def uploadingImageToServer(): if checkLogin() == False: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("LOGIN") FileStorage = request.files["image"] # Make the new image file name randNum = str(random.random() * 1000)[:3] imageFileName = FileStorage.filename + "_" + str( session["UserID"]) + "_" + str(randNum) + ".png" print(request.files) # Save the comming picture os.path.join(app.config["UploadImageFolder"], imageFileName)) # React with DB r = beecFunc.addImageToDB(FileName=FileStorage.filename, ImageName=imageFileName) if 'err' in r: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("err") else: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("OK")
def emailVerfication(): if request.method == 'POST': FullInData = json.dumps(request.form) FullInData = json.loads(FullInData) inVerCode = Checking.RemoveUnwantedChar(FullInData['VerCode']) print(FullInData) if len(inVerCode) == 8: myDB = SqlConn.ConnectToDB() para = {"VarCard": inVerCode} SQLResult = SqlConn.SendSQL(myDB, "SELECT `userid` FROM `verifications` WHERE `vercode` = %(VarCard)s AND `enddate` > NOW()" \ , parameters=para) if SQLResult != None: SqlConn.SendSQL(myDB, "UPDATE `ourusers` SET `verified`=TRUE WHERE `userid`='" + str(SQLResult[0][0]) + "'", \ returnDate=False) myDB.close() if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("OK") else: return flask.send_from_directory("HTML", "loginpage.html") if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Wrong code!") else: return flask.send_from_directory("HTML", "EmailVerifcation.html") else: if 'WEB' not in request.form: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Wrong code!") else: return flask.send_from_directory("HTML", "EmailVerifcation.html")
def imageupload(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': FileStorage = request.files["image"] # Get the image file name imageFileName = FileStorage.filename print(request.files) # Save the comming picture["UploadImageFolder"], FileStorage.filename)) # Parse the data FullInData = json.dumps(request.form) FullInData = json.loads(FullInData) # Clean up the name FullInData['ImageName'] = Checking.RemoveUnwantedChar(FullInData['ImageName']) # React with DB r = comFunc.addImageToDB(FileName=FileStorage.filename, ImageName=FullInData['ImageName']) if 'err' in r: return '<center>' + r[1] + '<center>"<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3";url=' + url_for( 'imageUpload') + '" />"' else: return redirect("/home") return flask.render_template("imageUpload.html")
def CreateNewCard(): if beecFunc.checkLogin() == False: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("LGOIN") # Request : # - CardInfo(JSON OBJECT tell all the data), # - Theam(String that tell what colors seperated with '-', ORDER: Background, FontColor, BoarerColor) d # (COLORS ARE IN R, G, B for each '-' string) # - Feilds(String List of wanted feild seperated with ":" if request.method == 'POST': # Convert the input to JSON object FullInData = json.dumps(request.form) FullInData = json.loads(FullInData) print(FullInData) # Call the create Card Module # Call the a function in the folder Cards/ [It was imported in this name] NewCardResult = AddNewCard(FullInData) if NewCardResult[0] == "OK": return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("OK") else: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("err")
def AddressEdit(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': return CallFor(callingAddress="AddressEdit", \ parametersList="`addressid`, `firstline`, `streetname`, `unitid`, `postoffice`, `area`, `quarter`, `addressname`, `countryid`, `AddedBy`", \ TableName='addresseslists', IdName='addressid', \ inCondation="`addressid`=%(addressid)s", ExtraData={"AddedBy": str(session['UserID'])}) theList = comFunc.DropListTags("SELECT `addressid`,`addressname` FROM addresseslists") return open("Beec/HTML/Address.html").read().format(TheList=theList)
def compnayEdit(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': return CallFor(callingAddress="compnayEdit", \ parametersList="`companyid`, `companyname`, `websitelink`, `representiviteid`", \ TableName='company', IdName='companyid', \ inCondation="`companyid`=%(companyid)s") theList = comFunc.DropListTags( "SELECT `companyid`,`companyname` FROM `company` WHERE `representiviteid`=" + str(session['UserID'])) # return open("HTML/Address.html").read().format(TheList=theList) return flask.render_template("editCompany.html")
