Example #1
def playGame(train_indicator=1):  # 1 means Train, 0 means simply Run

    cur_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
    model_path = "/Models/"
    result_path = "/Results/"
    curr_test = "Large_Noise_Result/"
    actor_name = "actormodel{}.h5"
    critic_name = "criticmodel{}.h5"

    BUFFER_SIZE = 100000
    BATCH_SIZE = 32
    GAMMA = 0.99
    TAU = 0.001  # Target Network HyperParameters
    LRA = 1e-4  # Learning rate for Actor
    LRC = 1e-3  # Lerning rate for Critic
    action_dim = 4  # Steering/Acceleration/Brake
    state_dim = 131  # of sensors input


    EXPLORE = 10000
    episode_count = 10000
    max_steps = 100000
    reward = 0
    done = 0
    step = 0
    epsilon = 1

    # Tensorflow GPU optimization
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)


    critic = CriticNetwork(sess, state_dim, action_dim, BATCH_SIZE, TAU, LRC)
    actor = ActorNetwork(sess, state_dim, action_dim, BATCH_SIZE, TAU, LRA)

    buff = Buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)  # Create replay buffer

    # Generate a Torcs environment
    env = Simulator()

    # Now load the weight
    print("Now we load the weight")
        actor.model.load_weights(cur_path + "/Models/actormodel.h5")
        critic.model.load_weights(cur_path + "/Models/criticmodel.h5")
        actor.target_model.load_weights(cur_path + "/Models/actormodel.h5")
        critic.target_model.load_weights(cur_path + "/Models/criticmodel.h5")
        print("Weight load successfully")
        print("Cannot find the weight")

    for i in range(episode_count):
        start_time = time.time()

        print("Episode : " + str(i) + " Replay Buffer " + str(buff.count()))
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            losses = np.zeros((1000, ))
            total_rewards = np.zeros((1000, ))

        s_t = env.reset()

        total_reward = 0
        loss = 0
        for j in range(max_steps):
            epsilon -= 1.0 / EXPLORE
            a_t = np.zeros([1, action_dim])
            noise_t = np.zeros([1, action_dim])

            a_t_original = actor.model.predict(s_t)
            noise_t[0][0] = train_indicator * max(epsilon, 0) * OU.function(
                a_t_original[0][0], 0.5, 1.00, 0.15)
            noise_t[0][1] = train_indicator * max(epsilon, 0) * OU.function(
                a_t_original[0][1], 0.5, 1.00, 0.15)
            noise_t[0][2] = train_indicator * max(epsilon, 0) * OU.function(
                a_t_original[0][2], 0.5, 1.00, 0.15)
            noise_t[0][3] = train_indicator * max(epsilon, 0) * OU.function(
                a_t_original[0][3], 0.5, 1.00, 0.15)

            # The following code do the stochastic brake
            # if random.random() <= 0.1:
            #    print("********Now we apply the brake***********")
            #    noise_t[0][2] = train_indicator * max(epsilon, 0) * OU.function(a_t_original[0][2],  0.2 , 1.00, 0.10)

            a_t[0][0] = a_t_original[0][0] + noise_t[0][0]
            a_t[0][1] = a_t_original[0][1] + noise_t[0][1]
            a_t[0][2] = a_t_original[0][2] + noise_t[0][2]
            a_t[0][3] = a_t_original[0][3] + noise_t[0][3]

            a_t = np.around(a_t, decimals=1)

            s_t1, r_t, done = env.step(a_t)

            buff.add(s_t, a_t, r_t, np.array([[done]]),
                     s_t1)  # Add replay buffer

            # Do the batch update

            batch = buff.getBatch(BATCH_SIZE)
            states = batch[:, :state_dim]
            actions = batch[:, state_dim:state_dim + action_dim]
            rewards = batch[:, state_dim + action_dim]
            new_states = batch[:, state_dim + action_dim + 2:]
            dones = batch[:, state_dim + action_dim + 1]
            y_t = actions.copy()

            target_q_values = critic.target_model.predict([
                np.around(actor.target_model.predict(new_states), decimals=1)

            for k in range(len(batch)):
                if dones[k]:
                    y_t[k] = rewards[k]
                    y_t[k] = rewards[k] + GAMMA * target_q_values[k]

            if (train_indicator):
                loss += critic.model.train_on_batch([states, actions], y_t)
                a_for_grad = np.around(actor.model.predict(states), decimals=1)
                grads = critic.gradients(states, a_for_grad)
                actor.train(states, grads)

            total_reward += r_t
            s_t = s_t1

            print("Episode", i, "Step", step, "Action", a_t, "Reward", r_t,
                  "Loss", loss)

            step += 1
            if done:

