Example #1
    def test_LocalPath(self):
        """LocalPath test"""

        os.environ['PRJ_INTERFACES'] = os.path.expanduser('~')

        S = self

        S.path = []

        S.l = LocalPath()

        ## Example 1; create from fragments
        S.l.set_fragments(('/home/Bis/johan', 'PRJ_INTERFACES'),
                          ('/c11/com_wet/ref.com', None))
        S.path += ['Example 1:\n %s : %s \n' % (S.l.formatted(), S.l.local())]
        S.assert_('johan' not in S.l.local())

        ## Example 2; create from path with custom variable
        S.path += ['Example 2:\n %s : %s \n' % (S.l.formatted(), S.l.local())]
        S.assertEqual( S.l.formatted(),\
             '{/home/Bis/raik|$USER}/data/tb/interfaces/c11/com_wet/ref.com' )

        ## Example 3; create from non-existing path
        S.path += ['Example 3:\n %s : %s \n' % (S.l.formatted(), S.l.local())]
        S.assert_(S.l.formatted() == S.l.local())

        ## Example 4; create from existing path with automatic substitution
        S.l.set_path(T.testRoot() + '/com')
        S.path += ['Example 4:\n %s : %s \n' % (S.l.formatted(), S.l.local())]
            '{%s|$projectRoot}/Biskit/testdata/com' % T.projectRoot())

        ## Example 5; rule out stray substitutions
        S.l.set_path(T.projectRoot() + '/tmp/com', maxSub=1, TMP='/tmp')
        S.path += ['Example 5:\n %s : %s \n' % (S.l.formatted(), S.l.local())]
                      '{%s|$projectRoot}/tmp/com' % T.projectRoot())

        self.assertEqual(S.l.fragments[0][1], 'projectRoot')

        if S.local:
            for p in S.path:
                print p
Example #2
    def __init__(self, dat, chunk, hosts, outFolder, skipWat=0, amber=0,
                 sort=0, **kw):
        @param dat: data dictionary
        @type  dat: dict
        @param chunk: chunk size passed to slave
        @type  chunk: int
        @param hosts: list of host-names
        @type  hosts: [str]
        @param outFolder: alternative output folder
        @type  outFolder: str
        niceness = {'default': 0}
        slave_script = T.projectRoot() + '/Biskit/StructureSlave.py'

        TrackingJobMaster.__init__(self, dat, chunk, hosts, niceness,
                                   slave_script, **kw)

        self.options = {}
        self.options['out'] = outFolder

        self.options['skipRes'] = None
        if skipWat:
            self.options['skipRes'] = ['WAT','TIP3','H2O','WWW','Na+','Cl-']

        if kw.has_key('show_output'):
            self.options['report'] = not kw['show_output']

        self.options['amber'] = amber

        self.options['sort'] = sort
Example #3
    def test_LocalPath( self ):
        """LocalPath test"""

        os.environ['PRJ_INTERFACES'] = os.path.expanduser('~')

        S = self

        S.path = []

        S.l = LocalPath()

        ## Example 1; create from fragments
            ('/c11/com_wet/ref.com', None) )
        S.path += [ 'Example 1:\n %s : %s \n'%(S.l.formatted(), S.l.local()) ]
        S.assert_( 'johan' not in S.l.local() )

        ## Example 2; create from path with custom variable
        S.l.set_path( '/home/Bis/raik/data/tb/interfaces/c11/com_wet/ref.com',
                    USER='******' )
        S.path +=  [ 'Example 2:\n %s : %s \n'%(S.l.formatted(), S.l.local()) ]
        S.assertEqual( S.l.formatted(),\
             '{/home/Bis/raik|$USER}/data/tb/interfaces/c11/com_wet/ref.com' )

        ## Example 3; create from non-existing path
        S.l.set_path( '/home/xyz/data/tb/interfaces/c11/com_wet/ref.com' )
        S.path += [ 'Example 3:\n %s : %s \n'%(S.l.formatted(), S.l.local()) ]
        S.assert_( S.l.formatted() == S.l.local() )

        ## Example 4; create from existing path with automatic substitution
        S.l.set_path( T.testRoot() + '/com' )
        S.path += [ 'Example 4:\n %s : %s \n'%(S.l.formatted(), S.l.local()) ]
        S.assertEqual( S.l.formatted(),
                       '{%s|$projectRoot}/Biskit/testdata/com' % T.projectRoot())

