Example #1
def main():

    # This is to set the position if the popup
    GLOBALS['MOUSE'] = Window.GetMouseCoords()

    # hack so the toggle buttons redraw. this is not nice at all
        Draw.UIBlock(terain_clamp_ui, 0)
Example #2
def getWMCoords():
	Returns the coordinates of the mouse relative to the
	current script window: (x,y)
	@return: Current script window mouse coordinates: (x,y).

    xm, ym = Window.GetMouseCoords()
    xw, yw, ww, hw = getWinRect()
    return (xm - xw, ym - yw)
Example #3
def mouseRelativeLoc2d(__UI_RECT__=None):
    if not __UI_RECT__:
        __UI_RECT__ = spaceRect()

    mco = Window.GetMouseCoords()
    if mco[0] > __UI_RECT__[0] and\
    mco[1] > __UI_RECT__[1] and\
    mco[0] < __UI_RECT__[0] + __UI_RECT__[2] and\
    mco[1] < __UI_RECT__[1] + __UI_RECT__[3]:

        return (mco[0] - __UI_RECT__[0], mco[1] - __UI_RECT__[1])

        return None
def main():

    scn = bpy.data.scenes.active
    ob = scn.objects.active
    if not ob or ob.type != 'Mesh':

    is_editmode = Window.EditMode()
    if is_editmode:

    mousedown_wait()  # so the menu items clicking dosnt trigger the mouseclick

    Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, '')
    Window.DrawProgressBar(0.1, '(1 of 3) Click on a face corner')

    # wait for a click
    mouse_buttons = Window.GetMouseButtons()
    while not mouse_buttons & LMB:
        mouse_buttons = Window.GetMouseButtons()

        # Allow for RMB cancel
        if mouse_buttons & RMB:

    while mouse_buttons & LMB:
        mouse_buttons = Window.GetMouseButtons()

    Window.DrawProgressBar(0.2, '(2 of 3 ) Click confirms the U coords')


    obmat = ob.matrixWorld
    screen_x, screen_y = Window.GetMouseCoords()
    mouseInView, OriginA, DirectionA = mouseViewRay(screen_x, screen_y, obmat)

    if not mouseInView or not OriginA:

    me = ob.getData(mesh=1)

    # Get the face under the mouse
    face_click, isect, side = BPyMesh.pickMeshRayFace(me, OriginA, DirectionA)
    if not face_click:

    proj_z_component = face_click.no
    if not face_click:

    # Find the face vertex thats closest to the mouse,
    # this vert will be used as the corner to map from.
    best_v = None
    best_length = 10000000
    vi1 = None
    for i, v in enumerate(face_click.v):
        l = (v.co - isect).length
        if l < best_length:
            best_v = v
            best_length = l
            vi1 = i

    # now get the 2 edges in the face that connect to v
    # we can work it out fairly easerly
    if len(face_click) == 4:
        if vi1 == 0: vi2, vi3 = 3, 1
        elif vi1 == 1: vi2, vi3 = 0, 2
        elif vi1 == 2: vi2, vi3 = 1, 3
        elif vi1 == 3: vi2, vi3 = 2, 0
        if vi1 == 0: vi2, vi3 = 2, 1
        elif vi1 == 1: vi2, vi3 = 0, 2
        elif vi1 == 2: vi2, vi3 = 1, 0

    face_corner_main = face_click.v[vi1].co
    face_corner_a = face_click.v[vi2].co
    face_corner_b = face_click.v[vi3].co

    line_a_len = (face_corner_a - face_corner_main).length
    line_b_len = (face_corner_b - face_corner_main).length

    orig_cursor = Window.GetCursorPos()
    Window.SetCursorPos(face_corner_main.x, face_corner_main.y,

    SHIFT = Window.Qual.SHIFT
    MODE = 0  # firstclick, 1, secondclick
    mouse_buttons = Window.GetMouseButtons()

    project_mat = Matrix([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0])

    def get_face_coords(f):
        f_uv = f.uv
        return [(v.co - face_corner_main, f_uv[i]) for i, v in enumerate(f.v)]

    if me.faceUV == False:
        me.faceUV = True

    coords = [(co, uv) for f in me.faces if f.sel
              for co, uv in get_face_coords(f)]

    coords_orig = [uv.copy() for co, uv in coords]
    USE_MODIFIER = using_modifier(ob)

    while 1:
        if mouse_buttons & LMB:
            if MODE == 0:
                    0.8, '(3 of 3 ) Click confirms the V coords')
                MODE = 1  # second click

