Example #1
    def next(self):
        handle = self.handle
            #Header we saved from when we were parsing
            #the previous alignment.
            line = self._header
            del self._header
        except AttributeError:      
            line = handle.readline()
        if not line:
            return None

        #Whitelisted headers we know about
        known_headers = ['CLUSTAL', 'PROBCONS', 'MUSCLE']
        if line.strip().split()[0] not in known_headers:
            raise ValueError("%s is not a known CLUSTAL header: %s" % \
                              ", ".join(known_headers)))

        # find the clustal version in the header line
        version = None
        for word in line.split():
            if word[0]=='(' and word[-1]==')':
                word = word[1:-1]
            if word[0] in '0123456789':
                version = word

        #There should be two blank lines after the header line
        line = handle.readline()
        while line.strip() == "":
            line = handle.readline()

        #If the alignment contains entries with the same sequence
        #identifier (not a good idea - but seems possible), then this
        #dictionary based parser will merge their sequences.  Fix this?
        ids = []
        seqs = []
        consensus = ""
        seq_cols = None #: Used to extract the consensus

        #Use the first block to get the sequence identifiers
        while True:
            if line[0] != " " and line.strip() != "":
                #Sequences identifier...
                fields = line.rstrip().split()

                #We expect there to be two fields, there can be an optional
                #"sequence number" field containing the letter count.
                if len(fields) < 2 or len(fields) > 3:
                    raise ValueError("Could not parse line:\n%s" % line)


                #Record the sequence position to get the consensus
                if seq_cols is None:
                    start = len(fields[0]) + line[len(fields[0]):].find(fields[1])
                    end = start + len(fields[1])
                    seq_cols = slice(start, end)
                    del start, end
                assert fields[1] == line[seq_cols]

                if len(fields) == 3:
                    #This MAY be an old style file with a letter count...
                        letters = int(fields[2])
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError("Could not parse line, bad sequence number:\n%s" % line)
                    if len(fields[1].replace("-","")) != letters:
                        raise ValueError("Could not parse line, invalid sequence number:\n%s" % line)
            elif line[0] == " ":
                #Sequence consensus line...
                assert len(ids) == len(seqs)
                assert len(ids) > 0
                assert seq_cols is not None
                consensus = line[seq_cols]
                assert not line[:seq_cols.start].strip()
                assert not line[seq_cols.stop:].strip()
                #Check for blank line (or end of file)
                line = handle.readline()
                assert line.strip() == ""
                #No consensus
            line = handle.readline()
            if not line : break #end of file

        assert line.strip() == ""
        assert seq_cols is not None

        #Confirm all same length
        for s in seqs:
            assert len(s) == len(seqs[0])
        if consensus:
            assert len(consensus) == len(seqs[0])

        #Loop over any remaining blocks...
        done = False
        while not done:
            #There should be a blank line between each block.
            #Also want to ignore any consensus line from the
            #previous block.
            while (not line) or line.strip() == "":
                line = handle.readline()
                if not line : break # end of file
            if not line : break # end of file

            if line.split(None,1)[0] in known_headers:
                #Found concatenated alignment.
                done = True
                self._header = line

            for i in range(len(ids)):
                assert line[0] != " ", "Unexpected line:\n%s" % repr(line)
                fields = line.rstrip().split()
                #We expect there to be two fields, there can be an optional
                #"sequence number" field containing the letter count.
                if len(fields) < 2 or len(fields) > 3:
                    raise ValueError("Could not parse line:\n%s" % repr(line))

                if fields[0] != ids[i]:
                    raise ValueError("Identifiers out of order? Got '%s' but expected '%s'" \
                                      % (fields[0], ids[i]))

                if fields[1] != line[seq_cols]:
                    start = len(fields[0]) + line[len(fields[0]):].find(fields[1])
                    assert start == seq_cols.start, 'Old location %s -> %i:XX' % (seq_cols, start)
                    end = start + len(fields[1])
                    seq_cols = slice(start, end)
                    del start, end

                #Append the sequence
                seqs[i] += fields[1]
                assert len(seqs[i]) == len(seqs[0])

                if len(fields) == 3:
                    #This MAY be an old style file with a letter count...
                        letters = int(fields[2])
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError("Could not parse line, bad sequence number:\n%s" % line)
                    if len(seqs[i].replace("-","")) != letters:
                        raise ValueError("Could not parse line, invalid sequence number:\n%s" % line)

                #Read in the next line
                line = handle.readline()
            #There should now be a consensus line
            if consensus:
                assert line[0] == " "
                assert seq_cols is not None
                consensus += line[seq_cols]
                assert len(consensus) == len(seqs[0])
                assert not line[:seq_cols.start].strip()
                assert not line[seq_cols.stop:].strip()
                #Read in the next line
                line = handle.readline()

        assert len(ids) == len(seqs)
        if len(seqs) == 0 or len(seqs[0]) == 0:
            return None

        if self.records_per_alignment is not None \
        and self.records_per_alignment != len(ids):
            raise ValueError("Found %i records in this alignment, told to expect %i" \
                             % (len(ids), self.records_per_alignment))

        alignment = Alignment(self.alphabet)
        alignment_length = len(seqs[0])
        for i in range(len(ids)):
            if len(seqs[i]) != alignment_length:
                raise ValueError("Error parsing alignment - sequences of different length?")
            alignment.add_sequence(ids[i], seqs[i])
        #TODO - Handle alignment annotation better, for now
        #mimic the old parser in Bio.Clustalw
        if version:
            alignment._version = version
        if consensus:
            assert len(consensus) == alignment_length, \
                   "Alignment length is %i, consensus length is %i, '%s'" \
                   % (alignment_length, len(consensus), consensus)
            alignment._star_info = consensus
        return alignment
Example #2
    def next(self):
        handle = self.handle
            #Header we saved from when we were parsing
            #the previous alignment.
            line = self._header
            del self._header
        except AttributeError:
            line = handle.readline()
        if not line:
            return None

