Example #1
def restore_from_archive(self, rest_dir=None, dout_s_root=None, rundir=None):
    Take archived restart files and load them into current case.  Use rest_dir if provided otherwise use most recent
    restore_from_archive is a member of Class Case
    if dout_s_root is None:
        dout_s_root = self.get_value("DOUT_S_ROOT")
    if rundir is None:
        rundir = self.get_value("RUNDIR")
    if rest_dir is not None:
        if not os.path.isabs(rest_dir):
            rest_dir = os.path.join(dout_s_root, "rest", rest_dir)
        rest_dir = os.path.join(dout_s_root, "rest", ls_sorted_by_mtime(os.path.join(dout_s_root, "rest"))[-1])

    logger.info("Restoring restart from {}".format(rest_dir))

    for item in glob.glob("{}/*".format(rest_dir)):
        base = os.path.basename(item)
        dst = os.path.join(rundir, base)
        if os.path.exists(dst):
        logger.info("Restoring {} from {} to {}".format(item, rest_dir, rundir))

        safe_copy(item, rundir)
Example #2
def _do_full_nl_gen(case, test, generate_name, baseline_root=None):
    test_dir       = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
    casedoc_dir    = os.path.join(test_dir, "CaseDocs")
    baseline_root  = case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT") if baseline_root is None else baseline_root

    baseline_dir      = os.path.join(baseline_root, generate_name, test)
    baseline_casedocs = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "CaseDocs")

    if not os.path.isdir(baseline_dir):
        os.makedirs(baseline_dir, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IROTH)

    if os.path.isdir(baseline_casedocs):

    shutil.copytree(casedoc_dir, baseline_casedocs)
    os.chmod(baseline_casedocs, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IROTH)
    for item in glob.glob("{}/*".format(baseline_casedocs)):
        os.chmod(item, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP)

    for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(test_dir, "user_nl*")):
        preexisting_baseline = os.path.join(baseline_dir, os.path.basename(item))
        if (os.path.exists(preexisting_baseline)):

        safe_copy(item, baseline_dir)
        os.chmod(preexisting_baseline, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP)
Example #3
def _build_model_thread(
    logger.info("Building {} with output to {}".format(compclass, file_build))
    t1 = time.time()
    cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname, "buildlib")
    if os.path.isfile(cmd):
            "WARNING: using local buildlib script for {}".format(compname))
        cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildlib")
               "Could not find buildlib for {}".format(compname))

    compile_cmd = "COMP_CLASS={compclass} COMP_NAME={compname} {cmd} {caseroot} {libroot} {bldroot} ".format(
    if get_model() != "ufs":
        compile_cmd = "SMP={} {}".format(stringify_bool(smp), compile_cmd)

    if is_python_executable(cmd):
        logging_options = get_logging_options()
        if logging_options != "":
            compile_cmd = compile_cmd + logging_options

    with open(file_build, "w") as fd:
        stat = run_cmd(compile_cmd,

    if stat != 0:
            "BUILD FAIL: {}.buildlib failed, cat {}".format(
                compname, file_build))

    analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler)

    for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(bldroot,
        safe_copy(mod_file, incroot)

    t2 = time.time()
    logger.info("{} built in {:f} seconds".format(compname, (t2 - t1)))
Example #4
 def set_ref_case(self, case):
     rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
     case_root = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
     if case_root.endswith(".postad"):
         ref_case_root = case_root.replace(".postad", ".ad")
         root = ".ad"
         ref_case_root = case_root.replace(".transient", ".postad")
         root = ".postad"
         "ERROR: spinup must be completed first, could not find directory {}"
     with Case(ref_case_root) as refcase:
         refrundir = refcase.get_value("RUNDIR")
     case.set_value("RUN_REFDIR", refrundir)
     case.set_value("RUN_REFCASE", os.path.basename(ref_case_root))
     for reffile in glob.iglob(refrundir +
                               "/{}{}.*.nc".format(self.name, root)):
         m = re.search("(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)-\d\d\d\d\d.nc", reffile)
         if m:
             refdate = m.group(1)
                       os.path.join(rundir, os.path.basename(reffile)))
     for rpfile in glob.iglob(refrundir + "/rpointer*"):
         safe_copy(rpfile, rundir)
     if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(
             rundir, "inputdata")) and os.path.isdir(
                 os.path.join(refrundir, "inputdata")):
         symlink_force(os.path.join(refrundir, "inputdata"),
                       os.path.join(rundir, "inputdata"))
     case.set_value("RUN_REFDATE", refdate)
     if case_root.endswith(".postad"):
         case.set_value("RUN_STARTDATE", refdate)
Example #5
def _build_model_thread(config_dir, compclass, compname, caseroot, libroot, bldroot, incroot, file_build,
                        thread_bad_results, smp, compiler):
    logger.info("Building {} with output to {}".format(compclass, file_build))
    t1 = time.time()
    cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname, "buildlib")
    if os.path.isfile(cmd):
        logger.warning("WARNING: using local buildlib script for {}".format(compname))
        cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildlib")
        expect(os.path.isfile(cmd), "Could not find buildlib for {}".format(compname))

    with open(file_build, "w") as fd:
        stat = run_cmd("MODEL={} SMP={} {} {} {} {} "
                       .format(compclass, stringify_bool(smp), cmd, caseroot, libroot, bldroot),
                       from_dir=bldroot,  arg_stdout=fd,
    analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler)
    if (stat != 0):
        thread_bad_results.append("BUILD FAIL: {}.buildlib failed, cat {}".format(compname, file_build))

    for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(bldroot, "*_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp]_*.mod")):
        safe_copy(mod_file, incroot)

    t2 = time.time()
    logger.info("{} built in {:f} seconds".format(compname, (t2 - t1)))
Example #6
def _build_model_thread(config_dir, compclass, compname, caseroot, libroot,
                        bldroot, incroot, file_build, thread_bad_results, smp,
    logger.info("Building {} with output to {}".format(compclass, file_build))
    t1 = time.time()
    cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname, "buildlib")
    if os.path.isfile(cmd):
            "WARNING: using local buildlib script for {}".format(compname))
        cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildlib")
               "Could not find buildlib for {}".format(compname))

    with open(file_build, "w") as fd:
        stat = run_cmd("MODEL={} SMP={} {} {} {} {} ".format(
            compclass, stringify_bool(smp), cmd, caseroot, libroot, bldroot),
    analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler)
    if (stat != 0):
            "BUILD FAIL: {}.buildlib failed, cat {}".format(
                compname, file_build))

    for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(bldroot,
        safe_copy(mod_file, incroot)

    t2 = time.time()
    logger.info("{} built in {:f} seconds".format(compname, (t2 - t1)))
Example #7
def restore_from_archive(self, rest_dir=None, dout_s_root=None, rundir=None):
    Take archived restart files and load them into current case.  Use rest_dir if provided otherwise use most recent
    restore_from_archive is a member of Class Case
    if dout_s_root is None:
        dout_s_root = self.get_value("DOUT_S_ROOT")
    if rundir is None:
        rundir = self.get_value("RUNDIR")
    if rest_dir is not None:
        if not os.path.isabs(rest_dir):
            rest_dir = os.path.join(dout_s_root, "rest", rest_dir)
        rest_dir = os.path.join(
            dout_s_root, "rest",
            ls_sorted_by_mtime(os.path.join(dout_s_root, "rest"))[-1])

    logger.info("Restoring restart from {}".format(rest_dir))

    for item in glob.glob("{}/*".format(rest_dir)):
        base = os.path.basename(item)
        dst = os.path.join(rundir, base)
        if os.path.exists(dst):
        logger.info("Restoring {} from {} to {}".format(
            item, rest_dir, rundir))

        safe_copy(item, rundir)
Example #8
def _record_git_provenance(srcroot, exeroot, lid):
    """ Records git provenance

    Records git status, diff and logs for main repo and all submodules.
    # Git Status
    status_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_STATUS.{}".format(lid))
    _run_git_cmd_recursively("status", srcroot, status_prov)

    # Git Diff
    diff_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_DIFF.{}".format(lid))
    _run_git_cmd_recursively("diff", srcroot, diff_prov)

    # Git Log
    log_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_LOG.{}".format(lid))
    cmd = "log --first-parent --pretty=oneline -n 5"
    _run_git_cmd_recursively(cmd, srcroot, log_prov)

    # Git remote
    remote_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_REMOTE.{}".format(lid))
    _run_git_cmd_recursively("remote -v", srcroot, remote_prov)

    gitroot = _find_git_root(srcroot)
    gitroot = _parse_dot_git_path(gitroot)

    # Git config
    config_src = os.path.join(gitroot, "config")
    config_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_CONFIG.{}".format(lid))
    safe_copy(config_src, config_prov, preserve_meta=False)
Example #9
def _archive_rpointer_files(casename, ninst_strings, rundir,
                            save_interim_restart_files, archive, archive_entry,
                            archive_restdir, datename, datename_is_last):

    if datename_is_last:
        # Copy of all rpointer files for latest restart date
        rpointers = glob.glob(os.path.join(rundir, 'rpointer.*'))
        for rpointer in rpointers:
                os.path.join(archive_restdir, os.path.basename(rpointer)))
        # Generate rpointer file(s) for interim restarts for the one datename and each
        # possible value of ninst_strings
        if save_interim_restart_files:

            # parse env_archive.xml to determine the rpointer files
            # and contents for the given archive_entry tag
            rpointer_items = archive.get_rpointer_contents(archive_entry)

            # loop through the possible rpointer files and contents
            for rpointer_file, rpointer_content in rpointer_items:
                temp_rpointer_file = rpointer_file
                temp_rpointer_content = rpointer_content

                # put in a temporary setting for ninst_strings if they are empty
                # in order to have just one loop over ninst_strings below
                if rpointer_content != 'unset':
                    if not ninst_strings:
                        ninst_strings = ["empty"]

                    for ninst_string in ninst_strings:
                        rpointer_file = temp_rpointer_file
                        rpointer_content = temp_rpointer_content
                        if ninst_string == 'empty':
                            ninst_string = ""
                        for key, value in [
                            ('$CASE', casename),
                            ('$DATENAME', _datetime_str(datename)),
                            ('$MPAS_DATENAME', _datetime_str_mpas(datename)),
                            ('$NINST_STRING', ninst_string)
                            rpointer_file = rpointer_file.replace(key, value)
                            rpointer_content = rpointer_content.replace(
                                key, value)

                        # write out the respective files with the correct contents
                        rpointer_file = os.path.join(archive_restdir,
                            "writing rpointer_file {}".format(rpointer_file))
                        f = open(rpointer_file, 'w')
                        for output in rpointer_content.split(','):
                            f.write("{} \n".format(output))
                        "rpointer_content unset, not creating rpointer file {}"
Example #10
def _archive_history_files(archive, archive_entry, compclass, compname,
                           histfiles_savein_rundir, last_date, archive_file_fn,
                           dout_s_root, casename, rundir):
    perform short term archiving on history files in rundir

    Not doc-testable due to case and file system dependence

    # determine history archive directory (create if it does not exist)

    archive_histdir = os.path.join(dout_s_root, compclass, 'hist')
    if not os.path.exists(archive_histdir):
        logger.debug("created directory {}".format(archive_histdir))
    # the compname is drv but the files are named cpl
    if compname == 'drv':
        compname = 'cpl'

    if compname == 'clm':
        compname = r'clm2?'

    # determine ninst and ninst_string

    # archive history files - the only history files that kept in the
    # run directory are those that are needed for restarts

    for suffix in archive.get_hist_file_extensions(archive_entry):
        if compname.find('mpas') == 0:
            newsuffix = compname + r'\d*'
            newsuffix = casename + r'\.' + compname + r'_?' + r'\d*'
        newsuffix += r'\.' + suffix
        if not suffix.endswith('$'):
            newsuffix += r'\.'

        logger.debug("short term archiving suffix is {} ".format(newsuffix))

        pfile = re.compile(newsuffix)
        histfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(rundir) if pfile.search(f)]
        logger.debug("histfiles = {} ".format(histfiles))

        if histfiles:
            for histfile in histfiles:
                file_date = get_file_date(os.path.basename(histfile))
                if last_date is None or file_date is None or file_date <= last_date:
                    srcfile = join(rundir, histfile)
                           "history file {} does not exist ".format(srcfile))
                    destfile = join(archive_histdir, histfile)
                    if histfile in histfiles_savein_rundir:
                        logger.info("copying {} to {} ".format(
                            srcfile, destfile))
                        safe_copy(srcfile, destfile)
                        logger.info("moving {} to {} ".format(
                            srcfile, destfile))
                        archive_file_fn(srcfile, destfile)
Example #11
def _archive_history_files(archive, archive_entry,
                           compclass, compname, histfiles_savein_rundir,
                           last_date, archive_file_fn, dout_s_root, casename, rundir):
    perform short term archiving on history files in rundir

    Not doc-testable due to case and file system dependence

    # determine history archive directory (create if it does not exist)

    archive_histdir = os.path.join(dout_s_root, compclass, 'hist')
    if not os.path.exists(archive_histdir):
        logger.debug("created directory {}".format(archive_histdir))
    # the compname is drv but the files are named cpl
    if compname == 'drv':
        compname = 'cpl'

    if compname == 'clm':
        compname = r'clm2?'

