Example #1
def matches_entry(entryspec, entry):
    """ Determine if the Decisions-style entry specification matches
    the entry.  Both are tuples of (tag, name).  The entryspec can
    handle the wildcard * in either position. """
    if entryspec == entry:
        return True
    return all(fnmatch.fnmatch(entry[i], entryspec[i]) for i in [0, 1])
Example #2
def matches_entry(entryspec, entry):
    """ Determine if the Decisions-style entry specification matches
    the entry.  Both are tuples of (tag, name).  The entryspec can
    handle the wildcard * in either position. """
    if entryspec == entry:
        return True
    return all(fnmatch.fnmatch(entry[i], entryspec[i]) for i in [0, 1])
Example #3
    def Decide(self):  # pylint: disable=R0912
        """Set self.whitelist based on user interaction."""
        iprompt = "Install %s: %s? (y/N): "
        rprompt = "Remove %s: %s? (y/N): "
        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove:
            if Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove == 'all':
                self.removal = self.extra
            elif Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove == 'services':
                self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra
                                if entry.tag == 'Service']
            elif Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove == 'packages':
                self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra
                                if entry.tag == 'Package']
            elif Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove == 'users':
                self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra
                                if entry.tag in ['POSIXUser', 'POSIXGroup']]

        candidates = [entry for entry in self.states
                      if not self.states[entry]]

        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.dry_run:
            if self.whitelist:
                self.logger.info("In dryrun mode: "
                                 "suppressing entry installation for:")
                self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))
                                  for entry in self.whitelist])
                self.whitelist = []
            if self.removal:
                self.logger.info("In dryrun mode: "
                                 "suppressing entry removal for:")
                self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))
                                  for entry in self.removal])
            self.removal = []

        # Here is where most of the work goes
        # first perform bundle filtering
        all_bundle_names = [b.get('name')
                            for b in self.config.findall('./Bundle')]
        bundles = self.config.getchildren()
        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.only_bundles:
            # warn if non-existent bundle given
            for bundle in Bcfg2.Options.setup.only_bundles:
                if bundle not in all_bundle_names:
                    self.logger.info("Warning: Bundle %s not found" % bundle)
            bundles = [b for b in bundles
                       if b.get('name') in Bcfg2.Options.setup.only_bundles]
        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.except_bundles:
            # warn if non-existent bundle given
            if not Bcfg2.Options.setup.bundle_quick:
                for bundle in Bcfg2.Options.setup.except_bundles:
                    if bundle not in all_bundle_names:
                        self.logger.info("Warning: Bundle %s not found" %
            bundles = [
                b for b in bundles
                if b.get('name') not in Bcfg2.Options.setup.except_bundles]
        self.whitelist = [e for e in self.whitelist
                          if any(e in b for b in bundles)]

        # first process prereq actions
        for bundle in bundles[:]:
            if bundle.tag == 'Bundle':
                bmodified = any((item in self.whitelist or
                                 item in self.modified) for item in bundle)
                bmodified = False
            actions = [a for a in bundle.findall('./Action')
                       if (a.get('timing') in ['pre', 'both'] and
                           (bmodified or a.get('when') == 'always'))]
            # now we process all "pre" and "both" actions that are either
            # always or the bundle has been modified
            if Bcfg2.Options.setup.interactive:
                self.promptFilter(iprompt, actions)

            if bundle.tag != 'Bundle':

            # need to test to fail entries in whitelist
            if not all(self.states[a] for a in actions):
                # then display bundles forced off with entries
                self.logger.info("%s %s failed prerequisite action" %
                                 (bundle.tag, bundle.get('name')))
                b_to_remv = [ent for ent in self.whitelist if ent in bundle]
                if b_to_remv:
                    self.logger.info("Not installing entries from %s %s" %
                                     (bundle.tag, bundle.get('name')))
                    self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (e.tag, e.get('name'))
                                      for e in b_to_remv])
                    for ent in b_to_remv:

        self.logger.debug("Installing entries in the following bundle(s):")
        self.logger.debug("  %s" % ", ".join(b.get("name") for b in bundles
                                             if b.get("name")))