        ## Example 5; rule out stray substitutions
        S.l.set_path( T.projectRoot() + '/tmp/com', maxSub=1, TMP='/tmp' )
        S.path += [ 'Example 5:\n %s : %s \n'%(S.l.formatted(), S.l.local()) ]
        S.assertEqual( S.l.formatted(),
                       '{%s|$projectRoot}/tmp/com'% T.projectRoot())

        self.assertEqual( S.l.fragments[0][1], 'projectRoot' )

        if S.local:
            for p in S.path:
                print p
Example #4
    def __init__(self, trajFiles, n_hosts=20, **kw):
        @param trajFiles: list of trajectory files
        @type  trajFiles: [ str ]
        @param n_hosts: number of hosts to use
        @type  n_hosts: int
        dat = {}
        i = 0
        for f in trajFiles:
            dat[i] = T.absfile(f)
            i += 1

        niceness = nice_dic
        hosts = nodes_all[:n_hosts]

        slave_script = T.projectRoot() + '/Biskit/QualSlave.py'

        TrackingJobMaster.__init__(self, dat, 1, hosts, niceness, slave_script,
Example #5
    def __init__(self, trajFiles, n_hosts=20, **kw):
        @param trajFiles: list of trajectory files
        @type  trajFiles: [ str ]
        @param n_hosts: number of hosts to use
        @type  n_hosts: int
        dat = {}
        i = 0
        for f in trajFiles:
            dat[i] = T.absfile( f )
            i += 1

        niceness = nice_dic
        hosts = nodes_all[ :n_hosts ]

        slave_script = T.projectRoot() +'/Biskit/QualSlave.py'

        TrackingJobMaster.__init__(self, dat, 1, hosts, niceness,
                                   slave_script, **kw)
Example #6
class Master(TrackingJobMaster):

    ## Slave script that goes with this master
    slave_script =  projectRoot() + '/Biskit/PVM/ExampleSlave.py'

    def __init__(self, verbose=1, *args, **kw):
        Parameters nedded by master and/or slave.
        self.verbose = verbose

        TrackingJobMaster.__init__(self, verbose=verbose, *args, **kw)

    def getInitParameters(self, slave_tid):
        Hand over parameters to slave once.

        @param slave_tid: slave task id
        @type  slave_tid: int

        @return: dictionary with init parameters
        @rtype: {param:value}   
        return {'progress_str':'slave calculating..'}

    def cleanup( self ):
        Tidy up tasks.
        if self.verbose: print "Cleaning up..."

    def done( self ):
        Called when master is done.
        if self.verbose: print "Now we are done."
Example #7

import os.path, copy
import Biskit.oldnumeric as N0

import Biskit.tools as T
import Biskit.settings as settings
import Biskit.mathUtils as MU

from Biskit.PVM.TrackingJobMaster import TrackingJobMaster
from Biskit.PVM.hosts import cpus_all, nice_dic
from Biskit import PDBModel, PDBProfiles, EHandler, StdLog

from Biskit.Dock import Complex

slave_path = T.projectRoot() + "/Biskit/AmberEntropySlave.py"

class AmberEntropyMaster(TrackingJobMaster):
    Run many AmberEntropist calculations on many nodes. The Master has
    a standard set of 13 protocols to run on rec, lig, and com
    trajectories, as well as on every single member trajectory - in
    total 113.  It accepts one variable parameter, e.g. s(tart). Each
    protocol is then run for all values of the variable parameter. A
    protocol is simply a set of options that are passed on to the
    AmberEntropist (which is run from within AmberEntropySlave).
    Comparing the different protocols allows to more or less separate
    random from real correlations, rigid body from intermolecular
    vibrations, etc.
Example #8
class AlignerMaster(TrackingJobMaster):

    slave_script = projectRoot() + '/Biskit/Mod/AlignerSlave.py'