                # Se we cont continually set the length and get float error
                proj_y_component_orig = proj_y_component.copy()

        elif mouse_buttons & RMB:
            # Restore old uvs
            for i, uv_orig in enumerate(coords_orig):
                coords[i][1][:] = uv_orig

        mouse_buttons = Window.GetMouseButtons()
        screen_x, screen_y = Window.GetMouseCoords()
        mouseInView, OriginA, DirectionA = mouseViewRay(
            screen_x, screen_y, obmat)

        if not mouseInView:

        # Do a ray tri intersection, not clipped by the tri
        new_isect = Intersect(face_corner_main, face_corner_a, face_corner_b,
                              DirectionA, OriginA, False)
        new_isect_alt = new_isect + DirectionA * 0.0001

        # The distance from the mouse cursor ray vector to the edge
        line_isect_a_pair = LineIntersect(new_isect, new_isect_alt,
                                          face_corner_main, face_corner_a)
        line_isect_b_pair = LineIntersect(new_isect, new_isect_alt,
                                          face_corner_main, face_corner_b)

        # SHIFT to flip the axis.
        is_shift = Window.GetKeyQualifiers() & SHIFT

        if MODE == 0:
            line_dist_a = (line_isect_a_pair[0] - line_isect_a_pair[1]).length
            line_dist_b = (line_isect_b_pair[0] - line_isect_b_pair[1]).length

            if line_dist_a < line_dist_b:
                proj_x_component = face_corner_a - face_corner_main
                y_axis_length = line_b_len
                x_axis_length = (line_isect_a_pair[1] -
                proj_x_component = face_corner_b - face_corner_main
                y_axis_length = line_a_len
                x_axis_length = (line_isect_b_pair[1] -

            proj_y_component = proj_x_component.cross(proj_z_component)

            proj_y_component.length = 1 / y_axis_length
            proj_x_component.length = 1 / x_axis_length

            if is_shift: proj_x_component.negate()

            proj_y_component[:] = proj_y_component_orig
            if line_dist_a < line_dist_b:
                proj_y_component.length = 1 / (line_isect_a_pair[1] -
                proj_y_component.length = 1 / (line_isect_b_pair[1] -

            if is_shift: proj_y_component.negate()

        # Use the existing matrix to make a new 3x3 projecton matrix
        project_mat[0][:] = -proj_y_component
        project_mat[1][:] = -proj_x_component
        project_mat[2][:] = proj_z_component

        # Apply the projection matrix
        for proj_co, uv in coords:
            uv[:] = (project_mat * proj_co)[0:2]

        if USE_MODIFIER:


    if is_editmode:

Example #5
def vertexGradientPick(ob, MODE):
    #MODE 0 == VWEIGHT,  1 == VCOL

    me = ob.getData(mesh=1)
    if not me.faceUV: me.faceUV = True

    Window.DrawProgressBar(0.0, '')


    if MODE == 0:
        act_group = me.activeGroup
        if act_group == None:
            Draw.PupMenu('Error, mesh has no active group.')

    # Loop until click
    Window.DrawProgressBar(0.25, 'Click to set gradient start')

    obmat = ob.matrixWorld
    screen_x, screen_y = Window.GetMouseCoords()
    mouseInView, OriginA, DirectionA = mouseViewRay(screen_x, screen_y, obmat)
    if not mouseInView or not OriginA:

    # get the mouse weight

    if MODE == 0:
        pickValA = BPyMesh.pickMeshGroupWeight(me, act_group, OriginA,
    if MODE == 1:
        pickValA = BPyMesh.pickMeshGroupVCol(me, OriginA, DirectionA)

    Window.DrawProgressBar(0.75, 'Click to set gradient end')

    TOALPHA = Window.GetKeyQualifiers() & Window.Qual.SHIFT

    screen_x, screen_y = Window.GetMouseCoords()
    mouseInView, OriginB, DirectionB = mouseViewRay(screen_x, screen_y, obmat)
    if not mouseInView or not OriginB:

    if not TOALPHA:  # Only get a second opaque value if we are not blending to alpha
        if MODE == 0:
            pickValB = BPyMesh.pickMeshGroupWeight(me, act_group, OriginB,
            pickValB = BPyMesh.pickMeshGroupVCol(me, OriginB, DirectionB)
        if MODE == 0: pickValB = 0.0
        else: pickValB = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # Dummy value

    # Neither points touched a face
    if pickValA == pickValB == None:

    # clicking on 1 non face is fine. just set the weight to 0.0
    if pickValA == None:
        pickValA = 0.0

        # swap A/B
        OriginA, OriginB = OriginB, OriginA
        DirectionA, DirectionB = DirectionB, DirectionA
        pickValA, pickValB = pickValA, pickValB