        #Whitelisted headers we know about
        known_headers = ['CLUSTAL', 'PROBCONS', 'MUSCLE']
        if line.strip().split()[0] not in known_headers:
            raise ValueError("%s is not a known CLUSTAL header: %s" % \
                              ", ".join(known_headers)))

        # find the clustal version in the header line
        version = None
        for word in line.split():
            if word[0] == '(' and word[-1] == ')':
                word = word[1:-1]
            if word[0] in '0123456789':
                version = word

        #There should be two blank lines after the header line
        line = handle.readline()
        while line.strip() == "":
            line = handle.readline()

        #If the alignment contains entries with the same sequence
        #identifier (not a good idea - but seems possible), then this
        #dictionary based parser will merge their sequences.  Fix this?
        ids = []
        seqs = []
        consensus = ""
        seq_cols = None  #: Used to extract the consensus

        #Use the first block to get the sequence identifiers
        while True:
            if line[0] != " " and line.strip() != "":
                #Sequences identifier...
                fields = line.rstrip().split()

                #We expect there to be two fields, there can be an optional
                #"sequence number" field containing the letter count.
                if len(fields) < 2 or len(fields) > 3:
                    raise ValueError("Could not parse line:\n%s" % line)


                #Record the sequence position to get the consensus
                if seq_cols is None:
                    start = len(fields[0]) + line[len(fields[0]):].find(
                    end = start + len(fields[1])
                    seq_cols = slice(start, end)
                    del start, end
                assert fields[1] == line[seq_cols]

                if len(fields) == 3:
                    #This MAY be an old style file with a letter count...
                        letters = int(fields[2])
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Could not parse line, bad sequence number:\n%s" %
                    if len(fields[1].replace("-", "")) != letters:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Could not parse line, invalid sequence number:\n%s"
                            % line)
            elif line[0] == " ":
                #Sequence consensus line...
                assert len(ids) == len(seqs)
                assert len(ids) > 0
                assert seq_cols is not None
                consensus = line[seq_cols]
                assert not line[:seq_cols.start].strip()
                assert not line[seq_cols.stop:].strip()
                #Check for blank line (or end of file)
                line = handle.readline()
                assert line.strip() == ""
                #No consensus
            line = handle.readline()
            if not line: break  #end of file

        assert line.strip() == ""
        assert seq_cols is not None

        #Confirm all same length
        for s in seqs:
            assert len(s) == len(seqs[0])
        if consensus:
            assert len(consensus) == len(seqs[0])

        #Loop over any remaining blocks...
        done = False
        while not done:
            #There should be a blank line between each block.
            #Also want to ignore any consensus line from the
            #previous block.
            while (not line) or line.strip() == "":
                line = handle.readline()
                if not line: break  # end of file
            if not line: break  # end of file

            if line.split(None, 1)[0] in known_headers:
                #Found concatenated alignment.
                done = True
                self._header = line

            for i in range(len(ids)):
                assert line[0] != " ", "Unexpected line:\n%s" % repr(line)
                fields = line.rstrip().split()

                #We expect there to be two fields, there can be an optional
                #"sequence number" field containing the letter count.
                if len(fields) < 2 or len(fields) > 3:
                    raise ValueError("Could not parse line:\n%s" % repr(line))

                if fields[0] != ids[i]:
                    raise ValueError("Identifiers out of order? Got '%s' but expected '%s'" \
                                      % (fields[0], ids[i]))

                if fields[1] != line[seq_cols]:
                    start = len(fields[0]) + line[len(fields[0]):].find(
                    assert start == seq_cols.start, 'Old location %s -> %i:XX' % (
                        seq_cols, start)
                    end = start + len(fields[1])
                    seq_cols = slice(start, end)
                    del start, end

                #Append the sequence
                seqs[i] += fields[1]
                assert len(seqs[i]) == len(seqs[0])

                if len(fields) == 3:
                    #This MAY be an old style file with a letter count...
                        letters = int(fields[2])
                    except ValueError:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Could not parse line, bad sequence number:\n%s" %
                    if len(seqs[i].replace("-", "")) != letters:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Could not parse line, invalid sequence number:\n%s"
                            % line)

                #Read in the next line
                line = handle.readline()
            #There should now be a consensus line
            if consensus:
                assert line[0] == " "
                assert seq_cols is not None
                consensus += line[seq_cols]
                assert len(consensus) == len(seqs[0])
                assert not line[:seq_cols.start].strip()
                assert not line[seq_cols.stop:].strip()
                #Read in the next line
                line = handle.readline()

        assert len(ids) == len(seqs)
        if len(seqs) == 0 or len(seqs[0]) == 0:
            return None

        if self.records_per_alignment is not None \
        and self.records_per_alignment != len(ids) :
            raise ValueError("Found %i records in this alignment, told to expect %i" \
                             % (len(ids), self.records_per_alignment))

        alignment = Alignment(self.alphabet)
        alignment_length = len(seqs[0])
        for i in range(len(ids)):
            if len(seqs[i]) != alignment_length:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Error parsing alignment - sequences of different length?")
            alignment.add_sequence(ids[i], seqs[i])
        #TODO - Handle alignment annotation better, for now
        #mimic the old parser in Bio.Clustalw
        if version:
            alignment._version = version
        if consensus:
            assert len(consensus) == alignment_length, \
                   "Alignment length is %i, consensus length is %i, '%s'" \
                   % (alignment_length, len(consensus), consensus)
            alignment._star_info = consensus
        return alignment