Example #1

    s = '%(rec)4s : %(lig)4s %(dG_kt)7.2f %(solv)7.2f %(coul)7.2f %(ions)7.2f %(dG_kcal)7.2f\n'

    d = copy.copy(com['dG_delphi'])
    d.update({'rec': com.rec_model.pdbCode, 'lig': com.lig_model.pdbCode})

    r = t
    r += s % d
    return r

### MAIN ###

options = T.cmdDict({'ocom': 'delphi.complex', 'o': 'dg_delphi.out'})


    f_out = T.absfile(options['o'])
    f_ocom = T.absfile(options['ocom'])

    options['autocap'] = 'autocap' in options
    options['debug'] = 'debug' in options
    options['verbose'] = 'v' in options

    if 'nice' in options: options['nice'] = int(options['nice'])

    for key in [
            'indi', 'exdi', 'salt', 'ionrad', 'prbrad', 'bndcon', 'scale',
Example #2
            p.add( points[i] )

        ## Legend
        p.add( B.PlotKey( .70, .85, curves ) )
        return p


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict( defOptions() )

    if not 'i' in options:

    ## Load result tree and dict with protocols
    dat = T.load( options['i'] )
    title = 't' in options

    p = dat['protocols']

    r = Reporter( dat, p )

    if 'eps' in options:
        p = r.plot_ens( ['dS', 'dS_sep', 'dS_rigid', 'dS_cross',
Example #3
    -o          .. one or several project folders (default: current)
    -? or -help .. this help screen

Default options:
    for key, value in o.items():
        print "\t-",key, "\t",value


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict({'o':[ os.getcwd() ]})

    if '?' in options or 'help' in options:
        _use( options )
    folders = T.toList( options['o'] )

    if not os.path.exists( folders[0] +'/templates'):
        print 'Current directory is not a valid modeling folder.' 
        _use( options )

    T.flushPrint( "Creating folders and links...\n" )
    for f in folders:
        sv = VS(outFolder=f)
Example #4
    identify options that have to be passed on to blastall
    result = {}
    def_keys = defaultOptions().keys() + ['psi']

    for k, v in options.items():
        if not k in def_keys:
            result[ k ] = v

    return result

### MAIN ###

options   = tools.cmdDict( defaultOptions() )
outFolder = tools.absfile( options['o'] )
f_target  = tools.absfile( options['q'] )
f_target = f_target or outFolder + SequenceSearcher.F_FASTA_TARGET

if not (f_target and os.path.exists( f_target ) ):
    _use( defaultOptions() )

if '?' in options or 'help' in options:
    _use( defaultOptions() )

seq_db = options['db']
e = float( options['e'] )
aln = int( options['aln'])
clustLim = int( options['limit'])
simCut = float( options['simcut'] )
Example #5
    if len(todo) > 0:
        msg = "\n%i out of %i complexes are to be updated\n\n"
        t.flushPrint(msg % (len(todo), len(cl)))
        return cl
        t.flushPrint("\nList contains no data that can be updated\n")


if len(sys.argv) < 3:

options = t.cmdDict(defaultOptions())

## ## current keys used for scoring
## scoreKeys = ['eProsa', 'ePairScore', 'foldX', 'cons_ent', 'cons_max']

## load docking solutions
t.flushPrint("\nLoading complex list %s ... " % t.absfile(options['i']))
complex_lst = t.load(options['i'])

## validate and expand list of keys to be calculated
force = []
if options.has_key('f'):
    raw_force = t.toList(options['f'])

    ## check that the key is valid
Example #6

        -d          [str], list of project directory
        -s          show the structure final.pdb im PyMol
    for key, value in o.items():
        print "\t-",key, "\t",value


