def init_inference_tools(self): ## Define tuning variables # general self.obs_count = 0 self.at_inputs = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device) self.at_predictions = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device) self.at_final_predictions = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device) self.at_losses = [] # state self.at_states = [] # state_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(init_state, at_learning_rate) # binding self.binder = BinderExMat(num_features=self.num_input_features, gradient_init=True) self.ideal_binding = torch.Tensor(np.identity( self.num_input_features)).to(self.device) self.Bs = [] self.B_grads = [None] * (self.tuning_length + 1) self.B_upd = [None] * (self.tuning_length + 1) self.bm_losses = [] self.bm_dets = []
at_loss_function = l1Loss at_learning_rate = 1 bm_momentum = 0.0 ## Define tuning variables # general obs_count = 0 at_inputs = torch.tensor([]) at_predictions = torch.tensor([]) at_final_predictions = torch.tensor([]) at_losses = [] # binding bindSM = nn.Softmax(dim=0) # columnwise binder = BinderExMat(num_features=num_input_features, gradient_init=True) ideal_binding = torch.Tensor(np.identity(num_input_features)) Bs = [] B_grads = [None] * (tuning_length+1) B_upd = [None] * (tuning_length+1) bm_losses = [] bm_dets = [] ############################################################################ ########## INITIALIZATIONS ############################################### ## Load data observations, feature_names = preprocessor.get_AT_data(data_asf_path, data_amc_path, num_frames+2)
r_momentum = 0.0 ## Define tuning variables # general obs_count = 0 at_inputs = torch.tensor([]) at_predictions = torch.tensor([]) at_final_predictions = torch.tensor([]) at_losses = [] # state at_states = [] # state_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(init_state, at_learning_rate) # binding binder = BinderExMat(num_features=num_input_features, gradient_init=True) ideal_binding = torch.Tensor(np.identity(num_input_features)) Bs = [] B_grads = [None] * (tuning_length + 1) B_upd = [None] * (tuning_length + 1) bm_losses = [] bm_dets = [] # translation perspective_taker = Perspective_Taker(num_input_features, num_input_dimensions, rotation_gradient_init=True, translation_gradient_init=True) ideal_trans = torch.zeros(3)
class SEP_BINDING(): def __init__(self): ## General parameters self.device = torch.device( 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) torch.set_printoptions(precision=8) ############################################################################ ########## PARAMETERS #################################################### def set_data_parameters(self): ## Define data parameters self.num_frames = 20 self.num_input_features = 15 self.num_input_dimensions = 3 self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(self.num_input_features, self.num_input_dimensions) self.evaluator = BAPTAT_evaluator(self.num_frames, self.num_input_features, self.preprocessor) self.data_at_unlike_train = False ## Note: sample needs to be changed in the future # data paths self.data_asf_path = 'Data_Compiler/S35T07.asf' self.data_amc_path = 'Data_Compiler/S35T07.amc' def set_data_parameters_(self, num_frames, num_input_features, num_input_dimesions): ## Define data parameters self.num_frames = num_frames self.num_input_features = num_input_features self.num_input_dimensions = num_input_dimesions self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(self.num_input_features, self.num_input_dimensions) self.evaluator = BAPTAT_evaluator(self.num_frames, self.num_input_features, self.preprocessor) def set_model_parameters(self): ## Define model parameters self.model_path = 'CoreLSTM/models/' def set_tuning_parameters(self): ## Define tuning parameters self.tuning_length = 10 # length of tuning horizon self.tuning_cycles = 3 # number of tuning cycles in each iteration # possible loss functions self.mse = nn.MSELoss() self.l1Loss = nn.L1Loss() # smL1Loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss() self.smL1Loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss(reduction='sum') # smL1Loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss(beta=2) # smL1Loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss(beta=0.5) # smL1Loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss(reduction='sum', beta=0.5) self.l2Loss = lambda x, y: self.mse(x, y) * (self.num_input_dimensions * self.num_input_features) self.at_loss = self.smL1Loss # define learning parameters self.at_learning_rate = 1 self.at_learning_rate_state = 0.0 self.bm_momentum = 0.0 self.at_loss_function = self.mse def set_tuning_parameters_(self, tuning_length, num_tuning_cycles, loss_function, at_learning_rate_binding, at_learning_rate_state, at_momentum_binding): ## Define tuning parameters self.tuning_length = tuning_length # length of tuning horizon self.tuning_cycles = num_tuning_cycles # number of tuning cycles in each iteration # possible loss functions self.at_loss = loss_function self.mse = nn.MSELoss() self.l1Loss = nn.L1Loss() self.smL1Loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss(reduction='sum') self.l2Loss = lambda x, y: self.mse(x, y) * (self.num_input_dimensions * self.num_input_features) # define learning parameters self.at_learning_rate = at_learning_rate_binding self.at_learning_rate_state = at_learning_rate_state self.bm_momentum = at_momentum_binding self.at_loss_function = self.mse print('Parameters set.') def init_inference_tools(self): ## Define tuning variables # general self.obs_count = 0 self.at_inputs = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device) self.at_predictions = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device) self.at_final_predictions = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device) self.at_losses = [] # state self.at_states = [] # state_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(init_state, at_learning_rate) # binding self.binder = BinderExMat(num_features=self.num_input_features, gradient_init=True) self.ideal_binding = torch.Tensor(np.identity( self.num_input_features)).to(self.device) self.Bs = [] self.B_grads = [None] * (self.tuning_length + 1) self.B_upd = [None] * (self.tuning_length + 1) self.bm_losses = [] self.bm_dets = [] def set_comparison_values(self, ideal_binding): self.ideal_binding = ideal_binding ############################################################################ ########## INITIALIZATIONS ############################################### def load_data(self): ## Load data observations, feature_names = self.preprocessor.get_AT_data( self.data_asf_path, self.data_amc_path, self.num_frames) return observations, feature_names def init_model(self): ## Load model self.core_model = CORE_NET() self.core_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.model_path)) self.core_model.eval() def init_model_(self, model_path): ## Load model self.core_model = CORE_NET() self.core_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)) self.core_model.eval() # print('\nModel loaded:') # print(self.core_model) def prepare_inference(self): self.set_data_parameters() self.set_model_parameters() self.set_tuning_parameters() self.init_inference_tools() self.init_model() print( 'Ready to run AT inference for binding task! \nInitialized parameters with: \n' + f' - number of features: \t\t{self.num_input_features}\n' + f' - number of dimensions: \t{self.num_input_dimensions}\n' + f' - number of tuning cycles: \t{self.tuning_cycles}\n' + f' - size of tuning horizon: \t{self.tuning_length}\n' + f' - learning rate: \t\t{self.at_learning_rate}\n' + f' - learning rate (state): \t{self.at_learning_rate_state}\n' + f' - momentum: \t\t\t{self.bm_momentum}\n' + f' - model: \t\t\t{self.model_path}\n' + f' - number of features: \t\t{self.num_input_features}\n') def run_inference(self, observations, order, reorder): at_final_predictions = torch.tensor([]).to(self.device) ## Binding matrices # Init binding entries bm = self.binder.init_binding_matrix_det_() # bm = binder.init_binding_matrix_rand_() print(bm) for i in range(self.tuning_length + 1): matrix = bm.clone() matrix.requires_grad_() self.Bs.append(matrix) print(f'BMs different in list: {self.Bs[0] is not self.Bs[1]}') ## Core state # define scaler state_scaler = 0.95 # init state at_h = torch.zeros(1, self.core_model.hidden_size).requires_grad_().to( self.device) at_c = torch.zeros(1, self.core_model.hidden_size).requires_grad_().to( self.device) init_state = (at_h, at_c) self.at_states.append(init_state) state = (init_state[0], init_state[1]) ############################################################################ ########## FORWARD PASS ################################################## for i in range(self.tuning_length): o = observations[self.obs_count] self.at_inputs =, o.reshape(1, self.num_input_features, self.num_input_dimensions)), 0) self.obs_count += 1 bm = self.binder.scale_binding_matrix(self.Bs[i]) x_B = self.binder.bind(o, bm) x = self.preprocessor.convert_data_AT_to_LSTM(x_B) state = (state[0] * state_scaler, state[1] * state_scaler) new_prediction, state = self.core_model(x, state) self.at_states.append(state) self.at_predictions = (self.at_predictions, new_prediction.reshape(1, 45)), 0) ############################################################################ ########## ACTIVE TUNING ################################################## while self.obs_count < self.num_frames: # TODO folgendes evtl in function auslagern o = observations[self.obs_count] self.obs_count += 1 bm = self.binder.scale_binding_matrix(self.Bs[-1]) x_B = self.binder.bind(o, bm) x = self.preprocessor.convert_data_AT_to_LSTM(x_B) ## Generate current prediction with torch.no_grad(): state = (state[0] * state_scaler, state[1] * state_scaler) new_prediction, state_new = self.core_model( x, self.at_states[-1]) ## For #tuning_cycles for cycle in range(self.tuning_cycles): print('----------------------------------------------') # Get prediction p = self.at_predictions[-1] # Calculate error # lam = 10 # loss = at_loss_function(p, x[0]) + l1Loss(p,x[0]) + lam / torch.norm(torch.Tensor(Bs[0].copy())) # loss = at_loss_function(p, x[0]) + mse(p, x[0]) # loss = l1Loss(p,x[0]) + l2Loss(p,x[0]) # loss_scale = torch.square(torch.mean(torch.norm(torch.tensor(Bs[-1]), dim=1, keepdim=True)) -1.) ##COPY????? # loss_scale = torch.square(torch.mean(torch.norm(bm.clone().detach(), dim=1, keepdim=True)) -1.) ##COPY????? # -> länge der Vektoren # print(f'loss scale: {loss_scale}') # loss_scale_factor = 0.9 # l1scale = loss_scale_factor * loss_scale # l2scale = loss_scale_factor / loss_scale # loss = l1Loss(p,x[0]) + l2scale * l2Loss(p,x[0]) # loss = l1scale * mse(p,x[0]) + l2scale * l2Loss(p,x[0]) # loss = l2Loss(p,x[0]) + mse(p,x[0]) # loss = l2Loss(p,x[0]) + loss_scale * mse(p,x[0]) # loss = loss_scale_factor * loss_scale * l2Loss(p,x[0]) + mse(p,x[0]) # loss = loss_scale_factor * loss_scale * l2Loss(p,x[0]) # loss = loss_scale_factor * loss_scale * mse(p,x[0]) # loss = self.smL1Loss(p, x[0]) loss = self.at_loss(p, x[0]) self.at_losses.append(loss.clone().detach().numpy()) print(f'frame: {self.obs_count} cycle: {cycle} loss: {loss}') # Propagate error back through tuning horizon loss.backward(retain_graph=True) # Update parameters with torch.no_grad(): # Calculate gradients with respect to the entires for i in range(self.tuning_length + 1): self.B_grads[i] = self.Bs[i].grad # print(B_grads[tuning_length]) # Calculate overall gradients ### version 1 # grad_B = B_grads[0] ### version 2 / 3 # grad_B = torch.mean(torch.stack(B_grads), 0) ### version 4 # # # # bias > 1 => favor recent # # # # bias < 1 => favor earlier bias = 1.5 weighted_grads_B = [None] * (self.tuning_length + 1) for i in range(self.tuning_length + 1): weighted_grads_B[i] = np.power(bias, i) * self.B_grads[i] grad_B = torch.mean(torch.stack(weighted_grads_B), dim=0) # print(f'grad_B: {grad_B}') # print(f'grad_B: {torch.norm(grad_B, 1)}') # Update parameters in time step t-H with saved gradients upd_B = self.binder.update_binding_matrix_( self.Bs[0], grad_B, self.at_learning_rate, self.bm_momentum) # Compare binding matrix to ideal matrix c_bm = self.binder.scale_binding_matrix(upd_B) if order is not None: c_bm = c_bm.gather( 1, reorder.unsqueeze(0).expand(c_bm.shape)) mat_loss = self.evaluator.FBE(c_bm, self.ideal_binding) self.bm_losses.append(mat_loss) print(f'loss of binding matrix (FBE): {mat_loss}') # Compute determinante of binding matrix det = torch.det(c_bm) self.bm_dets.append(det) print(f'determinante of binding matrix: {det}') # Zero out