Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        :param ignore: A list of filename globs describing events that
                       should be ignored (i.e., not processed by any
        :type ignore: list of strings (filename globs)
        :param debug: Produce debugging information about the events
                      received and handled.
        :type debug: bool

        .. -----
        .. autoattribute:: __priority__

        #: A dict that records which objects handle which events.
        #: Keys are monitor handle IDs and values are objects whose
        #: ``HandleEvent`` method will be called to handle an event
        self.handles = dict()

        #: Queue of events to handle
        self.events = []

        #: List of filename globs to ignore events for.  For events
        #: that include the full path, both the full path and the bare
        #: filename will be checked against ``ignore``.
        self.ignore = Bcfg2.Options.setup.ignore_files

        #: Whether or not the FAM has been started.  See :func:`start`.
        self.started = False
Example #2
    def __init__(self,

        if HAS_LDAP:
            msg = "Python ldap module is required for Ldap plugin"
            raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg)

        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.uri = uri
        self.options = options
        self.binddn = binddn
        self.bindpw = bindpw
        self.conn = None

        self.__scopes__ = {
            'base': ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
            'one': ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL,
            'sub': ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
Example #3
    def __init__(self):
        :param ignore: A list of filename globs describing events that
                       should be ignored (i.e., not processed by any
        :type ignore: list of strings (filename globs)
        :param debug: Produce debugging information about the events
                      received and handled.
        :type debug: bool

        .. -----
        .. autoattribute:: __priority__

        #: A dict that records which objects handle which events.
        #: Keys are monitor handle IDs and values are objects whose
        #: ``HandleEvent`` method will be called to handle an event
        self.handles = dict()

        #: Queue of events to handle
        self.events = []

        #: List of filename globs to ignore events for.  For events
        #: that include the full path, both the full path and the bare
        #: filename will be checked against ``ignore``.
        self.ignore = Bcfg2.Options.setup.ignore_files

        #: Whether or not the FAM has been started.  See :func:`start`.
        self.started = False
Example #4
    def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=389, binddn=None,

        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.binddn = binddn
        self.bindpw = bindpw
        self.conn = None
Example #5
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

        #: The name of the module as used by get_additional_data().
        #: the name of the file with .py stripped off.
        self._module_name = MODULE_RE.search(self.name).group('module')

        #: The attributes exported by this module
        self._attrs = []

        #: The attributes added to the template namespace by this module
        self.defaults = []
Example #6
 def __init__(self):
     """Do something here"""
     clsname = self.__class__.__name__
     Debuggable.__init__(self, name=clsname)
     self.debug_log("Loading %s transport" % clsname)
     self.data = os.path.join(Bcfg2.Options.setup.repository, 'Reporting',
     if not os.path.exists(self.data):
         self.logger.info("%s does not exist, creating" % self.data)
         except OSError:
             self.logger.warning("Could not create %s: %s" %
                                 (self.data, sys.exc_info()[1]))
             self.logger.warning("The transport may not function properly")
     self.timeout = 2
Example #7
File: base.py Project: dhutty/bcfg2
 def __init__(self):
     """Do something here"""
     clsname = self.__class__.__name__
     Debuggable.__init__(self, name=clsname)
     self.debug_log("Loading %s transport" % clsname)
     self.data = os.path.join(Bcfg2.Options.setup.repository, 'Reporting',
     if not os.path.exists(self.data):
         self.logger.info("%s does not exist, creating" % self.data)
         except OSError:
             self.logger.warning("Could not create %s: %s" %
                                 (self.data, sys.exc_info()[1]))
             self.logger.warning("The transport may not function properly")
     self.timeout = 2
Example #8
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

        #: The name of the module as used by get_additional_data().
        #: the name of the file with .py stripped off.
        self._module_name = MODULE_RE.search(self.name).group('module')

        #: The attributes exported by this module
        self._attrs = []

        #: The attributes added to the template namespace by this module
        self.defaults = []

        default_prov = DefaultTemplateDataProvider()
        self.reserved_defaults = default_prov.get_template_data(
            lxml.etree.Element("Path", name="/dummy"), None,
            None).keys() + ["path"]
Example #9
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

        #: The name of the module as used by get_additional_data().
        #: the name of the file with .py stripped off.
        self._module_name = MODULE_RE.search(self.name).group('module')

        #: The attributes exported by this module
        self._attrs = []