    # determine ninst and ninst_string

    # archive history files - the only history files that kept in the
    # run directory are those that are needed for restarts

    for suffix in archive.get_hist_file_extensions(archive_entry):
        if compname.find('mpas') == 0 or compname == 'mali':
            newsuffix =                    compname + r'\d*'
            newsuffix = casename + r'\.' + compname + r'_?' + r'\d*'
        newsuffix += r'\.' + suffix
        if not suffix.endswith('$'):
            newsuffix += r'\.'

        logger.debug("short term archiving suffix is {} ".format(newsuffix))

        pfile = re.compile(newsuffix)
        histfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(rundir) if pfile.search(f)]
        logger.debug("histfiles = {} ".format(histfiles))

        if histfiles:
            for histfile in histfiles:
                file_date = get_file_date(os.path.basename(histfile))
                if last_date is None or file_date is None or file_date <= last_date:
                    srcfile = join(rundir, histfile)
                           "history file {} does not exist ".format(srcfile))
                    destfile = join(archive_histdir, histfile)
                    if histfile in histfiles_savein_rundir:
                        logger.info("copying {} to {} ".format(srcfile, destfile))
                        safe_copy(srcfile, destfile)
                        logger.info("moving {} to {} ".format(srcfile, destfile))
                        archive_file_fn(srcfile, destfile)
Example #12
    def change_file(self, newfile, copy=False):
        if copy:
            new_case = os.path.dirname(newfile)
            if not os.path.exists(new_case):
            safe_copy(self.filename, newfile)

        self.tree = None
        self.filename = newfile
Example #13
    def change_file(self, newfile, copy=False):
        if copy:
            new_case = os.path.dirname(newfile)
            if not os.path.exists(new_case):
            safe_copy(self.filename, newfile)

        self.tree = None
        self.filename = newfile
Example #14
def _create_macros_cmake(caseroot, cmake_macros_dir, mach_obj, compiler,
    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(caseroot, "Macros.cmake")):
        safe_copy(os.path.join(cmake_macros_dir, "Macros.cmake"), caseroot)
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(caseroot, "cmake_macros")):
        shutil.copytree(cmake_macros_dir, case_cmake_path)

    copy_depends_files(mach_obj.get_machine_name(), mach_obj.machines_dir,
                       caseroot, compiler)
Example #15
File: err.py Project: bertinia/cime
 def _case_two_custom_postrun_action(self):
     # Link back to original case1 name
     # This is needed so that the necessary files are present for
     # baseline comparison and generation,
     # since some of them may have been moved to the archive directory
     for case_file in glob.iglob(os.path.join(self._case1.get_value("RUNDIR"),
         orig_file = case_file[:-(1+len(self._run_one_suffix))]
         if not os.path.isfile(orig_file):
             safe_copy(case_file, orig_file)
Example #16
def _helper(dout_sr, refdate, refsec, rundir):
    rest_path = os.path.join(dout_sr, "rest", "{}-{}".format(refdate, refsec))

    for item in glob.glob("{}/*{}*".format(rest_path, refdate)):
        dst = os.path.join(rundir, os.path.basename(item))
        if os.path.exists(dst):
        os.symlink(item, dst)

    for item in glob.glob("{}/*rpointer*".format(rest_path)):
        safe_copy(item, rundir)
Example #17
File: eri.py Project: bertinia/cime
def _helper(dout_sr, refdate, refsec, rundir):
    rest_path = os.path.join(dout_sr, "rest", "{}-{}".format(refdate, refsec))

    for item in glob.glob("{}/*{}*".format(rest_path, refdate)):
        dst = os.path.join(rundir, os.path.basename(item))
        if os.path.exists(dst):
        os.symlink(item, dst)

    for item in glob.glob("{}/*rpointer*".format(rest_path)):
        safe_copy(item, rundir)
Example #18
 def _case_two_custom_postrun_action(self):
     # Link back to original case1 name
     # This is needed so that the necessary files are present for
     # baseline comparison and generation,
     # since some of them may have been moved to the archive directory
     for case_file in glob.iglob(
         orig_file = case_file[:-(1 + len(self._run_one_suffix))]
         if not os.path.isfile(orig_file):
             safe_copy(case_file, orig_file)
Example #19
    def test_xml_caching(self):
        casedir = self._create_test(
            ["--no-build", "TESTRUNPASS.f19_g16_rx1.A"],

        active = os.path.join(casedir, "env_run.xml")
        backup = os.path.join(casedir, "env_run.xml.bak")

        utils.safe_copy(active, backup)

        with Case(casedir, read_only=False) as case:
            env_run = EnvRun(casedir, read_only=True)
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "startup")
            case.set_value("RUN_TYPE", "branch")
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "branch")
            self.assertEqual(env_run.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "branch")

        with Case(casedir) as case:
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "branch")

        utils.safe_copy(backup, active)

        with Case(casedir, read_only=False) as case:
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "startup")
            case.set_value("RUN_TYPE", "branch")

        with Case(casedir, read_only=False) as case:
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "branch")
            utils.safe_copy(backup, active)
            case.read_xml()  # Manual re-sync
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "startup")
            case.set_value("RUN_TYPE", "branch")
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "branch")

        with Case(casedir) as case:
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "branch")
            utils.safe_copy(backup, active)
            env_run = EnvRun(casedir, read_only=True)
            self.assertEqual(env_run.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "startup")

        with Case(casedir, read_only=False) as case:
            self.assertEqual(case.get_value("RUN_TYPE"), "startup")
            case.set_value("RUN_TYPE", "branch")

        # behind the back detection.
        with self.assertRaises(utils.CIMEError):
            with Case(casedir, read_only=False) as case:
                case.set_value("RUN_TYPE", "startup")
                utils.safe_copy(backup, active)
Example #20
def _copy_user_modified_to_clone(self, origpath, newpath):
    If file_ exists and is a link in newpath, and exists but is not a
    link in origpath, copy origpath file to newpath
    for file_ in os.listdir(newpath):
        if (os.path.islink(os.path.join(newpath, file_))
                and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(origpath, file_))
                and not os.path.islink(os.path.join(origpath, file_))):
            logger.info("Copying user modified file {} to clone".format(file_))
            os.unlink(os.path.join(newpath, file_))
            safe_copy(os.path.join(origpath, file_), newpath)
Example #21
def _copy_user_modified_to_clone(self, origpath, newpath):
    If file_ exists and is a link in newpath, and exists but is not a
    link in origpath, copy origpath file to newpath
    for file_ in os.listdir(newpath):
        if (os.path.islink(os.path.join(newpath, file_)) and
            os.path.isfile(os.path.join(origpath, file_)) and
            not os.path.islink(os.path.join(origpath, file_))):
            logger.info("Copying user modified file {} to clone".format(file_))
            os.unlink(os.path.join(newpath, file_))
            safe_copy(os.path.join(origpath, file_), newpath)
Example #22
def _pre_run_check(case, lid, skip_pnl=False, da_cycle=0):

    # Pre run initialization code..
    if da_cycle > 0:

    caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
    din_loc_root = case.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT")
    rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    build_complete = case.get_value("BUILD_COMPLETE")

    if case.get_value("TESTCASE") == "PFS":
        env_mach_pes = os.path.join(caseroot,"env_mach_pes.xml")
        safe_copy(env_mach_pes,"{}.{}".format(env_mach_pes, lid))

    # check for locked files.
    logger.debug("check_lockedfiles OK")

    # check that build is done
           "BUILD_COMPLETE is not true\nPlease rebuild the model interactively")
    logger.debug("build complete is {} ".format(build_complete))

    # load the module environment...

    # create the timing directories, optionally cleaning them if needed.
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(rundir, "timing")):
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(rundir, "timing"))

    os.makedirs(os.path.join(rundir, "timing", "checkpoints"))

    # This needs to be done everytime the LID changes in order for log files to be set up correctly
    # The following also needs to be called in case a user changes a user_nl_xxx file OR an env_run.xml
    # variable while the job is in the queue
    logger.debug("{} NAMELIST CREATION BEGINS HERE".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    if skip_pnl:
        logger.info("Generating namelists for {}".format(caseroot))

    logger.debug("{} NAMELIST CREATION HAS FINISHED".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))

    logger.info(" - Prestage required restarts into {}".format(rundir))
    logger.info(" - Case input data directory (DIN_LOC_ROOT) is {} ".format(din_loc_root))
    logger.info(" - Checking for required input datasets in DIN_LOC_ROOT")
Example #23
def generate_teststatus(testdir, baseline_dir):
    CESM stores it's TestStatus file in baselines. Do not let exceptions
    escape from this function.
    if get_model() == "cesm":
            if not os.path.isdir(baseline_dir):

            safe_copy(os.path.join(testdir, TEST_STATUS_FILENAME), baseline_dir)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("Could not copy {} to baselines, {}".format(os.path.join(testdir, TEST_STATUS_FILENAME), str(e)))
Example #24
def generate_teststatus(testdir, baseline_dir):
    CESM stores it's TestStatus file in baselines. Do not let exceptions
    escape from this function.
    if get_model() == "cesm":
            if not os.path.isdir(baseline_dir):

            safe_copy(os.path.join(testdir, TEST_STATUS_FILENAME), baseline_dir)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("Could not copy {} to baselines, {}".format(os.path.join(testdir, TEST_STATUS_FILENAME), str(e)))
Example #25
def create_perturbed_init_file(original, perturb_file, outfile, weight):
    ncflint = "ncflint"
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(outfile)):
    safe_copy(original, outfile)
    if "BWHIST" in original:
        cmd = ncflint + " -A -v US,VS,T,Q,PS -w {},1.0 {} {} {}".format(
            weight, perturb_file, original, outfile)
        cmd = ncflint + " -O -C -v lat,lon,slat,slon,lev,ilev,hyai,hybi,hyam,hybm,US,VS,T,Q,PS -w {},1.0 {} {} {}".format(
            weight, perturb_file, original, outfile)
    run_cmd(cmd, verbose=True)
    os.rename(outfile, outfile.replace("-tmp.nc", "-00000.nc"))
Example #26
def _copy_depends_files(machine_name, machines_dir, output_dir, compiler):
    Copy any system or compiler Depends files if they do not exist in the output directory
    If there is a match for Depends.machine_name.compiler copy that and ignore the others
    for suffix in [
            machine_name, compiler, "{}.{}".format(machine_name, compiler)
        for extra_suffix in ["", ".cmake"]:
            basename = "Depends.{}{}".format(suffix, extra_suffix)
            dfile = os.path.join(machines_dir, basename)
            outputdfile = os.path.join(output_dir, basename)
            if os.path.isfile(dfile) and not os.path.exists(outputdfile):
                safe_copy(dfile, outputdfile)
Example #27
def _archive_rpointer_files(casename, ninst_strings, rundir, save_interim_restart_files, archive,
                            archive_entry, archive_restdir, datename, datename_is_last):

    if datename_is_last:
        # Copy of all rpointer files for latest restart date
        rpointers = glob.glob(os.path.join(rundir, 'rpointer.*'))
        for rpointer in rpointers:
            safe_copy(rpointer, os.path.join(archive_restdir, os.path.basename(rpointer)))
        # Generate rpointer file(s) for interim restarts for the one datename and each
        # possible value of ninst_strings
        if save_interim_restart_files:

            # parse env_archive.xml to determine the rpointer files
            # and contents for the given archive_entry tag
            rpointer_items = archive.get_rpointer_contents(archive_entry)

            # loop through the possible rpointer files and contents
            for rpointer_file, rpointer_content in rpointer_items:
                temp_rpointer_file = rpointer_file
                temp_rpointer_content = rpointer_content

                # put in a temporary setting for ninst_strings if they are empty
                # in order to have just one loop over ninst_strings below
                if rpointer_content != 'unset':
                    if not ninst_strings:
                        ninst_strings = ["empty"]

                    for ninst_string in ninst_strings:
                        rpointer_file = temp_rpointer_file
                        rpointer_content = temp_rpointer_content
                        if ninst_string == 'empty':
                            ninst_string = ""
                        for key, value in [('$CASE', casename),
                                           ('$DATENAME', _datetime_str(datename)),
                                           ('$MPAS_DATENAME', _datetime_str_mpas(datename)),
                                           ('$NINST_STRING', ninst_string)]:
                            rpointer_file = rpointer_file.replace(key, value)
                            rpointer_content = rpointer_content.replace(key, value)

                        # write out the respective files with the correct contents
                        rpointer_file = os.path.join(archive_restdir, rpointer_file)
                        logger.info("writing rpointer_file {}".format(rpointer_file))
                        f = open(rpointer_file, 'w')
                        for output in rpointer_content.split(','):
                            f.write("{} \n".format(output))
                    logger.info("rpointer_content unset, not creating rpointer file {}".format(rpointer_file))
Example #28
def _record_git_provenance(srcroot, exeroot, lid):
    """Records git provenance

    Records git status, diff and logs for main repo and all submodules.
    # Save git describe
    describe_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_DESCRIBE.{}".format(lid))
    desc = utils.get_current_commit(tag=True, repo=srcroot)
    with open(describe_prov, "w") as fd:

    gitroot = _find_git_root(srcroot)

    # Save HEAD
    headfile = os.path.join(gitroot, "logs", "HEAD")
    headfile_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_LOGS_HEAD.{}".format(lid))
    if os.path.exists(headfile_prov):
    if os.path.exists(headfile):
        utils.safe_copy(headfile, headfile_prov, preserve_meta=False)

    # Save git submodule status
    submodule_prov = os.path.join(exeroot,
    subm_status = utils.get_current_submodule_status(recursive=True,
    with open(submodule_prov, "w") as fd:

