def search(self, searchterm): query = """\ import module namespace functx = ""; declare variable $vocab as xs:string := 'vocabularies/%s.xml'; declare variable $doc as document-node() := doc('deepbills/vocabularies/%s.xml'); declare variable $query as xs:string external; declare function local:extract-entity-name-id-attr($entity as element()*) as node()* { if ($entity) then (attribute {"id"} { $entity/@id }, attribute {"name"} { ($entity/name[@current="true" or position()=1] | $entity/abbr[1])[1] }) else () }; <results vocabulary="{$vocab}" query="{$query}"> { for $entity in functx:distinct-nodes( $doc/*/*[ */text() contains text {$query} using stemming using language "en" using fuzzy ] ) let $parentid := xs:string($entity/@parent-id) return <e>{local:extract-entity-name-id-attr($entity)} <parent>{local:extract-entity-name-id-attr($entity/../*[@id eq $parentid])}</parent> </e> } </results>""" % (xqe(self.vocabid), xqe(self.vocabid)) with self.db.query(query) as q: q.bind('query', searchterm) try: xml = q.execute() except IOError, e: xml = None
def entity(self, entityid): query = """\ declare variable $entityid as xs:string external; declare function local:extract-entity-name-id-attr($entity as element()*) as node()* { if ($entity) then (attribute {"id"} { $entity/@id }, attribute {"name"} { ($entity/name[@current="true" or position()=1] | $entity/abbr[1])[1] }) else () }; let $doc := doc('deepbills/vocabularies/%s.xml'), $entity := $doc/*/*[@id eq $entityid], $parentid := xs:string($entity/@parent-id) return if ($entity) then <e>{local:extract-entity-name-id-attr($entity)} <parent>{local:extract-entity-name-id-attr($entity/../*[@id eq $parentid])}</parent> </e> else <e/>""" % xqe(self.vocabid) with self.db.query(query) as q: q.bind('entityid', entityid) try: xml = q.execute() except IOError: xml = None return xml
def body(self): query = "doc('deepbills/vocabularies/%s.xml')" % xqe(self.vocabid) with self.db.query(query) as q: try: xml = q.execute() except IOError, e: xml = None
def body(self): query = """\ let $meta := doc('deepbills/docmetas/%s.xml'), $docname := $meta/docmeta/revisions/revision[last()]/@doc, $doc := exactly-one(db:open('deepbills', $docname))/* return $doc""" % xqe(self.docid) with self.db.query(query) as q: try: responsexml = q.execute() except IOError, e: responsexml = None