    def __init__(self,
        @param hosts: list of host-names
        @type  hosts: [str]
        @param folders: list of project directories (path)
        @type  folders: [str]
        @param pdbFolder: pdb directory (*.alpha for Aligner)
        @type  pdbFolder: str
        @param fastaTemplates: path to find 'templates.fasta'
        @type  fastaTemplates: str
        @param fastaSequences: path to find 'nr.fasta'
        @type  fastaSequences: str
        @param fastaTarget: path to find 'target.fasta'
        @type  fastaTarget: str
        @param ferror: filename to output errors from the Slave
        @type  ferror: str
        @param verbose: verbosity level (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0 
        @param kw: additional TrackingJobMaster arguments::
            chunk_size   - int, number of items that are processed per job
            niceness     - {str_host-name: int_niceness}
            slave_script - str, absolute path to slave-script
            show_output  - 1|0, display one xterm per slave [0]
            add_hosts    - 1|0, add hosts to PVM before starting [1]
        @type kw: param=value
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.folders = folders
        self.pdbFolder = pdbFolder
        self.fastaTemplates = fastaTemplates
        self.fastaSequences = fastaSequences
        self.fastaTarget = fastaTarget
        self.ferror = ferror or 'AlignSlaveErrors.out'

        data = self.setupJobs()


    def __dir_or_none(self, folder, filename):
        if filename is None:
            return None
        return os.path.join(folder, filename)

    def setupJobs(self):
        Prepare the job dictionnary for 'AlignerSlave'

        @return: input informations for aligner for each project
        @rtype: {{str}}
        r = {}

        for f in self.folders:
            aligner_input = {}
            aligner_input['outFolder'] = T.absfile(f)
            aligner_input['fastaTemplates'] = \
                         self.__dir_or_none( f, self.fastaTemplates )
            aligner_input['fastaSequences'] = \
                         self.__dir_or_none( f, self.fastaSequences )
            aligner_input['fastaTarget'] = \
                         self.__dir_or_none( f, self.fastaTarget )

            pdb_list = []
            if self.pdbFolder is None:
                pdb_list = None
                pdbfiles = os.listdir(f + self.pdbFolder)
                for pdb in pdbfiles:
                    pdb_list.append(f + self.pdbFolder + '/%s' % pdb)

            aligner_input['pdbFiles'] = pdb_list

            r[T.absfile(f)] = aligner_input

        return r

    def getInitParameters(self, slave_tid):
        Hand over parameters to slave once.

        @param slave_tid: slave task id
        @type  slave_tid: int

        @return: dictionary with init parameters
        @rtype: {param:value}        
        return {
            'progress_str': 'slave calculating..',
            'ferror': self.ferror,
            'os.environ': os.environ

    def cleanup(self):
        print "Cleaning up..."

    def done(self):
        print "Done aligning."
Example #9
class ModelMaster(TrackingJobMaster):

    slave_script = projectRoot() + '/Biskit/Mod/ModelSlave.py'

    def __init__(self,
        @param hosts: list of host-names
        @type  hosts: [str]
        @param folders: list of project directories (path)
        @type  folders: [str]
        @param fastaTarget: path to find 'target.fasta'
        @type  fastaTarget: str
        @param f_pir: alignment filename
        @type  f_pir: str
        @param template_folder: directories for input atom files
        @type  template_folder: str
        @param fout: default modeller input file 'modeller.top'
        @type  fout: str
        @param starting_model: index of the first model (default: 1)
        @type  starting_model: int
        @param ending_model: index of the last model (default: 10)
        @type  ending_model: int
        @param ferror: filename to output errors from the Slave
        @type  ferror: str
        @param verbose: verbosity level (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0
        @param kw: additional TrackingJobMaster arguments::
            chunk_size   - int, number of items that are processed per job
            niceness     - {str_host-name: int_niceness}
            slave_script - str, absolute path to slave-script
            show_output  - 1|0, display one xterm per slave [0]
            add_hosts    - 1|0, add hosts to PVM before starting [1]
        @type kw: param=value
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.folders = folders
        self.fastaTarget = fastaTarget
        self.f_pir = f_pir

        self.template_folder = template_folder
        self.fout = fout
        self.starting_model = starting_model
        self.ending_model = ending_model
        self.ferror = ferror or 'ModelSlaveErrors.out'

        data = self.setupJobs()


    def __dir_or_none(self, folder, filename):
        if filename is None:
            return None
        return os.path.join(folder, filename)

    def setupJobs(self):
        Prepare the job dictionnary for 'ModelSlave'

        @return: input informations for modeller for each project
        @rtype: {{str}}
        r = {}

        for f in self.folders:
            modeller_input = {}
            modeller_input['outFolder'] = T.absfile(f)
            modeller_input['fastaTarget'] = \
                          self.__dir_or_none( f, self.fastaTarget )
            modeller_input['f_pir'] = self.__dir_or_none(f, self.f_pir)
            modeller_input['template_folder'] = \
                          self.__dir_or_none( f, self.template_folder )
            modeller_input['starting_model'] = self.starting_model
            modeller_input['ending_model'] = self.ending_model

            r[T.absfile(f)] = modeller_input

        return r

    def getInitParameters(self, slave_tid):
        Hand over parameters to slave once.

