Example #1
def set_of_deletions(site):
    Get a list of datasets with approved deletion requests at a given site that were created
    within the number of days matching the **IgnoreAge** configuration parameter.
    This request is done via the PhEDEx ``deleterequests`` API.

    :param str site: The site that we want the list of deletion requests for.
    :returns: Datasets that are in deletion requests
    :rtype: set

    created_since = int(
        time.time() - float(config.config_dict().get('IgnoreAge', 0)) * 24 * 3600)

    # Get deletion requests in PhEDEx
    deletion_request = get_json(
        'cmsweb.cern.ch', '/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/deleterequests',
        {'node': site, 'approval': 'approved', 'create_since': created_since},

    # PhEDEx APIs are ridiculous
    # Here I get the dataset names of approved deletion requests in a single list
    datasets_for_deletion = set(
        [block['name'].split('#')[0] for block in sum(
            [request['data']['dbs']['block'] for request in \
            [])] + \
        [dataset['name'] for dataset in sum(
            [request['data']['dbs']['dataset'] for request in \
        ) if deletion_request else set()

    return datasets_for_deletion
Example #2
def check_for_datasets(site, orphan_list_file):
    Checks PhEDEx exhaustively to see if a dataset should exist at a site,
    according to PhEDEx, but has files marked as orphans according to our check.
    This is done via the PhEDEx ``filereplicas`` API.
    The number of filereplicas for each dataset is printed to the terminal.
    Datasets that contain any filereplicas are returned by this function.

    :param str site: The name of the site to check
    :param list orphan_list_file: List of LFNs that are listed as orphans at the site
    :returns: The list of number of files and datasets for each dataset that is
              supposed to have at least 1 file at the site.
    :rtype: list of tuples

    datasets = set()

    output = []

    with open(orphan_list_file) as orphans:
        for line in orphans:
            split_name = line.split('/')
            dataset = '/%s/%s-%s/%s' % (split_name[4], split_name[3],
                                        split_name[6], split_name[5])

            if dataset not in datasets:
                phedex_response = get_json(
                    '/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/filereplicas', {
                        'node': site,
                        'dataset': dataset

                num_files = sum(
                    for block in phedex_response['phedex']['block'])


                print num_files, dataset

                if num_files:
                    output.append((num_files, dataset))

    return output
Example #3
def open_location(data_location):
    This function assumes that the contents of the location is in JSON format.
    It opens the data location and returns the dictionary.

    :param str data_location: The location of the file or url
    :returns: information in the JSON file
    :rtype: dict
    if os.path.isfile(data_location):
        with open(data_location, 'r') as input_file:
            output = json.load(input_file)

        return output

    indict = {}

    if validators.url(data_location):
        components = urlparse.urlparse(data_location)

        # Anything we need for the Shibboleth cookie could be in the config file
        cookie_stuff = serverconfig.config_dict()['data']

        raw = get_json(components.netloc,

        for workflow, statuses in raw.iteritems():
            if True in ['manual' in status for status in statuses]:
                base = workflowinfo.WorkflowInfo(workflow)
                prep_id = base.get_prep_id()
                for wkf in set(
                    cherrypy.log('Getting workflow: %s' % wkf)

    return indict
Example #4
def check_for_datasets(site, orphan_list_file):
    Checks PhEDEx exhaustively to see if a dataset should exist at a site,
    according to PhEDEx, but has files marked as orphans according to our check.
    This is done via the PhEDEx ``filereplicas`` API.
    The number of filereplicas for each dataset is printed to the terminal.
    Datasets that contain any filereplicas are returned by this function.