        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.interactive:
            self.whitelist = self.promptFilter(iprompt, self.whitelist)
            self.removal = self.promptFilter(rprompt, self.removal)

        for entry in candidates:
            if entry not in self.whitelist:
Example #4
    def Decide(self):  # pylint: disable=R0912
        """Set self.whitelist based on user interaction."""
        iprompt = "Install %s: %s? (y/N): "
        rprompt = "Remove %s: %s? (y/N): "
        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove:
            if Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove == 'all':
                self.removal = self.extra
            elif Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove == 'services':
                self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra
                                if entry.tag == 'Service']
            elif Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove == 'packages':
                self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra
                                if entry.tag == 'Package']
            elif Bcfg2.Options.setup.remove == 'users':
                self.removal = [entry for entry in self.extra
                                if entry.tag in ['POSIXUser', 'POSIXGroup']]

        candidates = [entry for entry in self.states
                      if not self.states[entry]]

        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.dry_run:
            if self.whitelist:
                self.logger.info("In dryrun mode: "
                                 "suppressing entry installation for:")
                self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))
                                  for entry in self.whitelist])
                self.whitelist = []
            if self.removal:
                self.logger.info("In dryrun mode: "
                                 "suppressing entry removal for:")
                self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))
                                  for entry in self.removal])
            self.removal = []

        # Here is where most of the work goes
        # first perform bundle filtering
        all_bundle_names = [b.get('name')
                            for b in self.config.findall('./Bundle')]
        bundles = self.config.getchildren()
        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.only_bundles:
            # warn if non-existent bundle given
            for bundle in Bcfg2.Options.setup.only_bundles:
                if bundle not in all_bundle_names:
                    self.logger.info("Warning: Bundle %s not found" % bundle)
            bundles = [b for b in bundles
                       if b.get('name') in Bcfg2.Options.setup.only_bundles]
        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.except_bundles:
            # warn if non-existent bundle given
            if not Bcfg2.Options.setup.bundle_quick:
                for bundle in Bcfg2.Options.setup.except_bundles:
                    if bundle not in all_bundle_names:
                        self.logger.info("Warning: Bundle %s not found" %
            bundles = [
                b for b in bundles
                if b.get('name') not in Bcfg2.Options.setup.except_bundles]
        self.whitelist = [e for e in self.whitelist
                          if any(e in b for b in bundles)]

        # first process prereq actions
        for bundle in bundles[:]:
            if bundle.tag == 'Bundle':
                bmodified = any((item in self.whitelist or
                                 item in self.modified) for item in bundle)
                bmodified = False
            actions = [a for a in bundle.findall('./Action')
                       if (a.get('timing') in ['pre', 'both'] and
                           (bmodified or a.get('when') == 'always'))]
            # now we process all "pre" and "both" actions that are either
            # always or the bundle has been modified
            if Bcfg2.Options.setup.interactive:
                self.promptFilter(iprompt, actions)

            if bundle.tag != 'Bundle':

            # need to test to fail entries in whitelist
            if not all(self.states[a] for a in actions):
                # then display bundles forced off with entries
                self.logger.info("%s %s failed prerequisite action" %
                                 (bundle.tag, bundle.get('name')))
                b_to_remv = [ent for ent in self.whitelist if ent in bundle]
                if b_to_remv:
                    self.logger.info("Not installing entries from %s %s" %
                                     (bundle.tag, bundle.get('name')))
                    self.logger.info(["%s:%s" % (e.tag, e.get('name'))
                                      for e in b_to_remv])
                    for ent in b_to_remv:

        self.logger.debug("Installing entries in the following bundle(s):")
        self.logger.debug("  %s" % ", ".join(b.get("name") for b in bundles
                                             if b.get("name")))

        if Bcfg2.Options.setup.interactive:
            self.whitelist = self.promptFilter(iprompt, self.whitelist)
            self.removal = self.promptFilter(rprompt, self.removal)

        for entry in candidates:
            if entry not in self.whitelist:
Example #5
 def verify(self):
     return all(self._verify_set(self.value,
                                 path="%s/%s" % (path, self.sub))
                for path in self._augeas.match(self.base))
Example #6
 def verify(self):
     return all(
         self._verify_set(self.value, path="%s/%s" % (path, self.sub))
         for path in self._augeas.match(self.base))