        @param slave_tid: slave task id
        @type  slave_tid: int

        @return: dictionary with init parameters
        @rtype: {param:value}
        return {'progress_str': 'slave calculating..', 'ferror': self.ferror}

    def cleanup(self):
        if self.verbose: print "Cleaning up..."

    def done(self):
        if self.verbose: print "Done modeling."
Example #10
class TrajFlexMaster(TrackingJobMaster):
    Parallize calculation of pairwise rmsd between the frames of one or two

    slave_script = T.projectRoot() + '/Biskit/TrajFlexSlave.py'

    def __init__(self,
        @param traj1: Trajectory or EnsembleTraj, traj1 and 2 must have the
                       same atom content. If only traj1 is given, the pairwise
                       rms is calculated between its frames.
        @type  traj1: Trajectory OR EnsembleTraj
        @param traj2: see traj1
        @type  traj2: Trajectory OR EnsembleTraj
##        @param aMask: atom mask, consider only subset of atoms (default: all)
##        @type  aMask: [0|1]
        @param hosts: slave hosts to be used
                      (default: L{Biskit.PVM.hosts.cpus_all})
        @type  hosts: [str]
        @param niceness: { str:int, 'default':int }, nice value for each
        @type  niceness: dict
        @param show_output: open xterm window for each slave (default: 0)
        @type  show_output: 0|1
        @param add_hosts: add hosts to PVM before starting (default: 0)
        @type  add_hosts: 1|0
        @param log: log file for master (default: None-> StdErr )
        @type  log: LogFile
        @param slaveLog: slave log (default: None->'TrajFlexSlave_errors.log')
        @type  slaveLog: LogFile
        @param verbose: print progress infos (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 0|1
        @param only_off_diagonal: Don't calculate self-rms of frames.
                                  Only considered for a single trajectory
                                  (default: 1)
        @type  only_off_diagonal: 0|1
        @param only_cross_member: Don't calculate rms between frames from
                                  same member trajectory only considered for
                                  a single trajectory(requires EnsembleTraj)
                                  (default: 0)
        @type  only_cross_member: 0|1
        ## create temporary folder accessible to all slaves
        self.outFolder = tempfile.mktemp('trajFlex_',

        self.log = log or ErrLog()
        self.slaveLog = slaveLog or LogFile('TrajFlexSlave_errors.log')
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.hosts = hosts

        self.traj_1 = traj1
        self.traj_2 = traj2

        self.only_off_diagonal = traj2 is None and only_off_diagonal
        self.only_cross_member = traj2 is None and only_cross_member

        self.trajMap = None
        if traj2 is None:
            self.trajMap = self.memberMap(traj1)

        ## pickle chunks of coordinate frames
        frame_files_1 = self.__dumpFrames(traj1, self.outFolder, 'traj1')
        ## None if traj2 is None
        frame_files_2 = self.__dumpFrames(traj2, self.outFolder, 'traj2')

        ## assemble job dict
        self.tasks = self.__taskDict(frame_files_1, frame_files_2)

        chunk_size = 1

    def getInitParameters(self, slave_tid):
        @param slave_tid: slave task id
        @type  slave_tid: int

        @return: dictionary with init parameters
        @rtype: {param:value}
        return {
            'ferror': self.slaveLog.fname,
            'trajMap': self.trajMap,
            'only_off_diagonal': self.only_off_diagonal,
            'only_cross_member': self.only_cross_member

    def __windowSize(self, n_per_node, n_nodes, n_frames):
        @param n_per_node: how many chunks should be generated per node
        @type  n_per_node: int
        @param n_nodes: number of slave nodes
        @type  n_nodes: int
        @param n_frames: length of trajectory
        @type  n_frames: int

        @return: calculate number of frames per chunk
        @rtype: int
        r = int(round(n_frames * 1.0 / N0.sqrt(n_per_node * n_nodes)))
        if r > 25:
            return r

        return 25

    def cleanup(self):
        Tidy up.
        T.tryRemove(self.outFolder, verbose=self.verbose, tree=1)

    def __getFrameWindows(self, traj, n_frames):
        Divide frame indices into chunks.