        losses[i % 1000] = loss
        total_rewards[i % 1000] = total_reward

        if np.mod((i + 1), 100) == 0:
            if (train_indicator):
                print("Now we save model")
                actor.model.save_weights(cur_path + "/Models/actormodel.h5",
                critic.model.save_weights(cur_path + "/Models/criticmodel.h5",

        if np.mod((i + 1), 1000) == 0:
            if (train_indicator):
                losses_path = (cur_path + result_path + curr_test +
                rewards_path = (cur_path + result_path + curr_test +
                np.savetxt(losses_path, losses)
                np.savetxt(rewards_path, total_rewards)
                print("Now we save model")
                actor.model.save_weights((cur_path + model_path + curr_test +
                critic.model.save_weights((cur_path + model_path + curr_test +
                    (cur_path + model_path + curr_test +
                    (cur_path + model_path + curr_test +

        print("TOTAL REWARD @ " + str(i) + "-th Episode  : Reward " +
        print("Total Step: " + str(step))
        print("Took {} S".format(time.time() - start_time))

    # This is for shutting down TORCS
Example #2
def playGame(train_indicator=1):  # 1 means Train, 0 means simply Run
    model_path = "./Models/"
    result_path = "./Results/"
    curr_test = "Large_Noise_Result/"

    BUFFER_SIZE = 10000
    BATCH_SIZE = 32
    GAMMA = 0.99
    TAU = 0.001  # Target Network HyperParameters
    LRA = 1e-4  # Learning rate for Actor
    LRC = 1e-3  # Lerning rate for Critic
    action_dim = 4  # Steering/Acceleration/Brake
    state_dim = 131  # of sensors input


    EXPLORE = 10000
    episode_count = 10000
    max_steps = 100000
    reward = 0
    done = 0
    step = 0
    epsilon = 1

    # Tensorflow GPU optimization
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)


    critic = CriticNetwork(sess, state_dim, action_dim, BATCH_SIZE, TAU, LRC)
    actor = ActorNetwork(sess, state_dim, action_dim, BATCH_SIZE, TAU, LRA)

    buff = Buffer(BUFFER_SIZE)  # Create replay buffer

    # Generate a Torcs environment
    env = Val_Simulator()

    # Now load the weight
    for i in range(episode_count):
        start_time = time.time()
        print("Episode : " + str(i) + " Replay Buffer " + str(buff.count()))
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            # losses = np.zeros((1000,))
            total_rewards = np.zeros((1000, ))

        s_t = env.reset()

        total_reward = 0
        loss = 0
        for j in range(max_steps):
            epsilon -= 1.0 / EXPLORE

            a_t = actor.model.predict(s_t)
            a_t = np.around(a_t, decimals=1)

            s_t1, r_t, done = env.step(a_t)

            # buff.add(s_t, a_t,r_t, np.array([[done]]),s_t1)  # Add replay buffer
            # # Do the batch update
            # batch = buff.getBatch(BATCH_SIZE)
            # states = batch[:,:state_dim]
            # actions = batch[:,state_dim:state_dim+action_dim]
            # rewards = batch[:,state_dim+action_dim]
            # new_states = batch[:,state_dim+action_dim+2:]
            # dones = batch[:,state_dim+action_dim+1]
            # y_t = actions.copy()
            # target_q_values = critic.target_model.predict([new_states, np.around(actor.target_model.predict(new_states),decimals=1)])
            # for k in range(len(batch)):
            #     if dones[k]:
            #         y_t[k] = rewards[k]
            #     else:
            #         y_t[k] = rewards[k] + GAMMA * target_q_values[k]
            # loss += critic.model.evaluate([states,actions],y_t,verbose=0)

            total_reward += r_t

            print("Episode", i, "Step", step, "Action", a_t, "Reward", r_t,
                  "Loss", loss)

            step += 1
            if done:

        total_rewards[i % 1000] = total_reward

        if np.mod((i + 1), 1000) == 0:
            # losses_path = (result_path + curr_test + 'losses_val{}.txt').format(i)
            rewards_path = (result_path + curr_test +
            # np.savetxt(losses_path,losses)
            np.savetxt(rewards_path, total_rewards)
            print("Now we load model")
                (model_path + curr_test + "actormodel{}.h5").format(i))
                (model_path + curr_test + "criticmodel{}.h5").format(i))
                (model_path + curr_test + "actortarmodel{}.h5").format(i))
                (model_path + curr_test + "crititarcmodel{}.h5").format(i))

        print("TOTAL REWARD @ " + str(i) + "-th Episode  : Reward " +
        print("Total Step: " + str(step))
        print("Took {} S".format(time.time() - start_time))

# This is for shutting down TORCS