    :param str site: The name of the site to check
    :param list orphan_list_file: List of LFNs that are listed as orphans at the site
    :returns: The list of number of files and datasets for each dataset that is
              supposed to have at least 1 file at the site.
    :rtype: list of tuples

    datasets = set()

    output = []

    with open(orphan_list_file) as orphans:
        for line in orphans:
            split_name = line.split('/')
            dataset = '/%s/%s-%s/%s' % (split_name[4], split_name[3], split_name[6], split_name[5])

            if dataset not in datasets:
                phedex_response = get_json(
                    'cmsweb.cern.ch', '/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/filereplicas',
                    {'node': site, 'dataset': dataset},

                num_files = sum(len(block['file']) for block in phedex_response['phedex']['block'])


                print num_files, dataset

                if num_files:
                    output.append((num_files, dataset))

    return output
Example #5
    def add_files(dataset, retries):
        :param str dataset: Dataset to get from PhEDEx
        :param int retries: The number of times to retry PhEDEx call
        :returns: Whether or not the addition was successful
        :rtype: bool

        LOG.info('Getting PhEDEx contents for %s', dataset)

        phedex_response = get_json('cmsweb.cern.ch',
                                   '/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/filereplicas', {
                                       'node': site,
                                       'dataset': dataset

        report = 0

        if not phedex_response:
            LOG.warning('Bad response from PhEDEx for %s', dataset)
            return False

        for block in phedex_response['phedex']['block']:
            LOG.debug('%s', block)
            replica_list = [(replica['name'], replica['bytes'],
                             int(replica['replica'][0]['time_create'] or time.time()),
                             block['name']) \
                                for replica in block['file'] \
                                if replica['name'].split('/')[2] in valid_list]

            report += len(replica_list)


        LOG.info('%i files', report)
        return True
Example #6
def set_of_deletions(site):
    Get a list of datasets with approved deletion requests at a given site that were created
    within the number of days matching the **IgnoreAge** configuration parameter.
    This request is done via the PhEDEx ``deleterequests`` API.

    :param str site: The site that we want the list of deletion requests for.
    :returns: Datasets that are in deletion requests
    :rtype: set

    created_since = int(time.time() -
                        float(config.config_dict().get('IgnoreAge', 0)) * 24 *

    # Get deletion requests in PhEDEx
    deletion_request = get_json('cmsweb.cern.ch',
                                '/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/deleterequests', {
                                    'node': site,
                                    'approval': 'approved',
                                    'create_since': created_since

    # PhEDEx APIs are ridiculous
    # Here I get the dataset names of approved deletion requests in a single list
    datasets_for_deletion = set(
        [block['name'].split('#')[0] for block in sum(
            [request['data']['dbs']['block'] for request in \
            [])] + \
        [dataset['name'] for dataset in sum(
            [request['data']['dbs']['dataset'] for request in \
        ) if deletion_request else set()

    return datasets_for_deletion
Example #7
    def add_files(dataset, retries):
        :param str dataset: Dataset to get from PhEDEx
        :param int retries: The number of times to retry PhEDEx call
        :returns: Whether or not the addition was successful
        :rtype: bool

        LOG.info('Getting PhEDEx contents for %s', dataset)

        phedex_response = get_json(
            'cmsweb.cern.ch', '/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/filereplicas',
            {'node': site, 'dataset': dataset},

        report = 0

        if not phedex_response:
            LOG.warning('Bad response from PhEDEx for %s', dataset)
            return False

        for block in phedex_response['phedex']['block']:
            LOG.debug('%s', block)
            replica_list = [(replica['name'], replica['bytes'],
                             int(replica['replica'][0]['time_create'] or time.time()),
                             block['name']) \
                                for replica in block['file'] \
                                if replica['name'].split('/')[2] in valid_list]

            report += len(replica_list)


        LOG.info('%i files', report)
        return True
Example #8
def main(site):
    Gets the listing from the dynamo database, and remote XRootD listings of a given site.
    The differences are compared to deletion queues and other things.

    .. Note::
       If you add things, list them in the module docstring.

    The differences that should be acted on are copied to the summary webpage
    and entered into the dynamoregister database.

    :param str site: The site to run the check over
    :returns: missing files, size, orphan files, size
    :rtype: list, long, list, long

    start = time.time()

    prev_missing = '%s_compare_missing.txt' % site
    prev_set = set()
    if os.path.exists(prev_missing):
        with open(prev_missing, 'r') as prev_file:
            for line in prev_file:

        if int(config.config_dict().get('SaveCache')):
            prev_new_name = '%s.%s' % (prev_missing,
            prev_new_name = prev_missing


    # All of the files and summary will be dumped here
    webdir = config.config_dict()['WebDir']

    # Open a connection temporarily to make sure we only list good sites
    status_check = MySQL(config_file='/etc/my.cnf', db='dynamo', config_group='mysql-dynamo')
    status = status_check.query('SELECT status FROM sites WHERE name = %s', site)[0]

    if status != 'ready':
        LOG.error('Site %s status is %s', site, status)

        # Note the attempt to do listing
        conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(webdir, 'stats.db'))
        curs = conn.cursor()
            REPLACE INTO stats VALUES
            (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, DATETIME(DATETIME(), "-4 hours"), ?, ?)
            (site, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))



    # Close the connection while we are getting the trees together

    inv_tree = getinventorycontents.get_db_listing(site)

    # Reset the DirectoryList for the XRootDLister to run on
    config.DIRECTORYLIST = [directory.name for directory in inv_tree.directories]

    site_tree = getsitecontents.get_site_tree(site)

    # Get whether or not the site is debugged
    conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(webdir, 'stats.db'))
    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute('SELECT isgood FROM sites WHERE site = ?', (site, ))
    is_debugged = curs.fetchone()[0]

    # Create the function to check orphans and missing

    # First, datasets in the deletions queue can be missing
    acceptable_missing = checkphedex.set_of_deletions(site)

    # Orphan files cannot belong to any dataset that should be at the site
    inv_sql = MySQL(config_file='/etc/my.cnf', db='dynamo', config_group='mysql-dynamo')
    acceptable_orphans = set(
            SELECT datasets.name FROM sites
            INNER JOIN dataset_replicas ON dataset_replicas.site_id=sites.id
            INNER JOIN datasets ON dataset_replicas.dataset_id=datasets.id
            WHERE sites.name=%s

    # Orphan files may be a result of deletion requests

    # Ignored datasets will not give a full listing, so they can't be accused of having orphans
        inv_sql.query('SELECT name FROM datasets WHERE status=%s', 'IGNORED')

    # Do not delete anything that is protected by Unified
    protected_unmerged = get_json('cmst2.web.cern.ch', '/cmst2/unified/listProtectedLFN.txt')
    acceptable_orphans.update(['/%s/%s-%s/%s' % (split_name[4], split_name[3],
                                                 split_name[6], split_name[5]) \
                                   for split_name in \
                                   [name.split('/') for name in protected_unmerged['protected']]

    LOG.debug('Acceptable orphans: \n%s\n', '\n'.join(acceptable_orphans))

    ignore_list = config.config_dict().get('IgnoreDirectories', [])

    def double_check(file_name, acceptable):
        Checks the file name against a list of datasets to not list files from.

        :param str file_name: LFN of the file
        :param set acceptable: Datasets to not list files from
                               (Acceptable orphans or missing)
        :returns: Whether the file belongs to a dataset in the list or not
        :rtype: bool
        LOG.debug('Checking file_name: %s', file_name)

        # Skip over paths that include part of the list of ignored directories
        for pattern in ignore_list:
            if pattern in file_name:
                return True

        split_name = file_name.split('/')

            return '/%s/%s-%s/%s' % (split_name[4], split_name[3],
                                     split_name[6], split_name[5]) in acceptable
        except IndexError:
            LOG.warning('Strange file name: %s', file_name)
            return True

    check_orphans = lambda x: double_check(x, acceptable_orphans)
    check_missing = lambda x: double_check(x, acceptable_missing)

    # Do the comparison
    missing, m_size, orphan, o_size = datatypes.compare(
        inv_tree, site_tree, '%s_compare' % site,
        orphan_check=check_orphans, missing_check=check_missing)

    LOG.debug('Missing size: %i, Orphan size: %i', m_size, o_size)

    # Enter things for site in registry
    if os.environ['USER'] == 'dynamo':
        reg_sql = MySQL(config_file='/etc/my.cnf',
                        db='dynamoregister', config_group='mysql-dynamo')
        reg_sql = MySQL(config_file=os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'my.cnf'),
                        db='dynamoregister', config_group='mysql-register-test')

    # Determine if files should be entered into the registry

    many_missing = len(missing) > int(config.config_dict()['MaxMissing'])
    many_orphans = len(orphan) > int(config.config_dict()['MaxOrphan'])

    if is_debugged and not many_missing and not many_orphans:
        def execute(query, *args):
            Executes the query on the registry and outputs a log message depending on query

            :param str query: The SQL query to execute
            :param args: The arguments to the SQL query

            reg_sql.query(query, *args)

            if 'transfer_queue' in query:
                LOG.info('Copying %s from %s', args[0], args[1])
            elif 'deletion_queue' in query:
                LOG.info('Deleting %s', args[0])

        if many_missing:
            LOG.error('Too many missing files: %i, you should investigate.', len(missing))

        if many_orphans:
            LOG.error('Too many orphan files: %i out of %i, you should investigate.',
                      len(orphan), site_tree.get_num_files())

        execute = lambda *_: 0

    # Then do entries, if the site is in the debugged status

    def add_transfers(line, sites):
        Add the file into the transfer queue for multiple sites.

        :param str line: The file LFN to transfer
        :param list sites: Sites to try to transfer from
        :returns: Whether or not the entry was a success
        :rtype: bool

        # Don't add transfers if too many missing files
        if line in prev_set or not prev_set:
            for location in sites:
                    INSERT IGNORE INTO `transfer_queue`
                    (`file`, `site_from`, `site_to`, `status`, `reqid`)
                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, 'new', 0)
                    line, location, site)

        return bool(sites)

    # Setup a query for sites, with added condition at the end
    site_query = """
                 SELECT sites.name FROM sites
                 INNER JOIN block_replicas ON sites.id = block_replicas.site_id
                 INNER JOIN files ON block_replicas.block_id = files.block_id
                 WHERE files.name = %s AND sites.name != %s
                 AND sites.status = 'ready'
                 AND block_replicas.is_complete = 1
                 AND group_id != 0

    # Track files with no sources
    no_source_files = []

    for line in missing:

        # Get sites that are not tape
        sites = inv_sql.query(
            site_query.format('AND sites.storage_type != "mss"'),
            line, site)

        if not add_transfers(line, sites):
            # Track files without disk source

            # Get sites that are tape
            sites = inv_sql.query(
                site_query.format('AND sites.storage_type = "mss"'),
                line, site)

            add_transfers(line, sites)

    # Only get the empty nodes that are not in the inventory tree
    for line in orphan + \
            [empty_node for empty_node in site_tree.empty_nodes_list() \
                 if not inv_tree.get_node('/'.join(empty_node.split('/')[2:]),
            INSERT IGNORE INTO `deletion_queue`
            (`file`, `site`, `status`) VALUES
            (%s, %s, 'new')
            line, site)


    with open('%s_missing_nosite.txt' % site, 'w') as nosite:
        for line in no_source_files:
            nosite.write(line + '\n')

    # We want to track which blocks missing files are coming from
    track_missing_blocks = defaultdict(
        lambda: {'errors': 0,
                 'blocks': defaultdict(lambda: {'group': '',
                                                'errors': 0}

    blocks_query = """
                   SELECT blocks.name, IFNULL(groups.name, 'Unsubscribed') FROM blocks
                   INNER JOIN files ON files.block_id = blocks.id
                   INNER JOIN block_replicas ON block_replicas.block_id = files.block_id
                   INNER JOIN sites ON block_replicas.site_id = sites.id
                   LEFT JOIN groups ON block_replicas.group_id = groups.id
                   WHERE files.name = %s AND sites.name = %s

    with open('%s_compare_missing.txt' % site, 'r') as input_file:
        for line in input_file:
            split_name = line.split('/')
            dataset = '/%s/%s-%s/%s' % (split_name[4], split_name[3], split_name[6], split_name[5])

            output = inv_sql.query(blocks_query, line.strip(), site)

            if not output:
                LOG.warning('The following SQL statement failed: %s',
                            blocks_query % (line.strip(), site))
                LOG.warning('Most likely cause is dynamo update between the listing and now')
                from_phedex = get_json('cmsweb.cern.ch', '/phedex/datasvc/json/prod/filereplicas',
                                       params={'node': site, 'LFN': line.strip()}, use_cert=True)

                    output = [(from_phedex['phedex']['block'][0]['name'].split('#')[1],
                except IndexError:
                    LOG.error('File replica not in PhEDEx either!')
                    LOG.error('Skipping block level report for this file.')

            block, group = output[0]

            track_missing_blocks[dataset]['errors'] += 1
            track_missing_blocks[dataset]['blocks'][block]['errors'] += 1
            track_missing_blocks[dataset]['blocks'][block]['group'] = group


    # Output file with the missing datasets
    with open('%s_missing_datasets.txt' % site, 'w') as output_file:
        for dataset, vals in \
                       key=lambda x: x[1]['errors'],

            for block_name, block in sorted(vals['blocks'].iteritems()):
                output_file.write('%10i    %-17s  %s#%s\n' % \
                                      (block['errors'], block['group'],
                                       dataset, block_name))

    # If there were permissions or connection issues, no files would be listed
    # Otherwise, copy the output files to the web directory
    shutil.copy('%s_missing_datasets.txt' % site, webdir)
    shutil.copy('%s_missing_nosite.txt' % site, webdir)
    shutil.copy('%s_compare_missing.txt' % site, webdir)
    shutil.copy('%s_compare_orphan.txt' % site, webdir)

    if (os.environ.get('ListAge') is None) and (os.environ.get('InventoryAge') is None):

        # Update the runtime stats on the stats page if the listing settings are not changed
        conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(webdir, 'stats.db'))
        curs = conn.cursor()

        curs.execute('INSERT INTO stats_history SELECT * FROM stats WHERE site=?', (site, ))
            REPLACE INTO stats VALUES
            (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, DATETIME(DATETIME(), "-4 hours"), ?, ?)
            (site, time.time() - start, site_tree.get_num_files(),
             site_tree.count_nodes(), len(site_tree.empty_nodes_list()),
             config.config_dict().get('NumThreads', config.config_dict().get('MinThreads', 0)),
             len(missing), m_size, len(orphan), o_size, len(no_source_files),

Example #9
def main(site):
    Gets the listing from the dynamo database, and remote XRootD listings of a given site.
    The differences are compared to deletion queues and other things.

    .. Note::
       If you add things, list them in the module docstring.

    The differences that should be acted on are copied to the summary webpage
    and entered into the dynamoregister database.

    :param str site: The site to run the check over
    :returns: missing files, size, orphan files, size
    :rtype: list, long, list, long

    start = time.time()

    prev_missing = '%s_compare_missing.txt' % site
    prev_set = set()
    if os.path.exists(prev_missing):
        with open(prev_missing, 'r') as prev_file:
            for line in prev_file:

        if int(config.config_dict().get('SaveCache')):
            prev_new_name = '%s.%s' % (
            prev_new_name = prev_missing

            os.path.join(config.config_dict()['CacheLocation'], prev_new_name))

    # All of the files and summary will be dumped here
    webdir = config.config_dict()['WebDir']

    # Open a connection temporarily to make sure we only list good sites
    status_check = MySQL(config_file='/etc/my.cnf',
    status = status_check.query('SELECT status FROM sites WHERE name = %s',

    if status != 'ready':
        LOG.error('Site %s status is %s', site, status)

        # Note the attempt to do listing
        conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(webdir, 'stats.db'))
        curs = conn.cursor()
            REPLACE INTO stats VALUES
            (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, DATETIME(DATETIME(), "-4 hours"), ?, ?)
            """, (site, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))



    # Close the connection while we are getting the trees together

    inv_tree = getinventorycontents.get_db_listing(site)

    # Reset the DirectoryList for the XRootDLister to run on
    config.DIRECTORYLIST = [
        directory.name for directory in inv_tree.directories

    site_tree = getsitecontents.get_site_tree(site)

    # Get whether or not the site is debugged
    conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(webdir, 'stats.db'))
    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute('SELECT isgood FROM sites WHERE site = ?', (site, ))
    is_debugged = curs.fetchone()[0]

    # Create the function to check orphans and missing

    # First, datasets in the deletions queue can be missing
    acceptable_missing = checkphedex.set_of_deletions(site)

    # Orphan files cannot belong to any dataset that should be at the site
    inv_sql = MySQL(config_file='/etc/my.cnf',
    acceptable_orphans = set(
            SELECT datasets.name FROM sites
            INNER JOIN dataset_replicas ON dataset_replicas.site_id=sites.id
            INNER JOIN datasets ON dataset_replicas.dataset_id=datasets.id
            WHERE sites.name=%s
            """, site))

    # Orphan files may be a result of deletion requests

    # Ignored datasets will not give a full listing, so they can't be accused of having orphans
        inv_sql.query('SELECT name FROM datasets WHERE status=%s', 'IGNORED'))

    # Do not delete anything that is protected by Unified
    protected_unmerged = get_json('cmst2.web.cern.ch',
    acceptable_orphans.update(['/%s/%s-%s/%s' % (split_name[4], split_name[3],
                                                 split_name[6], split_name[5]) \
                                   for split_name in \
                                   [name.split('/') for name in protected_unmerged['protected']]

    LOG.debug('Acceptable orphans: \n%s\n', '\n'.join(acceptable_orphans))

    ignore_list = config.config_dict().get('IgnoreDirectories', [])

    def double_check(file_name, acceptable):
        Checks the file name against a list of datasets to not list files from.

        :param str file_name: LFN of the file
        :param set acceptable: Datasets to not list files from
                               (Acceptable orphans or missing)
        :returns: Whether the file belongs to a dataset in the list or not
        :rtype: bool
        LOG.debug('Checking file_name: %s', file_name)

        # Skip over paths that include part of the list of ignored directories
        for pattern in ignore_list:
            if pattern in file_name:
                return True

        split_name = file_name.split('/')

            return '/%s/%s-%s/%s' % (split_name[4], split_name[3],
                                     split_name[5]) in acceptable
        except IndexError:
            LOG.warning('Strange file name: %s', file_name)
            return True

    check_orphans = lambda x: double_check(x, acceptable_orphans)
    check_missing = lambda x: double_check(x, acceptable_missing)

    # Do the comparison
    missing, m_size, orphan, o_size = datatypes.compare(
        '%s_compare' % site,

    LOG.debug('Missing size: %i, Orphan size: %i', m_size, o_size)

    # Enter things for site in registry
    if os.environ['USER'] == 'dynamo':
        reg_sql = MySQL(config_file='/etc/my.cnf',
        reg_sql = MySQL(config_file=os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'my.cnf'),

    # Determine if files should be entered into the registry

    many_missing = len(missing) > int(config.config_dict()['MaxMissing'])
    many_orphans = len(orphan) > int(config.config_dict()['MaxOrphan'])

    if is_debugged and not many_missing and not many_orphans:

        def execute(query, *args):
            Executes the query on the registry and outputs a log message depending on query

            :param str query: The SQL query to execute
            :param args: The arguments to the SQL query

            reg_sql.query(query, *args)

            if 'transfer_queue' in query:
                LOG.info('Copying %s from %s', args[0], args[1])
            elif 'deletion_queue' in query:
                LOG.info('Deleting %s', args[0])

        if many_missing:
            LOG.error('Too many missing files: %i, you should investigate.',

        if many_orphans:
                'Too many orphan files: %i out of %i, you should investigate.',
                len(orphan), site_tree.get_num_files())

        execute = lambda *_: 0

    # Then do entries, if the site is in the debugged status

    def add_transfers(line, sites):
        Add the file into the transfer queue for multiple sites.

        :param str line: The file LFN to transfer
        :param list sites: Sites to try to transfer from
        :returns: Whether or not the entry was a success
        :rtype: bool

        # Don't add transfers if too many missing files
        if line in prev_set or not prev_set:
            for location in sites:
                    INSERT IGNORE INTO `transfer_queue`
                    (`file`, `site_from`, `site_to`, `status`, `reqid`)
                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, 'new', 0)
                    """, line, location, site)

        return bool(sites)

    # Setup a query for sites, with added condition at the end
    site_query = """
                 SELECT sites.name FROM sites
                 INNER JOIN block_replicas ON sites.id = block_replicas.site_id
                 INNER JOIN files ON block_replicas.block_id = files.block_id
                 WHERE files.name = %s AND sites.name != %s
                 AND sites.status = 'ready'
                 AND block_replicas.is_complete = 1
                 AND group_id != 0

    # Track files with no sources
    no_source_files = []

    for line in missing:

        # Get sites that are not tape
        sites = inv_sql.query(
            site_query.format('AND sites.storage_type != "mss"'), line, site)

        if not add_transfers(line, sites):
            # Track files without disk source

            # Get sites that are tape
            sites = inv_sql.query(
                site_query.format('AND sites.storage_type = "mss"'), line,

            add_transfers(line, sites)

    # Only get the empty nodes that are not in the inventory tree
    for line in orphan + \
            [empty_node for empty_node in site_tree.empty_nodes_list() \
                 if not inv_tree.get_node('/'.join(empty_node.split('/')[2:]),
            INSERT IGNORE INTO `deletion_queue`
            (`file`, `site`, `status`) VALUES
            (%s, %s, 'new')
            """, line, site)


    with open('%s_missing_nosite.txt' % site, 'w') as nosite:
        for line in no_source_files:
            nosite.write(line + '\n')

    # We want to track which blocks missing files are coming from
    track_missing_blocks = defaultdict(
        lambda: {
            'errors': 0,
            'blocks': defaultdict(lambda: {
                'group': '',
                'errors': 0

    blocks_query = """
                   SELECT blocks.name, IFNULL(groups.name, 'Unsubscribed') FROM blocks
                   INNER JOIN files ON files.block_id = blocks.id
                   INNER JOIN block_replicas ON block_replicas.block_id = files.block_id
                   INNER JOIN sites ON block_replicas.site_id = sites.id
                   LEFT JOIN groups ON block_replicas.group_id = groups.id
                   WHERE files.name = %s AND sites.name = %s

    with open('%s_compare_missing.txt' % site, 'r') as input_file:
        for line in input_file:
            split_name = line.split('/')
            dataset = '/%s/%s-%s/%s' % (split_name[4], split_name[3],
                                        split_name[6], split_name[5])

            output = inv_sql.query(blocks_query, line.strip(), site)

            if not output:
                LOG.warning('The following SQL statement failed: %s',
                            blocks_query % (line.strip(), site))
                    'Most likely cause is dynamo update between the listing and now'
                from_phedex = get_json(
                        'node': site,
                        'LFN': line.strip()

                    output = [(from_phedex['phedex']['block'][0]['name'].split(
                        '#')[1], from_phedex['phedex']['block'][0]['replica']
                except IndexError:
                    LOG.error('File replica not in PhEDEx either!')
                    LOG.error('Skipping block level report for this file.')

            block, group = output[0]

            track_missing_blocks[dataset]['errors'] += 1
            track_missing_blocks[dataset]['blocks'][block]['errors'] += 1
            track_missing_blocks[dataset]['blocks'][block]['group'] = group


    # Output file with the missing datasets
    with open('%s_missing_datasets.txt' % site, 'w') as output_file:
        for dataset, vals in \
                       key=lambda x: x[1]['errors'],

            for block_name, block in sorted(vals['blocks'].iteritems()):
                output_file.write('%10i    %-17s  %s#%s\n' % \
                                      (block['errors'], block['group'],
                                       dataset, block_name))

    # If there were permissions or connection issues, no files would be listed
    # Otherwise, copy the output files to the web directory
    shutil.copy('%s_missing_datasets.txt' % site, webdir)
    shutil.copy('%s_missing_nosite.txt' % site, webdir)
    shutil.copy('%s_compare_missing.txt' % site, webdir)
    shutil.copy('%s_compare_orphan.txt' % site, webdir)

    if (os.environ.get('ListAge') is None) and (os.environ.get('InventoryAge')
                                                is None):

        # Update the runtime stats on the stats page if the listing settings are not changed
        conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(webdir, 'stats.db'))
        curs = conn.cursor()

            'INSERT INTO stats_history SELECT * FROM stats WHERE site=?',
            (site, ))
            REPLACE INTO stats VALUES
            (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, DATETIME(DATETIME(), "-4 hours"), ?, ?)
            (site, time.time() - start, site_tree.get_num_files(),
             site_tree.count_nodes(), len(
                 site_tree.empty_nodes_list()), config.config_dict().get(
                     config.config_dict().get('MinThreads', 0)), len(missing),
             m_size, len(orphan), o_size, len(no_source_files),
