Example #1
    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        """Serialize the tree as a string in the specified file format.

        This method supports the format() built-in function added in Python
        2.6/3.0. The format_spec should be a lower case string supported by
        Bio.Phylo.write as an output file format. 
        if format_spec:
            from StringIO import StringIO
            from Bio.Phylo import _io
            handle = StringIO()
            _io.write([self], handle, format_spec)
            return handle.getvalue()
            # Follow python convention and default to using __str__
            return str(self)
Example #2
    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        """Serialize the tree as a string in the specified file format.

        This method supports Python's ``format`` built-in function.

        :param format_spec: a lower-case string supported by ``Bio.Phylo.write``
            as an output file format.

        if format_spec:
            from io import StringIO
            from Bio.Phylo import _io

            handle = StringIO()
            _io.write([self], handle, format_spec)
            return handle.getvalue()
            # Follow python convention and default to using __str__
            return str(self)
Example #3
def parseChain(lnfchains,
    """parse a Nexus-format tree chain and re-write it in a Newick format; edit the tree on the fly, substituting tip labels or grafting trees on tips"""
    if verbose: print "parseChain('%s')" % repr(lnfchains)
    ntree = 0
    buffsize = 50
    treebuffer = []
    if nfchainout: nfout = nfchainout
        nfout = n2outChainFileName(lnfchains[0], dirout, inchainfmt,
    dhandles = {}
    for k, nfchain in enumerate(lnfchains):
        dhandles[k] = PhyloIO.parse(nfchain, inchainfmt)
    # intertwines the trees from separate chains, respecting their sequence
    # so that the burn-in can still be defined as the first portion of trees in the sample.
    sometreeleft = True
    ichains = range(len(lnfchains))
    while sometreeleft:
        for k in ichains:
            #~ sys.stdout.write('\rk'+str(k)) ; sys.stdout.flush()
                tree = dhandles[k].next()
                #~ print tree
                #~ sys.stdout.flush()
            except StopIteration:
                sometreeleft = False
                # stops for all chains here, even if they had different length (which shoulld not be)
                break  # the for k loop
            if dold2newname:
                for tip in tree.get_terminals():
                    nutipname = dold2newname.get(tip.name)
                    if nutipname:
                        if isinstance(nutipname, str):
                            tip.name = nutipname
                            if isinstance(nutipname, tree2.Node):
                                nusubtree = tree2toBioPhylo(nutipname)
                            elif isinstance(nutipname, BaseTree.TreeElement):
                                nusubtree = nutipname
                                raise ValueError, "replacement value for a leaf must be either a string (to edit leaf label) of a tree object instance of classes tree2.Node or Bio.Phylo.TreeElement (or derivates)"
                            subtreelen = nusubtree.total_branch_length(
                            ) / nusubtree.count_terminals()
                            if subtreelen:
                                # substract the subtree length to its branch length
                                tip.branch_length = max(
                                    0.0, tip.branch_length - subtreelen)
                            # attach subtree to tree
                            tip.clades = nusubtree.root.clades
                            tip.name = ''
            ntree += 1
            #~ sys.stdout.write('\rntree'+str(ntree)) ; sys.stdout.flush()
            if len(treebuffer) >= buffsize:
                if verbose:
                    sys.stdout.write('\r' + str(ntree))
                if ntree <= buffsize:
                    PhyloIO.write(treebuffer, nfout, outchainfmt)
                    treeappend(treebuffer, nfout, outchainfmt)
                treebuffer = []
    if treebuffer: treeappend(treebuffer, nfout, outchainfmt)
    print '%s%s ...done (%d trees)' % (('\n' if verbose else ''), nfout, ntree)
    return None