload = make_upload self.downloader = downloader self.choker = choker # aaargh self.piece_size = self.numpieces = numpieces self.ratelimiter = ratelimiter self.rawserver = rawserver self.my_id = my_id self.private = private self.config = config self.add_task = add_task self.infohash = infohash self.context = context self.addcontact = addcontactfunc self.reported_port = reported_port self.everinc = False self.tracker_ips = tracker_ips self.log_prefix = log_prefix self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.log_prefix) self.closed = False # submitted self.pending_connections = {} # transport connected self.connectors = set() # protocol active # we do a lot of itterating and few mutations, so use a list self.complete_connectors = [] # set() # use a dict for a little semi-randomness self.spares = {} # OrderedDict() self.cached_peers = OrderedDict() self.cache_limit = 300 self.connector_ips = DictWithInts() self.connector_ids = DictWithInts() self.banned = set() self._ka_task = self.add_task(config['keepalive_interval'], self.send_keepalives) self._pex_task = None if not self.private: self._pex_task = self.add_task(config['pex_interval'], self.send_pex) self.reopen(reported_port)
class ConnectionManager(InternetSubscriber): def __init__(self, make_upload, downloader, choker, numpieces, ratelimiter, rawserver, config, private, my_id, add_task, infohash, context, addcontactfunc, reported_port, tracker_ips, log_prefix): """ @param downloader: MultiDownload for this torrent. @param my_id: my peer id. @param tracker_ips: list of tracker ip addresses. ConnectionManager does not drop connections from the tracker. This allows trackers to perform NAT checks even when there are max_allow_in connections. @param log_prefix: string used as the prefix for all log entries generated by the ConnectionManager and its created Connectors. """ self.make_upload = make_upload self.downloader = downloader self.choker = choker # aaargh self.piece_size = self.numpieces = numpieces self.ratelimiter = ratelimiter self.rawserver = rawserver self.my_id = my_id self.private = private self.config = config self.add_task = add_task self.infohash = infohash self.context = context self.addcontact = addcontactfunc self.reported_port = reported_port self.everinc = False self.tracker_ips = tracker_ips self.log_prefix = log_prefix self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.log_prefix) self.closed = False # submitted self.pending_connections = {} # transport connected self.connectors = set() # protocol active # we do a lot of itterating and few mutations, so use a list self.complete_connectors = [] # set() # use a dict for a little semi-randomness self.spares = {} # OrderedDict() self.cached_peers = OrderedDict() self.cache_limit = 300 self.connector_ips = DictWithInts() self.connector_ids = DictWithInts() self.banned = set() self._ka_task = self.add_task(config['keepalive_interval'], self.send_keepalives) self._pex_task = None if not self.private: self._pex_task = self.add_task(config['pex_interval'], self.send_pex) self.reopen(reported_port) def cleanup(self): if not self.closed: self.close_connections() del self.context self.cached_peers.clear() if self._ka_task.cancel() if self._pex_task and self._pex_task.cancel() def reopen(self, port): self.closed = False self.reported_port = port self.unthrottle_connections() for addr in self.cached_peers: self._fire_cached_connection(addr) self.rawserver.internet_watcher.add_subscriber(self) def internet_active(self): for addr in self.cached_peers.iterkeys(): self._fire_cached_connection(addr) def remove_addr_from_cache(self, addr): # could have been an incoming connection # or could have been dropped by the cache limit if addr in self.cached_peers: del self.cached_peers[addr] def try_one_connection(self): keys = self.cached_peers.keys() if not keys: return False addr = random.choice(keys) self._fire_cached_connection(addr) return True def _fire_cached_connection(self, addr): v = self.cached_peers[addr] complete, (id, handler, a, kw) = v return self._start_connection(addr, id, handler, *a, **kw) def cache_complete_peer(self, addr, pid, handler, *a, **kw): self.cache_peer(addr, pid, handler, 1, *a, **kw) def cache_incomplete_peer(self, addr, pid, handler, *a, **kw): self.cache_peer(addr, pid, handler, 0, *a, **kw) def cache_peer(self, addr, pid, handler, complete, *a, **kw): # obey the cache size limit if (addr not in self.cached_peers and len(self.cached_peers) >= self.cache_limit): for k, v in self.cached_peers.iteritems(): if not v[0]: del self.cached_peers[k] break else: # cache full of completes, delete a random peer. # yes, this can cache an incomplete when the cache is full of # completes, but only 1 because of the filter above. oldaddr = self.cached_peers.keys()[0] del