    # Git Status
    status_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_STATUS.{}".format(lid))
    _run_git_cmd_recursively("status", srcroot, status_prov)

    # Git Diff
    diff_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_DIFF.{}".format(lid))
    _run_git_cmd_recursively("diff", srcroot, diff_prov)

    # Git Log
    log_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_LOG.{}".format(lid))
    cmd = "log --first-parent --pretty=oneline -n 5"
    _run_git_cmd_recursively(cmd, srcroot, log_prov)

    # Git remote
    remote_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_REMOTE.{}".format(lid))
    _run_git_cmd_recursively("remote -v", srcroot, remote_prov)

    # Git config
    config_src = os.path.join(gitroot, "config")
    config_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_CONFIG.{}".format(lid))
    utils.safe_copy(config_src, config_prov, preserve_meta=False)
Example #29
def _build_model_thread(config_dir, compclass, compname, caseroot, libroot,
                        bldroot, incroot, file_build, thread_bad_results, smp,
                        compiler, case):
    logger.info("Building {} with output to {}".format(compclass, file_build))
    t1 = time.time()
    cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname, "buildlib")
    if os.path.isfile(cmd):
            "WARNING: using local buildlib script for {}".format(compname))
        cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildlib")
               "Could not find buildlib for {}".format(compname))

    # Add to this list as components are converted to python/cmake
    if compname in ["cam"] and get_model() == "e3sm":
            stat = 0
            run_sub_or_cmd(cmd, [caseroot, libroot, bldroot],
                           "buildlib", [bldroot, libroot, case],
        except Exception:
            stat = 1

        with open(file_build, "w") as fd:
            stat = run_cmd("MODEL={} SMP={} {} {} {} {} ".format(
                compclass, stringify_bool(smp), cmd, caseroot, libroot,

    analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler)

    if stat != 0:
            "BUILD FAIL: {}.buildlib failed, cat {}".format(
                compname, file_build))

    analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler)

    for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(bldroot,
        safe_copy(mod_file, incroot)

    t2 = time.time()
    logger.info("{} built in {:f} seconds".format(compname, (t2 - t1)))
Example #30
    def __enter__(self):
        cmake_macros_dir = os.path.join(self._macroloc, "cmake_macros")
            "Cannot create cmake temp build dir, no {} macros found".format(
        cmake_lists = os.path.join(cmake_macros_dir, "CMakeLists.txt")
        full_tmp_dir = self.get_full_tmpdir()
        Path(full_tmp_dir).mkdir(parents=False, exist_ok=True)
        safe_copy(cmake_lists, full_tmp_dir)

        self._entered = True

        return self
Example #31
def _copy_depends_files(machine_name, machines_dir, output_dir, compiler):
    Copy any system or compiler Depends files if they do not exist in the output directory
    If there is a match for Depends.machine_name.compiler copy that and ignore the others
    dfile = os.path.join(machines_dir, "Depends.{}.{}".format(machine_name,compiler))
    outputdfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "Depends.{}.{}".format(machine_name,compiler))
    if os.path.isfile(dfile):
        if not os.path.isfile(outputdfile):
            safe_copy(dfile, outputdfile)
        for dep in (machine_name, compiler):
            dfile = os.path.join(machines_dir, "Depends.{}".format(dep))
            outputdfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "Depends.{}".format(dep))
            if os.path.isfile(dfile) and not os.path.isfile(outputdfile):
                safe_copy(dfile, outputdfile)
Example #32
def _archive_spio_stats(lid, rundir):
    # Copy Scorpio I/O performance stats in "spio_stats" to "spio_stats.[LID]" + tar + compress
    spio_stats_dir = os.path.join(rundir, "spio_stats")
    if not os.path.exists(spio_stats_dir):

    for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(rundir, "io_perf_summary*")):
        utils.safe_copy(item, spio_stats_dir)

    spio_stats_job_dir = os.path.join(rundir, "spio_stats." + lid)
    shutil.copytree(spio_stats_dir, spio_stats_job_dir)
    with tarfile.open("%s.tar.gz" % spio_stats_job_dir, "w:gz") as tfd:

Example #33
def lock_file(filename, caseroot=None, newname=None):
    expect("/" not in filename, "Please just provide basename of locked file")
    caseroot = os.getcwd() if caseroot is None else caseroot
    newname = filename if newname is None else newname
    fulllockdir = os.path.join(caseroot, LOCKED_DIR)
    if not os.path.exists(fulllockdir):

    logging.debug("Locking file {}".format(filename))

    # JGF: It is extremely dangerous to alter our database (xml files) without
    # going through the standard API. The copy below invalidates all existing
    # GenericXML instances that represent this file and all caching that may
    # have involved this file. We should probably seek a safer way of locking
    # files.
    safe_copy(os.path.join(caseroot, filename), os.path.join(fulllockdir, newname))
Example #34
def _save_build_provenance_e3sm(case, lid):
    cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")
    exeroot = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
    caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")

    # Save git describe
    describe_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_DESCRIBE.{}".format(lid))
    desc = get_current_commit(tag=True, repo=cimeroot)
    with open(describe_prov, "w") as fd:

    # Save HEAD
    headfile = os.path.join(cimeroot, ".git", "logs", "HEAD")
    headfile_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_LOGS_HEAD.{}".format(lid))
    if os.path.exists(headfile_prov):
    if os.path.exists(headfile):
        safe_copy(headfile, headfile_prov, preserve_meta=False)

    # Save SourceMods
    sourcemods = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods")
    sourcemods_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "SourceMods.{}.tar.gz".format(lid))
    if os.path.exists(sourcemods_prov):
    if os.path.isdir(sourcemods):
        with tarfile.open(sourcemods_prov, "w:gz") as tfd:
            tfd.add(sourcemods, arcname="SourceMods")

    # Save build env
    env_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "build_environment.{}.txt".format(lid))
    if os.path.exists(env_prov):
    env_module = case.get_env("mach_specific")

    # For all the just-created post-build provenance files, symlink a generic name
    # to them to indicate that these are the most recent or active.
    for item in ["GIT_DESCRIBE", "GIT_LOGS_HEAD", "SourceMods", "build_environment"]:
        globstr = "{}/{}.{}*".format(exeroot, item, lid)
        matches = glob.glob(globstr)
        expect(len(matches) < 2, "Multiple matches for glob {} should not have happened".format(globstr))
        if matches:
            the_match = matches[0]
            generic_name = the_match.replace(".{}".format(lid), "")
            if os.path.exists(generic_name):
            os.symlink(the_match, generic_name)
Example #35
def copy(case, suffix):
    """Copy the most recent batch of hist files in a case, adding the given suffix.

    This can allow you to temporarily "save" these files so they won't be blown
    away if you re-run the case.

    case - The case containing the files you want to save
    suffix - The string suffix you want to add to saved files, this can be used to find them later.
    rundir   = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    ref_case = case.get_value("RUN_REFCASE")
    # Loop over models
    archive = case.get_env("archive")
    comments = "Copying hist files to suffix '{}'\n".format(suffix)
    num_copied = 0
    for model in _iter_model_file_substrs(case):
        comments += "  Copying hist files for model '{}'\n".format(model)
        if model == 'cpl':
            file_extensions = archive.get_hist_file_extensions(archive.get_entry('drv'))
            file_extensions = archive.get_hist_file_extensions(archive.get_entry(model))
        test_hists = _get_latest_hist_files(model, rundir, file_extensions, ref_case=ref_case)
        num_copied += len(test_hists)
        for test_hist in test_hists:
            new_file = "{}.{}".format(test_hist, suffix)
            if os.path.exists(new_file):

            comments += "    Copying '{}' to '{}'\n".format(test_hist, new_file)

            # Need to copy rather than move in case there are some history files
            # that will need to continue to be filled on the next phase; this
            # can be the case for a restart run.
            # (If it weren't for that possibility, a move/rename would be more
            # robust here: The problem with a copy is that there can be
            # confusion after the second run as to which files were created by
            # the first run and which by the second. For example, if the second
            # run fails to output any history files, the test will still pass,
            # because the test system will think that run1's files were output
            # by run2. But we live with that downside for the sake of the reason
            # noted above.)
            safe_copy(test_hist, new_file)

    expect(num_copied > 0, "copy failed: no hist files found in rundir '{}'".format(rundir))

    return comments
Example #36
def lock_file(filename, caseroot=None, newname=None):
    expect("/" not in filename, "Please just provide basename of locked file")
    caseroot = os.getcwd() if caseroot is None else caseroot
    newname = filename if newname is None else newname
    fulllockdir = os.path.join(caseroot, LOCKED_DIR)
    if not os.path.exists(fulllockdir):

    logging.debug("Locking file {}".format(filename))

    # JGF: It is extremely dangerous to alter our database (xml files) without
    # going through the standard API. The copy below invalidates all existing
    # GenericXML instances that represent this file and all caching that may
    # have involved this file. We should probably seek a safer way of locking
    # files.
    safe_copy(os.path.join(caseroot, filename),
              os.path.join(fulllockdir, newname))
Example #37
def _copy_depends_files(machine_name, machines_dir, output_dir, compiler):
    Copy any system or compiler Depends files if they do not exist in the output directory
    If there is a match for Depends.machine_name.compiler copy that and ignore the others
    dfile = os.path.join(machines_dir,
                         "Depends.{}.{}".format(machine_name, compiler))
    outputdfile = os.path.join(output_dir,
                               "Depends.{}.{}".format(machine_name, compiler))
    if os.path.isfile(dfile):
        if not os.path.isfile(outputdfile):
            safe_copy(dfile, outputdfile)
        for dep in (machine_name, compiler):
            dfile = os.path.join(machines_dir, "Depends.{}".format(dep))
            outputdfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "Depends.{}".format(dep))
            if os.path.isfile(dfile) and not os.path.isfile(outputdfile):
                safe_copy(dfile, outputdfile)
Example #38
    def _cmpgen_namelists(self):
        """Redoes the namelist comparison & generation with appropriate namelists

        The standard namelist comparison & generation is done with the CaseDocs directory
        from the test case. That isn't appropriate here, because those namelists aren't
        actually used in this test. Instead, we want to compare & generate the namelists
        used by the atm_driver-lilac-ctsm execution. Here, we do some file copies and then
        re-call the namelist comparison & generation script in order to accomplish
        this. This will overwrite the namelists generated earlier in the test, and will
        also replace the results of the NLCOMP phase.

        Note that we expect a failure in the NLCOMP phase that is run earlier in the test,
        because that one will have compared the test's standard CaseDocs with the files
        generated from here - and those two sets of namelists can be quite different.
        caseroot = self._case.get_value('CASEROOT')
        casedocs = os.path.join(caseroot, 'CaseDocs')
        if os.path.exists(casedocs):

        # case_cmpgen_namelists uses the existence of drv_in to decide whether namelists
        # need to be regenerated. We do NOT want it to regenerate namelists, so we give it
        # the file it wants.
        with open(os.path.join(casedocs, 'drv_in'), 'a') as drv_in:

        for onefile in _LILAC_RUNTIME_FILES + ['atm_driver_in']:
            safe_copy(os.path.join(self._atm_driver_rundir(), onefile),
                      os.path.join(casedocs, onefile))

        success = self._case.case_cmpgen_namelists()
        # The setting of the NLCOMP phase status in case_cmpgen_namelists doesn't work
        # here (probably because the test object has a saved version of the test status
        # and so, when it goes to write the status of the build phase, it ends up
        # overwriting whatever was set by case_cmpgen_namelists). So we need to set it
        # here.
        with self._test_status:
                TEST_PASS_STATUS if success else TEST_FAIL_STATUS,
                comments="(used lilac namelists)")
Example #39
def _build_usernl_files(case, model, comp):
    Create user_nl_xxx files, expects cwd is caseroot
    model = model.upper()
    if model == "DRV":
        model_file = case.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
        model_file = case.get_value("CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(model))
    expect(model_file is not None,
           "Could not locate CONFIG_{}_FILE in config_files.xml".format(model))
    model_dir = os.path.dirname(model_file)

