def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): pythonModule = self.getPythonModule() executionResult = self.getExecResult() caughtException = executionResult.getCaughtException() result = executionResult.getResult() streams = executionResult.getStreams() moduleView = Primitive.editable( False ) ).applyTo( Python2.python2EditorPerspective.applyTo( pythonModule ) ) caughtExceptionView = ApplyPerspective.defaultPerspective( caughtException ) if caughtException is not None else None resultView = ApplyPerspective.defaultPerspective( result[0] ) if result is not None else None code = _pythonModuleBorderStyle.applyTo( Border( moduleView.alignHExpand() ).alignHExpand() ) outputContents = [] for stream in streams: if == 'out': outputContents.append( execStdout( stream.richString, True ) ) elif == 'err': outputContents.append( execStderr( stream.richString, True ) ) else: raise ValueError, 'Unreckognised stream \'{0}\''.format( ) if caughtExceptionView is not None: outputContents.append( execException( caughtExceptionView ) ) if resultView is not None: outputContents.append( execResult( resultView ) ) outputColumn = _blockOutputStyle.applyTo( Column( outputContents ).alignHExpand() ) return _blockStyle.applyTo( Border( Column( [ code, outputColumn ] ) ) ).alignHExpand()
def InlinePythonCode(self, fragment, inheritedState, node): assert isinstance(node, ViewSchema.InlinePythonCodeView) if node.isCodeVisible(): exprView = Python2.python2EditorPerspective.applyTo( Pres.coerce(node.getExpr())) if node.isCodeEditable(): exprView = Primitive.editable(True)).applyTo(exprView) else: exprView = None executionResultView = None executionResult = node.getResult() if executionResult is not None: if node.isResultMinimal(): executionResultView = executionResult.minimalView() else: executionResultView = executionResult.view() if node.isCodeVisible(): boxContents = [ _pythonCodeBorderStyle.applyTo( Border(exprView.alignHExpand()).alignHExpand()) ] if executionResultView is not None: boxContents.append(executionResultView.alignHExpand()) box = Row(boxContents)) return _pythonCodeEditorBorderStyle.applyTo( Border(box.alignHExpand()).alignHExpand()) else: return executionResultView.alignHPack( ) if executionResultView is not None else Proxy()
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): configurationLink = Hyperlink( 'CONFIGURATION PAGE', linkHeader = LinkHeaderBar([configurationLink]) title = TitleBar('About') splash = Image.systemImage('SplashScreen.png') desc = NormalText( 'The Larch Environment was designed and written by Geoffrey French' ) jythonLink = Hyperlink('Jython', URI('')) jerichoLink = Hyperlink('Jericho HTML parser', URI('')) salamanderLink = Hyperlink('SVG Salamander', URI('')) googleFontsLink = Hyperlink('Google Fonts', URI('')) jythonAcks = NormalText([ 'The Larch Environment incorporates the ', jythonLink, ' interpreter.' ]) libraryAcks = NormalText([ 'Larch incorporates the ', jerichoLink, ', and ', salamanderLink, ' libraries.' ]) fontAcks = NormalText([ 'Larch incorporates the following fonts (found at ', googleFontsLink, '): ', 'Arimo (by Steve Matteson), Lora (by Cyreal), Nobile (by Vernon Adams), Noto Sans (by Google), ', 'Open Sans (by Steve Matteson), PT Serif (by ParaType), and Source Sans Pro (by Paul D. Hunt)' ]) copyright = NormalText('(C) copyright Geoffrey French 2008-2013') homePage = Hyperlink('The Larch Environment website', URI('')) head = Head([linkHeader, title]) body = Body([ splash.padY(20.0).alignHCentre(), desc.padY(10.0).alignHCentre(), Spacer(0.0, 10.0), jythonAcks.pad(25.0, 5.0).alignHLeft(), libraryAcks.pad(25.0, 5.0).alignHLeft(), fontAcks.pad(25.0, 5.0).alignHLeft(), Spacer(0.0, 10.0), Row([copyright.alignHLeft(), homePage.alignHRight()]).pad(10.0, 10.0).alignHExpand() ]) return Page([head, body]))