        TOALPHA = True

    if pickValB == None:
        pickValB = 0.0
        TOALPHA = True

    # set up 2 lines so we can measure their distances and calc the gradient

    # make a line 90d to the grad in screenspace.
    if (OriginA - OriginB
        ).length <= eps:  # Persp view. same origin different direction
        cross_grad = DirectionA.cross(DirectionB)
        ORTHO = False

    else:  # Ortho - Same direction, different origin
        cross_grad = DirectionA.cross(OriginA - OriginB)
        ORTHO = True

    cross_grad = cross_grad * 100

    lineA = (OriginA, OriginA + (DirectionA * 100))
    lineB = (OriginB, OriginB + (DirectionB * 100))

    if not ORTHO:
        line_angle = AngleBetweenVecs(lineA[1], lineB[1]) / 2
        line_mid = (lineA[1] + lineB[1]) * 0.5

    VSEL = [False] * (len(me.verts))

    # Get the selected faces and apply the selection to the verts.
    for f in me.faces:
        if f.sel:
            for v in f.v:
                VSEL[v.index] = True
    groupNames, vWeightDict = BPyMesh.meshWeight2Dict(me)

    def grad_weight_from_co(v):
		Takes a vert and retuens its gradient radio between A and B

        if not VSEL[v.index]:  # Not bart of a selected face?
            return None, None

        v_co = v.co
        # make a line 90d to the 2 lines the user clicked.
        vert_line = (v_co - cross_grad, v_co + cross_grad)

        xA = LineIntersect(vert_line[0], vert_line[1], lineA[0], lineA[1])
        xB = LineIntersect(vert_line[0], vert_line[1], lineB[0], lineB[1])

        if not xA or not xB:  # Should never happen but support it anyhow
            return None, None

        wA = (xA[0] - xA[1]).length
        wB = (xB[0] - xB[1]).length

        wTot = wA + wB
        if not wTot:  # lines are on the same point.
            return None, None
		Get the length of the line between both intersections on the 
		2x view lines.
		if the dist between  lineA+VertLine and lineB+VertLine is 
		greater then the lenth between lineA and lineB intersection points, it means
		that the verts are not inbetween the 2 lines.
        lineAB_length = (xA[1] - xB[1]).length

        # normalzie
        wA = wA / wTot
        wB = wB / wTot

        if ORTHO:  # Con only use line length method with parelelle lines
            if wTot > lineAB_length + eps:
                # vert is outside the range on 1 side. see what side of the grad
                if wA > wB: wA, wB = 1.0, 0.0
                else: wA, wB = 0.0, 1.0
            # PERSP, lineA[0] is the same origin as lineB[0]

            # Either xA[0] or xB[0]  can be used instead of a possible x_mid between the 2
            # as long as the point is inbetween lineA and lineB it dosent matter.
            a = AngleBetweenVecs(lineA[0] - xA[0], line_mid)
            if a > line_angle:
                # vert is outside the range on 1 side. see what side of the grad
                if wA > wB: wA, wB = 1.0, 0.0
                else: wA, wB = 0.0, 1.0

        return wA, wB

    grad_weights = [grad_weight_from_co(v) for v in me.verts]

    if MODE == 0:
        for v in me.verts:
            i = v.index
            if VSEL[i]:
                wA, wB = grad_weights[i]
                if wA != None:  # and wB
                    if TOALPHA:
                        # Do alpha by using the exiting weight for
                            pickValB = vWeightDict[i][act_group]
                            pickValB = 0.0  # The weights not there? assume zero
                    # Mix2 2 opaque weights
                    vWeightDict[i][act_group] = pickValB * wA + pickValA * wB

    else:  # MODE==1 VCol
        for f in me.faces:
            if f.sel:
                f_v = f.v
                for i in xrange(len(f_v)):
                    v = f_v[i]
                    wA, wB = grad_weights[v.index]

                    c = f.col[i]

                    if TOALPHA:
                        pickValB = c.r, c.g, c.b

                    c.r = int(pickValB[0] * wA + pickValA[0] * wB)
                    c.g = int(pickValB[1] * wA + pickValA[1] * wB)
                    c.b = int(pickValB[2] * wA + pickValA[2] * wB)

    # Copy weights back to the mesh.
    BPyMesh.dict2MeshWeight(me, groupNames, vWeightDict)
    Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, '')
Example #6
    def get_mouse_coordinates(self):
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.get_coordinates()
        mouse_x, mouse_y = Window.GetMouseCoords()

        return Coordinate(mouse_x - xmin, mouse_y - ymin)
Example #7
def eventHandler(event, value):
	General GUI event handler.