           "cannot find cime_config directory {} for component {}".format(model_dir, comp))
    comp_interface = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE")
    multi_driver = case.get_value("MULTI_DRIVER")
    ninst = 1

    if multi_driver:
        ninst_max = case.get_value("NINST_MAX")
        if comp_interface != "nuopc" and model not in ("DRV","CPL","ESP"):
            ninst_model = case.get_value("NINST_{}".format(model))
            expect(ninst_model==ninst_max,"MULTI_DRIVER mode, all components must have same NINST value.  NINST_{} != {}".format(model,ninst_max))
    if comp == "cpl":
        if not os.path.exists("user_nl_cpl"):
            safe_copy(os.path.join(model_dir, "user_nl_cpl"), ".")
        if comp_interface == "nuopc":
            ninst = case.get_value("NINST")
        elif ninst == 1:
            ninst = case.get_value("NINST_{}".format(model))
        nlfile = "user_nl_{}".format(comp)
        model_nl = os.path.join(model_dir, nlfile)
        if ninst > 1:
            for inst_counter in range(1, ninst+1):
                inst_nlfile = "{}_{:04d}".format(nlfile, inst_counter)
                if not os.path.exists(inst_nlfile):
                    # If there is a user_nl_foo in the case directory, copy it
                    # to user_nl_foo_INST; otherwise, copy the original
                    # user_nl_foo from model_dir
                    if os.path.exists(nlfile):
                        safe_copy(nlfile, inst_nlfile)
                    elif os.path.exists(model_nl):
                        safe_copy(model_nl, inst_nlfile)
            # ninst = 1
            if not os.path.exists(nlfile):
                if os.path.exists(model_nl):
                    safe_copy(model_nl, nlfile)
Example #40
def _copy_depends_files(machine_name, machines_dir, output_dir, compiler):
    Copy any system or compiler Depends files if they do not exist in the output directory
    If there is a match for Depends.machine_name.compiler copy that and ignore the others
    # Note, the cmake build system does not stop if Depends.mach.compiler.cmake is found
    makefiles_done = False
    both = "{}.{}".format(machine_name, compiler)
    for suffix in [both, machine_name, compiler]:
        for extra_suffix in ["", ".cmake"]:
            if extra_suffix == "" and makefiles_done:

            basename = "Depends.{}{}".format(suffix, extra_suffix)
            dfile = os.path.join(machines_dir, basename)
            outputdfile = os.path.join(output_dir, basename)
            if os.path.isfile(dfile):
                if suffix == both and extra_suffix == "":
                    makefiles_done = True
                if not os.path.exists(outputdfile):
                    safe_copy(dfile, outputdfile)
Example #41
 def _generate_baseline(self):
     generate a new baseline case based on the current test
     with self._test_status:
         # generate baseline
         success, comments = generate_baseline(self._case)
         status = TEST_PASS_STATUS if success else TEST_FAIL_STATUS
         baseline_name = self._case.get_value("BASEGEN_CASE")
         self._test_status.set_status(GENERATE_PHASE, status, comments=os.path.dirname(baseline_name))
         basegen_dir = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT"), self._case.get_value("BASEGEN_CASE"))
         # copy latest cpl log to baseline
         # drop the date so that the name is generic
         newestcpllogfiles = self._get_latest_cpl_logs()
         for cpllog in newestcpllogfiles:
             m = re.search(r"/({}.*.log).*.gz".format(self._cpllog),cpllog)
             if m is not None:
                 baselog = os.path.join(basegen_dir, m.group(1))+".gz"
Example #42
    def _generate_baseline(self):
        super(TSC, self)._generate_baseline()

        with SharedArea():
            basegen_dir = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT"),

            rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR")
            ref_case = self._case.get_value("RUN_REFCASE")

            model = 'cam'
            hists = _get_all_hist_files(model,
                                        rundir, [r'h\d*.*\.nc\.DT\d*'],
            logger.debug("TSC additional baseline files: {}".format(hists))
            for hist in hists:
                basename = hist[hist.rfind(model):]
                baseline = os.path.join(basegen_dir, basename)
                if os.path.exists(baseline):

                safe_copy(hist, baseline, preserve_meta=False)
def _do_full_nl_gen_impl(case, test, generate_name, baseline_root=None):
    test_dir       = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
    casedoc_dir    = os.path.join(test_dir, "CaseDocs")
    baseline_root  = case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT") if baseline_root is None else baseline_root

    baseline_dir      = os.path.join(baseline_root, generate_name, test)
    baseline_casedocs = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "CaseDocs")

    if not os.path.isdir(baseline_dir):
        os.makedirs(baseline_dir, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IROTH)

    if os.path.isdir(baseline_casedocs):

    dir_util.copy_tree(casedoc_dir, baseline_casedocs, preserve_mode=False)

    for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(test_dir, "user_nl*")):
        preexisting_baseline = os.path.join(baseline_dir, os.path.basename(item))
        if (os.path.exists(preexisting_baseline)):

        safe_copy(item, baseline_dir, preserve_meta=False)
Example #44
def copy_inputs_to_rundir(caseroot, compname, confdir, rundir, inst_string):

    if os.path.isdir(rundir):
        filename = compname + "_in"
        file_src = os.path.join(confdir, filename)
        file_dest = os.path.join(rundir, filename)
        if inst_string:
            file_dest += inst_string
        safe_copy(file_src, file_dest)

        for xmlfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(confdir, "*streams*.xml")):
            casexml = os.path.join(caseroot, os.path.basename(xmlfile))
            if os.path.exists(casexml):
                logger.info("Using {} for {} streams".format(
                    casexml, compname))
                safe_copy(casexml, rundir)
                safe_copy(xmlfile, rundir)
Example #45
def create_namelists(self, component=None):
    Create component namelists


    casebuild = self.get_value("CASEBUILD")
    caseroot = self.get_value("CASEROOT")
    rundir = self.get_value("RUNDIR")

    docdir = os.path.join(caseroot, "CaseDocs")

    # Load modules


    logger.info("Creating component namelists")

    # Create namelists - must have cpl last in the list below
    # Note - cpl must be last in the loop below so that in generating its namelist,
    # it can use xml vars potentially set by other component's buildnml scripts
    models = self.get_values("COMP_CLASSES")
    models += [models.pop(0)]
    for model in models:
        model_str = model.lower()
        logger.info("  {} {}".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),model_str))
        config_file = self.get_value("CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(model_str.upper()))
        config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_file)
        if model_str == "cpl":
            compname = "drv"
            compname = self.get_value("COMP_{}".format(model_str.upper()))
        if component is None or component == model_str:
            # first look in the case SourceMods directory
            cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src."+compname, "buildnml")
            if os.path.isfile(cmd):
                logger.warning("\nWARNING: Using local buildnml file {}\n".format(cmd))
                # otherwise look in the component config_dir
                cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildnml")
            expect(os.path.isfile(cmd), "Could not find buildnml file for component {}".format(compname))
            run_sub_or_cmd(cmd, (caseroot), "buildnml", (self, caseroot, compname), case=self)

    logger.info("Finished creating component namelists")

    # Save namelists to docdir
    if (not os.path.isdir(docdir)):
            with open(os.path.join(docdir, "README"), "w") as fd:
                fd.write(" CESM Resolved Namelist Files\n   For documentation only DO NOT MODIFY\n")
        except (OSError, IOError) as e:
            expect(False, "Failed to write {}/README: {}".format(docdir, e))

    for cpglob in ["*_in_[0-9]*", "*modelio*", "*_in", "cesm.runconfig*",
                   "*streams*txt*", "*stxt", "*maps.rc", "*cism.config*"]:
        for file_to_copy in glob.glob(os.path.join(rundir, cpglob)):
            logger.debug("Copy file from '{}' to '{}'".format(file_to_copy, docdir))
            safe_copy(file_to_copy, docdir)

    # Copy over chemistry mechanism docs if they exist
    if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(casebuild, "camconf"))):
        for file_to_copy in glob.glob(os.path.join(casebuild, "camconf", "*chem_mech*")):
            safe_copy(file_to_copy, docdir)
Example #46
            comments += "    Copying '{}' to '{}'\n".format(
                test_hist, new_file)

            # Need to copy rather than move in case there are some history files
            # that will need to continue to be filled on the next phase; this
            # can be the case for a restart run.
            # (If it weren't for that possibility, a move/rename would be more
            # robust here: The problem with a copy is that there can be
            # confusion after the second run as to which files were created by
            # the first run and which by the second. For example, if the second
            # run fails to output any history files, the test will still pass,
            # because the test system will think that run1's files were output
            # by run2. But we live with that downside for the sake of the reason
            # noted above.)
            safe_copy(test_hist, new_file)

    expect(num_copied > 0,
           "copy failed: no hist files found in rundir '{}'".format(rundir))

    return comments

def _hists_match(model, hists1, hists2, suffix1="", suffix2=""):
    return (num in set 1 but not 2 , num in set 2 but not 1, matchups)

    >>> hists1 = ['FOO.G.cpl.h1.nc', 'FOO.G.cpl.h2.nc', 'FOO.G.cpl.h3.nc']
    >>> hists2 = ['cpl.h2.nc', 'cpl.h3.nc', 'cpl.h4.nc']
    >>> _hists_match('cpl', hists1, hists2)
    (['FOO.G.cpl.h1.nc'], ['cpl.h4.nc'], [('FOO.G.cpl.h2.nc', 'cpl.h2.nc'), ('FOO.G.cpl.h3.nc', 'cpl.h3.nc')])
Example #47
    def _getTiming(self, inst=0):
        for s in components:
            self.models[s] = _GetTimingInfo(s)
        atm = self.models['ATM']
        lnd = self.models['LND']
        rof = self.models['ROF']
        ice = self.models['ICE']
        ocn = self.models['OCN']
        glc = self.models['GLC']
        cpl = self.models['CPL']
        cime_model = self.case.get_value("MODEL")
        caseid = self.case.get_value("CASE")
        mach = self.case.get_value("MACH")
        user = self.case.get_value("USER")
        continue_run = self.case.get_value("CONTINUE_RUN")
        rundir = self.case.get_value("RUNDIR")
        run_type = self.case.get_value("RUN_TYPE")
        ncpl_base_period = self.case.get_value("NCPL_BASE_PERIOD")
        ncpl = 0
        for compclass in self.case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"):
            comp_ncpl = self.case.get_value("{}_NCPL".format(compclass))
            if compclass == "OCN":
                ocn_ncpl = comp_ncpl
            if comp_ncpl is not None:
                ncpl = max(ncpl, comp_ncpl)

        compset = self.case.get_value("COMPSET")
        if compset is None:
            compset = ""
        grid = self.case.get_value("GRID")
        run_type = self.case.get_value("RUN_TYPE")
        stop_option = self.case.get_value("STOP_OPTION")
        stop_n = self.case.get_value("STOP_N")

        cost_pes = self.case.get_value("COST_PES")
        costpes_per_node = self.case.get_value("COSTPES_PER_NODE")

        totalpes = self.case.get_value("TOTALPES")
        max_mpitasks_per_node = self.case.get_value("MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE")
        smt_factor = max(1,int(self.case.get_value("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE") / max_mpitasks_per_node))

        if cost_pes > 0:
            pecost = cost_pes
        elif costpes_per_node:
            pecost = self.case.num_nodes * costpes_per_node
            pecost = totalpes

        for m in self.models.values():
            for key in ["NTASKS", "ROOTPE", "PSTRID", "NTHRDS", "NINST"]:
                if key == "NINST" and m.name == "CPL":
                    m.ninst = 1
                    setattr(m, key.lower(),
                            int(self.case.get_value("{}_{}".format(key, m.name))))

            m.comp = self.case.get_value("COMP_{}".format(m.name))
            m.pemax = m.rootpe + m.ntasks * m.pstrid - 1

        now = datetime.datetime.ctime(datetime.datetime.now())
        inittype = "FALSE"
        if (run_type == "startup" or run_type == "hybrid") and \
                not continue_run:
            inittype = "TRUE"

        if inst > 0:
            inst_label = '_{:04d}'.format(inst)
            inst_label = ''

        binfilename = os.path.join(rundir, "timing", "model_timing{}_stats" . format(inst_label))
        finfilename = os.path.join(self.caseroot, "timing",
                                   "{}_timing{}_stats.{}".format(cime_model, inst_label, self.lid))
        foutfilename = os.path.join(self.caseroot, "timing",
                                    "{}_timing{}.{}.{}".format(cime_model, inst_label, caseid, self.lid))

        timingDir = os.path.join(self.caseroot, "timing")
        if not os.path.isfile(binfilename):
            logger.warning("No timing file found in run directory")

        if not os.path.isdir(timingDir):

        safe_copy(binfilename, finfilename)

            fin = open(finfilename, "r")
            self.finlines = fin.readlines()
        except Exception as e:
            logger.critical("Unable to open file {}".format(finfilename))
            raise e

        tlen = 1.0
        if ncpl_base_period == "decade":
            tlen = 3650.0
        elif ncpl_base_period == "year":
            tlen = 365.0
        elif ncpl_base_period == "day":
            tlen = 1.0
        elif ncpl_base_period == "hour":
            tlen = 1.0/24.0
            logger.warning("Unknown NCPL_BASE_PERIOD={}".format(ncpl_base_period))

        nprocs, ncount = self.gettime2('CPL:CLOCK_ADVANCE ')
        nsteps = ncount / nprocs

        adays = nsteps*tlen/ncpl
        odays = nsteps*tlen/ncpl
        if inittype == "TRUE":
            odays = odays - (tlen/ocn_ncpl)

        peminmax = max([m.rootpe for m in self.models.values()])+1
        if ncpl_base_period in ["decade","year","day"] and int(adays) > 0:
            adays = int(adays)
            if tlen % ocn_ncpl == 0:
                odays = int(odays)
        self.adays = adays
        maxoffset = 40
        extraoff = 20
        for m in self.models.values():
            m.offset = int((maxoffset*m.rootpe)/peminmax) + extraoff
        cpl.offset = 0
            self.fout = open(foutfilename, "w")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.critical("Could not open file for writing: {}".format(foutfilename))
            raise e

        self.write("---------------- TIMING PROFILE ---------------------\n")

        self.write("  Case        : {}\n".format(caseid))
        self.write("  LID         : {}\n".format(self.lid))
        self.write("  Machine     : {}\n".format(mach))
        self.write("  Caseroot    : {}\n".format(self.caseroot))
        self.write("  Timeroot    : {}/Tools\n".format(self.caseroot))
        self.write("  User        : {}\n".format(user))
        self.write("  Curr Date   : {}\n".format(now))

        self.write("  grid        : {}\n".format(grid))
        self.write("  compset     : {}\n".format(compset))
        self.write("  run_type    : {}, continue_run = {} (inittype = {})\n".format(run_type, str(continue_run).upper(), inittype))
        self.write("  stop_option : {}, stop_n = {}\n".format(stop_option, stop_n))
        self.write("  run_length  : {} days ({} for ocean)\n\n".format(adays, odays))

        self.write("  component       comp_pes    root_pe   tasks  "
                   "x threads"
                   " instances (stride) \n")
        self.write("  ---------        ------     -------   ------   "
                   "------  ---------  ------  \n")
        maxthrds = 0
        for k in self.case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"):
            m = self.models[k]
            if m.comp == "cpl":
                comp_label = m.comp + inst_label
                comp_label = m.comp
            self.write("  {} = {:<8s}   {:<6d}      {:<6d}   {:<6d} x {:<6d}  {:<6d} ({:<6d}) \n".format(m.name.lower(), comp_label, (m.ntasks*m.nthrds *smt_factor), m.rootpe, m.ntasks, m.nthrds, m.ninst, m.pstrid))
            if m.nthrds > maxthrds:
                maxthrds = m.nthrds
        nmax  = self.gettime(' CPL:INIT ')[1]
        tmax  = self.gettime(' CPL:RUN_LOOP ')[1]
        wtmin = self.gettime(' CPL:TPROF_WRITE ')[0]
        fmax  = self.gettime(' CPL:FINAL ')[1]
        for k in components:
            if k != "CPL":
                m = self.models[k]
            m.tmin, m.tmax, _ = self.gettime(' CPL:{}_RUN '.format(m.name))
        otmin, otmax, _ = self.gettime(' CPL:OCNT_RUN ')