        #: The attributes added to the template namespace by this module
        self.defaults = []

        default_prov = DefaultTemplateDataProvider()
        self.reserved_defaults = default_prov.get_template_data(
            lxml.etree.Element("Path", name="/dummy"),
            None, None).keys() + ["path"]
Example #10
    def __init__(self, core):
        :param core: The Bcfg2.Server.Core initializing the plugin
        :type core: Bcfg2.Server.Core
        :raises: :exc:`OSError` if adding a file monitor failed;
                 on other errors

        .. autoattribute:: Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.base.Debuggable.__rmi__
        Debuggable.__init__(self, name=self.name)
        self.Entries = {}
        self.core = core
        self.data = os.path.join(Bcfg2.Options.setup.repository, self.name)
        if self.create and not os.path.exists(self.data):
            self.logger.warning("%s: %s does not exist, creating" %
                                (self.name, self.data))
        self.running = True
Example #11
    def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=389, binddn=None,

        if HAS_LDAP:
            msg = "Python ldap module is required for Ldap plugin"
            raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginInitError(msg)

        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.binddn = binddn
        self.bindpw = bindpw
        self.conn = None

        self.__scopes__ = {
            'base': ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
            'one': ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL,
            'sub': ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
Example #12
    def __init__(self, metadata, sources, cachepath, basepath, debug=False):
        :param metadata: The client metadata for this collection
        :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata
        :param sources: A list of all sources known to the server that
                        will be used to generate the list of sources
                        that apply to this client
        :type sources: list of
        :param cachepath: The filesystem path where cache and other temporary
                          data will be stored
        :type cachepath: string
        :param basepath: The filesystem path to the Packages plugin
                         directory, where more permanent data can be
        :type basepath: string
        :param debug: Enable debugging output
        :type debug: bool

        .. -----
        .. autoattribute:: __package_groups__
        list.__init__(self, sources)
        self.debug_flag = self.debug_flag or debug
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.basepath = basepath
        self.cachepath = cachepath
        self.virt_pkgs = dict()
        self.fam = get_fam()

            self.ptype = sources[0].ptype
        except IndexError:
            self.ptype = "unknown"
Example #13
    def __init__(self, metadata, sources, cachepath, basepath, debug=False):
        :param metadata: The client metadata for this collection
        :type metadata: Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata
        :param sources: A list of all sources known to the server that
                        will be used to generate the list of sources
                        that apply to this client
        :type sources: list of
        :param cachepath: The filesystem path where cache and other temporary
                          data will be stored
        :type cachepath: string
        :param basepath: The filesystem path to the Packages plugin
                         directory, where more permanent data can be
        :type basepath: string
        :param debug: Enable debugging output
        :type debug: bool

        .. -----
        .. autoattribute:: __package_groups__
        list.__init__(self, sources)
        self.debug_flag = self.debug_flag or debug
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.basepath = basepath
        self.cachepath = cachepath
        self.virt_pkgs = dict()
        self.fam = get_fam()

            self.ptype = sources[0].ptype
        except IndexError:
            self.ptype = "unknown"
Example #14
    def __init__(self, basepath, xsource):  # pylint: disable=R0912
        :param basepath: The base filesystem path under which cache
                         data for this source should be stored
        :type basepath: string
        :param xsource: The XML tag that describes this source
        :type source: lxml.etree._Element
        :raises: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source.SourceInitError`

        #: The base filesystem path under which cache data for this
        #: source should be stored
        self.basepath = basepath

        #: The XML tag that describes this source
        self.xsource = xsource

        #: A set of package names that are deemed "essential" by this
        #: source
        self.essentialpkgs = set()

        #: A list of the text of all 'Component' attributes of this
        #: source from XML
        self.components = []

        #: A list of the arches supported by this source
        self.arches = []

        #: A list of the the names of packages that are blacklisted
        #: from this source
        self.blacklist = []

        #: A list of the the names of packages that are whitelisted in
        #: this source
        self.whitelist = []

        #: Whether or not to include deb-src lines in the generated APT
        #: configuration
        self.debsrc = False

        #: A dict of repository options that will be included in the
        #: configuration generated on the server side (if such is
        #: applicable; most backends do not generate any sort of
        #: repository configuration on the Bcfg2 server)
        self.server_options = dict()

        #: A dict of repository options that will be included in the
        #: configuration generated for the client (if that is
        #: supported by the backend)
        self.client_options = dict()

        #: A list of URLs to GPG keys that apply to this source
        self.gpgkeys = []

        #: Whether or not to include essential packages from this source
        self.essential = True

        #: Whether or not to include recommended packages from this source
        self.recommended = False

        #: The "rawurl" attribute from :attr:`xsource`, if applicable.
        #: A trailing slash is automatically appended to this if there
        #: wasn't one already present.
        self.rawurl = None

        #: The "url" attribute from :attr:`xsource`, if applicable.  A
        #: trailing slash is automatically appended to this if there
        #: wasn't one already present.
        self.url = None

        #: The "version" attribute from :attr:`xsource`
        self.version = None

        #: The "name" attribute from :attr:`xsource`
        self.name = None

        #: A list of predicates that are used to determine if this
        #: source applies to a given
        #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata`
        #: object.
        self.conditions = []

        #: Formerly, :ref:`server-plugins-generators-packages` only
        #: supported applying package sources to groups; that is, they
        #: could not be assigned by more complicated logic like
        #: per-client repositories and group or client negation.  This
        #: attribute attempts to provide for some limited backwards
        #: compat with older code that relies on this.
        self.groups = []

        #: A set of all package names in this source.  This will not
        #: necessarily be populated, particularly by backends that
        #: reimplement large portions of
        #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection`
        self.pkgnames = set()

        #: A dict of ``<package name>`` -> ``<list of dependencies>``.
        #: This will not necessarily be populated, particularly by
        #: backends that reimplement large portions of
        #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection`
        self.deps = dict()

        #: A dict of ``<package name>`` -> ``<list of provided
        #: symbols>``.  This will not necessarily be populated,
        #: particularly by backends that reimplement large portions of
        #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection`
        self.provides = dict()

        #: A dict of ``<package name>`` -> ``<list of recommended
        #: symbols>``.  This will not necessarily be populated.
        self.recommends = dict()


        #: The file (or directory) used for this source's cache data
        self.cachefile = os.path.join(self.basepath,
                                      "cache-%s" % self.cachekey)
        if not self.rawurl:
            baseurl = self.url + "%(version)s/%(component)s/%(arch)s/"
            baseurl = self.rawurl

        #: A list of dicts, each of which describes the URL to one
        #: repository contained in this source.  Each dict contains
        #: the following keys:
        #: * ``version``: The version of the repo (``None`` for
        #:   ``rawurl`` repos)
        #: * ``component``: The component use to form this URL
        #:   (``None`` for ``rawurl`` repos)
        #: * ``arch``: The architecture of this repo
        #: * ``baseurl``: Either the ``rawurl`` attribute, or the
        #:   format string built from the ``url`` attribute
        #: * ``url``: The actual URL to the repository
        self.url_map = []
        for arch in self.arches:
            if self.url:
                usettings = [
                         debsrc=self.debsrc) for comp in self.components
            else:  # rawurl given
                usettings = [

            for setting in usettings:
                if not self.rawurl:
                    setting['baseurl'] = self.url
                    setting['baseurl'] = self.rawurl
                setting['url'] = baseurl % setting
                setting['name'] = self.get_repo_name(setting)
Example #15
 def __init__(self, core, datadir):  # pylint: disable=W0613
     self._groupcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probegroups")
     self._datacache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probedata")
Example #16
File: Probes.py Project: 0/bcfg2
 def __init__(self, core, datadir):  # pylint: disable=W0613
     self.core = core
     self._groupcache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probegroups")
     self._datacache = Bcfg2.Server.Cache.Cache("Probes", "probedata")
Example #17
    def __init__(self, basepath, xsource):  # pylint: disable=R0912
        :param basepath: The base filesystem path under which cache
                         data for this source should be stored
        :type basepath: string
        :param xsource: The XML tag that describes this source
        :type source: lxml.etree._Element
        :raises: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Source.SourceInitError`

        #: The base filesystem path under which cache data for this
        #: source should be stored
        self.basepath = basepath

        #: The XML tag that describes this source
        self.xsource = xsource

        #: A set of package names that are deemed "essential" by this
        #: source
        self.essentialpkgs = set()

        #: A list of the text of all 'Component' attributes of this
        #: source from XML
        self.components = [item.text for item in xsource.findall('Component')]

        #: A list of the arches supported by this source
        self.arches = [item.text for item in xsource.findall('Arch')]

        #: A list of the the names of packages that are blacklisted
        #: from this source
        self.blacklist = [item.text for item in xsource.findall('Blacklist')]

        #: A list of the the names of packages that are whitelisted in
        #: this source
        self.whitelist = [item.text for item in xsource.findall('Whitelist')]

        #: Whether or not to include deb-src lines in the generated APT
        #: configuration
        self.debsrc = xsource.get('debsrc', 'false') == 'true'