def resendVerifcaiton(UserID): #Clean the Passed UserID UserID = Checking.RemoveUnwantedChar(UserID) # Connect to the SQL server dbConn = SqlConn.ConnectToDB() # Check if the user exisits and get its data para = {"userID": UserID} ur = SqlConn.SendSQL(dbConn, "SELECT ourusers.`email` as email, `firstname`, `lastname` FROM ourusers, `employee` " + \ "WHERE ourusers.`userid`=%(userID)s AND verified = 0 AND ourusers.userid = employee.userid", para) if ur == None: print("Fail") return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Fail") # Create new Verifcation code VirifcationCode = str(SqlConn.GenerateRadom(3)) VirifcationCode = Hashing.sha3_256( VirifcationCode.encode()).hexdigest()[2:10] VirifcationCode = VirifcationCode.upper() # Update the code to the database para = {"vcode": VirifcationCode, "userID": UserID} SqlConn.InsertSQL( dbConn, "UPDATE `verifications` SET `vercode`= %(vcode)s WHERE `UserID`=%(userID)s", para, False) # Close DB Connection SqlConn.CloseConnection(dbConn) # Send the email try: beecFunc.SendEmail(emailSubject="Avtivate you account with eCards", emailTo=ur[0][0], emailBody="Hi Mr. " + ur[0][1] + " " + ur[0][2] + \ ", \n You have register with us and complete your registration please click the line bellow or use this Code:\n" + \ VirifcationCode + " \n Thank you ...") except: print("Email Failer") return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("EmailFail") return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("OK")
def employeeEdit(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': return CallFor(callingAddress="employeeEdit", \ parametersList="`empid`, `nickname`, `firstname`, `middlename`, `grandname`, `lastname`, `abuname`, `phone`, `mobile`, `hometel`, `email`, `workphone`, `notes`, `userid`, `licencesid`", \ TableName='employee', IdName='empid', \ inCondation="`empid`=%(empid)s", \ idGenSize=9, ExtraData={"userid": str(session['UserID'])}) return flask.render_template("employee.html")
def departmentEdit(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': return CallFor(callingAddress="departmentEdit", \ parametersList="`departementid`, `departementname`, `landphone1`, `landphone2`, `email`, `email2`, `website`, `belongtocomapny`, `addressid`", \ TableName='departement', IdName='departementid', \ inCondation="`departementid`=%(departementid)s") return flask.render_template("department.html")
def joblistEdit(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': return CallFor(callingAddress="joblistEdit", \ parametersList="`jobid`, `jobname`, `jobdescription`", \ TableName='jobslist', IdName='jobid', \ inCondation="`jobid`=%(jobid)s", \ idGenSize=3) return flask.render_template("joblist.html")
def theamsEdit(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': MoreData = {} MoreData['createdby'] = str(session['UserID']) return CallFor(callingAddress="theamsEdit", \ parametersList="`theamid`, `theamname`, `HTMLcode`, `createdby`, `forcompany`, `licenceid`", \ TableName='theam', IdName='theamid', \ inCondation="`theamid`=%(theamid)s", \ ExtraData=MoreData, idGenSize=8) return flask.render_template("Theam.html")
def GetUserFullData(UserID): # Make sure the user is loged in loginResult = checkLogin() if loginResult != True: print("Fulldata request rejected, login is required") return loginResult UserID = Checking.onlyNumber(UserID) r = json.loads(beecFunc.getUserFullData(UserID)) if "err" in r: print("Error in r db 1") return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("NONE") if (len(r) == 0): return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("NONE") print("Fulldata request was sent successfully") # return the response object return app.response_class(response=json.dumps(r, ensure_ascii=False), status=200, mimetype='application/json')