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict()
    f = os.getcwd()
    if '?' in options or 'help' in options:
        _use( options )

    if not os.path.exists(f + VS.F_RESULT_FOLDER) and not options.has_key('d'):
        print 'Current directory is not a valid modeling project folder.' 
        _use( options )
    ## Try to add project folders
    ## look for default cross-validation projects
    d = []
    if os.path.exists( f + VS.F_RESULT_FOLDER ):
        d = [ f ]
Example #7
           -r     receptor chain list (e.g. 0 1 ) 
           -l     ligand      ~       (e.g. 2 )
           -o     output file
           -lo,lr ligand, receptor model output file
Default options:
    for key, value in options.items():
        print "\t-",key, "\t",value

### MAIN ###

options = T.cmdDict( {'o':'ref.complex', 'lo':'lig.model', 'ro':'rec.model' } )

if len (sys.argv) < 3:
    _use( options )

## create a reference complex
print "Loading..."
ref_com =  PDBModel( options['c'] )
print "Removing water..."
ref_com.remove( lambda a: a['residue_name'] in ['TIP3','HOH','WAT'] )

## extract rec and lig chains
rec_chains = T.toIntList( options['r'] )
lig_chains = T.toIntList( options['l'] )

print "Extracting rec and lig..."
Example #8
    if len( sys.argv ) < 2:
        print \
Restart a distributed calculation.
Syntax:  restartPVM.py -i |rst_file| [-a]
         i  .. restart file containing result of TrackingJobMaster.getRst()
         a  .. add hosts to PVM

## MAIN ##


cmd = T.cmdDict()

T.flushPrint('Loading restart data...')
rst = T.load( cmd['i'] )

hosts = []
if 'a' in cmd:
    hosts = [ h['host'] for h in rst['hosts'] ]

master = restart( rst, hosts=hosts )

T.flushPrint('Master initialized for restart.')


Example #9
    o['o']    = 'entropy_result.dic'

    ## uncomment for testing
##     o['step'] = 2
##     o['start']= 100
##     o['stop'] = 400
##     o['ref']  = '~/interfaces/c15/com_wet/ref.complex'
##     o['i'] = '~/interfaces/c15/rec_pcr_00/traj.dat+\
##               ~/interfaces/c15/lig_pcr_00/traj.dat'
    return o

## MAIN ##

options = t.cmdDict( defOptions() )

if not ('i' in options ):

## convert command line parameters
for k in ['s','e','ss', 'se', 'step','fit_s', 'fit_e', 'nice','thin', 'ex_n',
          'ex3', 'shift', 'border']:
    if k in options:
        options[k] = int( options[k] )

for k in ['debug', 'verbose', 'cast', 'split', 'shuffle', 'shift', 'heavy',
          'solvent', 'protein']:
    if k in options:
        options[k] = 1
Example #10
    ## have too remove objects backvards not to change indexes
    for j in r:
    if len(d)==0:
        print 'Nothing to model. Exiting.'

    return d

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ## look for default cross-validation projects
    options = T.cmdDict({'h':10, 'd':[], 'zfilter':TF.Z_CUTOFF,'idfilter':TF.ID_CUTOFF})
    d=options['d'] or collect_project_folders( )

    if (options['d'] is None) or ('help' in options or '?' in options):
        _use( options )
    folders = T.toList(options['d'])
    hostNumber = int(options['h'])
    fastaTarget = options.get('fta', None)
    f_pir = options.get('pir', None)
    template_folder = options.get('tf', None)
    starting_model = int(options.get('sm', 1))
    ending_model = int(options.get('em', 10))
    ferror = options.get('fe', None)
    windows = "w" in options
Example #11
EnsembleTraj.py for details).

traj2ensemble.py -i |in_traj| -n |n_members| -o |out_traj| -pdb |PDBCode| ]

    o        - out file name        (default: replace input file)
    n        - number of ensemble members to expect (default: 10)
    pdb      - PDB code to be stored in trajectory

## MAIN ##


o = T.cmdDict( {'n':10} )

f_in  = T.absfile( o['i'] )
f_out = T.absfile( o.get('o', f_in) )
n = int( o['n'] )

t = T.load( f_in )