        #: A dict of repository options that will be included in the
        #: configuration generated on the server side (if such is
        #: applicable; most backends do not generate any sort of
        #: repository configuration on the Bcfg2 server)
        self.server_options = dict()

        #: A dict of repository options that will be included in the
        #: configuration generated for the client (if that is
        #: supported by the backend)
        self.client_options = dict()
        opts = xsource.findall("Options")
        for el in opts:
            repoopts = dict([(k, v)
                             for k, v in el.attrib.items()
                             if k != "clientonly" and k != "serveronly"])
            if el.get("clientonly", "false").lower() == "false":
            if el.get("serveronly", "false").lower() == "false":

        #: A list of URLs to GPG keys that apply to this source
        self.gpgkeys = [el.text for el in xsource.findall("GPGKey")]

        #: Whether or not to include essential packages from this source
        self.essential = xsource.get('essential', 'true').lower() == 'true'

        #: Whether or not to include recommended packages from this source
        self.recommended = xsource.get('recommended',
                                       'false').lower() == 'true'

        #: The "rawurl" attribute from :attr:`xsource`, if applicable.
        #: A trailing slash is automatically appended to this if there
        #: wasn't one already present.
        self.rawurl = xsource.get('rawurl', '')
        if self.rawurl and not self.rawurl.endswith("/"):
            self.rawurl += "/"

        #: The "url" attribute from :attr:`xsource`, if applicable.  A
        #: trailing slash is automatically appended to this if there
        #: wasn't one already present.
        self.url = xsource.get('url', '')
        if self.url and not self.url.endswith("/"):
            self.url += "/"

        #: The "version" attribute from :attr:`xsource`
        self.version = xsource.get('version', '')

        #: A list of predicates that are used to determine if this
        #: source applies to a given
        #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.ClientMetadata`
        #: object.
        self.conditions = []
        #: Formerly, :ref:`server-plugins-generators-packages` only
        #: supported applying package sources to groups; that is, they
        #: could not be assigned by more complicated logic like
        #: per-client repositories and group or client negation.  This
        #: attribute attempts to provide for some limited backwards
        #: compat with older code that relies on this.
        self.groups = []
        for el in xsource.iterancestors():
            if el.tag == "Group":
                if el.get("negate", "false").lower() == "true":
                    self.conditions.append(lambda m, el=el:
                                           el.get("name") not in m.groups)
                    self.conditions.append(lambda m, el=el:
                                           el.get("name") in m.groups)
            elif el.tag == "Client":
                if el.get("negate", "false").lower() == "true":
                    self.conditions.append(lambda m, el=el:
                                           el.get("name") != m.hostname)
                    self.conditions.append(lambda m, el=el:
                                           el.get("name") == m.hostname)

        #: A set of all package names in this source.  This will not
        #: necessarily be populated, particularly by backends that
        #: reimplement large portions of
        #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection`
        self.pkgnames = set()

        #: A dict of ``<package name>`` -> ``<list of dependencies>``.
        #: This will not necessarily be populated, particularly by
        #: backends that reimplement large portions of
        #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection`
        self.deps = dict()

        #: A dict of ``<package name>`` -> ``<list of provided
        #: symbols>``.  This will not necessarily be populated,
        #: particularly by backends that reimplement large portions of
        #: :class:`Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Packages.Collection.Collection`
        self.provides = dict()

        #: The file (or directory) used for this source's cache data
        self.cachefile = os.path.join(self.basepath,
                                      "cache-%s" % self.cachekey)
        if not self.rawurl:
            baseurl = self.url + "%(version)s/%(component)s/%(arch)s/"
            baseurl = self.rawurl

        #: A list of dicts, each of which describes the URL to one
        #: repository contained in this source.  Each dict contains
        #: the following keys:
        #: * ``version``: The version of the repo (``None`` for
        #:   ``rawurl`` repos)
        #: * ``component``: The component use to form this URL
        #:   (``None`` for ``rawurl`` repos)
        #: * ``arch``: The architecture of this repo
        #: * ``baseurl``: Either the ``rawurl`` attribute, or the
        #:   format string built from the ``url`` attribute
        #: * ``url``: The actual URL to the repository
        self.url_map = []
        for arch in self.arches:
            if self.url:
                usettings = [dict(version=self.version, component=comp,
                             for comp in self.components]
            else:  # rawurl given
                usettings = [dict(version=self.version, component=None,

            for setting in usettings:
                if not self.rawurl:
                    setting['baseurl'] = self.url
                    setting['baseurl'] = self.rawurl
                setting['url'] = baseurl % setting