        @param n_frames: number of frames per chunk
        @type  n_frames: int

        @return: list with start and stop frame index of each chunk
        @rtype: [(int, int)]
        if traj is None:
            return None

        l = len(traj)
        ## number of windows
        n, rest = l / n_frames, l % n_frames
        if rest:
            n += 1

        ## get start and end frame for all windows
        i_windows = []

        for i in range(0, n):

            start, stop = i * n_frames, i * n_frames + n_frames

            if stop > l: stop = l
            if i == n - 1:
                stop = l

            i_windows.append((start, stop))

        return i_windows

    def __taskDict(self, f_frames_1, f_frames_2):
        @param f_frames_1: file name of chunk 1 of frames
        @type  f_frames_1: {(int, int) : str}
        @param f_frames_2: file name of chunk 2 of frames
        @type  f_frames_2: {(int, int) : str}

        @return: { ((int, int),(int, int)) : (str, str) }
        @rtype:  {((int, int),(int, int)) : (str, str)}
        intra_traj = f_frames_2 is None
        if intra_traj:
            if self.verbose:
                self.log.add('Intra-trajectory calculation requested.')
            f_frames_2 = f_frames_1

        if self.verbose: self.log.write('setting up task list...')

        i_windows = f_frames_1.keys()
        j_windows = f_frames_2.keys()

        ## assemble dict with all combinations of windows
        tasks = {}

        for i in range(len(i_windows)):
            for j in range(i * intra_traj, len(j_windows)):

                start_i, stop_i = i_windows[i]
                start_j, stop_j = j_windows[j]

                key = ((i_windows[i], j_windows[j]))

                tasks[key] = (f_frames_1[i_windows[i]],

        if self.verbose: self.log.add('done')

        return tasks

    def __dumpFrames(self, traj, outFolder, prefix):
        @param traj: Trajectory
        @type  traj: Trajectory
        @param outFolder: folder for pickled arrays
        @type  outFolder: str
        @param prefix: file name prefix
        @type  prefix: str
        @return: { (int,int) : str } OR None, if traj is None
        @rtype: {(int,int) : str}
        if traj is None:
            return None

        if self.verbose: self.log.write('dumping frame chunks...')

        n_frames = self.__windowSize(20, len(self.hosts), len(traj))

        i_windows = self.__getFrameWindows(traj, n_frames)

        r = {}

        for i in range(len(i_windows)):

            w = i_windows[i]

            a = traj.frames[w[0]:w[1]]
            f = outFolder + '/%s_%i_to_%i.dat' % ((prefix, ) + w)
            T.dump(a, f)
            r[w] = f

            if self.verbose and i % (len(i_windows) / 50 + 1) == 0:

        if self.verbose: self.log.add('done')

        return r

    def memberMap(self, traj):
        Tell which traj frame belongs to which member trajectory.

        @param traj: Trajectory
        @type  traj: Trajectory

        @return: member index of each frame OR None if traj is
                 not a EnsembleTraj
        @rtype: [ int ] OR None
        if not isinstance(traj, EnsembleTraj):
            return None

        r = N0.zeros(len(traj), N0.Int)

        for i in range(traj.n_members):

            mi = traj.memberIndices(i)
            N0.put(r, mi, i)

        return r.tolist()

    def getResult(self, mirror=0):
        Get result matrix ordered such as input trajectory.

        @param mirror: mirror the matrix at diagonal (default: 1)
                       (only for intra-traj)
        @type  mirror: 1|0

        @return: array( (n_frames, n_frames), 'f'), matrix of pairwise rms
        @rtype: array
        if self.verbose: self.log.write('assembling result matrix...')

        intra_traj = self.traj_2 is None

        n1 = n2 = len(self.traj_1)
        if self.traj_2 is not None:
            n2 = len(self.traj_2)

        a = N0.zeros((n1, n2), N0.Float32)

        if self.verbose: self.log.write('#')

        for key, value in self.result.items():
            i_start, i_stop = key[0]
            j_start, j_stop = key[1]

            window = N0.reshape(value, (i_stop - i_start, j_stop - j_start))
            window = window.astype(N0.Float32)

            a[i_start:i_stop, j_start:j_stop] = window

        if self.verbose: self.log.write('#')

        if intra_traj:
            for i in range(N0.shape(a)[0]):
                for j in range(i, N0.shape(a)[1]):
                    if a[j, i] == 0:
                        a[j, i] = a[i, j]
                        a[i, j] = a[j, i]

        if self.verbose: self.log.write('#')

        if intra_traj and not mirror:
            for i in range(N0.shape(a)[0]):
                for j in range(i, N0.shape(a)[1]):
                    a[j, i] = 0.