T.flushPrint("Converting %i frames..." % len(t) )

if isinstance(t, EnsembleTraj ):
    T.flushPrint( "Nothing to be done!\n")
t = traj2ensemble( t, n )
Example #12
    addFrameNames( t, trajIndex )

    e = end or len( t )

    if start or end or (step != 1):
        t = t.takeFrames( range( start, e, step ) )

    return t

### MAIN ###


o = T.cmdDict( {'o':'traj_ensemble.dat'} )

out = T.absfile( o['o'] )
inLst = T.toList( o['i'] )
start = int( o.get('s','0') )
end   = o.get( 'e', None )
if end:
    end = int( end )
step = int( o.get('step',1) )

ref = o.get('ref',None)
if ref:
    ref = PDBModel( T.absfile( ref ) )
    if 'prot' in o:
        ref = ref.compress( ref.maskProtein() )
Example #13
    if len( todo ) > 0:
        msg = "\n%i out of %i complexes are to be updated\n\n"
        t.flushPrint( msg%(len(todo), len(cl) ) )
        return cl
        t.flushPrint( "\nList contains no data that can be updated\n" )


if len(sys.argv) < 3:

options = t.cmdDict( defaultOptions() )

## ## current keys used for scoring
## scoreKeys = ['eProsa', 'ePairScore', 'foldX', 'cons_ent', 'cons_max']

## load docking solutions
t.flushPrint( "\nLoading complex list %s ... " % t.absfile( options['i'] ) )
complex_lst = t.load( options['i'] )
t.flushPrint( "done\n" )

## validate and expand list of keys to be calculated
force = []
if options.has_key('f'):
    raw_force = t.toList( options['f'] )

    ## check that the key is valid
Example #14
they must have, at least, all the atoms that are in the reference. 

Default options:
    for key, value in options.items():
        print "\t-",key, "\t",value


### MAIN ###

if len (sys.argv) < 3:
    _use( {'o':'traj.dat'} )

options = tools.cmdDict( {'o':'traj.dat'} )

## get all PDBs and models directly from a directory (avoids shell limits)
if 'd' in options:
    d = tools.absfile( options['d'] )
    l = os.listdir( d )
    l = [ x for x in l if x[-4:].upper() == '.PDB' or x[-6:] == '.MODEL' \
          or x[-7:].upper() == '.PDB.GZ' ]
    l = [ os.path.join( d, f ) for f in l ]

    options['i'] = l

if 'e' in options:
    t_class = EnsembleTraj
    t_class = Trajectory
Example #15
    -o          .. one or several project folders (default: current)
    -? or -help .. this help screen

Default options:

    for key, value in o.items():
        print "\t-", key, "\t", value


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict({'o': [os.getcwd()]})

    if '?' in options or 'help' in options:

    folders = T.toList(options['o'])

    if not os.path.exists(folders[0] + '/templates'):
        print 'Current directory is not a valid modeling folder.'

    T.flushPrint("Creating folders and links...\n")

    for f in folders:
        sv = VS(outFolder=f)
Example #16
    for j in r:

    if len(d) == 0:
        print 'Nothing to model. Exiting.'

    return d

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ## look for default cross-validation projects
    options = T.cmdDict({
        'h': 10,
        'd': [],
        'zfilter': TF.Z_CUTOFF,
        'idfilter': TF.ID_CUTOFF
    d = options['d'] or collect_project_folders()

    if (options['d'] is None) or ('help' in options or '?' in options):

    folders = T.toList(options['d'])
    hostNumber = int(options['h'])
    fastaTarget = options.get('fta', None)
    f_pir = options.get('pir', None)
    template_folder = options.get('tf', None)
    starting_model = int(options.get('sm', 1))
    ending_model = int(options.get('em', 10))
    ferror = options.get('fe', None)
Example #17
    options = {}
    options['q'] = tools.testRoot() + '/Mod/project/target.fasta'
    options['o'] = tools.testRoot() + '/Mod/project'
    options['log'] = '1'
    options['view'] = '1'
    return options


