def estimator(self, estimator): if estimator is not None: self._estimator = estimator else: with open(self.keras_head_path+'.json', 'r') as f: kconfig = json.load(f) self.estimator = Estimator(model_path=self.keras_head_path+'.h5', config_file=kconfig) self.sigEstimatorChanged.emit(self.estimator)
def __init__(self, localizer=None, estimator=None): ''' Parameters ---------- pixels: tuple #coordinates instead? (img_rows, img_cols) instrument: Instrument Object resprenting the light-scattering instrument model_path: str path to model.h5 file ''' if estimator is None: self.estimator = Estimator() else: self.estimator = estimator if localizer is None: self.localizer = Localizer() else: self.localizer = localizer self.instrument = estimator.instrument
class EndtoEnd(object): ''' Attributes __________ localizer: Localizer Object resprenting the trained YOLO model estimator: Estimator Object representing the trained Keras model instrument: Instrument Object resprenting the light-scattering instrument Methods _______ predict(img_names_path=None, img_list=[], save_predictions=False, predictions_path='predictions.json', save_crops=False, crop_dir='./cropped_img') loads img_names.txt from str 'img_names_path', imports images img_names.txt contains absolute paths of images, separated by line break or, just input images as a list predicts on list of images using self.model saves output to predictions_path if save_predictions = True saves cropped images to crop_dir if save_crops = True ''' def __init__(self, localizer=None, estimator=None): ''' Parameters ---------- pixels: tuple #coordinates instead? (img_rows, img_cols) instrument: Instrument Object resprenting the light-scattering instrument model_path: str path to model.h5 file ''' if estimator is None: self.estimator = Estimator() else: self.estimator = estimator if localizer is None: self.localizer = Localizer() else: self.localizer = localizer self.instrument = estimator.instrument @property def coordinates(self): return self._coordinates @coordinates.setter def coordinates(self, coordinates): self._coordinates = coordinates @property def instrument(self): return self._instrument @instrument.setter def instrument(self, instrument): self._instrument = instrument @property def estimator(self): return self._estimator @estimator.setter def estimator(self, estimator): self._estimator = estimator @property def localizer(self): return self._localizer @localizer.setter def localizer(self, localizer): self._localizer = localizer def predict(self, img_list=[], doubles_tol=0, edge_tol=0): ''' output: predictions: list of features n images => n lists of features ''' crop_px = self.estimator.pixels yolo_predictions = self.localizer.predict(img_list=img_list) yolo_predictions = nodoubles(yolo_predictions, tol=doubles_tol) (imcols, imrows, channels) = img_list[0].shape old_shape = (imrows, imcols) yolo_predictions = no_edges(yolo_predictions, tol=edge_tol, image_shape=old_shape) out_features, est_images, scales = crop_feature( img_list=img_list, xy_preds=yolo_predictions, new_shape=crop_px) structure = list(map(len, out_features)) char_predictions = self.estimator.predict(img_list=est_images, scale_list=scales) zpop = char_predictions['z_p'] apop = char_predictions['a_p'] npop = char_predictions['n_p'] for framenum in range(len(structure)): listlen = structure[framenum] frame = out_features[framenum] index = 0 while listlen > index: feature = frame[index] feature.model.particle.z_p = zpop.pop(0) feature.model.particle.a_p = apop.pop(0) feature.model.particle.n_p = npop.pop(0) feature.model.instrument = self.instrument index += 1 return out_features
index += 1 return out_features if __name__ == '__main__': from lmfit import report_fit import cv2 import json from matplotlib import pyplot as plt keras_head_path = 'keras_models/predict_stamp_best' keras_model_path = keras_head_path + '.h5' keras_config_path = keras_head_path + '.json' with open(keras_config_path, 'r') as f: kconfig = json.load(f) estimator = Estimator(model_path=keras_model_path, config_file=kconfig) localizer = Localizer(configuration='holo', weights='_100k') img_file = 'examples/test_image_large.png' img = cv2.imread(img_file) img_list = [img] e2e = EndtoEnd(estimator=estimator, localizer=localizer) features = e2e.predict(img_list=img_list) example = features[0][0] print('Example feature') print(example.model.particle) px = int(np.sqrt( pix = (px, px)