        # pick OCNT_RUN for tight coupling
        if otmax > ocn.tmax:
            ocn.tmin = otmin
            ocn.tmax = otmax

        cpl.tmin, cpl.tmax, _ = self.gettime(' CPL:RUN ')
        xmax = self.gettime(' CPL:COMM ')[1]
        ocnwaittime = self.gettime(' CPL:C2O_INITWAIT')[0]

        if odays != 0:
            ocnrunitime = ocn.tmax * (adays/odays - 1.0)
            ocnrunitime = 0.0

        correction = max(0, ocnrunitime - ocnwaittime)

        tmax = tmax + wtmin + correction
        ocn.tmax += ocnrunitime

        for m in self.models.values():
            m.tmaxr = 0
            if m.tmax > 0:
                m.tmaxr = adays*86400.0/(m.tmax*365.0)
        xmaxr = 0
        if xmax > 0:
            xmaxr = adays*86400.0/(xmax*365.0)
        tmaxr = 0
        if tmax > 0:
            tmaxr = adays*86400.0/(tmax*365.0)

        self.write("  total pes active           : {} \n".format(totalpes*maxthrds*smt_factor ))
        self.write("  mpi tasks per node               : {} \n".format(max_mpitasks_per_node))
        self.write("  pe count for cost estimate : {} \n".format(pecost))

        self.write("  Overall Metrics: \n")
        self.write("    Model Cost:         {:10.2f}   pe-hrs/simulated_year \n".format((tmax*365.0*pecost)/(3600.0*adays)))
        self.write("    Model Throughput:   {:10.2f}   simulated_years/day \n".format((86400.0*adays)/(tmax*365.0)) )

        self.write("    Init Time   :  {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(nmax))
        self.write("    Run Time    :  {:10.3f} seconds   {:10.3f} seconds/day \n".format(tmax, tmax/adays))
        self.write("    Final Time  :  {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(fmax))


        self.write("    Actual Ocn Init Wait Time     :  {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(ocnwaittime))
        self.write("    Estimated Ocn Init Run Time   :  {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(ocnrunitime))
        self.write("    Estimated Run Time Correction :  {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(correction))
        self.write("      (This correction has been applied to the ocean and"
                   " total run times) \n")

        self.write("Runs Time in total seconds, seconds/model-day, and"
                   " model-years/wall-day \n")
        self.write("CPL Run Time represents time in CPL pes alone, "
                   "not including time associated with data exchange "
                   "with other components \n")

        self.write("    TOT Run Time:  {:10.3f} seconds   {:10.3f} seconds/mday   {:10.2f} myears/wday \n".format(tmax, tmax/adays, tmaxr))
        for k in self.case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"):
            m = self.models[k]
            self.write("    {} Run Time:  {:10.3f} seconds   {:10.3f} seconds/mday   {:10.2f} myears/wday \n".format(k, m.tmax, m.tmax/adays, m.tmaxr))
        self.write("    CPL COMM Time: {:10.3f} seconds   {:10.3f} seconds/mday   {:10.2f} myears/wday \n".format(xmax, xmax/adays, xmaxr))

        self.write("\n\n---------------- DRIVER TIMING FLOWCHART "
                   "--------------------- \n\n")

        pstrlen = 25
        hoffset = 1
        self.write("   NOTE: min:max driver timers (seconds/day):   \n")

        for k in ["CPL", "OCN", "LND", "ROF", "ICE", "ATM", "GLC", "WAV"]:
            m = self.models[k]
            xspace = (pstrlen+hoffset+m.offset) * ' '
            self.write(" {} {} (pes {:d} to {:d}) \n".format(xspace, k, m.rootpe, m.pemax))

        self.prttime(' CPL:CLOCK_ADVANCE ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE1_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE1 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN1_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN1 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPREP_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2O_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2O ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPREP_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2L_BARRIER ', offset=lnd.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2L ', offset=lnd.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPREP_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2I_BARRIER ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2I ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPREP_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2W_BARRIER ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2W ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPREP_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2R_BARRIER ', offset=rof.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2R ', offset=rof.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ICE_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=ice.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ICE_RUN ', offset=ice.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:LND_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=lnd.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:LND_RUN ', offset=lnd.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ROF_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=rof.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ROF_RUN ', offset=rof.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:WAV_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=rof.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:WAV_RUN ', offset=rof.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNT_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays)
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNT_RUN ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays)
        self.prttime(' CPL:O2CT_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
        self.prttime(' CPL:O2CT ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOSTT_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOSTT ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNP_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:L2C_BARRIER ', offset=lnd.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:L2C ', offset=lnd.offset, div=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPOST_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPREP_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2G_BARRIER ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2G ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:R2C_BARRIER ', offset=rof.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:R2C ', offset=rof.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPOST_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET1_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET1 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:I2C_BARRIER ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:I2C ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPOST_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:FRACSET_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:FRACSET ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN2_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN2 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE2_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE2 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2O2_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2O2 ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNQ_BARRIER')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNQ ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPREP_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2A_BARRIER ', offset=atm.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:C2A ', offset=atm.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCN_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays)
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCN_RUN ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATM_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=atm.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATM_RUN ', offset=atm.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:GLC_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=glc.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:GLC_RUN ', offset=glc.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:W2C_BARRIER ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:W2C ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPOST_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPOST ', cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:G2C_BARRIER ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:G2C ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPOST_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:A2C_BARRIER ', offset=atm.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:A2C ', offset=atm.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPOST_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET2_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET2 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET3_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET3 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGETF_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGETF ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:O2C_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset,
                     div=odays, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:O2C ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays, coff=cpl.offset)
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOST_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:RESTART_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:RESTART')
        self.prttime(' CPL:HISTORY_BARRIER ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:HISTORY ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:TSTAMP_WRITE ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:TPROF_WRITE ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:RUN_LOOP_BSTOP ')

        self.write("More info on coupler timing:\n")

        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE1 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ocnpre1_atm2ocn ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE2 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ocnprep_avg ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ocnprep_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:lndprep_atm2lnd ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:lndprep_mrgx2l ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:lndprep_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:iceprep_ocn2ice ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:iceprep_atm2ice ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:iceprep_mrgx2i ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:iceprep_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_atm2wav ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_ocn2wav ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_ice2wav ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_mrgx2w ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofprep_l2xavg ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofprep_lnd2rof ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofprep_mrgx2r ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofprep_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:glcprep_avg ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:glcprep_lnd2glc ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:glcprep_mrgx2g ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:glcprep_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPREP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_xao2atm ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_ocn2atm ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_alb2atm ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_ice2atm ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_lnd2atm ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_mrgx2a ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNP ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN1 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN2 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_ice2ocn ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_wav2ocn ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_fluxo ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_fluxe ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_mrgx2o ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_accum ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_ocnalb ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNQ ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnq_ocn2atm ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnq_fluxa ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnq_atm2ocnf ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOSTT ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:ocnpost_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:lndpost_diagav ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:lndpost_acc2lr ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:lndpost_acc2lg ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:ROFOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_diagav ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_histaux ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_rof2lnd ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_rof2ice ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_rof2ocn ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:icepost_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:wavpost_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:glcpost_diagav ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:glcpost_glc2lnd ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:glcpost_glc2ice ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:glcpost_glc2ocn ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPOST ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:atmpost_diagav ')

        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET1 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET2 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET3 ')
        self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGETF ')

Example #48
def generate_baseline(case, baseline_dir=None, allow_baseline_overwrite=False):
    copy the current test output to baseline result

    case - The case containing the hist files to be copied into baselines
    baseline_dir - Optionally, specify a specific baseline dir, otherwise it will be computed from case config
    allow_baseline_overwrite must be true to generate baselines to an existing directory.

    returns (SUCCESS, comments)
    rundir   = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    ref_case = case.get_value("RUN_REFCASE")
    if baseline_dir is None:
        baselineroot = case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT")
        basegen_dir = os.path.join(baselineroot, case.get_value("BASEGEN_CASE"))
        basegen_dir = baseline_dir
    testcase = case.get_value("CASE")
    archive = case.get_env('archive')

    if not os.path.isdir(basegen_dir):

    if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basegen_dir,testcase)) and
        not allow_baseline_overwrite):
        expect(False, " Cowardly refusing to overwrite existing baseline directory")

    comments = "Generating baselines into '{}'\n".format(basegen_dir)
    num_gen = 0
    for model in _iter_model_file_substrs(case):
        comments += "  generating for model '{}'\n".format(model)
        if model == 'cpl':
            file_extensions = archive.get_hist_file_extensions(archive.get_entry('drv'))
            file_extensions = archive.get_hist_file_extensions(archive.get_entry(model))
        hists =  _get_latest_hist_files(model, rundir, file_extensions, ref_case=ref_case)
        logger.debug("latest_files: {}".format(hists))
        num_gen += len(hists)
        for hist in hists:
            basename = hist[hist.rfind(model):]
            baseline = os.path.join(basegen_dir, basename)
            if os.path.exists(baseline):

            safe_copy(hist, baseline)
            comments += "    generating baseline '{}' from file {}\n".format(baseline, hist)

    # copy latest cpl log to baseline
    # drop the date so that the name is generic
    if case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE") == "nuopc":
        cplname = "med"
        cplname = "cpl"
    newestcpllogfile = case.get_latest_cpl_log(coupler_log_path=case.get_value("RUNDIR"), cplname=cplname)
    if newestcpllogfile is None:
        logger.warning("No {}.log file found in directory {}".format(cplname,case.get_value("RUNDIR")))
        safe_copy(newestcpllogfile, os.path.join(basegen_dir, "{}.log.gz".format(cplname)))

    expect(num_gen > 0, "Could not generate any hist files for case '{}', something is seriously wrong".format(os.path.join(rundir, testcase)))
    #make sure permissions are open in baseline directory
    for root, _, files in os.walk(basegen_dir):
        for name in files:
                os.chmod(os.path.join(root,name), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
            except OSError:
                # We tried. Not worth hard failure here.

    if get_model() == "e3sm":
        bless_log = os.path.join(basegen_dir, BLESS_LOG_NAME)
        with open(bless_log, "a") as fd:
            fd.write("sha:{} date:{}\n".format(get_current_commit(repo=case.get_value("CIMEROOT")),

    return True, comments
Example #49
def create_cdash_upload_xml(results, cdash_build_name, cdash_build_group, utc_time, hostname, force_log_upload):

    data_rel_path = os.path.join("Testing", utc_time)

        log_dir = "{}_logs".format(cdash_build_name)

        need_to_upload = False

        for test_name, test_data in results.items():
            test_path, test_status = test_data

            if test_status not in [TEST_PASS_STATUS, NAMELIST_FAIL_STATUS] or force_log_upload:
                test_case_dir = os.path.dirname(test_path)
                ts = TestStatus(test_case_dir)

                build_status    = ts.get_status(SHAREDLIB_BUILD_PHASE)
                build_status    = TEST_FAIL_STATUS if build_status == TEST_FAIL_STATUS else ts.get_status(MODEL_BUILD_PHASE)
                run_status      = ts.get_status(RUN_PHASE)
                baseline_status = ts.get_status(BASELINE_PHASE)

                if build_status == TEST_FAIL_STATUS or run_status == TEST_FAIL_STATUS or baseline_status == TEST_FAIL_STATUS or force_log_upload:
                    case_dirs = [test_case_dir]
                    case_base = os.path.basename(test_case_dir)
                    test_case2_dir = os.path.join(test_case_dir, "case2", case_base)
                    if os.path.exists(test_case2_dir):

                    for case_dir in case_dirs:
                        param = "EXEROOT" if build_status == TEST_FAIL_STATUS else "RUNDIR"
                        log_src_dir = run_cmd_no_fail("./xmlquery {} --value".format(param), from_dir=case_dir)

                        log_dst_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, "{}{}_{}_logs".format(test_name, "" if case_dir == test_case_dir else ".case2", param))
                        for log_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(log_src_dir, "*log*")):
                            safe_copy(log_file, log_dst_dir)
                        for log_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(log_src_dir, "*.cprnc.out*")):
                            safe_copy(log_file, log_dst_dir)