	@param event: Event type.
	@param value: Value of the event.

    global G

    if event == Draw.WHEELDOWNMOUSE:
        setZoom(getWMCoords(), G.zoom * (1.0 - ZOOM_DELTA))

    elif event == Draw.WHEELUPMOUSE:
        setZoom(getWMCoords(), G.zoom * (1.0 + ZOOM_DELTA))

    elif event == Draw.MIDDLEMOUSE:
        if value: G.mousepos = Window.GetMouseCoords()
        else: G.mousepos = None

    elif event == Draw.MOUSEX or event == Draw.MOUSEY:

        mouseButs = Window.GetMouseButtons()

        if (mouseButs & Draw.MIDDLEMOUSE) and (G.mousepos is not None):
            nx, ny = Window.GetMouseCoords()
            dx, dy = nx - G.mousepos[0], ny - G.mousepos[1]
            G.mousepos = (nx, ny)
            G.imgpos = [int(G.imgpos[0] + dx), int(G.imgpos[1] + dy)]

        elif G.mode == MODE_ADD:

        elif G.mode == MODE_GRAB:
            G.havebupclik = True
            nx, ny = Window.GetMouseCoords()
            dx, dy = (nx - G.grabpos[0]) / G.zoom, (ny - G.grabpos[1]) / G.zoom
            G.grabpos = [nx, ny]

            def translate(x):
                name = x.getName()
                if G.coordmap.has_key(name):
                    c = G.coordmap[name]
                    G.coordmap[name] = (c[0] + dx, c[1] + dy)

            map(translate, G.selection)
            ## autocalibration.. gets stuck some times..
            #if G.last_camera:
            #	calibrate(G.last_camera)

    elif (event == Draw.LEFTMOUSE) or (event == Draw.RETKEY):

        if (G.mode == MODE_ADD) and (value == 1):
            x, y = map(int, getWMCoords())
            x -= 10
            y += 10
            G.coordmap[G.curempty.getName()] = wc2ic((x, y))
            G.mode = MODE_NORMAL

        elif (G.mode == MODE_GRAB) and (value == 1):
            G.mode = MODE_NORMAL

    elif (event == Draw.RIGHTMOUSE) and (value == 1):

        if G.mode == MODE_NORMAL:
            xi, yi = wc2ic(getWMCoords())
            closest = None
            for (emptyname, coord) in G.coordmap.items():
                dist = math.sqrt((coord[0] - xi)**2 +
                                 (coord[1] - yi)**2) * G.zoom
                if (closest == None) or (dist < closest[0]):
                    closest = (dist, emptyname)
            if closest[0] < MAX_SELECT_DIST:
                obj = Object.Get(closest[1])
                kq = Window.GetKeyQualifiers()
                if (kq & Window.Qual.LSHIFT) or (kq & Window.Qual.RSHIFT):
                    map(lambda x: x.select(False), G.selection)

    elif (event == Draw.AKEY) and (value == 1):

        if G.mode == MODE_NORMAL:
            someSelected = False
            for (emptyname, coord) in G.coordmap.items():
                if Object.Get(emptyname).isSelected():
                    someSelected = True
            newselect = (someSelected == False)
            map(lambda x: Object.Get(x[0]).select(newselect),

    elif (event == Draw.GKEY) and (value == 1):

        if G.mode == MODE_NORMAL:
            G.mode = MODE_GRAB
            G.grabpos = Window.GetMouseCoords()

    elif event == Draw.UPARROWKEY and value == 1:

        p = Window.GetMouseCoords()
        Window.SetMouseCoords(p[0], p[1] + 1)

    elif event == Draw.DOWNARROWKEY and value == 1:

        p = Window.GetMouseCoords()
        Window.SetMouseCoords(p[0], p[1] - 1)

    elif event == Draw.LEFTARROWKEY and value == 1:

        p = Window.GetMouseCoords()
        Window.SetMouseCoords(p[0] - 1, p[1])

    elif event == Draw.RIGHTARROWKEY and value == 1:

        p = Window.GetMouseCoords()
        Window.SetMouseCoords(p[0] + 1, p[1])

    elif event == Draw.XKEY and value == 1:

        if len(G.selection) > 0:
            result = Draw.PupMenu('OK?%t|Erase selected')
            if result == 1:

    elif event == Draw.SPACEKEY and value == 1:

        if (G.curempty is not None) and not (G.coordmap.has_key(

    elif event == Draw.ZKEY and value == 1:

        x, y, w, h = getWinRect()
        setZoom((w / 2, h / 2), 1.0)

    elif event == Draw.RKEY and value == 1:

Example #8

def mouseup():
    # Loop until click
    mouse_buttons = Window.GetMouseButtons()
    while not mouse_buttons & LMB:
        mouse_buttons = Window.GetMouseButtons()
    while mouse_buttons & LMB:
        mouse_buttons = Window.GetMouseButtons()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x, y = Window.GetMouseCoords()
    isect, point, dir = mouseViewRay(x, y)
    if isect:
        scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
        me = Blender.Mesh.New()
        ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh')
        ob.sel = 1
        me.verts.extend([point, dir])
        me.verts[0].sel = 1

    print isect, point, dir

def spaceRect():