def CallFor(callingAddress: str, parametersList: str, TableName: str, ExtraData: dict = {}, IdName: str = "", inCondation="", idGenSize=7): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) # Parse the data ReqnData = json.dumps(request.form) if ExtraData != "": ExtraData = json.dumps(ExtraData) ReqnData = ReqnData[0:len(ReqnData) - 1] + ", " + ExtraData[1:] ReqnData = json.loads(ReqnData) FullInData = ReqnData # Clean up for x in FullInData: FullInData[x] = Checking.RemoveUnwantedChar(FullInData[x]) # React with DB db = SqlConn.ConnectToDB() if 'newC' in request.form: # Generate a new ID FullInData[IdName] = SqlConn.GenerateRadom(idGenSize) # Create the list of paramter accordingly InsertList = SqlConn.makeHTML(WhatYouWant="INSERT", ParaList=parametersList) SQLs = "INSERT INTO " + TableName + " (" + parametersList + ") VALUES " + "(" + InsertList + ")" r = SqlConn.InsertSQL(db, SQLs, FullInData, returnID=False) elif 'editC' in request.form: # Create the list of paramter accordingly #print("^^^", FullInData) UpdateList = SqlConn.makeHTML(WhatYouWant="UPDATE", ParaList=parametersList) SQLs = "UPDATE " + TableName + " SET " + UpdateList + " WHERE " + inCondation r = SqlConn.SendSQL(db, SQLs, FullInData, returnDate=False) db.close() # Check Result if r[0] == "OK": return redirect("/home") else: return '<center>' + r[1] + '<center>"<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3";url=' + url_for( callingAddress) + '" />"'
def forgetPwdVeri(): if 'VerifcationCode' in request.form: incode = request.form['VerifcationCode'] db = SqlConn.ConnectToDB() para = {'incode': incode} r = SqlConn.SendSQL( db, "SELECT `UserID` FROM `verifications` WHERE `vercode`=%(incode)s AND `enddate`> NOW() LIMIT 1", para) if 'err' in r: db.close() return str(r) else: if 'passwordCheck' in request.form and 'NewPassword' in request.form: if request.form['passwordCheck'] == request.form[ 'NewPassword']: para = { "NewPassword": beecFunc.hasPassword(request.form['NewPassword']), "UserID": r[0][0] } SqlConn.SendSQL( db, "UPDATE `ourusers` SET `password`= %(NewPassword)s WHERE `userid`=%(UserID)s", para, returnDate=False) db.close() return redirect("/login") else: return flask.send_from_directory("HTML", "ForgetVerifcation.html")
def checkLogin(): if beecFunc.checkLogin() == False: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("LOGIN") else: return True
def displayImage(ImageName): return comFunc.displayImage(ImageName, app=app, IsAppServer=False)
def openHome(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) return flask.render_template("homepage.html", first_header='Welcome', p1=session['FullName'])
def RegisterNewUser(): if request.method == 'POST': # Convert the input to JSON object FullInData = json.dumps(request.form) FullInData = json.loads(FullInData) # print("Resived:", FullInData) try: # return FullInData; # Check email format if Checking.CheckEamilFormat(FullInData['email']): # Check email Match if (FullInData['email']) == (FullInData['Reenter'] or 'WEB' not in FullInData): print("email check passed") pass else: if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Email Match") else: return Msgs.getErrorMessage(0, "EN") else: if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Email Format") else: return Msgs.getErrorMessage(1, "EN") # Check Password Match if FullInData['Passowrd'] == FullInData[ 'pReenter'] or 'WEB' not in FullInData: # Password Complexity d = Checking.passwordComplexity(FullInData['Passowrd']) if d == "OK": print("Password Complexity Passed") pass else: print("Password Complexity FAILD") if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Pwd Complexity") else: return Msgs.getErrorMessage(2, "EN") else: if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Pwd Match") else: return Msgs.getErrorMessage(3, "EN") # Virify the username # FullInData['UserName'] = Checking.RemoveUnwantedChar(FullInData['UserName']) # Clean all input data for x in FullInData: if x != "Passowrd" and x != "email": FullInData[x] = Checking.RemoveUnwantedChar(FullInData[x]) except KeyError: if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Passed Key error: " + str(KeyError)) else: return "Passed Key error: " + str(KeyError) except: if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Other Error") else: return "Some error in you request" # ---------------------------------------- # Everything is ok # ---------------------------------------- print("Everything is OK") ErrorArray = [] # Create User ID FullInData['userid'] = str(SqlConn.GenerateRadom(8)) FullInData['password'] = beecFunc.hasPassword(FullInData['Passowrd']) # Connect to the SQL serer dbConn = SqlConn.ConnectToDB() # 1 Insert the user ResultData = SqlConn.InsertSQL( dbConn, "INSERT INTO `ourusers`(`CanLogin`,`points`,`userroleid`,`userid`, `email`,`password`) VALUES (1, 0, 122, %(userid)s, %(email)s, %(password)s )", FullInData, False) # Check if result is ok if ResultData == None or ResultData[0] != "OK": # If the error was becuse exisiting email, change the 'err' title to exisit # This is to dispaly the correct error message on the app if 'WEB' not in FullInData: if "exisits" in ResultData[1]: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Exisit") else: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse(ResultData[1]) else: return str(ResultData) # 2 Get the new created Licese ID # LicSQL = SqlConn.SendSQL(dbConn, "SELECT `licencesid` FROM `licences` WHERE `type`='E' AND `CreatedFor`=' " + str(UserID) + "'") para = {"username": FullInData['userid']} LicSQL = SqlConn.SendSQL( dbConn, "SELECT `licencesid` FROM `licences` WHERE `type`='E' AND `CreatedFor`=%(username)s", para) # print(FullInData['userid']) FullInData["LicenceID"] = str(LicSQL[0][0]) # 3 Create and employee # print("FullInData[1LicenceID1]=", FullInData["LicenceID"]) myInsert = "INSERT INTO `employee`(`empid`, `nickname`, `firstname`, `middlename`, `grandname`, `lastname`, `abuname`, " + \ "`phone`, `mobile`, `hometel`, `email`, `workphone`, `notes`, `userid`, `licencesid`) VALUES ('1'," + \ " %(Nickname)s , %(FirstName)s, %(MiddleName)s , %(GrandFatherName)s , %(FamilyName)s ,%(AbuName)s , %(PhoneNumber)s" + \ ", %(MobileNumber)s , %(HomePhone)s , %(email)s , %(Workphone)s , %(notes)s , %(userid)s , %(LicenceID)s )" ResultData = SqlConn.InsertSQL(dbConn, myInsert, FullInData, True) # ------------ # 4 SEND EMAIL if ResultData[0] == "OK": # Create the Verifcation code VirifcationCode = str(SqlConn.GenerateRadom(3)) VirifcationCode = Hashing.sha3_256( VirifcationCode.encode()).hexdigest()[2:10] VirifcationCode = VirifcationCode.upper() # Save the code to the database para = {"vcode": VirifcationCode, "userID": FullInData['userid']} SqlConn.InsertSQL( dbConn, "INSERT INTO `verifications`(`vercode`, `UserID`) VALUES (%(vcode)s,%(userID)s )", para, False) # Send the email try: beecFunc.SendEmail(emailSubject="Avtivate you account with eCards", emailTo=FullInData['email'], emailBody="Hi Mr. " + FullInData['FirstName'] + \ ", \n You have register with us and complete your registration please click the line bellow or use this Code:\n" + \ VirifcationCode + " \n Thank you ...") except: ErrorArray.append("Email") # Close DB Connection SqlConn.CloseConnection(dbConn) # 5 Redirect to verificaiton RR = flask.send_from_directory("HTML", "EmailVerifcation.html") if 'WEB' not in FullInData: if len(ErrorArray) > 0: if "Email" in ErrorArray: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse( { "Result": "Email", "UserID": ResultData[1] }, True) else: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse( { "Result": "OK", "UserID": ResultData[1] }, True) else: return str(RR) # Close DB Connection SqlConn.CloseConnection(dbConn) if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse(ResultData) else: return str(ResultData) # return Msgs.getErrorMessage(4, "EN") + FullInData['UserName'] elif request.method == 'GET': # If it get, simply return the registration form return flask.send_from_directory("HTML", "Register.html")
def login(): #print("Login") if request.method == 'POST': # Check if POST request has the Username paramter if 'Username' in request.form: # OK pass else: # Not passed print("Wrong Request") return "WORNG REQUEST" # Parse the data FullInData = json.dumps(request.form) FullInData = json.loads(FullInData) # Clean the username if Checking.CheckEamilFormat(FullInData['Username']): username = FullInData['Username'] else: print("Wrong Request2") if 'WEB' not in FullInData: return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Fail") return flask.render_template( "loginpage.html", SystemMessage="Wrong user name or password. Please try again.") password = beecFunc.hasPassword(FullInData['password']) # Send the sql db = SqlConn.ConnectToDB() if type(db).__name__ == "str": print("Wrong Request3 db", db) return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("error") #print(password) para = {"username": username, "password": password} r = SqlConn.SendSQL(db, "SELECT `ourusers`.`userid`, `ourusers`.`email`, `CanLogin`, `verified`, `points`, `userroleid`, " + \ "`employee`.`firstname`, `employee`.`lastname`, `ourusers`.`verified`, `ourusers`.`defultCardID`, `employee`.