                        need_to_upload = True

        if (need_to_upload):

            tarball = "{}.tar.gz".format(log_dir)
            if (os.path.exists(tarball)):

            run_cmd_no_fail("tar -cf - {} | gzip -c".format(log_dir), arg_stdout=tarball)
            base64 = run_cmd_no_fail("base64 {}".format(tarball))

            xml_text = \
r"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Dart/Source/Server/XSL/Build.xsl <file:///Dart/Source/Server/XSL/Build.xsl> "?>
<Site BuildName="{}" BuildStamp="{}-{}" Name="{}" Generator="ctest3.0.0">
<File filename="{}">
<Content encoding="base64">
""".format(cdash_build_name, utc_time, cdash_build_group, hostname, os.path.abspath(tarball), base64)

            with open(os.path.join(data_rel_path, "Upload.xml"), "w") as fd:

        if (os.path.isdir(log_dir)):
Example #50
def stage_refcase(self, input_data_root=None, data_list_dir=None):
    Get a REFCASE for a hybrid or branch run
    This is the only case in which we are downloading an entire directory instead of
    a single file at a time.
    get_refcase = self.get_value("GET_REFCASE")
    run_type = self.get_value("RUN_TYPE")
    continue_run = self.get_value("CONTINUE_RUN")

    # We do not fully populate the inputdata directory on every
    # machine and do not expect every user to download the 3TB+ of
    # data in our inputdata repository. This code checks for the
    # existence of inputdata in the local inputdata directory and
    # attempts to download data from the server if it's needed and
    # missing.
    if get_refcase and run_type != "startup" and not continue_run:
        din_loc_root = self.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT")
        run_refdate = self.get_value("RUN_REFDATE")
        run_refcase = self.get_value("RUN_REFCASE")
        run_refdir = self.get_value("RUN_REFDIR")
        rundir = self.get_value("RUNDIR")

        if os.path.isabs(run_refdir):
            refdir = run_refdir
                "Reference case directory {} does not exist or is not readable"

            refdir = os.path.join(din_loc_root, run_refdir, run_refcase,
            if not os.path.isdir(refdir):
                    "Refcase not found in {}, will attempt to download from inputdata"
                with open(os.path.join("Buildconf", "refcase.input_data_list"),
                          "w") as fd:
                    fd.write("refdir = {}{}".format(refdir, os.sep))
                if input_data_root is None:
                    input_data_root = din_loc_root
                if data_list_dir is None:
                    data_list_dir = "Buildconf"
                success = _downloadfromserver(self,
                expect(success, "Could not download refcase from any server")

        logger.info(" - Prestaging REFCASE ({}) to {}".format(refdir, rundir))

        # prestage the reference case's files.

        if (not os.path.exists(rundir)):
            logger.debug("Creating run directory: {}".format(rundir))
        rpointerfile = None
        # copy the refcases' rpointer files to the run directory
        for rpointerfile in glob.iglob(
                os.path.join("{}", "*rpointer*").format(refdir)):
            logger.info("Copy rpointer {}".format(rpointerfile))
            safe_copy(rpointerfile, rundir)
            os.chmod(os.path.join(rundir, os.path.basename(rpointerfile)),
            "Reference case directory {} does not contain any rpointer files".
        # link everything else

        for rcfile in glob.iglob(os.path.join(refdir, "*")):
            rcbaseline = os.path.basename(rcfile)
            if not os.path.exists("{}/{}".format(rundir, rcbaseline)):
                logger.info("Staging file {}".format(rcfile))
                os.symlink(rcfile, "{}/{}".format(rundir, rcbaseline))
        # Backward compatibility, some old refcases have cam2 in the name
        # link to local cam file.
        for cam2file in glob.iglob(
                os.path.join("{}", "*.cam2.*").format(rundir)):
            camfile = cam2file.replace("cam2", "cam")
            os.symlink(cam2file, camfile)
    elif not get_refcase and run_type != "startup":
            "GET_REFCASE is false, the user is expected to stage the refcase to the run directory."
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join("Buildconf",
            os.remove(os.path.join("Buildconf", "refcase.input_data_list"))
    return True
Example #51
def create_clone(self, newcase, keepexe=False, mach_dir=None, project=None,
                      cime_output_root=None, exeroot=None, rundir=None,
    Create a case clone

    If exeroot or rundir are provided (not None), sets these directories
    to the given paths; if not provided, uses default values for these
    directories. It is an error to provide exeroot if keepexe is True.
    if cime_output_root is None:
        cime_output_root = self.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")

    newcaseroot = os.path.abspath(newcase)
    expect(not os.path.isdir(newcaseroot),
           "New caseroot directory {} already exists".format(newcaseroot))
    newcasename = os.path.basename(newcaseroot)
           "New case name invalid {} ".format(newcasename))
    newcase_cimeroot = os.path.abspath(get_cime_root())

    # create clone from case to case
    clone_cimeroot = self.get_value("CIMEROOT")
    if newcase_cimeroot != clone_cimeroot:
        logger.warning(" case  CIMEROOT is {} ".format(newcase_cimeroot))
        logger.warning(" clone CIMEROOT is {} ".format(clone_cimeroot))
        logger.warning(" It is NOT recommended to clone cases from different versions of CIME.")

    # *** create case object as deepcopy of clone object ***
    srcroot = os.path.join(newcase_cimeroot,"..")
    newcase = self.copy(newcasename, newcaseroot, newsrcroot=srcroot)
    newcase.set_value("CIMEROOT", newcase_cimeroot)

    # if we are cloning to a different user modify the output directory
    olduser = self.get_value("USER")
    newuser = os.environ.get("USER")
    if olduser != newuser:
        cime_output_root = cime_output_root.replace(olduser, newuser)
        newcase.set_value("USER", newuser)
    newcase.set_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT", cime_output_root)

    # try to make the new output directory and raise an exception
    # on any error other than directory already exists.
    if os.path.isdir(cime_output_root):
        expect(os.access(cime_output_root, os.W_OK), "Directory {} is not writable "
               "by this user.  Use the --cime-output-root flag to provide a writable "
               "scratch directory".format(cime_output_root))
            if not os.path.isdir(cime_output_root):

    # determine if will use clone executable or not
    if keepexe:
        orig_exeroot = self.get_value("EXEROOT")
        newcase.set_value("EXEROOT", orig_exeroot)
        orig_bld_complete = self.get_value("BUILD_COMPLETE")
        if not orig_bld_complete:
            logger.warning("\nWARNING: Creating a clone with --keepexe before building the original case may cause PIO_TYPENAME to be invalid in the clone")
            logger.warning("Avoid this message by building case one before you clone.\n")

    # set machdir
    if mach_dir is not None:
        newcase.set_value("MACHDIR", mach_dir)

    # set exeroot and rundir if requested
    if exeroot is not None:
        expect(not keepexe, "create_case_clone: if keepexe is True, "
               "then exeroot cannot be set")
        newcase.set_value("EXEROOT", exeroot)
    if rundir is not None:
        newcase.set_value("RUNDIR", rundir)

    # Set project id
    # Note: we do not just copy this from the clone because it seems likely that
    # users will want to change this sometimes, especially when cloning another
    # user's case. However, note that, if a project is not given, the fallback will
    # be to copy it from the clone, just like other xml variables are copied.
    if project is None:
        project = self.get_value("PROJECT", subgroup=self.get_primary_job())
    if project is not None:
        newcase.set_value("PROJECT", project)

    # create caseroot

    # copy user_ files
    cloneroot = self.get_case_root()
    files = glob.glob(cloneroot + '/user_*')

    for item in files:
        safe_copy(item, newcaseroot)

    # copy SourceMod and Buildconf files
    # if symlinks exist, copy rather than follow links
    for casesub in ("SourceMods", "Buildconf"):
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(cloneroot, casesub),
                        os.path.join(newcaseroot, casesub),

    # lock env_case.xml in new case
    lock_file("env_case.xml", newcaseroot)

    # apply user_mods if appropriate
    newcase_root = newcase.get_value("CASEROOT")
    if user_mods_dir is not None:
        if keepexe:
            # If keepexe CANNOT change any env_build.xml variables - so make a temporary copy of
            # env_build.xml and verify that it has not been modified
            safe_copy(os.path.join(newcaseroot, "env_build.xml"),
                      os.path.join(newcaseroot, "LockedFiles", "env_build.xml"))

        # Now apply contents of user_mods directory
        apply_user_mods(newcase_root, user_mods_dir, keepexe=keepexe)

        # Determine if env_build.xml has changed
        if keepexe:
            success, comment = compare_files(os.path.join(newcaseroot, "env_build.xml"),
                                             os.path.join(newcaseroot, "LockedFiles", "env_build.xml"))
            if not success:
                expect(False, "env_build.xml cannot be changed via usermods if keepexe is an option: \n "
                           "Failed to clone case, removed {}\n".format(newcase_root))

    # if keep executable, then remove the new case SourceMods directory and link SourceMods to
    # the clone directory
    if keepexe:
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(newcase_root, "SourceMods"))
        os.symlink(os.path.join(cloneroot, "SourceMods"),
                   os.path.join(newcase_root, "SourceMods"))

    # Update README.case
    fclone   = open(cloneroot + "/README.case", "r")
    fnewcase = open(newcaseroot  + "/README.case", "a")
    fnewcase.write("\n    *** original clone README follows ****")
    fnewcase.write("\n " +  fclone.read())

    clonename = self.get_value("CASE")
    logger.info(" Successfully created new case {} from clone case {} ".format(newcasename, clonename))


    return newcase
Example #52
def _save_postrun_timing_e3sm(case, lid):
    caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
    rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")

    # tar timings
    rundir_timing_dir = os.path.join(rundir, "timing." + lid)
    shutil.move(os.path.join(rundir, "timing"), rundir_timing_dir)
    with tarfile.open("%s.tar.gz" % rundir_timing_dir, "w:gz") as tfd:
        tfd.add(rundir_timing_dir, arcname=os.path.basename(rundir_timing_dir))


    gzip_existing_file(os.path.join(caseroot, "timing", "e3sm_timing_stats.%s" % lid))

    # JGF: not sure why we do this
    timing_saved_file = "timing.%s.saved" % lid
    touch(os.path.join(caseroot, "timing", timing_saved_file))

    project = case.get_value("PROJECT", subgroup=case.get_primary_job())
    if not case.is_save_timing_dir_project(project):

    timing_dir = case.get_value("SAVE_TIMING_DIR")
    if timing_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(timing_dir):

    mach = case.get_value("MACH")
    base_case = case.get_value("CASE")
    full_timing_dir = os.path.join(timing_dir, "performance_archive", getpass.getuser(), base_case, lid)

    if not os.path.isdir(full_timing_dir):

    # Kill mach_syslog
    job_id = _get_batch_job_id_for_syslog(case)
    if job_id is not None:
        syslog_jobid_path = os.path.join(rundir, "syslog_jobid.{}".format(job_id))
        if os.path.exists(syslog_jobid_path):
                with open(syslog_jobid_path, "r") as fd:
                    syslog_jobid = int(fd.read().strip())
                os.kill(syslog_jobid, signal.SIGTERM)
            except (ValueError, OSError) as e:
                logger.warning("Failed to kill syslog: {}".format(e))

    # copy timings
    safe_copy("%s.tar.gz" % rundir_timing_dir, full_timing_dir, preserve_meta=False)

    # save output files and logs
    globs_to_copy = []
    if job_id is not None:
        if mach == "titan":
            globs_to_copy.append("%s*OU" % job_id)
        elif mach == "anvil":
            globs_to_copy.append("/home/%s/%s*OU" % (getpass.getuser(), job_id))
        elif mach in ["mira", "theta"]:
            globs_to_copy.append("%s*error" % job_id)
            globs_to_copy.append("%s*output" % job_id)
            globs_to_copy.append("%s*cobaltlog" % job_id)
        elif mach in ["edison", "cori-haswell", "cori-knl"]:
            globs_to_copy.append("%s*run*%s" % (case.get_value("CASE"), job_id))
        elif mach == "summit":
            globs_to_copy.append("e3sm.stderr.%s" % job_id)
            globs_to_copy.append("e3sm.stdout.%s" % job_id)

    globs_to_copy.append(os.path.join(rundir, "e3sm.log.{}.gz".format(lid)))
    globs_to_copy.append(os.path.join(rundir, "cpl.log.{}.gz".format(lid)))

    for glob_to_copy in globs_to_copy:
        for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(caseroot, glob_to_copy)):
            basename = os.path.basename(item)
            if basename != timing_saved_file:
                if lid not in basename and not basename.endswith(".gz"):
                    safe_copy(item, os.path.join(full_timing_dir, "{}.{}".format(basename, lid)), preserve_meta=False)
                    safe_copy(item, full_timing_dir, preserve_meta=False)

    # zip everything
    for root, _, files in os.walk(full_timing_dir):
        for filename in files:
            if not filename.endswith(".gz"):
                gzip_existing_file(os.path.join(root, filename))
Example #53
def _archive_restarts_date_comp(case, casename, rundir, archive, archive_entry,
                                compclass, compname, datename, datename_is_last,
                                last_date, archive_restdir, archive_file_fn,
                                link_to_last_restart_files=False, testonly=False):
    Archive restart files for a single date and single component