if len(sys.argv) < 3:

options = tools.cmdDict(options)
#options = testOptions()

outFolder = tools.absfile(options['o'])
f_target = tools.absfile(options['q'])
f_target = f_target or outFolder + SequenceSearcher.F_FASTA_TARGET

log = None
if 'log' in options:
    log = LogFile(outFolder + '/modelling.log')

## databases used
seq_db = 'swissprot'
tmp_db = 'pdbaa'

Example #18
                       + [ c.rec_model ]
        if c.lig_model not in known_ligs:
            stray_ligs[ c['model2']] = stray_ligs.get( c['model2'], []) \
                       + [ c.lig_model ]
    return stray_recs, stray_ligs


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict({
        'o': 'complexes_pooled.cl',
        'mo': 'changed_models',
        'ldic': 'pcr_lig/models.dic',
        'rdic': 'pcr_rec/models.dic'

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    fs = [T.absfile(f) for f in T.toList(options['i'])]

    result = ComplexList()

    rec_dic = T.load(T.absfile(options['rdic']))
    lig_dic = T.load(T.absfile(options['ldic']))

    for f in fs:
Example #19
            stray_recs[ c['model1']] = stray_recs.get( c['model1'], []) \
                       + [ c.rec_model ]
        if c.lig_model not in known_ligs:
            stray_ligs[ c['model2']] = stray_ligs.get( c['model2'], []) \
                       + [ c.lig_model ]
    return stray_recs, stray_ligs


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict( {'o':'complexes_pooled.cl',
                          'rdic':'pcr_rec/models.dic'} )

    if len( sys.argv ) < 2:

    fs = [ T.absfile( f ) for f in T.toList( options['i'] ) ]

    result = ComplexList()
    rec_dic = T.load( T.absfile( options['rdic'] ) )
    lig_dic = T.load( T.absfile( options['ldic'] ) )

    for f in fs:

        T.flushPrint('Loading %s ...' % f )
Example #20
    return l, replaced

def replace_import_statement(l, module, importas):

    if importas == module:
        importas = ''
        importas = ' as ' + importas

    return l.replace('from ' + module + ' import *',
                     'import ' + module + importas)

options = t.cmdDict({'m': 'Numeric', 'as': 'N', 'e': ['Complex']})

module = options['m']

importas = options.get('as', module)

srcfiles = t.toList(options.get('i', None))

exclude = t.toList(options['e'])

    exec('import ' + module)

    for fname in srcfiles:

        fname = t.absfile(fname)
Example #21
    for j in r:

    if len(d) == 0:
        print 'Nothing to align. Exiting.'

    return d

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ## look for default cross-validation projects
    d = []

    options = T.cmdDict({'h': 10, 'd': d})

    d = options['d'] or collect_project_folders()

    if (options['d'] is None) or ('help' in options or '?' in options):

    folders = T.toList(options['d'])
    hostNumber = int(options['h'])
    pdbFolder = options.get('pdb', None)
    fastaTemplates = options.get('ft', None)
    fastaSequences = options.get('fs', None)
    fastaTarget = options.get('fta', None)
    ferror = options.get('fe', None)
    show_output = 'w' in options
Example #22
    -amber  rename CYX -> CYS, HID/HIE/HIP -> HIS, unwrap atom names
          (this creates models with the same atom/res names as pdbs created
           with ambpdb -p top.parm -aatm -bres < some.crd > some.pdb )
    -s    sort atoms alphabetically within residues

Default options:
    for key, value in o.items():
        print "\t-",key, "\t",value


