def mining(self): print('starting to mine') transactions = [] if len(self.tx_pool) == 0: return 1 elif len(self.tx_pool) <= 6: transactions = copy.deepcopy(self.tx_pool) else: q = Queue.PriorityQueue() s = set() while len(s) < 6: s.add(random.randint(0, len(self.tx_pool) - 1)) for x in s: q.put(self.tx_pool[x]) while len(transactions) < 5: transactions.append(q.get()) status = 'invalid' # print('invalid') detected = False while status == 'invalid' and len(transactions) > 0: result = self.double_spending_check(transactions) status = result[0] if status == 'invalid': detected = True transactions = result[1] if len(transactions) == 0: return 2 difficulty = self.get_difficulty() # print(difficulty) leading_zeros = '' leading_zeros = leading_zeros.rjust(difficulty, '0') nonce = 0 # print leading_zeros # print difficulty time_stamp = time.time() prev_hash = self.block_json_to_obj( self.blockchain[-1]).calculate_hash() # print(prev_hash) newblock = block(difficulty, time_stamp, transactions, prev_hash, nonce) hash_val = newblock.calculate_hash() bin_hash_val = (bin(int(hash_val, 16))[2:]).zfill(256) # print(bin_hash_val[:difficulty]) while bin_hash_val[:difficulty] != leading_zeros: nonce += 1 newblock = block(difficulty, time.time(), transactions, prev_hash, nonce) hash_val = newblock.calculate_hash() bin_hash_val = (bin(int(hash_val, 16))[2:]).zfill(256) # print(bin_hash_val) return (detected, newblock)
def create_block(game, blocks, block_number, row_number): Block = block(game) Block_width = Block.rect.width Block.x = Block_width + 1.5 * Block_width * block_number Block.rect.x = Block.x Block.rect.y = Block.rect.height + 2 * Block.rect.height * row_number blocks.add(Block)
def resetPlayer(self, position): self.head = block(position) self.playerBody = [] self.playerBody.append(self.head) self.headTurns = {} self.dx = 1 self.dy = 0
def reset_snake(self, pos): self.start = block(pos) self.snake_body = [] self.snake_body.append(self.start) self.direct_x = 1 self.direct_y = 0 self.direction = dict()
def block_json_to_obj(self, newblock): """ receive a new block from the net and create a new block object before add it to the block_pool """ newblock = json.loads(newblock) new_block = block(newblock["difficulty"], newblock["time_stamp"], newblock["transactions"], newblock["prev_hash"], newblock["Nonce"]) return new_block
def increasePlayerLength(self): tail = self.playerBody[-1] currdx = tail.dx currdy = tail.dy if currdx == 0 and currdy == 1: self.playerBody.append( block((tail.position[0], tail.position[1] - 1))) elif currdx == 0 and currdy == -1: self.playerBody.append( block((tail.position[0], tail.position[1] + 1))) elif currdx == 1 and currdy == 0: self.playerBody.append( block((tail.position[0] - 1, tail.position[1]))) elif currdx == -1 and currdy == 0: self.playerBody.append( block((tail.position[0] + 1, tail.position[1]))) self.playerBody[-1].dx = currdx self.playerBody[-1].dy = currdy
def build_snake(self): last_part = self.snake_body[-1] last_x = last_part.direct_x last_y = last_part.direct_y if last_x == 1 and last_y == 0: self.snake_body.append( block((last_part.pos[0] - 1, last_part.pos[1]))) elif last_x == -1 and last_y == 0: self.snake_body.append( block((last_part.pos[0] + 1, last_part.pos[1]))) elif last_x == 0 and last_y == 1: self.snake_body.append( block((last_part.pos[0], last_part.pos[1] - 1))) elif last_x == 0 and last_y == -1: self.snake_body.append( block((last_part.pos[0], last_part.pos[1] + 1))) self.snake_body[-1].direct_x = last_x self.snake_body[-1].direct_y = last_y
def __init__(self, position, playerColor): self.playerBody = [] self.headTurns = {} self.blocks = [] self.playerColor = playerColor self.head = block(position) self.pos = position self.playerBody.append(self.head) self.dx = 0 self.dy = 1 self.eventType = ""
def initial_prior(network_data, internetwork_data, edge_prob): """ Generate the initial prior system to start the MCMC Input: network_data: the data of the three networks inter_network_data: the data of the four internetworks edge_prob: the edge probability to sample edges obtained from shelby county networks """ block_water = block(network_data[0], edge_prob[0]) block_power = block(network_data[1], edge_prob[1]) block_gas = block(network_data[2], edge_prob[2]) block_networks = [block_water, block_power, block_gas] for i in range(len(block_networks)): block_networks[i].adj_matrix() block_networks[i].edge_failure_matrix() block_networks[i].edgeprobmatrix() #Initialize the four interdependent networks block_inter_wd2ps = interblock(internetwork_data[0], block_networks) block_inter_gd2ps = interblock(internetwork_data[1], block_networks) block_inter_pd2w = interblock(internetwork_data[2], block_networks) block_inter_pd2g = interblock(internetwork_data[3], block_networks) block_internetworks = [ block_inter_wd2ps, block_inter_gd2ps, block_inter_pd2w, block_inter_pd2g ] for i in range(len(block_internetworks)): block_internetworks[i].adj_matrix() block_internetworks[i].failpropmatrix() block_internetworks[i].edgeprobmatrix() block_system = block_intersystem(block_networks, block_internetworks) block_system.adj_matrix() block_system.edge_failure_matrix() block_system.edgeprobmatrix() return block_system, block_networks, block_internetworks
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) self.Paddle = paddle(self) self.Block = block(self) self.blocks = Group() self.balls = Group() self.scorefont = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 16) self.gameoverfont = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 120) self.highscorefont = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 30) self.score = 0 with open("highscore.txt") as f: contents = self.high = int(contents) b.create_wall(self, self.blocks) self.Ball = ball(self, self.Paddle, self.blocks) self.balls.add(self.Ball) self.game_over = False self.pause = False
def __init__(self, color, pos): self.color = color self.start = block(pos) self.snake_body.append(self.start) self.direct_y = 1 self.direct_x = 0
def create_genesis_block(self): creation_date = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(self.chain_creation_date, "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple()) return block(self.mining_difficulty, creation_date, [], 'this is the first block', 0)