def query(self, **kwargs):
     indexes = filter(self.__contains__, kwargs.keys())
     results = (self[key].apply(value) for key, value in kwargs.items())
     return ResultSet(
         reduce(lambda x, y: intersection(x, y)
                if x and y else (), results))
Example #2
    def apply(self, cache, context=None):
        results = []
        for term in self.terms:
            result = term.cached_apply(cache, context)
            if not result:
                # Empty results
                return result

        if len(results) == 1:
            return results[0]

        # Sort results to have the smallest set first to optimize the
        # set operation.
        results.sort(key=lambda r: len(r))

        result = results.pop(0)
        for r in results:
            if self.weighted:
                _, result = weightedIntersection(result, r)
                result = intersection(result, r)
            if not result:
                # Empty results
                return result

        return result
Example #3
    def _reindex_doc(self, docid, text):
        # Touch as few docid->w(docid, score) maps in ._wordinfo as possible.
        old_wids = self.get_words(docid)
        old_wid2w, old_docw = self._get_frequencies(old_wids)

        new_wids = self._lexicon.sourceToWordIds(text)
        new_wid2w, new_docw = self._get_frequencies(new_wids)

        old_widset = IFTreeSet(old_wid2w.keys())
        new_widset = IFTreeSet(new_wid2w.keys())

        in_both_widset = intersection(old_widset, new_widset)
        only_old_widset = difference(old_widset, in_both_widset)
        only_new_widset = difference(new_widset, in_both_widset)
        del old_widset, new_widset

        for wid in only_old_widset.keys():
            self._del_wordinfo(wid, docid)

        for wid in only_new_widset.keys():
            self._add_wordinfo(wid, new_wid2w[wid], docid)

        for wid in in_both_widset.keys():
            # For the Okapi indexer, the "if" will trigger only for words
            # whose counts have changed.  For the cosine indexer, the "if"
            # may trigger for every wid, since W(d) probably changed and
            # W(d) is divided into every score.
            newscore = new_wid2w[wid]
            if old_wid2w[wid] != newscore:
                self._add_wordinfo(wid, newscore, docid)

        self._docweight[docid] = new_docw
        self._docwords[docid] = widcode.encode(new_wids)
        return len(new_wids)
    def apply(self, query):
        """see IIndexSearch.apply

        expected query is a 2-tuple with datetime.datetime

        Use case as following:




        1) i_start|---------------------------|i_end

        2) i_start|---------------|i_end

        3)           i_start|-----------------|i_end

        4)           i_start|-----|i_end
        if len(query) != 2 or not isinstance(query, tuple):
            raise TypeError("two-length tuple expected", query)
        q_start, q_end = query

        # do 1) objects with "both outside"

        # objects starting before q_start
        query1_1 = (None, q_start)
        res1_1 = self._i_start.apply(query1_1)

        # objects ending after q_end
        query1_2 = (q_end, None)
        res1_2 = self._i_end.apply(query1_2)

        res1 = intersection(res1_1, res1_2)

        # do 2) objects with "start inside"
        query2 = (q_start, q_end)
        res2 = self._i_start.apply(query2)

        # do 3) objects with "end inside"
        query3 = (q_start, q_end)
        res3 = self._i_end.apply(query3)

        # do 4) object where both are inside
        # -> already found with 2) and 3)  :-)

        # union the three results
        result = multiunion([res1, res2, res3])

        return result
Example #5
 def intersection(self, *args):
     from BTrees.IFBTree import intersection
     return intersection(*args)
 def intersect(self, r1, r2):
     return r1 is None and r2 or intersection(r1, r2)
Example #7
 def intersect(self, r1, r2):
     return r1 is None and r2 or intersection(r1, r2)
 def query(self, **kwargs):
     indexes = filter(self.__contains__, kwargs.keys())
     results = (self[key].apply(value) for key, value in kwargs.items())
     return ResultSet(self, reduce(
         lambda x, y: intersection(x, y) if x and y else (), results))