Example #1
class LBRCdbus(dbus.service.Object):
    def __init__(self):
        bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('custom.LBRC', bus=dbus.SessionBus())
        dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, "/custom/LBRC")
        self.btserver = BTServer()
        [used_keys, used_relative_axes] = self.__read_profiles()
        self.uinput_dispatch = UinputDispatcher(
            device_file = self.config['uinputdevice']
        # (keycode,mapping) => [callback_id, calls]
        self.repeathandler = {}
        self.btserver.connect('keycode', self.handler)
        self.btserver.connect('connect', lambda btserver, btadress, port: 
                                         self.connect_cb(bluetooth.lookup_name(btadress), btadress, port))
        self.btserver.connect('disconnect', lambda btserver, btadress, port:
                                         self.disconnect_cb(bluetooth.lookup_name(btadress), btadress, port))
        self.cur_profile = self.profiles.keys()[0]
        if ( "defaultprofile" in self.config and
             self.config['defaultprofile'] in self.profiles):
            self.cur_profile = self.config['defaultprofile']
        self.events = self.profiles[self.cur_profile]['events']

    @dbus.service.method('custom.LBRC', in_signature='s', out_signature=None)
    def set_profile(self, profileid):
        if profileid in self.profiles and not profileid == self.cur_profile:
            if self.pre_profile_switch():
                self.events = self.profiles[profileid]['events']
                self.cur_profile = profileid
                self.profile_change(profileid, self.profiles[profileid]['name'])

    @dbus.service.method('custom.LBRC', out_signature="a(ss)")
    def get_profiles(self):
        return [(i[0], i[1]['name']) for i in self.profiles.iteritems()]

    @dbus.service.method('custom.LBRC', out_signature="ss")
    def get_profile(self):
        return (self.cur_profile, self.profiles[self.cur_profile]['name'])

    @dbus.service.signal('custom.LBRC', signature="ssi")
    def connect_cb(self, btname, btadress, port):

    @dbus.service.signal('custom.LBRC', signature="ssi")
    def disconnect_cb(self, btname, btadress, port):

    @dbus.service.signal('custom.LBRC', signature="ix")
    def keycode_cb(self, mapping, keycode):

    @dbus.service.signal('custom.LBRC', signature='ss')
    def profile_change(self, id, name):

    def __read_config(self):
        # abspath points to the directory which hold our graphics, which
        # is the path where we are staying
        abspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
        config_file = open(abspath + "/config.conf")
        config_data = config_file.read()
        json_reader = json.JsonReader()
        self.config = json_reader.read(config_data)
        self.config['abspath'] = abspath

    # Reads Profile file and creates Eventmap
    def __read_profiles(self):
        profiles_file = open(self.config['abspath'] + "/profiles.conf")
        profiles_data = profiles_file.read()
        json_reader = json.JsonReader()
        profiles = json_reader.read(profiles_data)
        del profiles_data
        self.profiles = {}
        keys = []
        relative_axes = []
        for profile in profiles.keys():
            pd = profiles[profile]
            events = {}
            for axis in pd['mouseaxes']:
                ax = input_map.__getattribute__("REL_" + axis['map_to'][1:2])
                if axis['map_to'][0:1] == "-":
                    events[(int(axis['keycode']), 0)] = {'repeat_freq': 10, 
                                                         'repeat_func': self.lin_mouse_freq,
                                                         'commands': [[co.input.EV_REL, ax, lambda x,y: -1 * self.lin_mouse_step(x,y)]]}
                    events[(int(axis['keycode']), 0)] = {'repeat_freq': 10, 
                                                         'repeat_func': self.lin_mouse_freq,
                                                         'commands': [[co.input.EV_REL, ax, lambda x,y: self.lin_mouse_step(x,y)]]}
                if ax not in relative_axes:

