Example #1
def computeACNA(inputState, settings):
    ACNA filter
    if len(inputState.cellDims) == 9:
        cellDims = np.empty(3, np.float64)
        cellDims[0] = inputState.cellDims[0]
        cellDims[1] = inputState.cellDims[4]
        cellDims[2] = inputState.cellDims[8]
        cellDims = inputState.cellDims
    visibleAtoms = np.arange(inputState.NAtoms, dtype=np.int32)
    scalars = np.zeros(inputState.NAtoms, dtype=np.float64)
    NScalars = 0
    fullScalars = np.empty(NScalars, np.float64)
    NVectors = 0
    fullVectors = np.empty(NVectors, np.float64)
    pbc = np.ones(3, np.int32)
    # counter array
    counters = np.zeros(7, np.int32)
    NVisible = acna.adaptiveCommonNeighbourAnalysis(visibleAtoms, inputState.pos, scalars, cellDims, pbc, NScalars, fullScalars,
                                                    settings.maxBondDistance, counters, settings.filteringEnabled, settings.structureVisibility,
                                                    1, NVectors, fullVectors)
    # resize visible atoms
    visibleAtoms.resize(NVisible, refcheck=False)

    # store scalars
    scalars.resize(NVisible, refcheck=False)
    # store counters
    d = {}
    for i, structure in enumerate(filterer.Filterer.knownStructures):
        if counters[i] > 0:
            d[structure] = counters[i]
    return scalars, d
Example #2
def findDefects(inputLattice, refLattice, settings, acnaArray=None, pbc=np.ones(3, np.int32)):
    Point defects filter
    if len(refLattice.cellDims) == 9:
        cellDims = np.empty(3, np.float64)
        cellDims[0] = refLattice.cellDims[0]
        cellDims[1] = refLattice.cellDims[4]
        cellDims[2] = refLattice.cellDims[8]
        cellDims = refLattice.cellDims
    if settings.useAcna:
        logging.debug("Computing ACNA from point defects filter...")
        # dummy visible atoms and scalars arrays
        visAtoms = np.arange(inputLattice.NAtoms, dtype=np.int32)
        acnaArray = np.empty(inputLattice.NAtoms, np.float64)
        NScalars = 0
        fullScalars = np.empty(NScalars, np.float64)
        NVectors = 0
        fullVectors = np.empty(NVectors, np.float64)
        structVis = np.ones(len(filterer.Filterer.knownStructures), np.int32)
        # counter array
        counters = np.zeros(7, np.int32)
        # number of threads
        numThreads = 1
        acna.adaptiveCommonNeighbourAnalysis(visAtoms, inputLattice.pos, acnaArray, cellDims, pbc, NScalars, fullScalars,
                                             settings.acnaMaxBondDistance, counters, 0, structVis, numThreads, NVectors,
        # store counters
        d = {}
        for i, structure in enumerate(filterer.Filterer.knownStructures):
            if counters[i] > 0:
                d[structure] = counters[i]
        logging.debug("  %r", d)
    elif acnaArray is None or len(acnaArray) != inputLattice.NAtoms:
        acnaArray = np.empty(0, np.float64)
    if settings.driftCompensation:
        driftVector = computeDriftVector(inputLattice, refLattice, cellDims, pbc)
        driftVector = np.zeros(3, np.float64)
    # set up arrays
    interstitials = np.empty(inputLattice.NAtoms, np.int32)
    if settings.identifySplitInts:
        splitInterstitials = np.empty(inputLattice.NAtoms, np.int32)
        splitInterstitials = np.empty(0, np.int32)
    vacancies = np.empty(refLattice.NAtoms, np.int32)
    antisites = np.empty(refLattice.NAtoms, np.int32)
    onAntisites = np.empty(refLattice.NAtoms, np.int32)
    # set up excluded specie arrays
    if settings.allSpeciesSelected:
        exclSpecsInput = np.zeros(0, np.int32)
        exclSpecsRef = np.zeros(0, np.int32)
        exclSpecs = []
#         for i in xrange(len(inputLattice.specieList)):
#             spec = inputLattice.specieList[i]
#             if spec not in settings.visibleSpecieList:
#                 exclSpecs.append(i)
        exclSpecsInput = np.empty(len(exclSpecs), np.int32)
        for i in xrange(len(exclSpecs)):
            exclSpecsInput[i] = exclSpecs[i]
        exclSpecs = []
#         for i in xrange(len(refLattice.specieList)):
#             spec = refLattice.specieList[i]
#             if spec not in settings.visibleSpecieList:
#                 exclSpecs.append(i)
        exclSpecsRef = np.empty(len(exclSpecs), np.int32)
        for i in xrange(len(exclSpecs)):
            exclSpecsRef[i] = exclSpecs[i]
    # specie counter arrays
    vacSpecCount = np.zeros( len(refLattice.specieList), np.int32 )
    intSpecCount = np.zeros( len(inputLattice.specieList), np.int32 )
    antSpecCount = np.zeros( len(refLattice.specieList), np.int32 )
    onAntSpecCount = np.zeros( (len(refLattice.specieList), len(inputLattice.specieList)), np.int32 )
    splitIntSpecCount = np.zeros( (len(inputLattice.specieList), len(inputLattice.specieList)), np.int32 )
    NDefectsByType = np.zeros(6, np.int32)
    if settings.findClusters:
        defectCluster = np.empty(inputLattice.NAtoms + refLattice.NAtoms, np.int32)
        defectCluster = np.empty(0, np.int32)