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict( {'h':10, 'c':5 } )

    if len( sys.argv ) < 2:
        _use( options )

    hostNumber = int( options['h'] )
    chunk = int( options['c'] )
    windows = options.has_key('w')
    amber = options.has_key('amber')
    sort = options.has_key('s')

    outFolder = None
    if options.has_key('o'):
        outFolder = T.absfile( options['o'] )

    ## get all PDBs and models directly from a directory (avoids shell limits)
Example #23
    return result

def test():
    options = defOptions()
    options['i'] = '/home/Bis/raik/data/tb/interfaces/c11/lig_pcr_00/traj.dat'
    options['step'] = '3'
    options['s'] = '0'
    options['o'] = '~johan/dock/scripts'
    options['ref'] = ''

    return options

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

##    options = test()
    options = T.cmdDict(defOptions())

    tc = load(options)

    r = cluster(tc, options)
    ##    r=rmsdLimitedClustering( tc, options )
    if options.has_key('co'):
        T.dump(tc, options['co'])

Example #24
    -d          [str], list of project validation directories
    -modlist    str, the path to the 'PDBModels.list' from the
                  project directory
    -ref        str, the path to the 'reference.pdb' from
                  the project directory (known structure)

    for key, value in o.items():
        print "\t-", key, "\t", value


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict()
    f = os.getcwd()

    if '?' in options or 'help' in options or 'h' in options:

    if not os.path.exists(f + B.F_INPUT_FOLDER) and not options.has_key('d'):
        print 'Current directory is not a valid modeling project folder.'

    ## Try to add project folders
    ## look for default cross-validation projects
    d = []

    if os.path.exists(f + VS.F_RESULT_FOLDER):
        d = glob.glob(f + VS.F_RESULT_FOLDER + '/*')
Example #25
    options = {}
    options['q'] = tools.testRoot()+ '/Mod/project/target.fasta'
    options['o'] = tools.testRoot()+ '/Mod/project'
    options['log'] = '1'
    options['view'] = '1'
    return options


if len(sys.argv) < 3:
options = tools.cmdDict( options )
#options = testOptions()

outFolder = tools.absfile( options['o'] )
f_target = tools.absfile( options['q'] )
f_target = f_target or outFolder + SequenceSearcher.F_FASTA_TARGET

log = None
if 'log' in options:
    log = LogFile( outFolder + '/modelling.log'  )

## databases used
seq_db = 'swissprot'
tmp_db = 'pdbaa'
Example #26
- Ends of chains are assumed if the residue numbering jumps backward, if there
  is a TER record or chain ID or segid change, or if there is a chain break.
- A chain break is assumed if there is an untypical gap in the chain of back-
  bone atoms (see PDBModel.chainBreaks() ).
- The index of the first chain is 0.
- Original waters are deleted. 
- As usual, options can also be put into a file and loaded with the -x option

Default options:
    for key, value in options.items():
        print "\t-",key, "\t",value

options = t.cmdDict( {'o':'out.parm'} )


    f_out = options['o']

    if 'ocrd' in options: 
        options['f_out_crd'] = options['ocrd']
    if 'opdb' in options:
        options['f_out_pdb'] = options['opdb']
    if 'box' in options:
        options['box'] = float( options['box'] )

    options['cap'] = 'cap' in options
    options['capN']= t.toIntList( options.get('capN',[]))
    options['capC']= t.toIntList( options.get('capC',[]))
Example #27
traj2ensemble.py -i |in_traj| -n |n_members| -o |out_traj| -pdb |PDBCode| ]

    o        - out file name        (default: replace input file)
    n        - number of ensemble members to expect (default: 10)
    pdb      - PDB code to be stored in trajectory

## MAIN ##


o = T.cmdDict({'n': 10})

f_in = T.absfile(o['i'])
f_out = T.absfile(o.get('o', f_in))
n = int(o['n'])

t = T.load(f_in)

