Example #1
    def __init__(self, indexname, parser=None):
        """__init__(self, indexname, parser=None)

        Open a Prodoc Dictionary.  indexname is the name of the
        index for the dictionary.  The index should have been created
        using the index_file function.  parser is an optional Parser
        object to change the results into another form.  If set to None,
        then the raw contents of the file will be returned.

        self._index = Index.Index(indexname)
        self._handle = open(self._index[Dictionary.__filename_key])
        self._parser = parser
Example #2
def index_file(filename, indexname, rec2key=None):
    """index_file(filename, indexname, rec2key=None)

    Index a Prodoc file.  filename is the name of the file.
    indexname is the name of the dictionary.  rec2key is an
    optional callback that takes a Record and generates a unique key
    (e.g. the accession number) for the record.  If not specified,
    the id name will be used.

    import os
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise ValueError("%s does not exist" % filename)

    index = Index.Index(indexname, truncate=1)
    index[Dictionary._Dictionary__filename_key] = filename

    handle = open(filename)
    records = parse(handle)
    end = 0L
    for record in records:
        start = end
        end = long(handle.tell())
        length = end - start

        if rec2key is not None:
            key = rec2key(record)
            key = record.accession

        if not key:
            raise KeyError("empty key was produced")
        elif key in index:
            raise KeyError("duplicate key %s found" % key)

        index[key] = start, length