    If link_to_last_restart_files is True, then make a symlink to the
    last set of restart files (i.e., the set with datename_is_last
    True); if False (the default), copy them. (This has no effect on the
    history files that are associated with these restart files.)
    datename_str = _datetime_str(datename)

    if datename_is_last or case.get_value('DOUT_S_SAVE_INTERIM_RESTART_FILES'):
        if not os.path.exists(archive_restdir):

    # archive the rpointer file(s) for this datename and all possible ninst_strings
    _archive_rpointer_files(casename, _get_ninst_info(case, compclass)[1], rundir,
                            archive, archive_entry, archive_restdir, datename, datename_is_last)

    # move all but latest restart files into the archive restart directory
    # copy latest restart files to archive restart directory
    histfiles_savein_rundir = []

    # determine function to use for last set of restart files
    if link_to_last_restart_files:
        last_restart_file_fn = symlink_force
        last_restart_file_fn_msg = "linking"
        last_restart_file_fn = safe_copy
        last_restart_file_fn_msg = "copying"

    # the compname is drv but the files are named cpl
    if compname == 'drv':
        compname = 'cpl'

    # get file_extension suffixes
    for suffix in archive.get_rest_file_extensions(archive_entry):
#        logger.debug("suffix is {} ninst {}".format(suffix, ninst))
        restfiles = ""
        if compname.find('mpas') == 0 or compname == 'mali':
            pattern = compname + r'\.' + suffix + r'\.' + '_'.join(datename_str.rsplit('-', 1))
            pfile = re.compile(pattern)
            restfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(rundir) if pfile.search(f)]
            pattern = r"^{}\.{}[\d_]*\.".format(casename, compname)
            pfile = re.compile(pattern)
            files = [f for f in os.listdir(rundir) if pfile.search(f)]
            pattern =  r'_?' + r'\d*' + r'\.' + suffix + r'\.' + r'[^\.]*' + r'\.?' + datename_str
            pfile = re.compile(pattern)
            restfiles = [f for f in files if pfile.search(f)]
            logger.debug("pattern is {} restfiles {}".format(pattern, restfiles))
        for restfile in restfiles:
            restfile = os.path.basename(restfile)

            file_date = get_file_date(restfile)
            if last_date is not None and file_date > last_date:
                # Skip this file

            if not os.path.exists(archive_restdir):

            # obtain array of history files for restarts
            # need to do this before archiving restart files
            histfiles_for_restart = get_histfiles_for_restarts(rundir, archive,
                                                               archive_entry, restfile,

            if datename_is_last and histfiles_for_restart:
                for histfile in histfiles_for_restart:
                    if histfile not in histfiles_savein_rundir:

            # archive restart files and all history files that are needed for restart
            # Note that the latest file should be copied and not moved
            if datename_is_last:
                srcfile = os.path.join(rundir, restfile)
                destfile = os.path.join(archive_restdir, restfile)
                last_restart_file_fn(srcfile, destfile)
                logger.info("{} file {} to {}".format(last_restart_file_fn_msg, srcfile, destfile))
                for histfile in histfiles_for_restart:
                    srcfile = os.path.join(rundir, histfile)
                    destfile = os.path.join(archive_restdir, histfile)
                           "history restart file {} for last date does not exist ".format(srcfile))
                    logger.info("Copying {} to {}".format(srcfile, destfile))
                    safe_copy(srcfile, destfile)
                    logger.debug("datename_is_last + histfiles_for_restart copying \n  {} to \n  {}".format(srcfile, destfile))
                # Only archive intermediate restarts if requested - otherwise remove them
                if case.get_value('DOUT_S_SAVE_INTERIM_RESTART_FILES'):
                    srcfile = os.path.join(rundir, restfile)
                    destfile = os.path.join(archive_restdir, restfile)
                           "restart file {} does not exist ".format(srcfile))
                    archive_file_fn(srcfile, destfile)
                    logger.info("moving file {} to {}".format(srcfile, destfile))

                    # need to copy the history files needed for interim restarts - since
                    # have not archived all of the history files yet
                    for histfile in histfiles_for_restart:
                        srcfile = os.path.join(rundir, histfile)
                        destfile = os.path.join(archive_restdir, histfile)
                               "hist file {} does not exist ".format(srcfile))
                        logger.info("copying {} to {}".format(srcfile, destfile))
                        safe_copy(srcfile, destfile)
                    srcfile = os.path.join(rundir, restfile)
                    logger.info("removing interim restart file {}".format(srcfile))
                    if (os.path.isfile(srcfile)):
                        except OSError:
                            logger.warning("unable to remove interim restart file {}".format(srcfile))
                        logger.warning("interim restart file {} does not exist".format(srcfile))

    return histfiles_savein_rundir
Example #54
def apply_user_mods(caseroot, user_mods_path, keepexe=None):
    Recursivlely apply user_mods to caseroot - this includes updating user_nl_xxx,
    updating SourceMods and creating case shell_commands and xmlchange_cmds files

    First remove case shell_commands files if any already exist

    If this function is called multiple times, settings from later calls will
    take precedence over earlier calls, if there are conflicts.

    keepexe is an optional argument that is needed for cases where apply_user_mods is
    called from create_clone
    case_shell_command_files = [os.path.join(caseroot,"shell_commands"),
    for shell_command_file in case_shell_command_files:
        if os.path.isfile(shell_command_file):

    include_dirs = build_include_dirs_list(user_mods_path)
    # If a user_mods dir 'foo' includes 'bar', the include_dirs list returned
    # from build_include_dirs has 'foo' before 'bar'. But with the below code,
    # directories that occur later in the list take precedence over the earlier
    # ones, and we want 'foo' to take precedence over 'bar' in this case (in
    # general: we want a given user_mods directory to take precedence over any
    # mods that it includes). So we reverse include_dirs to accomplish this.
    logger.debug("include_dirs are {}".format(include_dirs))
    for include_dir in include_dirs:
        # write user_nl_xxx file in caseroot
        for user_nl in glob.iglob(os.path.join(include_dir,"user_nl_*")):
            with open(os.path.join(include_dir, user_nl), "r") as fd:
                newcontents = fd.read()
            if len(newcontents) == 0:
            case_user_nl = user_nl.replace(include_dir, caseroot)
            # If the same variable is set twice in a user_nl file, the later one
            # takes precedence. So by appending the new contents, later entries
            # in the include_dirs list take precedence over earlier entries.
            with open(case_user_nl, "a") as fd:

        # update SourceMods in caseroot
        for root, _, files in os.walk(include_dir,followlinks=True,topdown=False):
            if "src" in os.path.basename(root):
                if keepexe is not None:
                           "cannot have any source mods in {} if keepexe is an option".format(user_mods_path))
                for sfile in files:
                    source_mods = os.path.join(root,sfile)
                    case_source_mods = source_mods.replace(include_dir, caseroot)
                    # We overwrite any existing SourceMods file so that later
                    # include_dirs take precedence over earlier ones
                    if os.path.isfile(case_source_mods):
                        logger.warning("WARNING: Overwriting existing SourceMods in {}".format(case_source_mods))
                        logger.info("Adding SourceMod to case {}".format(case_source_mods))
                        safe_copy(source_mods, case_source_mods)
                    except Exception:
                        expect(False, "Could not write file {} in caseroot {}".format(case_source_mods,caseroot))

        # create xmlchange_cmnds and shell_commands in caseroot
        shell_command_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(include_dir,"shell_commands")) +\
        for shell_commands_file in shell_command_files:
            case_shell_commands = shell_commands_file.replace(include_dir, caseroot)
            # add commands from both shell_commands and xmlchange_cmnds to
            # the same file (caseroot/shell_commands)
            case_shell_commands = case_shell_commands.replace("xmlchange_cmnds","shell_commands")
            # Note that use of xmlchange_cmnds has been deprecated and will soon
            # be removed altogether, so new tests should rely on shell_commands
            if shell_commands_file.endswith("xmlchange_cmnds"):
                logger.warning("xmlchange_cmnds is deprecated and will be removed " +\
                            "in a future release; please rename {} shell_commands".format(shell_commands_file))
            with open(shell_commands_file,"r") as fd:
                new_shell_commands = fd.read().replace("xmlchange","xmlchange --force")
            # By appending the new commands to the end, settings from later
            # include_dirs take precedence over earlier ones
            with open(case_shell_commands, "a") as fd:

    for shell_command_file in case_shell_command_files:
        if os.path.isfile(shell_command_file):
            os.chmod(shell_command_file, 0o777)
Example #55
def stage_refcase(self, input_data_root=None, data_list_dir=None):
    Get a REFCASE for a hybrid or branch run
    This is the only case in which we are downloading an entire directory instead of
    a single file at a time.
    get_refcase  = self.get_value("GET_REFCASE")
    run_type     = self.get_value("RUN_TYPE")
    continue_run = self.get_value("CONTINUE_RUN")

    # We do not fully populate the inputdata directory on every
    # machine and do not expect every user to download the 3TB+ of
    # data in our inputdata repository. This code checks for the
    # existence of inputdata in the local inputdata directory and
    # attempts to download data from the server if it's needed and
    # missing.
    if get_refcase and run_type != "startup" and not continue_run:
        din_loc_root = self.get_value("DIN_LOC_ROOT")
        run_refdate  = self.get_value("RUN_REFDATE")
        run_refcase  = self.get_value("RUN_REFCASE")
        run_refdir   = self.get_value("RUN_REFDIR")
        rundir       = self.get_value("RUNDIR")

        if os.path.isabs(run_refdir):
            refdir = run_refdir
            refdir = os.path.join(din_loc_root, run_refdir, run_refcase, run_refdate)
            if not os.path.isdir(refdir):
                logger.warning("Refcase not found in {}, will attempt to download from inputdata".format(refdir))
                with open(os.path.join("Buildconf","refcase.input_data_list"),"w") as fd:
                    fd.write("refdir = {}{}".format(refdir, os.sep))
                if input_data_root is None:
                    input_data_root = din_loc_root
                if data_list_dir is None:
                    data_list_dir = "Buildconf"
                success = _downloadfromserver(self, input_data_root=input_data_root, data_list_dir=data_list_dir)
                expect(success, "Could not download refcase from any server")

        logger.info(" - Prestaging REFCASE ({}) to {}".format(refdir, rundir))

        # prestage the reference case's files.

        if (not os.path.exists(rundir)):
            logger.debug("Creating run directory: {}".format(rundir))

        # copy the refcases' rpointer files to the run directory
        for rpointerfile in glob.iglob(os.path.join("{}","*rpointer*").format(refdir)):
            logger.info("Copy rpointer {}".format(rpointerfile))
            safe_copy(rpointerfile, rundir)

        # link everything else

        for rcfile in glob.iglob(os.path.join(refdir,"*")):
            rcbaseline = os.path.basename(rcfile)
            if not os.path.exists("{}/{}".format(rundir, rcbaseline)):
                logger.info("Staging file {}".format(rcfile))
                os.symlink(rcfile, "{}/{}".format(rundir, rcbaseline))
        # Backward compatibility, some old refcases have cam2 in the name
        # link to local cam file.
        for cam2file in  glob.iglob(os.path.join("{}","*.cam2.*").format(rundir)):
            camfile = cam2file.replace("cam2", "cam")
            os.symlink(cam2file, camfile)
    elif not get_refcase and run_type != "startup":
        logger.info("GET_REFCASE is false, the user is expected to stage the refcase to the run directory.")
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join("Buildconf","refcase.input_data_list")):
    return True
Example #56
def _compare_hists(case, from_dir1, from_dir2, suffix1="", suffix2="", outfile_suffix=""):
    if from_dir1 == from_dir2:
        expect(suffix1 != suffix2, "Comparing files to themselves?")

    testcase = case.get_value("CASE")
    casedir = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
    all_success = True
    num_compared = 0
    comments = "Comparing hists for case '{}' dir1='{}', suffix1='{}',  dir2='{}' suffix2='{}'\n".format(testcase, from_dir1, suffix1, from_dir2, suffix2)
    multiinst_driver_compare = False
    archive = case.get_env('archive')
    ref_case = case.get_value("RUN_REFCASE")
    for model in _iter_model_file_substrs(case):
        if model == 'cpl' and suffix2 == 'multiinst':
            multiinst_driver_compare = True
        comments += "  comparing model '{}'\n".format(model)
        if model == 'cpl':
            file_extensions = archive.get_hist_file_extensions(archive.get_entry('drv'))
            file_extensions = archive.get_hist_file_extensions(archive.get_entry(model))
        hists1 = _get_latest_hist_files(model, from_dir1, file_extensions, suffix=suffix1, ref_case=ref_case)
        hists2 = _get_latest_hist_files(model, from_dir2, file_extensions, suffix=suffix2, ref_case=ref_case)
        if len(hists1) == 0 and len(hists2) == 0:
            comments += "    no hist files found for model {}\n".format(model)

        one_not_two, two_not_one, match_ups = _hists_match(model, hists1, hists2, suffix1, suffix2)
        for item in one_not_two:
            comments += "    File '{}' {} in '{}' with suffix '{}'\n".format(item, NO_COMPARE, from_dir2, suffix2)
            all_success = False

        for item in two_not_one:
            comments += "    File '{}' {} in '{}' with suffix '{}'\n".format(item, NO_ORIGINAL, from_dir1, suffix1)
            all_success = False

        num_compared += len(match_ups)

        for hist1, hist2 in match_ups:
            success, cprnc_log_file = cprnc(model, hist1, hist2, case, from_dir1,
            if success:
                comments += "    {} matched {}\n".format(hist1, hist2)
                comments += "    {} {} {}\n".format(hist1, DIFF_COMMENT, hist2)
                comments += "    cat " + cprnc_log_file + "\n"
                expected_log_file = os.path.join(casedir, os.path.basename(cprnc_log_file))
                if not (os.path.exists(expected_log_file) and filecmp.cmp(cprnc_log_file, expected_log_file)):
                        safe_copy(cprnc_log_file, casedir)
                    except (OSError, IOError) as _:
                        logger.warning("Could not copy {} to {}".format(cprnc_log_file, casedir))

                all_success = False

    if num_compared == 0:
        all_success = False
        comments += "Did not compare any hist files! Missing baselines?\n"

    comments += "PASS" if all_success else "FAIL"

    return all_success, comments
Example #57
    exeroot = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
    caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")