def PythonCode(self, fragment, inheritedState, node): if node.isVisible(): if node.isCodeVisible(): codeView = Python2.python2EditorPerspective.applyTo( Pres.coerce(node.getCode())) if node.isCodeEditable(): codeView = Primitive.editable(True)).applyTo(codeView) else: codeView = None executionResultView = None executionResult = node.getResult() if executionResult is not None: if not node.isResultVisible(): executionResult = executionResult.suppressStdOut( ).suppressResult() if node.isMinimal(): executionResultView = executionResult.minimalView() else: executionResultView = executionResult.view() if node.isMinimal(): return executionResultView.alignHExpand( ) if executionResultView is not None else Blank() else: boxContents = [] if node.isCodeVisible(): boxContents.append( _pythonCodeBorderStyle.applyTo( Border(codeView.alignHExpand()).alignHExpand())) if node.isResultVisible() and executionResultView is not None: boxContents.append(executionResultView.alignHExpand()) box = Column(boxContents)) return _pythonCodeEditorBorderStyle.applyTo( Border(box.alignHExpand()).alignHExpand()) else: return Blank()
def Worksheet(self, fragment, inheritedState, node): bodyView = Pres.coerce(node.getBody()) try: editSubject = fragment.subject.editSubject except AttributeError: pageContents = [] else: editLink = Hyperlink('Switch to developer mode', editSubject) linkHeader = LinkHeaderBar([editLink]) pageContents = [linkHeader] tip = TipBox([ NormalText([ 'To edit this worksheet or add content, click ', EmphSpan('Switch to developer mode'), ' at the top right' ]) ], 'larchcore.worksheet.view.toedit') w = Page(pageContents + [bodyView, tip]) w = w.withContextMenuInteractor(_worksheetContextMenuFactory) return
def embeddedObjectMacro(ctx, style, valueView, modelView): modelView = embeddedObjectBorderStyle = style.get( PythonEditorStyle.embeddedObjectBorderStyle) embeddedObjectLineStyle = style.get( PythonEditorStyle.embeddedObjectLineStyle) embeddedObjectExpansionLabelStyle = style.get( PythonEditorStyle.embeddedObjectExpansionLabelStyle) hLine = embeddedObjectLineStyle.applyTo(Box(1, 1).alignHExpand()).pad( 8.0, 2.0).alignHExpand() expansionLabel = embeddedObjectExpansionLabelStyle.applyTo( Label('Expansion')) expander = DropDownExpander(expansionLabel, modelView) view = embeddedObjectBorderStyle.applyTo( Border(Column([valueView, expander]))) segment = Segment(view) return segment.present(ctx, style)
class ConfigurationPage (object): class _ConfigPageSubject (TransientSubject): def __init__(self, enclosingSubject, page): super( ConfigurationPage._ConfigPageSubject, self ).__init__( enclosingSubject ) self._page = page def getFocus(self): return self._page def getTitle(self): return self._page.getSubjectTitle() def __init__(self): self.__config = None def __getstate__(self): return {} def __setstate__(self, state): pass def initPage(self, config): self.__config = config def subject(self, enclosingSubject=None): if enclosingSubject is None: enclosingSubject = self.__config.subject() return self._ConfigPageSubject( enclosingSubject, self ) @abstractmethod def getSubjectTitle(self): pass @abstractmethod def getTitleText(self): pass @abstractmethod def getLinkText(self): pass @abstractmethod def __present_contents__(self, fragment, inheritedState): pass def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): homeLink = Hyperlink( 'HOME PAGE', fragment.subject.rootSubject ) configLink = Hyperlink( 'CONFIGURATION PAGE', fragment.subject.configSubject ) linkHeader = SplitLinkHeaderBar( [ homeLink ], [ configLink ] ) title = TitleBar( self.getTitleText() ) head = _staticStyle.applyTo( Head( [ linkHeader, title ] ) ) contents = self.__present_contents__( fragment, inheritedState ) return self._configPageStyle.applyTo( Page( [ head, contents ] ) ) _configPageStyle = Primitive.editable( False ) )
##-* licensed under the MIT license, a copy of which can be found in ##-* the file 'COPYING'. ##-************************* from BritefuryJ.Controls import Hyperlink from BritefuryJ.Pres.Primitive import Primitive from BritefuryJ.Pres.RichText import SplitLinkHeaderBar, TitleBar, Page, Head, Body from BritefuryJ.StyleSheet import StyleSheet from BritefuryJ.Projection import TransientSubject from Britefury.Util.Abstract import abstractmethod _staticStyle = Primitive.editable( False ) ) class ConfigurationPage (object): class _ConfigPageSubject (TransientSubject): def __init__(self, enclosingSubject, page): super( ConfigurationPage._ConfigPageSubject, self ).__init__( enclosingSubject ) self._page = page def getFocus(self): return self._page def getTitle(self): return self._page.getSubjectTitle()
from BritefuryJ.StyleSheet import StyleSheet from BritefuryJ.DefaultPerspective import DefaultPerspective from BritefuryJ.Projection import TransientSubject from Britefury.Kernel.Document import Document from LarchCore.MainApp.MainAppViewer.View import perspective from LarchCore.MainApp.MainAppViewer.AboutPage import AboutPage from Britefury import app_in_jar from main_app import editor_page _page_style =, Primitive.editable(False)) _dir_style =, 0.2, 0.4))) def _get_examples(): names_and_bytes = None # z is the zip file containing the examples z = None if app_in_jar.startedFromJar(): # App started from JAR; attempt to acquire through java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream() stream = Column.getResourceAsStream('/') if stream is not None: # Convert to cStringIO; FileUtil.wrap does not seem to work well with ZipFile
def ProjectRoot(self, fragment, inheritedState, project): # Save and Save As def _onSave(control, buttonEvent): if document.hasFilename(): else: def handleSaveDocumentAsFn(filename): document.saveAs(filename) DocumentManagement.promptSaveDocumentAs( world, control.getElement().getRootElement().getComponent(), handleSaveDocumentAsFn) def _onSaveAs(control, buttonEvent): def handleSaveDocumentAsFn(filename): document.saveAs(filename) DocumentManagement.promptSaveDocumentAs( world, control.getElement().getRootElement().getComponent(), handleSaveDocumentAsFn, document.getFilename()) def _onReload(control, buttonEvent): if document.hasFilename(): document.reload() project.reset() else: def handleSaveDocumentAsFn(filename): document.saveAs(filename) document.reload() project.reset() DocumentManagement.promptSaveDocumentAs( world, control.getElement().getRootElement().getComponent(), handleSaveDocumentAsFn) def _onExport(control, event): component = control.getElement().getRootElement().getComponent() openDialog = JFileChooser() openDialog.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY) response = openDialog.showDialog(component, 'Export') if response == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION: sf = openDialog.getSelectedFile() if sf is not None: filename = sf.getPath() if filename is not None and os.path.isdir(filename): response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( component, 'Existing content will be overwritten. Proceed?', 'Overwrite existing content', JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, None, ['Overwrite', 'Cancel'], 'Cancel') if response == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION: exc = None try: project.export(filename) except: exc = JythonException.getCurrentException() if exc is not None: BubblePopup.popupInBubbleAdjacentTo( DefaultPerspective.instance(exc), control.getElement(), Anchor.BOTTOM, True, True) # Python package name class _PythonPackageNameListener(EditableLabel.EditableLabelListener): def onTextChanged(self, editableLabel, text): if text != '': project.pythonPackageName = text else: project.pythonPackageName = None # Project index def _addPackage(menuItem): project.append(ProjectPackage('NewPackage')) def _addPage(page): project.append(page) def _projectIndexContextMenuFactory(element, menu): menu.add(MenuItem.menuItemWithLabel('New package', _addPackage)) newPageMenu = PageData.newPageMenu(_addPage) importPageMenu = PageData.importPageMenu( element.getRootElement().getComponent(), _addPage) menu.add( MenuItem.menuItemWithLabel( 'New page', newPageMenu, MenuItem.SubmenuPopupDirection.RIGHT)) menu.add( MenuItem.menuItemWithLabel( 'Import page', importPageMenu, MenuItem.SubmenuPopupDirection.RIGHT)) return True # Get some initial variables document = fragment.subject.document world = # Title title = TitleBar(document.getDocumentName()) # Controls for 'save' and 'save as' saveExportHeader = SectionHeading1('Save/export') saveButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Save', _onSave) saveAsButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Save as', _onSaveAs) reloadButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Save and reload', _onReload) reloadButton = AttachTooltip( reloadButton, 'Saves and reloads the project from scratch\nCauses all embedded objects to be re-created.' ) exportButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Export', _onExport) exportButton = AttachTooltip( exportButton, 'Exports project contents to text files where possible.') saveBox = Row([ saveButton.padX(10.0), Spacer(30.0, 0.0), saveAsButton.padX(10.0), Spacer(30.0, 0.0), reloadButton.padX(10.0), Spacer(50.0, 0.0), exportButton.padX(10.0) ]).alignHLeft() saveExportSection = Section(saveExportHeader, saveBox) # # Project Section # # Python package name notSet = _pythonPackageNameNotSetStyle.applyTo(Label('<not set>')) pythonPackageNameLabel = EditableLabel( project.pythonPackageName, notSet, _PythonPackageNameListener()).regexValidated( _pythonPackageNameRegex, 'Please enter a valid dotted identifier') pythonPackageNameLabel = AttachTooltip( pythonPackageNameLabel, 'The root python package name is the name under which the contents of the project can be imported using import statements within the project.\n' + \ 'If this is not set, pages from this project cannot be imported.', False ) pythonPackageNameRow = Form.Section( 'Root Python package name', 'Pages will not be importable unless this is set', pythonPackageNameLabel) # Clear imported modules def _onReset(button, event): project.reset() modules = document.unloadAllImportedModules() heading = SectionHeading2('Unloaded modules:') modules = Column([Label(module) for module in modules]) report = Section(heading, modules) BubblePopup.popupInBubbleAdjacentTo(report, button.getElement(), Anchor.BOTTOM, True, True) resetButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Reset', _onReset) resetButton = AttachTooltip( resetButton, 'Unloads all modules that were imported from this project from the Python module cache. This way they can be re-imported, allowing modifications to take effect.' ) resetRow = Form.Section('Reset', 'Unload project modules', resetButton) projectSection = Form('Project', [pythonPackageNameRow, resetRow]) # Project index indexHeader = SectionHeading1('Index') nameElement = _projectIndexNameStyle.applyTo(Label('Project root')) nameBox = _itemHoverHighlightStyle.applyTo(nameElement.alignVCentre()) nameBox = nameBox.withContextMenuInteractor( _projectIndexContextMenuFactory) nameBox = _ProjectTreeController.instance.item(project, nameBox) nameBox = AttachTooltip( nameBox, 'Right click to access context menu, from which new pages and packages can be created.\n' + \ 'A page called index at the root will appear instead of the project page. A page called __startup__ will be executed at start time.', False ) itemsBox = Column(project[:]).alignHExpand() itemsBox = _ProjectTreeController.instance.editableList( project, itemsBox) contentsView = Column([ nameBox.alignHExpand(), itemsBox.padX(_packageContentsIndentation, 0.0).alignHExpand() ]) indexSection = Section(indexHeader, contentsView) def _onBuildJar(button, event): _buildProjectJar(button.element, document) buildJarButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Build JAR', _onBuildJar) jarRow = Form.Section('Build executable app', 'Export the project as an executable JAR', buildJarButton) packagingSection = Form('Packaging', [jarRow]) indexTip = TipBox([ NormalText([ StrongSpan('Index: '), 'Larch projects act like Python programs. Packages act as directories/packages and pages act as Python source files. Pages can import code from one another as if they are modules.' ]), NormalText([ 'New pages and packages can be created by right clicking on the entries in the index or on ', EmphSpan('Project root'), ' (they will highlight as you hover over them).' ]), NormalText([ StrongSpan('Front and startup pages: '), 'If a page is set as the front page it will appear instead of the project page. In these cases, the project page can still be reached using the links in the location bar at the top of the window.' ]), 'If a page is set as the startup page, code within it will be executed before all other pages. This can be used for registering editor extensions.', 'To set a page as the front page or the startup page, right-click on it to show its context menu and choose the appropriate option.' ], 'larchcore.worksheet.worksheeteditor') # The page head = Head([title]) body = Body([ saveExportSection, projectSection, indexSection, packagingSection, indexTip ]).alignHPack() return Page([head, body]))
def AppState(self, fragment, state, node): def _onNewDoc(link, event): def handleNewDocumentFn(document, firstPageSubjectFn): name = _newDocumentName(openDocuments) document.setDocumentName(name) node.registerOpenDocument(document) subject = document.newSubject(fragment.subject, None, document.getDocumentName()) subject = firstPageSubjectFn(subject) pageController = link.element.rootElement.pageController pageController.openSubject( subject, PageController.OpenOperation.OPEN_IN_CURRENT_TAB) element = link.getElement() openDocuments = node.getOpenDocuments() DocumentManagement.promptNewDocument(, element, handleNewDocumentFn) return True def _onOpenDoc(link, event): def handleOpenedDocumentFn(fullPath, document): appDoc = node.registerOpenDocument(document) element = link.getElement() DocumentManagement.promptOpenDocument(, element.getRootElement().getComponent(), handleOpenedDocumentFn) return True def _onFileListDrop(element, targetPosition, data, action): world = for filename in data: filename = str(filename) document = Document.readFile(world, filename) node.registerOpenDocument(document) return True def _onNewConsole(link, event): consoles = node.getConsoles() index = _newConsoleIndex(consoles) appConsole = Application.AppConsole(index) node.addConsole(appConsole) subject = appConsole.subject(fragment.subject) pageController = link.element.rootElement.pageController pageController.openSubject( subject, PageController.OpenOperation.OPEN_IN_CURRENT_TAB) return True openDocViews = Pres.mapCoerce(node.getOpenDocuments()) consoles = Pres.mapCoerce(node.getConsoles()) systemLink = Hyperlink('TEST PAGES', TestsRootPage.instanceSubject) configurationLink = Hyperlink( 'CONFIGURATION PAGE', aboutLink = Hyperlink('ABOUT', fragment.subject.aboutPageSubject) linkHeader = SplitLinkHeaderBar([aboutLink], [configurationLink, systemLink]) title = TitleBar('The Larch Environment') newLink = Hyperlink('NEW', _onNewDoc) openLink = Hyperlink('OPEN', _onOpenDoc) openDocumentsBox = _contentsList([newLink, openLink], openDocViews, 'Documents') openDocumentsBox = openDocumentsBox.withNonLocalDropDest( DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor, _onFileListDrop) openDocumentsBox = AttachTooltip( openDocumentsBox, 'Click NEW to create a new document. To open from a file, click OPEN, or drag files from a file explorer application.', False) newConsoleLink = Hyperlink('NEW', _onNewConsole) consolesBox = _contentsList([newConsoleLink], consoles, 'Python consoles') tip = TipBox( [ NormalText( [ StrongSpan( 'Getting started: ' ), 'To get programming quickly, create a new Python console by pressing ', EmphSpan( 'new' ), ', beneath', EmphSpan( ' Python consoles' ), '.' ] ), NormalText( [ 'For something more easily modifiable and something you can save, press ', EmphSpan( 'new' ), ' beneath ', EmphSpan( 'Documents' ), ' and choose the ', EmphSpan( 'Quickstart: worksheet' ), ' option.' ] ), NormalText( [ StrongSpan( 'Tips: ' ), 'You can highlight items that have help tips by pressing F2. Hover the pointer over them to display the tips. ' + \ 'Some items do not display their tips unless highlighting is enabled, in order to reduce clutter.' ] ), NormalText( [ StrongSpan( 'Command bar: ' ), 'The command bar can be invoked by pressing the ', EmphSpan( 'escape' ), ' key. From there you can type abbreviated commands to invoke them. ' 'Alternatively, type in part of the full name of a command and autocomplete will show a list of commands that match. ' 'Press ', EmphSpan( 'tab' ), ' to switch between the entries in the autocomplete list and press ', EmphSpan( 'enter' ), ' to execute the highlighted command. ' 'Bold letters shown within command names indicate abbreviations, e.g. ', EmphSpan( 's' ), ' for ', EmphSpan( 'save' ), ' and ', EmphSpan( 'sa' ), ' for ', EmphSpan( 'save as' ), '. ' 'You can type these to execute them quickly.' ] )], 'larchcore.mainapp.tooltiphighlights' ) head = Head([linkHeader, title]) body = Body([ openDocumentsBox.pad(0.0, 10.0).alignHLeft(), consolesBox.pad(0.0, 10.0).alignHLeft(), tip ]) return Page([head, body]))
from BritefuryJ.Pres.Primitive import Primitive, Blank, Border, Column, Row, Proxy from BritefuryJ.Pres.RichText import TitleBar, Heading1, Heading2, Heading3, Heading4, Heading4, Heading5, Heading6, NormalText, RichSpan, Page, Body, LinkHeaderBar, EmphSpan from BritefuryJ.Pres.ObjectPres import ObjectBorder from BritefuryJ.Pres.UI import Section, SectionHeading2, ControlsRow from BritefuryJ.Pres.Help import TipBox from BritefuryJ.Projection import Perspective, Subject, SubjectPathEntry from LarchCore.Languages.Python2 import Python2 from LarchCore.Languages.Python2.CodeGenerator import compileForModuleExecution from LarchCore.Worksheet import Schema from LarchCore.Worksheet.WorksheetViewer import ViewSchema from LarchCore.Worksheet.WorksheetEditor.View import WorksheetEditorSubject _editableStyle = _worksheetMargin = 10.0 _pythonCodeBorderStyle = Primitive.border( SolidBorder(1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0, Color(0.2, 0.4, 0.8), None))) _pythonCodeEditorBorderStyle = Primitive.border( SolidBorder(1.5, 4.0, 10.0, 10.0, Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.5), None))) def _worksheetContextMenuFactory(element, menu): def _onRefresh(button, event): model.refreshResults()
from BritefuryJ.Pres.UI import SectionHeading1 from BritefuryJ.Controls import ScrolledViewport from BritefuryJ.Graphics import SolidBorder, FillPainter from BritefuryJ.StyleSheet import StyleSheet from BritefuryJ.DefaultPerspective import DefaultPerspective from BritefuryJ.Projection import TransientSubject from Britefury.Kernel.Document import Document from LarchCore.MainApp.MainAppViewer.View import perspective from LarchCore.MainApp.MainAppViewer.AboutPage import AboutPage _info_style =, Primitive.editable(False)) _editable_style =, Primitive.editable(True)) _section_heading_style =, 0.925, 0.925)))) _section_border = SolidBorder(1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0, Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.4), None) def unload_modules_starting_with(prefixes): to_remove = [] for m in sys.modules: for prefix in prefixes: if m.startswith(prefix): to_remove.append(m) for m in to_remove: del sys.modules[m]
from BritefuryJ.Util import TypeUtils from LarchCore.Languages.Python2 import Python2 from LarchCore.Languages.Python2.Execution.ExecutionPresCombinators import execStdout, execStderr, execException, execResult from LarchCore.Languages.Python2.Execution import Execution _executeShortcut = Shortcut( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, Modifier.CTRL ) _executeNoEvalShortcut = Shortcut( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, Modifier.CTRL | Modifier.SHIFT ) _historyPreviousShortcut = Shortcut( KeyEvent.VK_UP, Modifier.ALT ) _historyNextShortcut = Shortcut( KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, Modifier.ALT ) _bannerTextStyle = Primitive.fontFace( 'Serif' ), Primitive.fontSmallCaps( True ), Primitive.editable( False ) ) _bannerHelpKeyTextStyle = Primitive.fontFace( 'Serif' ), Primitive.fontSmallCaps( True ), Primitive.fontItalic( True ), Primitive.foreground( Color( 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ) ) ) _bannerHelpTextStyle = Primitive.fontFace( 'Serif' ), Primitive.fontItalic( True ), Primitive.foreground( Color( 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ) ) ) _bannerBorder = SolidBorder( 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 8.0, Color( 0.3, 0.5, 0.3 ), Color( 0.875, 0.9, 0.875 ) ) _labelStyle = Primitive.fontSize( 10 ) ) #_blockStyle = Primitive.columnSpacing( 2.0 ), Primitive.border( SolidBorder( 1.0, 5.0, 15.0, 15.0, Color( 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ), Color( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 ) ) ) ) _blockStyle = Primitive.columnSpacing( 3.0 ), Primitive.border( SolidBorder( 1.0, 3.0, 13.0, 13.0, Color( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 ), Color( 0.9, 0.9, 0.9 ) ) ) ) _blockOutputStyle = Primitive.columnSpacing( 2.0 ) ) _pythonModuleBorderStyle = Primitive.border( SolidBorder( 1.5, 5.0, 10.0, 10.0, Color( 0.65, 0.65, 0.65 ), Color.WHITE ) ) ) _dropPromptStyle = Primitive.border( SolidBorder( 1.0, 3.0, 10.0, 10.0, Color( 0.0, 0.8, 0.0 ), None ) ) ) _varAssignVarNameStyle = Primitive.fontItalic( True ), Primitive.foreground( Color( 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 ) ) )
from LarchCore.PythonConsole import Console _fragSelectorEntryBorder = SolidBorder(1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 6.0, Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), None, Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)) _fragContentHighlighter = ElementHighlighter( FilledOutlinePainter(Color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1), Color(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5))) _objectKindStyleJava = Primitive.fontSize(10), Primitive.foreground(Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.5))) _objectKindStylePython = Primitive.fontSize(10), Primitive.foreground(Color(0.0, 0.5, 0.0))) _objectKindStyleDocModel = Primitive.fontSize(10), Primitive.foreground(Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))) _consoleStyle =, Primitive.selectable(True)) _inspectorStyle =, Primitive.selectable(False)) _objectKindJava = _objectKindStyleJava(Label('Java')) _objectKindPython = _objectKindStylePython(Label('Python')) _objectKindDocModel = _objectKindStyleDocModel(Label('DocModel')) _objectKindMap = { TypeUtils.ObjectKind.JAVA: _objectKindJava, TypeUtils.ObjectKind.PYTHON: _objectKindPython, TypeUtils.ObjectKind.DOCMODEL: _objectKindDocModel, }