`empid` " +\ "FROM `ourusers`, `employee` WHERE `employee`." + \ "userid = ourusers.userid AND `ourusers`.`email` = %(username)s AND `password`=%(password)s AND " + \ "`CanLogin`=1 LIMIT 1", para) db.close() # Check the user if r != []: # Open the session #print(r) session['Username'] = username session['UserID'] = r[0][0] session['Email'] = r[0][1] session['CanLogin'] = r[0][2] session['Verified'] = r[0][3] session['Points'] = r[0][4] session['UserRoleID'] = r[0][5] session['FullName'] = r[0][6] + " " + r[0][7] session['EmpID'] = r[0][8] #print(session) if 'WEB' not in FullInData: # Check if the user has completed his verifction if r[0][8] != 1: responseDic = {"Result": "Verification"} else: responseDic = {"Result": "Success!"} for l in session: responseDic[l] = session[l] response = app.response_class(response=json.dumps(responseDic), status=200, mimetype='application/json') return response # ReturnResponse("Success!") else: return redirect("/home") # return open("HTML/homepage.html").read().format(first_header='Welcome', p1=session['FullName']) else: # Wrong user name or password if 'WEB' not in FullInData: print("Fails") return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Fail") else: return flask.render_template( "loginpage.html", SystemMessage= "Wrong user name or password. Please try again.") return flask.render_template("loginpage.html")
def logout(): if 'Username' in session: # remove the username from the session if it's there session.clear() return beecFunc.ReturnResponse("Successful")
def CardsEdit(): if comFunc.checkLogin() == False: return redirect(url_for('login')) if request.method == 'POST': ReqnData = json.dumps(request.form) ReqnData = json.loads(ReqnData) FullInData = ReqnData # Clean up for x in FullInData: FullInData[x] = Checking.RemoveUnwantedChar(FullInData[x]) # React with DB db = SqlConn.ConnectToDB() if 'newC' in request.form: # Generate a new ID FullInData['cardid'] = SqlConn.GenerateRadom(5) # Fix the checkbox input if FullInData['isprivate'] == 'on': FullInData['isprivate'] = "1" else: FullInData['isprivate'] = "0" ############################## # Fix the INFO feild to JSON object ############################## # Get the Theam HTML para = {"applytheamid": FullInData['applytheamid']} ThemSQL_Result = SqlConn.SendSQL(db, "SELECT `HTMLcode` FROM `theam` WHERE `theamid`=%(applytheamid)s", para) # Extart the requried data inHTML_ParaList = re.findall(r"\{[a-zA-Z]*\}", ThemSQL_Result[0][0]) # Remove the {} from the results for x in range(0, len(inHTML_ParaList)): inHTML_ParaList[x] = inHTML_ParaList[x][1:len(inHTML_ParaList[x]) - 1] ################## # Get the full data JSON FullDataJSON = GetUserFullData(session['UserID'], app, True) FullDataJSON = json.loads(FullDataJSON) ResultJSON: dict = {} # Match the needed data with the data in FullDataJSON for oneEntry in FullDataJSON: if oneEntry in inHTML_ParaList: ResultJSON[oneEntry] = FullDataJSON[oneEntry] # Fix Full Name `firstname``middlename``grandname``lastname` ResultJSON['FullName'] = FullDataJSON['firstname'] if "middlename" in FullDataJSON: ResultJSON['FullName'] = ResultJSON['FullName'] + " " + FullDataJSON['middlename'] if "grandname" in FullDataJSON: ResultJSON['FullName'] = ResultJSON['FullName'] + " " + FullDataJSON['grandname'] ResultJSON['FullName'] = str(ResultJSON['FullName'] + " " + FullDataJSON['lastname']) # Assign the JSON object FullInData['INFO'] = json.dumps(ResultJSON, ensure_ascii=False) ############################################### # Create the Insert SQL SQLs = "INSERT INTO cards (`cardid`, `cardname`, `hashlink`, `isprivate`, `visitcounter`, `htmllink`, `foremployee`, `applytheamid`, `INFO`, `QRCodeImg`) VALUES " \ + "('" + str(FullInData['cardid']) + "','" + FullInData['cardname'] + "','" + FullInData[ 'hashlink'] + "','" + \ FullInData['isprivate'] + "','0','" + FullInData['htmllink'] + "','" + \ str(FullInData['foremployee']) + "','" + str(FullInData['applytheamid']) + "','" + FullInData[ 'INFO'] + "','" + \ str(FullInData['QRCodeImg']) + "')" r = SqlConn.InsertSQL(db, SQLs, FullInData, returnID=False) return str(r) elif 'editC' in request.form: # Create the list of paramter accordingly print("^^^", FullInData) db.close() else: return flask.render_template("EditCard.html")
def WantedFeilds(): if checkLogin() == False: return UserID = str(session['UserID']) return beecFunc.ReturnResponse(CardInfo.getSelectedFeilds(UserID))