Example #1
def get_allocated_regions(path, f=None, begin=0, length=None):
    supported = get_sparse_files_support(path)
    if not supported:
    if os.name == 'nt':
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            return False
        if f is None:
            f = file(path, 'r')
        handle = win32file._get_osfhandle(f.fileno())
        if length is None:
            length = os.path.getsize(path) - begin
        a = SparseSet()
        interval = 10000000
        i = begin
        end = begin + length
        while i < end:
            d = struct.pack("<QQ", i, interval)
                r = win32file.DeviceIoControl(handle, FSCTL_QUERY_ALLOCATED_RANGES,
                                              d, interval, None)
            except pywintypes.error, e:
                # I've seen:
                # error: (1784, 'DeviceIoControl', 'The supplied user buffer is not valid for the requested operation.')
            for c in xrange(0, len(r), 16):
                qq = struct.unpack("<QQ", buffer(r, c, 16))
                b = qq[0]
                e = b + qq[1]
                a.add(b, e)
            i += interval

        return a
    def _build_file_structs(self, filepool, files):
        total = 0
        for filename, length in files:
            # we're shutting down, abort.
            if self.doneflag.isSet():
                return False

            self.undownloaded[filename] = length
            if length > 0:
                self.ranges.append((total, total + length, filename))

            self.range_by_name[filename] = (total, total + length)

            if os.path.exists(filename):
                if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                    raise BTFailure(_("File %s already exists, but is not a "
                                      "regular file") % filename)
                l = os.path.getsize(filename)
                if l > length:
                    # This is the truncation Bram was talking about that no one
                    # else thinks is a good idea.
                    #h = file(filename, 'rb+')
                    #make_file_sparse(filename, h, length)
                    l = length

                a = get_allocated_regions(filename, begin=0, length=l)
                if a is not None:
                    a = SparseSet()
                    if l > 0:
                        a.add(total, total + l)
                self.allocated_regions += a
            total += length
        self.total_length = total
        self.initialized = True
        return True
    def initialize(self, save_path, files):
        # a list of bytes ranges and filenames for window-based IO
        self.ranges = []
        # a dict of filename-to-ranges for piece priorities and filename lookup
        self.range_by_name = {}
        # a sparse set for smart allocation detection
        self.allocated_regions = SparseSet()

        # dict of filename-to-length on disk (for % complete in the file view)
        self.undownloaded = {}
        self.save_path = save_path

        # Rather implement this as an ugly hack here than change all the
        # individual calls. Affects all torrent instances using this module.
        if self.config['bad_libc_workaround']:

        self.initialized = False
        self.startup_df = ThreadedDeferred(_wrap_task(self.external_add_task),
                                           self.filepool, files)
        return self.startup_df
    def __init__(self, config, storage, urlage, picker, numpieces,
                 finished, total_downmeasure, downmeasure, measurefunc,
                 kickfunc, banfunc):
        self.config = config
        self.storage = storage
        self.urlage = urlage
        self.picker = picker
        self.rerequester = None
        self.connection_manager = None
        self.chunksize = config['download_slice_size']
        self.total_downmeasure = total_downmeasure
        self.downmeasure = downmeasure
        self.numpieces = numpieces
        self.finished = finished
        self.snub_time = config['snub_time']
        self.measurefunc = measurefunc
        self.kickfunc = kickfunc
        self.banfunc = banfunc
        self.downloads = []
        self.perip = {}
        self.bad_peers = {}
        self.discarded_bytes = 0
        self.burst_avg = 0

        self.piece_states = PieceSetBuckets()
        nothing = SparseSet(xrange(self.numpieces))
        # I hate this
        nowhere = [(i, 0) for i in xrange(self.numpieces)]
        self.piece_states.place_in_buckets = dict(nowhere)
        self.last_update = 0
        indexes = self.storage.inactive_requests.keys()
        self.active_requests = SparseSet(indexes)
        self.all_requests = set()
class Storage(object):

    def __init__(self, config, filepool, save_path, files, add_task,
                 external_add_task, doneflag):
        self.filepool = filepool
        self.config = config
        self.doneflag = doneflag
        self.add_task = add_task
        self.external_add_task = external_add_task
        self.initialize(save_path, files)

    def initialize(self, save_path, files):
        # a list of bytes ranges and filenames for window-based IO
        self.ranges = []
        # a dict of filename-to-ranges for piece priorities and filename lookup
        self.range_by_name = {}
        # a sparse set for smart allocation detection
        self.allocated_regions = SparseSet()

        # dict of filename-to-length on disk (for % complete in the file view)
        self.undownloaded = {}
        self.save_path = save_path

        # Rather implement this as an ugly hack here than change all the
        # individual calls. Affects all torrent instances using this module.
        if self.config['bad_libc_workaround']:

        self.initialized = False
        self.startup_df = ThreadedDeferred(_wrap_task(self.external_add_task),
                                           self.filepool, files)
        return self.startup_df

    def _build_file_structs(self, filepool, files):
        total = 0
        for filename, length in files:
            # we're shutting down, abort.
            if self.doneflag.isSet():
                return False

            self.undownloaded[filename] = length
            if length > 0:
                self.ranges.append((total, total + length, filename))

            self.range_by_name[filename] = (total, total + length)

            if os.path.exists(filename):
                if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                    raise BTFailure(_("File %s already exists, but is not a "
                                      "regular file") % filename)
                l = os.path.getsize(filename)
                if l > length:
                    # This is the truncation Bram was talking about that no one
                    # else thinks is a good idea.
                    #h = file(filename, 'rb+')
                    #make_file_sparse(filename, h, length)
                    l = length

                a = get_allocated_regions(filename, begin=0, length=l)
                if a is not None:
                    a = SparseSet()
                    if l > 0:
                        a.add(total, total + l)
                self.allocated_regions += a
            total += length
        self.total_length = total
        self.initialized = True
        return True

    def get_byte_range_for_filename(self, filename):
        if filename not in self.range_by_name:
            filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
            filename = os.path.join(self.save_path, filename)
        return self.range_by_name[filename]

    def was_preallocated(self, pos, length):
        return self.allocated_regions.is_range_in(pos, pos+length)

    def get_total_length(self):
        return self.total_length

    def _intervals(self, pos, amount):
        r = []
        stop = pos + amount
        p = max(bisect_right(self.ranges, (pos, 2 ** 500)) - 1, 0)
        for begin, end, filename in self.ranges[p:]:
            if begin >= stop:
            r.append((filename, max(pos, begin) - begin, min(end, stop) - begin))
        return r

    def _file_op(self, filename, pos, param, write):
        begin, end = self.get_byte_range_for_filename(filename)
        length = end - begin
        final = Deferred()
        hdf = self.filepool.acquire_handle(filename, for_write=write, length=length)
        def handle_error(f=None):
        # error acquiring handle
        if hdf is None:
            return final
        def op(h):
            if write:
                odf = h.write(param)
                odf = h.read(param)
            def complete(r):
                self.filepool.release_handle(filename, h)
        return final

    def _batch_read(self, pos, amount):
        dfs = []
        r = []

        # queue all the reads
        for filename, pos, end in self._intervals(pos, amount):
            df = self._file_op(filename, pos, end - pos, write=False)

        # yield on all the reads in order - they complete in any order
        for df in dfs:
            yield df

        r = ''.join(r)

        if len(r) != amount:
            raise BTFailure(_("Short read (%d of %d) - something truncated files?") %
                            (len(r), amount))

        yield r

    def read(self, pos, amount):
        df = launch_coroutine(_wrap_task(self.add_task),
                              self._batch_read, pos, amount)
        return df

    def _batch_write(self, pos, s):
        dfs = []

        total = 0
        amount = len(s)

        # queue all the writes
        for filename, begin, end in self._intervals(pos, amount):
            length = end - begin
            assert length > 0, '%s %s' % (pos, amount)
            d = buffer(s, total, length)
            total += length
            df = self._file_op(filename, begin, d, write=True)
        assert total == amount, '%s and %s' % (total, amount)

        written = 0            
        # yield on all the writes - they complete in any order
        for df in dfs:
            yield df
            written += df.getResult()            
        assert total == written, '%s and %s' % (total, written)
        yield total

    def write(self, pos, s):
        df = launch_coroutine(_wrap_task(self.add_task),
                              self._batch_write, pos, s)
        return df

    def close(self):
        if not self.initialized:
            end = Deferred()
            def post_init(r):
                df = self.filepool.close_files(self.range_by_name)
            return end
        df = self.filepool.close_files(self.range_by_name)
        return df

    def downloaded(self, pos, length):
        for filename, begin, end in self._intervals(pos, length):
            self.undownloaded[filename] -= end - begin
class MultiDownload(object):