self.cached_peers[oldaddr] elif not complete: if addr in self.cached_peers and self.cached_peers[addr][0]: # don't overwrite a complete with an incomplete. return self.cached_peers[addr] = (complete, (pid, handler, a, kw)) def send_keepalives(self): self._ka_task = self.add_task(self.config['keepalive_interval'], self.send_keepalives) for c in self.complete_connectors: c.send_keepalive() def send_pex(self): self._pex_task = self.add_task(self.config['pex_interval'], self.send_pex) pex_set = set() for c in self.complete_connectors: if c.listening_port: pex_set.add((c.ip, c.listening_port)) for c in self.complete_connectors: c.send_pex(pex_set) def hashcheck_succeeded(self, i): for c in self.complete_connectors: # should we send a have message if peer already has the piece? # yes! it is low bandwidth and useful for that peer. c.send_have(i) def find_connection_in_common(self, addr): for c in self.complete_connectors: if addr in c.remote_pex_set: return c # returns False if the connection info has been pushed on to self.spares # other filters and a successful connection return True def start_connection(self, addr, id=None, encrypt=False, lan=False): """@param addr: domain name/ip address and port pair. @param id: peer id. """ return self._start_connection(addr, id, GaurdedInitialConnection, encrypt=encrypt, lan=lan) def start_http_connection(self, url): r = urlparse.urlparse(url) host = r[1] if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') port = int(port) else: port = 80 df = self.rawserver.gethostbyname(host) df.addCallback(self._connect_http, port, url) df.addLogback(self.logger.warning, "Resolve failed") def _connect_http(self, ip, port, url): self._start_connection((ip, port), url, HTTPInitialConnection, urgent=True) def _start_connection(self, addr, pid, handler, *a, **kw): """@param addr: domain name/ip address and port pair. @param pid: peer id. """ if self.closed: return True if addr[0] in self.banned: return True if pid == self.my_id: return True for v in self.connectors: if pid and == pid: return True if self.config['one_connection_per_ip'] and v.ip == addr[0]: return True total_outstanding = len(self.connectors) # it's possible the pending connections could eventually complete, # so we have to account for those when enforcing max_initiate total_outstanding += len(self.pending_connections) if total_outstanding >= self.config['max_initiate']: self.spares[(addr, pid)] = (handler, a, kw) return False # if these fail, I'm getting a very weird addr object assert isinstance(addr, tuple) assert isinstance(addr[0], str) assert isinstance(addr[1], int) if ONLY_LOCAL and addr[0] != "" and not addr[0].startswith( "192.168") and addr[1] != 80: return True if GLOBAL_FILTER and not GLOBAL_FILTER(addr[0], addr[1], "out"): return True if addr not in self.cached_peers: self.cache_incomplete_peer(addr, pid, handler, *a, **kw) # sometimes we try to connect to a peer we're already trying to # connect to #assert addr not in self.pending_connections if addr in self.pending_connections: return True kw['log_prefix'] = self.log_prefix timeout = 30 if use_timeout_order: timeout = timeout_order[0] kw.setdefault('timeout', timeout) h = handler(self, pid, *a, **kw) self.pending_connections[addr] = (h, (addr, pid, handler, a, kw)) urgent = kw.pop('urgent', False) connector = self.rawserver.start_connection( addr, h, self.context, # we'll handle timeouts. # not so fond of this. timeout=None, urgent=urgent) h.connector = connector return True def _resubmit_connection(self, addr): # we leave it on pending_connections. # so the standard connection_failed handling occurs. h, info = self.pending_connections[addr] addr, pid, handler, a, kw = info self.spares[(addr, pid)] = (handler, a, kw) def _cancel_connection(self, addr): if addr not in self.pending_connections: # already made return # we leave it on pending_connections. # so the standard connection_failed handling occurs. h, info = self.pending_connections[addr] addr, pid, handler, a, kw = info if use_timeout_order and h.timeout < timeout_order[-1]: for t in timeout_order: if t > h.timeout: h.timeout = t break else: h.timeout = timeout_order[-1] # this feels odd kw['timeout'] = h.timeout self.spares[(addr, pid)] = (handler, a, kw) # do this last, since twisted might fire the event handler from inside # the function # HMM: # should be stopConnecting, but I've seen this fail. # close does the same thing, but disconnects in the case where the # connection was made. Not sure how that occurs without add being in # self.pending_connections # Maybe this was fixed recently in CRLR. #h.connector.stopConnecting() h.connector.close() def connection_handshake_completed(self, connector): self.connector_ips.add(connector.ip) self.connector_ids.add( self.complete_connectors.append(connector) connector.upload = self.make_upload(connector) = self.downloader.make_download(connector) self.choker.connection_made(connector) if connector.uses_dht: connector.send_port(self.reported_port) if self.config['resolve_hostnames']: df = self.rawserver.gethostbyaddr(connector.ip) def save_hostname(hostname_tuple): hostname, aliases, ips = hostname_tuple connector.hostname = hostname df.addCallback(save_hostname) df.addErrback(lambda fuckoff: None) def got_port(self, connector): if self.addcontact and connector.uses_dht and \ connector.dht_port != None: self.addcontact(connector.connection.ip, connector.dht_port) def ever_got_incoming(self): return self.everinc def how_many_connections(self): return len(self.complete_connectors) def replace_connection(self): if self.closed: return while self.spares: k, v = self.spares.popitem() addr, id = k handler, a, kw = v started = self._start_connection(addr, id, handler, *a, **kw) if not started: # start_connection decided to push this connection back on to # self.spares because a limit was hit. break now or loop # forever break def throttle_connections(self): self.throttled = True for c in iter_rand_pos(self.connectors): c.connection.pause_reading() def unthrottle_connections(self): self.throttled = False for c in iter_rand_pos(self.connectors): c.connection.resume_reading() # arg. resume actually flushes the buffers in iocpreactor, so # we have to check the state constantly if self.throttled: break def close_connection(self, id): for c in self.connectors: if == id and not c.closed: c.connection.close() c.closed = True def close_connections(self): self.rawserver.internet_watcher.remove_subscriber(self) self.closed = True pending = self.pending_connections.values() # drop connections which could be made after we're not interested for h, info in pending: h.connector.close() for c in self.connectors: if not c.closed: c.connection.close() c.closed = True def singleport_connection(self, connector): """hand-off from SingleportListener once the infohash is known and thus we can map a connection on to a particular Torrent.""" if connector.ip in self.banned: return False m = self.config['max_allow_in'] if (m and len(self.connectors) >= m and connector.ip not in self.tracker_ips): return False self._add_connection(connector) if self.closed: return False connector.set_parent(self) connector.connection.context = self.context return True def _add_connection(self, connector): self.connectors.add(connector) if self.closed: connector.connection.close() elif self.throttled: connector.connection.pause_reading() def ban(self, ip): self.banned.add(ip) def connection_lost(self, connector): assert isinstance(connector, Connector) self.connectors.remove(connector) if self.ratelimiter: self.ratelimiter.dequeue(connector) if connector.complete: self.connector_ips.remove(connector.ip) self.connector_ids.remove( self.complete_connectors.remove(connector) self.choker.connection_lost(connector)
class ConnectionManager(InternetSubscriber): def __init__(self, make_upload, downloader, choker, numpieces, ratelimiter, rawserver, config, private, my_id, add_task, infohash, context, addcontactfunc, reported_port, tracker_ips, log_prefix ): """ @param downloader: MultiDownload for this torrent. @param my_id: my peer id. @param tracker_ips: list of tracker ip addresses. ConnectionManager does not drop connections from the tracker. This allows trackers to perform NAT checks even when there are max_allow_in connections. @param log_prefix: string used as the prefix for all log entries generated by the ConnectionManager and its created Connectors. """ self.make_upload = make_upload self.downloader = downloader self.choker = choker # aaargh self.piece_size = self.numpieces = numpieces self.ratelimiter = ratelimiter self.rawserver = rawserver self.my_id = my_id self.private = private self.config = config self.add_task = add_task self.infohash = infohash self.context = context self.addcontact = addcontactfunc self.reported_port = reported_port self.everinc = False self.tracker_ips = tracker_ips self.log_prefix = log_prefix self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.log_prefix) self.closed = False # submitted self.pending_connections = {} # transport connected self.connectors = set() # protocol active # we do a lot of itterating and few mutations, so use a list self.complete_connectors = [] # set() # use a dict for a little semi-randomness self.spares = {} # OrderedDict() self.cached_peers = OrderedDict() self.cache_limit = 300 self.connector_ips = DictWithInts() self.connector_ids = DictWithInts() self.banned = set() self._ka_task = self.add_task(config['keepalive_interval'], self.send_keepalives) self._pex_task = None if not self.private: self._pex_task = self.add_task(config['pex_interval'], self.send_pex) self.reopen(reported_port) def cleanup(self): if not self.closed: self.close_connections() del self.context self.cached_peers.clear() if self._ka_task.cancel() if self._pex_task and self._pex_task.cancel() def reopen(self, port): self.closed = False self.reported_port = port self.unthrottle_connections() for addr in self.cached_peers: self._fire_cached_connection(addr) self.rawserver.internet_watcher.add_subscriber(self) def internet_active(self): for addr in self.cached_peers.iterkeys(): self._fire_cached_connection(addr) def remove_addr_from_cache(self, addr): # could have been an incoming connection # or could have been dropped by the cache limit if addr in self.cached_peers: del self.cached_peers[addr] def try_one_connection(self): keys = self.cached_peers.keys() if not keys: return False addr = random.choice(keys) self._fire_cached_connection(addr) return True def _fire_cached_connection(self, addr): v = self.cached_peers[addr] complete, (id, handler, a, kw) = v return self._start_connection(addr, id, handler, *a, **kw) def cache_complete_peer(self, addr, pid, handler, *a, **kw): self.cache_peer(addr, pid, handler, 1, *a, **kw) def cache_incomplete_peer(self, addr, pid, handler, *a, **kw): self.cache_peer(addr, pid, handler, 0, *a, **kw) def cache_peer(self, addr, pid, handler, complete, *a, **kw): # obey the cache size limit if (addr not in self.cached_peers and len(self.cached_peers) >= self.cache_limit): for k, v in self.cached_peers.iteritems(): if not v[0]: del self.cached_peers[k] break else: # cache full of completes, delete a random peer. # yes, this can cache an incomplete when the cache is full of # completes, but only 1 because of the filter above. oldaddr = self.cached_peers.keys()[0] del self.cached_peers[oldaddr] elif not complete: if addr in self.cached_peers and self.cached_peers[addr][0]: # don't overwrite a complete with an incomplete. return self.cached_peers[addr] = (complete, (pid, handler, a, kw)) def send_keepalives(self): self._ka_task = self.add_task(self.config['keepalive_interval'], self.send_keepalives) for c in self.complete_connectors: c.send_keepalive() def send_pex(self): self._pex_task = self.add_task(self.config['pex_interval'], self.send_pex) pex_set = set() for c in self.complete_connectors: if c.listening_port: pex_set.add((c.ip, c.listening_port)) for c in self.complete_connectors: c.send_pex(pex_set) def hashcheck_succeeded(self, i): for c in self.complete_connectors: # should we send a have message if peer already has the piece? # yes! it is low bandwidth and useful for that peer. c.send_have(i) def find_connection_in_common(self, addr): for c in self.complete_connectors: if addr in c.remote_pex_set: return c # returns False if the connection info has been pushed on to self.spares # other filters and a successful connection return True def start_connection(self, addr, id=None, encrypt=False, lan=False): """@param addr: domain name/ip address and port pair. @param id: peer id. """ return self._start_connection(addr, id, GaurdedInitialConnection, encrypt=encrypt, lan=lan) def start_http_connection(self, url): r = urlparse.urlparse(url) host = r[1] if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') port = int(port) else: port = 80 df = self.rawserver.gethostbyname(host) df.addCallback(self._connect_http, port, url) df.addLogback(self.logger.warning, "Resolve failed") def _connect_http(self, ip, port, url): self._start_connection((ip, port), url, HTTPInitialConnection, urgent=True) def _start_connection(self, addr, pid, handler, *a, **kw): """@param addr: domain name/ip address and port pair. @param pid: peer id. """ if self.closed: return True if addr[0] in self.banned: return True if pid == self.my_id: return True for v in self.connectors: if pid and == pid: return True if self.config['one_connection_per_ip'] and v.ip == addr[0]: return True total_outstanding = len(self.connectors) # it's possible the pending connections could eventually complete, # so we have to account for those when enforcing max_initiate total_outstanding += len(self.pending_connections) if total_outstanding >= self.config['max_initiate']: self.spares[(addr, pid)] = (handler, a, kw) return False # if these fail, I'm getting a very weird addr object assert isinstance(addr, tuple) assert isinstance(addr[0], str) assert isinstance(addr[1], int) if ONLY_LOCAL and addr[0] != "" and not addr[0].startswith("192.168") and addr[1] != 80: return True if GLOBAL_FILTER and not GLOBAL_FILTER(addr[0], addr[1], "out"): return True if addr not in self.cached_peers: self.cache_incomplete_peer(addr, pid, handler, *a, **kw) # sometimes we try to connect to a peer we're already trying to # connect to #assert addr not in