T.flushPrint("Converting %i frames..." % len(t))

if isinstance(t, EnsembleTraj):
    T.flushPrint("Nothing to be done!\n")

t = traj2ensemble(t, n)
Example #28
    return MS, AS, MS_sd, AS_sd


default = {'i':'1gxg_input.pdb',

if len (sys.argv) < 2:
    _use( default )

options = T.cmdDict( default )

## where to run the calculation
base_folder = T.absfile( options['r'] )+'/'

## template gly-xxx-gly
template = os.path.abspath( options['i'] )

## label the result dictionaty files
label = '_' + options['l']

## mask to used to delete glycines
mask = [ int(i) for i in T.toList( options['mask'] )]

## create random prptides from template
#randomPeptides( template, base_folder )
Example #29
    t = '%4s : %4s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s' %\

    s = '%(rec)4s : %(lig)4s %(dG_kt)7.2f %(solv)7.2f %(coul)7.2f %(ions)7.2f %(dG_kcal)7.2f\n'
    d = copy.copy(com['dG_delphi'])
    d.update( {'rec':com.rec_model.pdbCode, 'lig':com.lig_model.pdbCode} )
    r = t
    r += s % d
    return r
### MAIN ###

options = T.cmdDict( {'ocom':'delphi.complex', 'o':'dg_delphi.out' } )


    f_out = T.absfile( options['o'] )
    f_ocom = T.absfile( options['ocom'] )
    options['autocap'] = 'autocap' in options
    options['debug'] = 'debug' in options
    options['verbose'] = 'v' in options
    if 'nice' in options: options['nice'] = int( options['nice'] )

    for key in ['indi', 'exdi', 'salt', 'ionrad', 'prbrad', 
                 'bndcon', 'scale', 'perfil']:
        if key in options: options[key] = float( options[key] )
Example #30
            replaced += 1

    return l, replaced
def replace_import_statement( l, module, importas ):

    if importas == module:
        importas = ''
        importas = ' as ' + importas

    return l.replace( 'from '+module+' import *', 'import '+module+importas)

options = t.cmdDict( {'m':'Numeric', 'as':'N', 'e':['Complex'] } )

module = options['m']

importas = options.get('as', module )

srcfiles = t.toList( options.get('i', None) )

exclude = t.toList( options['e'] )

    exec('import '+module)

    for fname in srcfiles:
Example #31
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print \
Restart a distributed calculation.
Syntax:  restartPVM.py -i |rst_file| [-a]
         i  .. restart file containing result of TrackingJobMaster.getRst()
         a  .. add hosts to PVM

## MAIN ##


cmd = T.cmdDict()

T.flushPrint('Loading restart data...')
rst = T.load(cmd['i'])

hosts = []
if 'a' in cmd:
    hosts = [h['host'] for h in rst['hosts']]

master = restart(rst, hosts=hosts)

T.flushPrint('Master initialized for restart.')

Example #32
    addFrameNames(t, trajIndex)

    e = end or len(t)

    if start or end or (step != 1):
        t = t.takeFrames(range(start, e, step))

    return t

### MAIN ###


o = T.cmdDict({'o': 'traj_ensemble.dat'})

out = T.absfile(o['o'])
inLst = T.toList(o['i'])
start = int(o.get('s', '0'))
end = o.get('e', None)
if end:
    end = int(end)
step = int(o.get('step', 1))

ref = o.get('ref', None)
if ref:
    ref = PDBModel(T.absfile(ref))
    if 'prot' in o:
        ref = ref.compress(ref.maskProtein())
Example #33
    -? or help .. this help screen

Default options:
    for key, value in o.items():
        print "\t-", key, "\t", value

def defaultOptions():
    return {'o': '.', 'log': None, 'h': None}

### MAIN ###

options = tools.cmdDict(defaultOptions())
outFolder = tools.absfile(options['o'])
host = options['h']
sap = not 'nosap' in options

log = None
if options['log']:
    log = LogFile(outFolder + '/' + options['log'], 'a')

if not (os.path.exists(outFolder + '/templates')):
    print 'Current directory is not a valid modeling folder (missing /templates).'