gradients for all parameters in all time steps of tuning horizon for i in range(self.tuning_length + 1): self.Bs[i].requires_grad = False self.Bs[i] # Update all parameters for all time steps for i in range(self.tuning_length + 1): self.Bs[i].data = upd_B.clone().data self.Bs[i].requires_grad = True # print(Bs[0]) # Initial state g_h = at_h.grad g_c = at_c.grad upd_h = self.at_states[0][ 0] - self.at_learning_rate_state * g_h upd_c = self.at_states[0][ 1] - self.at_learning_rate_state * g_c = upd_h.clone().detach().requires_grad_() = upd_c.clone().detach().requires_grad_() # state_optimizer.step() # print(f'updated init_state: {init_state}') ## REORGANIZE FOR MULTIPLE CYCLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! # forward pass from t-H to t with new parameters init_state = (at_h, at_c) state = (init_state[0], init_state[1]) for i in range(self.tuning_length): bm = self.binder.scale_binding_matrix(self.Bs[i]) x_B = self.binder.bind(self.at_inputs[i], bm) x = self.preprocessor.convert_data_AT_to_LSTM(x_B) # print(f'x_B :{x_B}') state = (state[0] * state_scaler, state[1] * state_scaler) self.at_predictions[i], state = self.core_model(x, state) # for last tuning cycle update initial state to track gradients if cycle == (self.tuning_cycles - 1) and i == 0: at_h = state[0].clone().detach().requires_grad_().to( self.device) at_c = state[1].clone().detach().requires_grad_().to( self.device) init_state = (at_h, at_c) state = (init_state[0], init_state[1]) self.at_states[i + 1] = state # Update current binding bm = self.binder.scale_binding_matrix(self.Bs[-1]) x_B = self.binder.bind(o, bm) x = self.preprocessor.convert_data_AT_to_LSTM(x_B) # END tuning cycle ## Generate updated prediction state = self.at_states[-1] state = (state[0] * state_scaler, state[1] * state_scaler) new_prediction, state = self.core_model(x, state) ## Reorganize storage variables # states self.at_states.append(state) self.at_states[0][0].requires_grad = False self.at_states[0][1].requires_grad = False self.at_states = self.at_states[1:] # observations self.at_inputs =[1:], o.reshape(1, self.num_input_features, self.num_input_dimensions)), 0) # predictions at_final_predictions = (at_final_predictions, self.at_predictions[0].detach().reshape( 1, 45)), 0) self.at_predictions = (self.at_predictions[1:], new_prediction.reshape(1, 45)), 0) # END active tuning # store rest of predictions in at_final_predictions for i in range(self.tuning_length): at_final_predictions = (at_final_predictions, self.at_predictions[1].reshape(1, 45)), 0) # get final binding matrix final_binding_matrix = self.binder.scale_binding_matrix( self.Bs[-1].clone().detach()) print(f'final binding matrix: {final_binding_matrix}') final_binding_entries = self.Bs[-1].clone().detach() print(f'final binding entires: {final_binding_entries}') return at_final_predictions, final_binding_matrix, final_binding_entries ############################################################################ ########## EVALUATION ##################################################### def evaluate(self, observations, at_final_predictions, feature_names, final_binding_matrix, final_binding_entries): pred_errors = self.evaluator.prediction_errors(observations, at_final_predictions, self.at_loss_function) self.evaluator.plot_prediction_errors(pred_errors) self.evaluator.plot_at_losses( self.at_losses, 'History of overall losses during active tuning') self.evaluator.plot_at_losses(self.bm_losses, 'History of binding matrix loss (FBE)') self.evaluator.plot_at_losses( self.bm_dets, 'History of binding matrix determinante') self.evaluator.plot_binding_matrix( final_binding_matrix, feature_names, 'Binding matrix showing relative contribution of observed feature to input feature' ) self.evaluator.plot_binding_matrix( final_binding_entries, feature_names, 'Binding matrix entries showing contribution of observed feature to input feature' ) # evaluator.help_visualize_devel(observations, at_final_predictions) def get_result_history(self, observations, at_final_predictions): pred_errors = self.evaluator.prediction_errors(observations, at_final_predictions, self.mse) return [pred_errors, self.at_losses, self.bm_losses, self.bm_dets]