    def __init__(self, config, storage, urlage, picker, numpieces,
                 finished, total_downmeasure, downmeasure, measurefunc,
                 kickfunc, banfunc):
        self.config = config
        self.storage = storage
        self.urlage = urlage
        self.picker = picker
        self.rerequester = None
        self.connection_manager = None
        self.chunksize = config['download_slice_size']
        self.total_downmeasure = total_downmeasure
        self.downmeasure = downmeasure
        self.numpieces = numpieces
        self.finished = finished
        self.snub_time = config['snub_time']
        self.measurefunc = measurefunc
        self.kickfunc = kickfunc
        self.banfunc = banfunc
        self.downloads = []
        self.perip = {}
        self.bad_peers = {}
        self.discarded_bytes = 0
        self.burst_avg = 0

        self.piece_states = PieceSetBuckets()
        nothing = SparseSet(xrange(self.numpieces))
        # I hate this
        nowhere = [(i, 0) for i in xrange(self.numpieces)]
        self.piece_states.place_in_buckets = dict(nowhere)
        self.last_update = 0
        indexes = self.storage.inactive_requests.keys()
        self.active_requests = SparseSet(indexes)
        self.all_requests = set()

    def attach_connection_manager(self, connection_manager):
        self.connection_manager = connection_manager

    def aggregate_piece_states(self):
        d = {}
        d['h'] = self.storage.have_set
        d['t'] = self.active_requests

        for i, bucket in enumerate(self.piece_states.buckets):
            d[i] = bucket

        r = (self.numpieces, self.last_update, d)
        return r

    def get_adjusted_distributed_copies(self):
        # compensate for the fact that piece picker does not contain all the pieces
        num = self.picker.get_distributed_copies()
        percent_have = (float(len(self.storage.have_set)) /
        num += percent_have
        if self.rerequester and self.rerequester.tracker_num_seeds:
            num += self.rerequester.tracker_num_seeds
        return num

    def active_requests_add(self, r):
        self.last_update += 1

    def active_requests_remove(self, r):
        self.last_update += 1

    def got_have(self, piece):
        self.last_update += 1
        p = self.piece_states
        p.add(piece, p.remove(piece) + 1)

    def got_have_all(self):
        self.last_update += 1

    def lost_have(self, piece):
        self.last_update += 1
        p = self.piece_states
        p.add(piece, p.remove(piece) - 1)

    def lost_have_all(self):
        self.last_update += 1

    def hashchecked(self, index):
        if not self.storage.do_I_have(index):
            if self.storage.endgame:
                while self.storage.want_requests(index):
                    nb, nl = self.storage.new_request(index)
                    self.all_requests.add((index, nb, nl))
                for d in self.downloads:
                ds = [d for d in self.downloads if not d.choked]
                for d in ds:



        if self.storage.have.numfalse == 0:
            for d in self.downloads:
                if d.have.numfalse == 0:


    def time_until_rate(self):
        rate = self.config['max_download_rate']

        # obey "no max" setting
        if rate == -1:
            return 0

        possible_burst = self.burst_avg
        # substract the possible burst so that the download rate is a maximum
        adjusted_rate = rate - possible_burst
        # don't let it go to 0, just because the burst is greater than the
        # desired rate. this could be improved by no throttling and unthrottling
        # all connections at once.
        adjusted_rate = max(adjusted_rate, possible_burst)
        # don't let it go above the explicit max either.
        adjusted_rate = min(adjusted_rate, rate)

        # we need to call this because the rate measure is dumb
        t = self.total_downmeasure.time_until_rate(adjusted_rate)
        #print "DOWNLOAD: burst_size:", possible_burst, "rate:", self.total_downmeasure.get_rate(), "rate_limit:", rate, "new_rate:", adjusted_rate, t
        return t

    def check_rate(self):
        t = self.time_until_rate()
        if t > 0:

    def update_rate(self, amount):
        self.burst_avg = (self.burst_avg/2.0 + float(amount)/2.0)

    def get_rate(self):
        return self.downmeasure.get_rate()

    def make_download(self, connection):
        ip = connection.ip
        perip = self.perip.setdefault(ip, PerIPStats())
        perip.numconnections += 1
        d = Download(self, connection)
        perip.lastdownload = d
        perip.peerid = connection.id
        return d

    def lost_peer(self, download):
        ip = download.connection.ip
        self.perip[ip].numconnections -= 1
        if self.perip[ip].lastdownload == download:
            self.perip[ip].lastdownload = None

    def kick(self, download):
        if not self.config['retaliate_to_garbled_data']:
        ip = download.connection.ip
        peerid = download.connection.id
        # kickfunc will schedule connection.close() to be executed later; we
        # might now be inside RawServer event loop with events from that
        # connection already queued, and trying to handle them after doing
        # close() now could cause problems.

    def ban(self, ip):
        if not self.config['retaliate_to_garbled_data']:
        self.bad_peers[ip] = (True, self.perip[ip])