Example #1
def get_all_orfs(seqrecord, frame):
    Generic ORF finder; it returns a list of all ORFs as they are
    found, given codons (a list if tuples in the form (codon,
    position)) from `get_codons`. This list is a list of SeqRange

    Earlier versions did not allow for overlapping ORFs, since our
    approach was to always take the 5'-most start codon. However, now
    new versions will allow for other start codon prediction methods.

    For example:


    Earlier methods would just give a single ORF candidate:


    Now, this new version will allow overlapping ORFs (via a queue):

            |-- open ended case -----------|

    Save for annotating them differently, this function will not
    ignore partial 5'-incomplete for 3'-incomplete cases. In other
    words, we assume we are in an open reading frame from the
    start. This allows us to enumerate every biologically possible
    seq = seqrecord.seq
    seqname = seqrecord.id
    seqlength = len(seq)

    # initialize ORF collector, and starting positions
    all_orfs = SeqRanges() # for final ORFs

    # to handle keeping many reading possible reading frame candidates
    # open at once, we use a queue. Tuples maintain key data:
    # (start orf position, start query position, whether had start codon)
    orf_queue = deque(list())

    # get all codons in frame
    codons = get_codons(seq, frame)

    # push case that we're in reading frame from start onto queue, but
    # only if it's not a stop codon
    codon, orf_pos, query_pos = codons[0]
    if codon not in STOP_CODONS:
        # note what we're adding here: query_pos is query position *in
        # frame*. So even if the ORF is open-ended, we will still not
        # start from the beginning of the sequence, but rather the
        # beginning of the sequence in frame.
        orf_queue.append((orf_pos, query_pos, False))
    for codon, orf_pos, query_pos in codons:
        codon = codon.upper()

        if codon in START_CODONS:
            #print "adding start codon '%s' pos %d to queue" % (codon, query_pos)
            orf_queue.append((orf_pos, query_pos, True))
        if codon in STOP_CODONS:
            # pop everything off queue and make it an ORF to add to
            # the candidates list
            while True:
                    orf_start_pos, query_start_pos, had_start = orf_queue.popleft()
                except IndexError:
                orf_data = {"no_start":not had_start, "no_stop":False}
                orf = SeqRange(Range(query_start_pos, query_pos+2), seqname,
                               "+", seqlength=seqlength, data=orf_data)

    # iteration complete. If there are still items in the ORF queue,
    # pop them off and add them as incomplete.
    if len(orf_queue) > 0:
        while True:
                orf_start_pos, query_start_pos, had_start = orf_queue.pop()
            except IndexError:
            orf_data = {"no_start":not had_start, "no_stop":True}
            orf = SeqRange(Range(query_start_pos, query_pos+2), seqname,
                           "+", seqlength=seqlength, data=orf_data)
    return all_orfs