class attemptAfterTurn(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of attemptAfterTurn """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Pkmn and AfterTurnEffect for the test """
        self.effect = AfterTurnEffect()
        self.effect.faintHandler = BuildFaintHandler("USER")
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
    def fainted(self):
        """ Test that the Effect is not performed when the pkmn has fainted """
        messages = self.effect.attemptAfterTurn(self.pkmn)
        assert messages == [], "Should receive no messages since nothing was performed"
    def notFainted(self):
        """ Test that the Effect is performed when the pkmn has fainted """
        messages = self.effect.attemptAfterTurn(self.pkmn)
        assert messages == [AfterTurnEffect.message], "Should receive messages from afterTurn function"
class attemptAfterTurn(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of attemptAfterTurn """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Pkmn and AfterTurnEffect for the test """
        self.effect = AfterTurnEffect()
        self.effect.faintHandler = BuildFaintHandler("USER")
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

    def fainted(self):
        """ Test that the Effect is not performed when the pkmn has fainted """
        messages = self.effect.attemptAfterTurn(self.pkmn)
        assert messages == [], "Should receive no messages since nothing was performed"

    def notFainted(self):
        """ Test that the Effect is performed when the pkmn has fainted """
        messages = self.effect.attemptAfterTurn(self.pkmn)
        assert messages == [
        ], "Should receive messages from afterTurn function"