if '?' in options or 'help' in options:
Example #34
    return MS, AS, MS_sd, AS_sd


default = {'i':'1gxg_input.pdb',

if len (sys.argv) < 2:
    _use( default )

options = T.cmdDict( default )

## where to run the calculation
base_folder = T.absfile( options['r'] )+'/'

## template gly-xxx-gly
template = os.path.abspath( options['i'] )

## label the result dictionaty files
label = '_' + options['l']

## mask to used to delete glycines
mask = [ int(i) for i in T.toList( options['mask'] )]

## create random prptides from template
#randomPeptides( template, base_folder )
Example #35
    for j in r:
    if len(d)==0:
        print 'Nothing to align. Exiting.'

    return d

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ## look for default cross-validation projects
    d = []

    options = T.cmdDict({'h':10, 'd':d})

    d=options['d'] or collect_project_folders( )
    if (options['d'] is None) or ('help' in options or '?' in options):
        _use( options )

    folders = T.toList(options['d'])
    hostNumber = int(options['h'])
    pdbFolder = options.get('pdb', None)
    fastaTemplates = options.get('ft', None)
    fastaSequences = options.get('fs', None)
    fastaTarget = options.get('fta', None)
    ferror = options.get('fe',None)
    show_output = 'w' in options
Example #36
    o['o'] = 'entropy_result.dic'

    ## uncomment for testing
    ##     o['step'] = 2
    ##     o['start']= 100
    ##     o['stop'] = 400
    ##     o['ref']  = '~/interfaces/c15/com_wet/ref.complex'
    ##     o['i'] = '~/interfaces/c15/rec_pcr_00/traj.dat+\
    ##               ~/interfaces/c15/lig_pcr_00/traj.dat'
    return o

## MAIN ##

options = t.cmdDict(defOptions())

if not ('i' in options):

## convert command line parameters
for k in [
        's', 'e', 'ss', 'se', 'step', 'fit_s', 'fit_e', 'nice', 'thin', 'ex_n',
        'ex3', 'shift', 'border'
    if k in options:
        options[k] = int(options[k])

for k in [
        'debug', 'verbose', 'cast', 'split', 'shuffle', 'shift', 'heavy',
        'solvent', 'protein'
Example #37
Default options:
    for key, value in options.items():
        print "\t-", key, "\t", value


### MAIN ###

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    _use({'o': 'traj.dat'})

options = tools.cmdDict({'o': 'traj.dat'})

## get all PDBs and models directly from a directory (avoids shell limits)
if 'd' in options:
    d = tools.absfile(options['d'])
    l = os.listdir(d)
    l = [ x for x in l if x[-4:].upper() == '.PDB' or x[-6:] == '.MODEL' \
          or x[-7:].upper() == '.PDB.GZ' ]
    l = [os.path.join(d, f) for f in l]

    options['i'] = l

if 'e' in options:
    t_class = EnsembleTraj
    t_class = Trajectory
Example #38
    -amber  rename CYX -> CYS, HID/HIE/HIP -> HIS, unwrap atom names
          (this creates models with the same atom/res names as pdbs created
           with ambpdb -p top.parm -aatm -bres < some.crd > some.pdb )
    -s    sort atoms alphabetically within residues

Default options:
    for key, value in o.items():
        print "\t-", key, "\t", value


if __name__ == '__main__':

    options = T.cmdDict({'h': 10, 'c': 5})

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    hostNumber = int(options['h'])
    chunk = int(options['c'])
    windows = options.has_key('w')
    amber = options.has_key('amber')
    sort = options.has_key('s')

    outFolder = None
    if options.has_key('o'):
        outFolder = T.absfile(options['o'])

    ## get all PDBs and models directly from a directory (avoids shell limits)