    # call C library
    status = _defects.findDefects(settings.showVacancies, settings.showInterstitials, settings.showAntisites, NDefectsByType, vacancies, 
                                  interstitials, antisites, onAntisites, exclSpecsInput, exclSpecsRef, inputLattice.NAtoms, inputLattice.specieList,
                                  inputLattice.specie, inputLattice.pos, refLattice.NAtoms, refLattice.specieList, refLattice.specie, 
                                  refLattice.pos, cellDims, pbc, settings.vacancyRadius,
                                  settings.findClusters, settings.neighbourRadius, defectCluster, vacSpecCount, intSpecCount, antSpecCount,
                                  onAntSpecCount, splitIntSpecCount, settings.minClusterSize, settings.maxClusterSize, splitInterstitials, 
                                  settings.identifySplitInts, settings.driftCompensation, driftVector, acnaArray, settings.acnaStructureType)
    # summarise
    NDef = NDefectsByType[0]
    NVac = NDefectsByType[1]
    NInt = NDefectsByType[2]
    NAnt = NDefectsByType[3]
    NSplit = NDefectsByType[5]
    # report counters
    logging.info("Found %d defects", NDef)
    if settings.showVacancies:
        logging.debug("  %d vacancies", NVac)
        for i in xrange(len(refLattice.specieList)):
            logging.debug("    %d %s vacancies", vacSpecCount[i], refLattice.specieList[i])
    if settings.showInterstitials:
        logging.debug("  %d interstitials", NInt + NSplit)
        for i in xrange(len(inputLattice.specieList)):
            logging.debug("    %d %s interstitials", intSpecCount[i], inputLattice.specieList[i])
        if settings.identifySplitInts:
            logging.debug("    %d split interstitials", NSplit)
            for i in xrange(len(inputLattice.specieList)):
                for j in xrange(i, len(inputLattice.specieList)):
                    if j == i:
                        N = splitIntSpecCount[i][j]
                        N = splitIntSpecCount[i][j] + splitIntSpecCount[j][i]
                    logging.debug("      %d %s - %s split interstitials", N, inputLattice.specieList[i], inputLattice.specieList[j])
    if settings.showAntisites:
        logging.debug("  %d antisites", NAnt)
        for i in xrange(len(refLattice.specieList)):
            for j in xrange(len(inputLattice.specieList)):
                if inputLattice.specieList[j] == refLattice.specieList[i]:
                logging.debug("    %d %s on %s antisites", onAntSpecCount[i][j], inputLattice.specieList[j], refLattice.specieList[i])
    if settings.identifySplitInts:
        logging.debug("Split interstitial analysis")
        PBC = pbc
        for i in xrange(NSplit):
            ind1 = splitInterstitials[3*i+1]
            ind2 = splitInterstitials[3*i+2]
            pos1 = inputLattice.pos[3*ind1:3*ind1+3]
            pos2 = inputLattice.pos[3*ind2:3*ind2+3]
            sepVec = vectors.separationVector(pos1, pos2, cellDims, PBC)
            norm = vectors.normalise(sepVec)
            logging.debug("  Orientation of split int %d: (%.3f %.3f %.3f)", i, norm[0], norm[1], norm[2])
    # sort clusters here
    clusterList = []
    if settings.findClusters:
        NClusters = NDefectsByType[4]
        # build cluster lists
        for i in xrange(NClusters):
        # add atoms to cluster lists
        clusterIndexMapper = {}
        count = 0
        for i in xrange(NVac):
            atomIndex = vacancies[i]
            clusterIndex = defectCluster[i]
            if clusterIndex not in clusterIndexMapper:
                clusterIndexMapper[clusterIndex] = count
                count += 1
            clusterListIndex = clusterIndexMapper[clusterIndex]
        for i in xrange(NInt):
            atomIndex = interstitials[i]
            clusterIndex = defectCluster[NVac + i]
            if clusterIndex not in clusterIndexMapper:
                clusterIndexMapper[clusterIndex] = count
                count += 1
            clusterListIndex = clusterIndexMapper[clusterIndex]
        for i in xrange(NAnt):
            atomIndex = antisites[i]
            atomIndex2 = onAntisites[i]
            clusterIndex = defectCluster[NVac + NInt + i]
            if clusterIndex not in clusterIndexMapper:
                clusterIndexMapper[clusterIndex] = count
                count += 1
            clusterListIndex = clusterIndexMapper[clusterIndex]
        for i in xrange(NSplit):
            clusterIndex = defectCluster[NVac + NInt + NAnt + i]
            if clusterIndex not in clusterIndexMapper:
                clusterIndexMapper[clusterIndex] = count
                count += 1
            clusterListIndex = clusterIndexMapper[clusterIndex]
            atomIndex = splitInterstitials[3*i]
            atomIndex = splitInterstitials[3*i+1]
            atomIndex = splitInterstitials[3*i+2]
    return NDef, interstitials, vacancies, antisites, onAntisites, splitInterstitials, vacSpecCount, intSpecCount, splitIntSpecCount, clusterList