def plot_lensedCls(self):
        Plots and saves all the lensed Cls in a unique image

        # protection from direct calls if lensing is not included
        if not self.lensing: return

        # number of Cls:
        num = self.lensedCls.shape[1] - 1

        # l values:
        xvalues = self.lensedCls[:, 0]
        # set up the plots:
        plots = CMB_plots()
        plots.color = self.color

        index = 0
        fig = plt.gcf()

        for ind in xrange(1, num + 1):

            yvalues = self.lensedCls[:, ind]
            index2 = int((ind - 1) / 2)

            temp = plt.subplot2grid((int(math.ceil(num / 2.0)), 2),
                                    (index2, index))

            if ind == 1:
                plots.TT_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues)
                temp.set_title('TT power spectrum')
            elif ind == 2:
                plots.EE_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues)
                temp.set_title('EE power spectrum')
            elif ind == 3:
                plots.BB_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues)
                temp.set_title('BB power spectrum')
            elif ind == 4:
                plots.TE_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues)
                temp.set_title('TE power spectrum')
                temp.plot(xvalues, yvalues, color=self.color)

            if index == 0: index = 1
            elif index == 1: index = 0

        # global title of the plot
        plt.suptitle(self.name_h + ' lensed Cls', fontsize=16)
        # define the image size and layout
        fig.set_size_inches(self.x_size_inc, self.y_size_inc)
        )  # adjust for the fact that tight_layout does not consider suptitle
        # save the figure and close
        plt.savefig(self.outpath + + '_lensCls.png')
    def plot_compare_totalCls(self):
        Plots and saves the comparison of all the total (scalar + tensor) Cls in a unique image
        If lensing is included lensed Cls are used.

        # protection from direct calls if tensors are not included
        if not self.tensor: return

        # decide what data to use:
        if self.lensing:
            data1 = self.lensedtotCls_1
            data2 = self.lensedtotCls_2
            data1 = self.totCls_1
            data2 = self.totCls_2

        # number of Cls:
        num1     = data1.shape[1]-1
        num2     = data2.shape[1]-1
        # protection against different runs
        if num1!=num2:
            print 'wrong number of Cls'

        # get the x values:
        xvalues_1 = data1[:,0]
        xvalues_2 = data2[:,0]
        # get the l values:
        l_min = np.amax( [np.amin(xvalues_1), np.amin(xvalues_2)] )
        l_max = np.amin( [np.amax(xvalues_1), np.amax(xvalues_2)] )
        # get the l values:
        l_values = np.linspace(l_min, l_max, l_max-l_min)

        # set up the plots:
        plots_1       = CMB_plots()
        plots_2       = CMB_plots()
        plots_compa   = CMB_plots()

        plots_1.color          = self.color1
        plots_2.color          = self.color2
        plots_compa.color      = self.color_compa
        plots_compa.comparison = True
        plots_compa.axes_label_position = 'right'
        fig = plt.gcf()

        # do the plots:
        for ind in xrange(1,num1+1):

            temp      = plt.subplot2grid((num1,2), (ind-1, 0))
            temp_comp = plt.subplot2grid((num1,2), (ind-1, 1))

            # get the y values:
            yvalues_1    = data1[:,ind]
            yvalues_2    = data2[:,ind]
            # interpolate the two spectra:
            spline_1 = UnivariateSpline( xvalues_1, yvalues_1, s=0)
            spline_2 = UnivariateSpline( xvalues_2, yvalues_2, s=0)
            # evaluate on the l grid:
            yvalues_1 = spline_1(l_values)
            yvalues_2 = spline_2(l_values)
            # protect against zeroes:
            yvalues_1_temp = np.abs( yvalues_1 )
            yvalues_2_temp = np.abs( yvalues_2 )
                min2val_1      = np.amin(yvalues_1_temp[np.nonzero(yvalues_1_temp)])
                min2val_2      = np.amin(yvalues_2_temp[np.nonzero(yvalues_2_temp)])
                min2val_1      = cutoff
                min2val_2      = cutoff
  , yvalues_1 == 0.0, min2val_1)
  , yvalues_2 == 0.0, min2val_2)
            # computation of the percentual comparison:
            yvalues_comp = (yvalues_1 - yvalues_2)/abs(yvalues_1)*100
            # protection against values too small:
  , abs(yvalues_comp)<cutoff, [cutoff])

            if ind == 1:

                plots_1.TT_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.TT_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.TT_plot(temp_comp, l_values, yvalues_comp)
                temp.set_title('TT power spectrum')

            elif ind == 2:

                plots_1.EE_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.EE_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.EE_plot(temp_comp, l_values, yvalues_comp)
                temp.set_title('EE power spectrum')

            elif ind == 3:

                plots_1.BB_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.BB_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.BB_plot(temp_comp, l_values, yvalues_comp)
                temp.set_title('BB power spectrum')

            elif ind == 4:

                plots_1.TE_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.TE_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.TE_plot(temp_comp, l_values, yvalues_comp)
                temp.set_title('TE power spectrum')


                plots_1.TT_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.TT_plot(temp, l_values, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.TT_plot(temp_comp, l_values, yvalues_comp)

