Example #1
 def __init__(self, color='silver', name='jetpack', max_size=2, fuel=10):
     """constructor for a jetback object
     color (str, opt) default is silver
     name(str, opt) default is jetpack
     max_size (int, opt) deafult is 2
     feul (int, opt) default is 10
     returns a jetpack with no contents"""
     Backpack.__init__(self, color, name, max_size)
     """ this calls the backpack object which is used to create the Jetpack object"""
     self.fuel = fuel
Example #2
    def __init__(self, color='silver', name='jetpack', max_size=2, fuel = 10):
        Constructor for jetpacks. Holds 2 items, has fuel attribute.

            color(str): color, defaults to silver
            name(str): name, defualts to jetback
            max_size(int): max number of elemetns, defaults to 2
            Fuel(int): Defaults to 10. Amount of fuel left in jetpack

            an empty contented, 10 fuel filled silver jetpack
        Backpack.__init__(self, color, name, max_size)
        self.fuel = 10
Example #3
    def __init__(self, color='silver', name='jetpack', max_size=2, fuel=10):
        Constructor for jetpacks. Holds 2 items, has fuel attribute.

            color(str): color, defaults to silver
            name(str): name, defualts to jetback
            max_size(int): max number of elemetns, defaults to 2
            Fuel(int): Defaults to 10. Amount of fuel left in jetpack

            an empty contented, 10 fuel filled silver jetpack
        Backpack.__init__(self, color, name, max_size)
        self.fuel = 10
Example #4
 def __init__(self, color='brown', name='knapsack', max_size=3):
     """Constructor for a knapsack object. A knapsack only holds 3 item by
     default instead of 5. Use the Backpack constructor to initialize the
     name and max_size attributes.
         color (str, opt): the color of the knapsack. Defaults to 'brown'.
         name (str, opt): the name of the knapsack. Defaults to 'knapsack'.
         max_size (int, opt): the maximum number of items that can be stored
             in the knapsack. Defaults to 3.
         A knapsack object with no contents.
     Backpack.__init__(self, color, name, max_size)
     self.closed = True