Example #1
    def __ssBonds( self, model, cutoff=4. ):
        Identify disulfide bonds.

        @param model: model
        @type  model: PDBModel        
        @param cutoff: distance cutoff for S-S distance (default: 4.0)
        @type  cutoff: float
        @return: list with numbers of residue pairs forming S-S
        @rtype: [(int, int)]
        m = model.compress( model.mask( ['SG'] ) )

        if len( m ) < 2:
            return []

        pw = MU.pairwiseDistances( m.xyz, m.xyz )

        pw = N.less( pw, cutoff )

        r = []
        for i in range( len( pw ) ):
            for j in range( i+1, len(pw) ):
                if pw[i,j]:
                    r += [ (m.atoms['residue_number'][i],
                            m.atoms['residue_number'][j]) ]
        return r
Example #2
    def __ssBonds(self, model, cutoff=4.):
        Identify disulfide bonds.

        @param model: model
        @type  model: PDBModel        
        @param cutoff: distance cutoff for S-S distance (default: 4.0)
        @type  cutoff: float
        @return: list with numbers of residue pairs forming S-S
        @rtype: [(int, int)]
        m = model.compress(model.mask(['SG']))

        if len(m) < 2:
            return []

        pw = MU.pairwiseDistances(m.xyz, m.xyz)

        pw = N.less(pw, cutoff)

        r = []
        for i in range(len(pw)):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(pw)):
                if pw[i, j]:
                    r += [(m.atoms['residue_number'][i],
        return r
Example #3
def getSS( model, cutoff=4.0 ):

    cys_mask = model.mask( lambda a: a['residue_name'] in ['CYS', 'CYX']\
                           and a['name'] == 'SG')

    model = model.compress( cys_mask )

    diff = MU.pairwiseDistances( model.xyz, model.xyz )

    count = N.sum( N.sum( N.less( diff, cutoff ) ) ) - model.lenAtoms()

    return count / 2
Example #4
def getSS(model, cutoff=4.0):

    cys_mask = model.mask( lambda a: a['residue_name'] in ['CYS', 'CYX']\
                           and a['name'] == 'SG')

    model = model.compress(cys_mask)

    diff = MU.pairwiseDistances(model.xyz, model.xyz)

    count = N.sum(N.sum(N.less(diff, cutoff))) - model.lenAtoms()

    return count / 2
Example #5
## extract single copy
m = m0.takeChains( [0, 2, 3 ] )

## quick and dirty 2D-view
# G.plot( zip( m.xyz[:,0], m.xyz[:,1] ) )

m0.report( plot=1 )

## distance/contact matrix
import Biskit.mathUtils as MU

pw = MU.pairwiseDistances( m.xyz, m.xyz )

## nicer graphics with Matrixplot

p = MatrixPlot( pw, step=25 )

## simple binary contact plot with gnuplot

## cont = pw * N.less( pw, 10 )
cont = N.less( pw, 10 )
G.scatter( zip( *N.nonzero( cont ) ) )

## inter-molecular contacts only