self.pending_connections if addr in self.pending_connections: return True kw['log_prefix'] = self.log_prefix timeout = 30 if use_timeout_order: timeout = timeout_order[0] kw.setdefault('timeout', timeout) h = handler(self, pid, *a, **kw) self.pending_connections[addr] = (h, (addr, pid, handler, a, kw)) urgent = kw.pop('urgent', False) connector = self.rawserver.start_connection(addr, h, self.context, # we'll handle timeouts. # not so fond of this. timeout=None, urgent=urgent) h.connector = connector return True def _resubmit_connection(self, addr): # we leave it on pending_connections. # so the standard connection_failed handling occurs. h, info = self.pending_connections[addr] addr, pid, handler, a, kw = info self.spares[(addr, pid)] = (handler, a, kw) def _cancel_connection(self, addr): if addr not in self.pending_connections: # already made return # we leave it on pending_connections. # so the standard connection_failed handling occurs. h, info = self.pending_connections[addr] addr, pid, handler, a, kw = info if use_timeout_order and h.timeout < timeout_order[-1]: for t in timeout_order: if t > h.timeout: h.timeout = t break else: h.timeout = timeout_order[-1] # this feels odd kw['timeout'] = h.timeout self.spares[(addr, pid)] = (handler, a, kw) # do this last, since twisted might fire the event handler from inside # the function # HMM: # should be stopConnecting, but I've seen this fail. # close does the same thing, but disconnects in the case where the # connection was made. Not sure how that occurs without add being in # self.pending_connections # Maybe this was fixed recently in CRLR. #h.connector.stopConnecting() h.connector.close() def connection_handshake_completed(self, connector): self.connector_ips.add(connector.ip) self.connector_ids.add( self.complete_connectors.append(connector) connector.upload = self.make_upload(connector) = self.downloader.make_download(connector) self.choker.connection_made(connector) if connector.uses_dht: connector.send_port(self.reported_port) if self.config['resolve_hostnames']: df = self.rawserver.gethostbyaddr(connector.ip) def save_hostname(hostname_tuple): hostname, aliases, ips = hostname_tuple connector.hostname = hostname df.addCallback(save_hostname) df.addErrback(lambda fuckoff : None) def got_port(self, connector): if self.addcontact and connector.uses_dht and \ connector.dht_port != None: self.addcontact(connector.connection.ip, connector.dht_port) def ever_got_incoming(self): return self.everinc def how_many_connections(self): return len(self.complete_connectors) def replace_connection(self): if self.closed: return while self.spares: k, v = self.spares.popitem() addr, id = k handler, a, kw = v started = self._start_connection(addr, id, handler, *a, **kw) if not started: # start_connection decided to push this connection back on to # self.spares because a limit was hit. break now or loop # forever break def throttle_connections(self): self.throttled = True for c in iter_rand_pos(self.connectors): c.connection.pause_reading() def unthrottle_connections(self): self.throttled = False for c in iter_rand_pos(self.connectors): c.connection.resume_reading() # arg. resume actually flushes the buffers in iocpreactor, so # we have to check the state constantly if self.throttled: break def close_connection(self, id): for c in self.connectors: if == id and not c.closed: c.connection.close() c.closed = True def close_connections(self): self.rawserver.internet_watcher.remove_subscriber(self) self.closed = True pending = self.pending_connections.values() # drop connections which could be made after we're not interested for h, info in pending: h.connector.close() for c in self.connectors: if not c.closed: c.connection.close() c.closed = True def singleport_connection(self, connector): """hand-off from SingleportListener once the infohash is known and thus we can map a connection on to a particular Torrent.""" if connector.ip in self.banned: return False m = self.config['max_allow_in'] if (m and len(self.connectors) >= m and connector.ip not in self.tracker_ips): return False self._add_connection(connector) if self.closed: return False connector.set_parent(self) connector.connection.context = self.context return True def _add_connection(self, connector): self.connectors.add(connector) if self.closed: connector.connection.close() elif self.throttled: connector.connection.pause_reading() def ban(self, ip): self.banned.add(ip) def connection_lost(self, connector): assert isinstance(connector, Connector) self.connectors.remove(connector) if self.ratelimiter: self.ratelimiter.dequeue(connector) if connector.complete: self.connector_ips.remove(connector.ip) self.connector_ids.remove( self.complete_connectors.remove(connector) self.choker.connection_lost(connector)