        # set the size of the image
        fig.set_size_inches( self.x_size_inc, self.y_size_inc)
        # set a tight layout
        fig.tight_layout(pad=0.3, h_pad=0.3, w_pad=0.3)
        # set the global title
        if self.lensing:
            plt.suptitle(self.name_h1+' VS '+self.name_h2+' comparison of total lensed Cls', fontsize=16)
            plt.suptitle(self.name_h1+' VS '+self.name_h2+' comparison of total Cls', fontsize=16)
        # set the global legend
        fig.legend( handles = [plots_1.TT_p, plots_2.TT_p, plots_compa.CV_p],
                    labels  = [self.name_h1, self.name_h2, 'Cosmic variance'],
                    loc='lower center', ncol=3 ,fancybox=True)
        # adjust the size of the plot
        fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92, bottom=0.08)
        # save the result and close
Example #3
    def plot_compare_totalCls(self):
        Plots and saves the comparison of all the total (scalar + tensor) Cls in a unique image
        If lensing is included lensed Cls are used.

        # protection from direct calls if tensors are not included
        if not self.tensor: return

        # decide what data to use:
        if self.lensing:
            data1 = self.lensedtotCls_1
            data2 = self.lensedtotCls_2
            data1 = self.totCls_1
            data2 = self.totCls_2

        # number of Cls:
        num1 = data1.shape[1] - 1
        num2 = data2.shape[1] - 1
        # protection against different runs
        if num1 != num2:
            print 'wrong number of Cls'

        if len(data1[:, 0]) != len(data2[:, 0]):
            print 'different lmax'

        xvalues = data1[:, 0]

        # set up the plots:
        plots_1 = CMB_plots()
        plots_2 = CMB_plots()
        plots_compa = CMB_plots()

        plots_1.color = self.color1
        plots_2.color = self.color2
        plots_compa.color = self.color_compa
        plots_compa.comparison = True
        plots_compa.axes_label_position = 'right'
        fig = plt.gcf()

        # do the plots:
        for ind in xrange(1, num1 + 1):

            temp = plt.subplot2grid((num1, 2), (ind - 1, 0))
            temp_comp = plt.subplot2grid((num1, 2), (ind - 1, 1))

            yvalues_1 = data1[:, ind]
            yvalues_2 = data2[:, ind]

            min2val = np.min(yvalues_1[np.nonzero(yvalues_1)])
  , yvalues_1 == 0.0, min2val)

            yvalues_comp = (yvalues_1 - yvalues_2) / abs(yvalues_1) * 100
            # Protection against all zero: put to machine precision the values that are zero
                     abs(yvalues_comp) < 10.0**(-16), [10.0**(-16)])

            if ind == 1:
                plots_1.TT_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.TT_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.TT_plot(temp_comp, xvalues, yvalues_comp)
                temp.set_title('TT power spectrum')

            elif ind == 2:
                plots_1.EE_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.EE_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.EE_plot(temp_comp, xvalues, yvalues_comp)
                temp.set_title('EE power spectrum')

            elif ind == 3:
                plots_1.BB_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.BB_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.BB_plot(temp_comp, xvalues, yvalues_comp)
                temp.set_title('BB power spectrum')

            elif ind == 4:
                plots_1.TE_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.TE_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.TE_plot(temp_comp, xvalues, yvalues_comp)
                temp.set_title('TE power spectrum')

                plots_1.TT_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_1)
                plots_2.TT_plot(temp, xvalues, yvalues_2)
                plots_compa.TT_plot(temp_comp, xvalues, yvalues_comp)

        # set the size of the image
        fig.set_size_inches(self.x_size_inc, self.y_size_inc)
        # set a tight layout
        fig.tight_layout(pad=0.3, h_pad=0.3, w_pad=0.3)
        # set the global title
        if self.lensing:
            plt.suptitle(self.name_h1 + ' VS ' + self.name_h2 +
                         ' comparison of total lensed Cls',
            plt.suptitle(self.name_h1 + ' VS ' + self.name_h2 +
                         ' comparison of total Cls',
        # set the global legend
        fig.legend(handles=[plots_1.TT_p, plots_2.TT_p, plots_compa.CV_p],
                   labels=[self.name_h1, self.name_h2, 'Cosmic variance'],
                   loc='lower center',
        # adjust the size of the plot
        fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92, bottom=0.08)
        # save the result and close
        plt.savefig(self.outpath + self.name1 + '_' + self.name2 +