        if self.verbose: self.log.add('done')

        return a

    def rmsMatrixByMember(self, mirror=0, step=1):
        Get result matrix ordered first by member then by time. (requires

        @param mirror: mirror matrix at diagonal (only for intra-traj. rms)
                       (default: 0)
        @type  mirror: 0|1

        @param step: take only every step frame [1]
        @type  step: int
        intra_traj = self.traj_2 is None

        m = self.getResult(mirror=intra_traj)

        i1 = i2 = self.traj_1.argsortMember(step=step)

        if self.traj_2 is not None:
            i2 = self.traj_2.argsortMember(step=step)

        a = N0.take(m, i1, 0)
        a = N0.take(a, i2, 1)

        if intra_traj and not mirror:
            for i in range(N0.shape(a)[0]):
                for j in range(i, N0.shape(a)[1]):
                    a[j, i] = 0.

        return a

    def rmsList(self):
        @return: list of all calculated pairwise rms values
        @rtype: [float]

        @raise FlexError: if there are no results yet
        r = []
        for v in self.result.values():

        if not r:
            raise FlexError, "No results yet."

        return r

    def averageRms(self):
        @return: average pairwise rmsd and it's standard deviation
        @rtype: (float, float)

        @raise FlexError: if there are no results yet
        r = self.rmsList()
        return N0.average(r), mathUtils.SD(r)
Example #11

import os.path, copy
import numpy.oldnumeric as N

import Biskit.tools as T
import Biskit.settings as settings
import Biskit.mathUtils as MU

from Biskit.PVM.TrackingJobMaster import TrackingJobMaster
from Biskit.PVM.hosts import cpus_all, nice_dic
from Biskit import PDBModel, PDBProfiles, EHandler, StdLog

from Biskit.Dock import Complex

slave_path = T.projectRoot()+"/Biskit/AmberEntropySlave.py"

class AmberEntropyMaster(TrackingJobMaster):
    Run many AmberEntropist calculations on many nodes. The Master has
    a standard set of 13 protocols to run on rec, lig, and com
    trajectories, as well as on every single member trajectory - in
    total 113.  It accepts one variable parameter, e.g. s(tart). Each
    protocol is then run for all values of the variable parameter. A
    protocol is simply a set of options that are passed on to the
    AmberEntropist (which is run from within AmberEntropySlave).
    Comparing the different protocols allows to more or less separate
    random from real correlations, rigid body from intermolecular
    vibrations, etc.

    Results are put into a tree-shaped dictionary of dictionaries. The
Example #12
## BISKIT_PATH = T.projectRoot()  ## Hack to make test suite path independent

    m = M.SettingsManager(__CFG_DEFAULT, __CFG_USER, createmissing=True  )

    m.updateNamespace( locals() )

except Exception, why:
    B.EHandler.fatal( 'Error importing Biskit settings')

## Create some settings on the fly
python_bin = sys.executable
projectRoot= T.projectRoot()

pymol_scripts = T.dataRoot() + '/pymol/'

## required environment variables.
## format: ENV_NAME : path_example

## Todo: These need to go to their Exe_*.dat files

env = {}

blast_env = {'BLASTDB':'/home/Bis/raik/data/prog/blast/db',
Example #13
## BISKIT_PATH = T.projectRoot()  ## Hack to make test suite path independent

    m = M.SettingsManager(__CFG_DEFAULT, __CFG_USER, createmissing=True)


except Exception, why:
    B.EHandler.fatal('Error importing Biskit settings')

## Create some settings on the fly
python_bin = sys.executable
projectRoot = T.projectRoot()

pymol_scripts = T.dataRoot() + '/pymol/'

## required environment variables.
## format: ENV_NAME : path_example

## Todo: These need to go to their Exe_*.dat files

env = {}

blast_env = {
    'BLASTDB': '/home/Bis/raik/data/prog/blast/db',
    'BLASTMA': '/home/Bis/johan/APPLICATIONS/blast'