            for axis in pd['mousewheel']:
                ax = input_map.__getattribute__("REL_" + axis['map_to'][1:])
                if axis['map_to'][0:1] == "-":
                    events[(int(axis['keycode']),0)] = {'repeat_freq': int(axis['repeat_freq']), 
                                                        'repeat_func': lambda x,n: x,
                                                        'commands': [[co.input.EV_REL, ax, -1]]}
                    events[(int(axis['keycode']),0)] = {'repeat_freq': int(axis['repeat_freq']), 
                                                        'repeat_func': lambda x,n: x,
                                                        'commands': [[co.input.EV_REL, ax, 1]]}
                if ax not in relative_axes:

            for button in pd['mousebuttons']:
                bt = input_map.__getattribute__("BTN_" + button['map_to'])
                events[(int(button['keycode']),0)] = {'commands': [[co.input.EV_KEY, bt, 1]]}
                events[(int(button['keycode']),1)] = {'commands': [[co.input.EV_KEY, bt, 0]]}
                if bt not in keys:

            for key in pd['keys']:
                k =  input_map.__getattribute__("KEY_" + key['map_to'])
                events[(int(key['keycode']),0)] = {'repeat_freq': int(key['repeat_freq']), 
                                      'repeat_func': self.const_key, 
                                      'repeat_commands': [[co.input.EV_KEY, k, 0], [co.input.EV_KEY, k, 1] ] , 
                                      'commands': [[co.input.EV_KEY, k, 1]],
                                      'blocking': 1}
                events[(int(key['keycode']),1)] = {'commands': [[co.input.EV_KEY, k, 0]]}
                if k not in keys:
            self.profiles[profile] = {'events': events, 'name': pd['name'] }
        return[keys, relative_axes]

    def lin_mouse_freq(self, x,n):
        freq = x * (n * 0.75 +1)
        if freq > 500:
            freq = 500
        return freq

    def lin_mouse_step(self, x,n):
        freq = self.lin_mouse_freq(x,n);
        if(freq < 500):
            return 2
            return 3

    def const_key(self, x, n):
        if n == 0:
            return 2
        return 20

    def send_commands(self, commands, freq, calls):
        for command in commands:
            param = command[2]
            if callable(param):
                param = param(freq, calls)
            self.uinput_dispatch.send_event(command[0], command[1], param)
        self.uinput_dispatch.send_event(co.input.EV_SYN, co.input.SYN_REPORT, 0)

    def pre_profile_switch(self):
        repeathandler = self.repeathandler
        # Make sure we handled everythink
        # Currently profile switching while in a keypress handler will lead to problems!!
        # The key would never be released, so we wont go into the switch with keypress active!
        for release_event_tuple in repeathandler:
            entry = self.events[event_tuple]
            if 'blocking' in entry and entry['blocking']:
                return 0
        for release_event_tuple in repeathandler:
            del repeathandler[release_event_tuple]
        return 1

    def repeater(self, event_tuple):
        repeathandler = self.repeathandler
        entry = self.events[event_tuple];
        repeathandler[event_tuple][1] += 1
        if 'repeat_commands' in entry:
            self.send_commands(entry['repeat_commands'], entry['repeat_freq'], repeathandler[event_tuple][1])
            self.send_commands(entry['commands'], entry['repeat_freq'], repeathandler[event_tuple][1])
        freq = entry['repeat_func'](entry['repeat_freq'], repeathandler[event_tuple][1])
        repeathandler[event_tuple][0] = gobject.timeout_add(int(1000.0/freq), self.repeater, event_tuple)
        return False

    def handler(self, btserver, map, keycode):
        self.keycode_cb(map, keycode)
        repeathandler = self.repeathandler
        print "KeyCode: " + str(keycode)
        event_tuple = (keycode, map)
        release_event_tuple = (keycode, map - 1)
        if release_event_tuple in repeathandler:
            del repeathandler[release_event_tuple]
        if event_tuple in self.events:
            entry = self.events[event_tuple];
            self.send_commands(entry['commands'], 0, 0)
            if 'repeat_freq' in entry:
                repeathandler[event_tuple] = []
                freq = entry['repeat_func'](entry['repeat_freq'], 0)
                repeathandler[event_tuple].append(gobject.timeout_add(int(1000.0/freq), self.repeater, event_tuple))
        return True

    def run(self):
        self.mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()

    def shutdown(self):