    # Save git describe
    describe_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_DESCRIBE.{}".format(lid))
    desc = get_current_commit(tag=True, repo=srcroot)
    with open(describe_prov, "w") as fd:

    # Save HEAD
    headfile = os.path.join(srcroot, ".git", "logs", "HEAD")
    headfile_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_LOGS_HEAD.{}".format(lid))
    if os.path.exists(headfile_prov):
    if os.path.exists(headfile):
        safe_copy(headfile, headfile_prov, preserve_meta=False)

    # Save git submodule status
    submodule_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS.{}".format(lid))
    subm_status = get_current_submodule_status(recursive=True, repo=srcroot)
    with open(submodule_prov, "w") as fd:

    _record_git_provenance(srcroot, exeroot, lid)

    # Save SourceMods
    sourcemods = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods")
    sourcemods_prov = os.path.join(exeroot, "SourceMods.{}.tar.gz".format(lid))
    if os.path.exists(sourcemods_prov):
    if os.path.isdir(sourcemods):
Example #58
def _build_model(build_threaded, exeroot, clm_config_opts, incroot, complist,
                 lid, caseroot, cimeroot, compiler, buildlist, comp_interface):
    logs = []

    thread_bad_results = []
    for model, comp, nthrds, _, config_dir in complist:
        if buildlist is not None and model.lower() not in buildlist:

        # aquap has a dependency on atm so we will build it after the threaded loop
        if comp == "aquap":
            logger.debug("Skip aquap ocn build here")

        # coupler handled seperately
        if model == "cpl":

        # special case for clm
        # clm 4_0 is not a shared (as in sharedlibs, shared by all tests) library and must be built here
        # clm 4_5 and newer is a shared library (but not in E3SM) and should be built in build_libraries
        if get_model() != "e3sm":
            if comp == "clm":
                if "clm4_0" in clm_config_opts:
                    logger.info("         - Building clm4_0 Library ")
            logger.info("         - Building {} Library ".format(model))

        smp = nthrds > 1 or build_threaded

        bldroot = os.path.join(exeroot, model, "obj")
        libroot = os.path.join(exeroot, "lib")
        file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "{}.bldlog.{}".format(model, lid))
        logger.debug("bldroot is {}".format(bldroot))
        logger.debug("libroot is {}".format(libroot))

        # make sure bldroot and libroot exist
        for build_dir in [bldroot, libroot]:
            if not os.path.exists(build_dir):

        # build the component library
        # thread_bad_results captures error output from thread (expected to be empty)
        # logs is a list of log files to be compressed and added to the case logs/bld directory
        t = threading.Thread(target=_build_model_thread,
            args=(config_dir, model, comp, caseroot, libroot, bldroot, incroot, file_build,
                  thread_bad_results, smp, compiler))


    # Wait for threads to finish
    while(threading.active_count() > 1):

    expect(not thread_bad_results, "\n".join(thread_bad_results))

    # Now build the executable

    if not buildlist:
        cime_model = get_model()
        file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "{}.bldlog.{}".format(cime_model, lid))

        config_dir = os.path.join(cimeroot, "src", "drivers", comp_interface, "cime_config")
        bldroot = os.path.join(exeroot, "cpl", "obj")
        if not os.path.isdir(bldroot):
        logger.info("Building {} with output to {} ".format(cime_model, file_build))

        with open(file_build, "w") as fd:
            stat = run_cmd("{}/buildexe {} {} {} "
                       .format(config_dir, caseroot, libroot, bldroot),
                       from_dir=bldroot,  arg_stdout=fd,

        analyze_build_log("{} exe".format(cime_model), file_build, compiler)
        expect(stat == 0, "BUILD FAIL: buildexe failed, cat {}".format(file_build))

        # Copy the just-built ${MODEL}.exe to ${MODEL}.exe.$LID
        safe_copy("{}/{}.exe".format(exeroot, cime_model), "{}/{}.exe.{}".format(exeroot, cime_model, lid))


    return logs
Example #59
            model_dir, comp))
    comp_interface = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE")
    multi_driver = case.get_value("MULTI_DRIVER")
    ninst = 1

    if multi_driver:
        ninst_max = case.get_value("NINST_MAX")
        if comp_interface != "nuopc" and model not in ("DRV", "CPL", "ESP"):
            ninst_model = case.get_value("NINST_{}".format(model))
                ninst_model == ninst_max,
                "MULTI_DRIVER mode, all components must have same NINST value.  NINST_{} != {}"
                .format(model, ninst_max))
    if comp == "cpl":
        if not os.path.exists("user_nl_cpl"):
            safe_copy(os.path.join(model_dir, "user_nl_cpl"), ".")
        if comp_interface == "nuopc":
            ninst = case.get_value("NINST")
        elif ninst == 1:
            ninst = case.get_value("NINST_{}".format(model))
        nlfile = "user_nl_{}".format(comp)
        model_nl = os.path.join(model_dir, nlfile)
        if ninst > 1:
            for inst_counter in range(1, ninst + 1):
                inst_nlfile = "{}_{:04d}".format(nlfile, inst_counter)
                if not os.path.exists(inst_nlfile):
                    # If there is a user_nl_foo in the case directory, copy it
                    # to user_nl_foo_INST; otherwise, copy the original
                    # user_nl_foo from model_dir
                    if os.path.exists(nlfile):
Example #60
def _save_prerun_timing_e3sm(case, lid):
    project = case.get_value("PROJECT", subgroup=case.get_primary_job())
    if not case.is_save_timing_dir_project(project):

    timing_dir = case.get_value("SAVE_TIMING_DIR")
    if timing_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(timing_dir):
        logger.warning("SAVE_TIMING_DIR {} is not valid. E3SM requires a valid SAVE_TIMING_DIR to archive timing data.".format(timing_dir))

    logger.info("Archiving timing data and associated provenance in {}.".format(timing_dir))
    rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR")
    blddir = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
    caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
    cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")
    base_case = case.get_value("CASE")
    full_timing_dir = os.path.join(timing_dir, "performance_archive", getpass.getuser(), base_case, lid)
    if os.path.exists(full_timing_dir):
        logger.warning("{} already exists. Skipping archive of timing data and associated provenance.".format(full_timing_dir))

    except OSError:
        logger.warning("{} cannot be created. Skipping archive of timing data and associated provenance.".format(full_timing_dir))

    mach = case.get_value("MACH")
    compiler = case.get_value("COMPILER")

    # For some batch machines save queue info
    job_id = _get_batch_job_id_for_syslog(case)
    if job_id is not None:
        if mach == "mira":
            for cmd, filename in [("qstat -f", "qstatf"), ("qstat -lf %s" % job_id, "qstatf_jobid")]:
                filename = "%s.%s" % (filename, lid)
                run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, arg_stdout=filename, from_dir=full_timing_dir)
                gzip_existing_file(os.path.join(full_timing_dir, filename))
        elif mach == "theta":
            for cmd, filename in [("qstat -l --header JobID:JobName:User:Project:WallTime:QueuedTime:Score:RunTime:TimeRemaining:Nodes:State:Location:Mode:Command:Args:Procs:Queue:StartTime:attrs:Geometry", "qstatf"),
                                  ("qstat -lf %s" % job_id, "qstatf_jobid"),
                                  ("xtnodestat", "xtnodestat"),
                                  ("xtprocadmin", "xtprocadmin")]:
                filename = "%s.%s" % (filename, lid)
                run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, arg_stdout=filename, from_dir=full_timing_dir)
                gzip_existing_file(os.path.join(full_timing_dir, filename))
        elif mach in ["edison", "cori-haswell", "cori-knl"]:
            for cmd, filename in [("sinfo -a -l", "sinfol"), ("sqs -f %s" % job_id, "sqsf_jobid"),
                                  # ("sqs -f", "sqsf"),
                                  ("squeue -o '%.10i %.15P %.20j %.10u %.7a %.2t %.6D %.8C %.10M %.10l %.20S %.20V'", "squeuef"),
                                  ("squeue -t R -o '%.10i %R'", "squeues")]:
                filename = "%s.%s" % (filename, lid)
                run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, arg_stdout=filename, from_dir=full_timing_dir)
                gzip_existing_file(os.path.join(full_timing_dir, filename))
        elif mach == "titan":
            for cmd, filename in [("qstat -f %s >" % job_id, "qstatf_jobid"),
                                  ("xtnodestat >", "xtnodestat"),
                                  # ("qstat -f >", "qstatf"),
                                  # ("xtdb2proc -f", "xtdb2proc"),
                                  ("showq >", "showq")]:
                full_cmd = cmd + " " + filename
                run_cmd_no_fail(full_cmd + "." + lid, from_dir=full_timing_dir)
                gzip_existing_file(os.path.join(full_timing_dir, filename + "." + lid))

            # mdiag_reduce = os.path.join(full_timing_dir, "mdiag_reduce." + lid)
            # run_cmd_no_fail("./mdiag_reduce.csh", arg_stdout=mdiag_reduce, from_dir=os.path.join(caseroot, "Tools"))
            # gzip_existing_file(mdiag_reduce)
        elif mach == "anvil":
            for cmd, filename in [("qstat -f -1 acme >", "qstatf"),
                                  ("qstat -f %s >" % job_id, "qstatf_jobid"),
                                  ("qstat -r acme >", "qstatr")]:
                full_cmd = cmd + " " + filename
                run_cmd_no_fail(full_cmd + "." + lid, from_dir=full_timing_dir)
                gzip_existing_file(os.path.join(full_timing_dir, filename + "." + lid))
        elif mach == "summit":
            for cmd, filename in [("bjobs -u all >", "bjobsu_all"),
                                  ("bjobs -r -u all -o 'jobid slots exec_host' >", "bjobsru_allo"),
                                  ("bjobs -l -UF %s >" % job_id, "bjobslUF_jobid")]:
                full_cmd = cmd + " " + filename
                run_cmd_no_fail(full_cmd + "." + lid, from_dir=full_timing_dir)
                gzip_existing_file(os.path.join(full_timing_dir, filename + "." + lid))

    # copy/tar SourceModes
    source_mods_dir = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods")
    if os.path.isdir(source_mods_dir):
        with tarfile.open(os.path.join(full_timing_dir, "SourceMods.{}.tar.gz".format(lid)), "w:gz") as tfd:
            tfd.add(source_mods_dir, arcname="SourceMods")

    # Save various case configuration items
    case_docs = os.path.join(full_timing_dir, "CaseDocs.{}".format(lid))
    globs_to_copy = [
        "Depends.{}.{}".format(mach, compiler),
    for glob_to_copy in globs_to_copy:
        for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(caseroot, glob_to_copy)):
            safe_copy(item, os.path.join(case_docs, "{}.{}".format(os.path.basename(item).lstrip("."), lid)), preserve_meta=False)

    # Copy some items from build provenance
    blddir_globs_to_copy = [
    for blddir_glob_to_copy in blddir_globs_to_copy:
        for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(blddir, blddir_glob_to_copy)):
            safe_copy(item, os.path.join(full_timing_dir, os.path.basename(item) + "." + lid), preserve_meta=False)

    # Save state of repo
    from_repo = cimeroot if os.path.exists(os.path.join(cimeroot, ".git")) else os.path.dirname(cimeroot)
    desc = get_current_commit(tag=True, repo=from_repo)
    with open(os.path.join(full_timing_dir, "GIT_DESCRIBE.{}".format(lid)), "w") as fd:

    # What this block does is mysterious to me (JGF)
    if job_id is not None:

        # Kill mach_syslog from previous run if one exists
        syslog_jobid_path = os.path.join(rundir, "syslog_jobid.{}".format(job_id))
        if os.path.exists(syslog_jobid_path):
                with open(syslog_jobid_path, "r") as fd:
                    syslog_jobid = int(fd.read().strip())
                os.kill(syslog_jobid, signal.SIGTERM)
            except (ValueError, OSError) as e:
                logger.warning("Failed to kill syslog: {}".format(e))

        # If requested, spawn a mach_syslog process to monitor job progress
        sample_interval = case.get_value("SYSLOG_N")
        if sample_interval > 0:
            archive_checkpoints = os.path.join(full_timing_dir, "checkpoints.{}".format(lid))
            touch("{}/e3sm.log.{}".format(rundir, lid))
            syslog_jobid = run_cmd_no_fail("./mach_syslog {si} {jobid} {lid} {rundir} {rundir}/timing/checkpoints {ac} >& /dev/null & echo $!".format(si=sample_interval, jobid=job_id, lid=lid, rundir=rundir, ac=archive_checkpoints),
                                           from_dir=os.path.join(caseroot, "Tools"))
            with open(os.path.join(rundir, "syslog_jobid.{}".format(job_id)), "w") as fd: