Example #1
def calc_compcor_components(data_filename, num_components, mask_filename):

    if num_components < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'Improper value for num_components ({0}), should be >= 1.'.format(

        image_data = nb.load(data_filename).get_data().astype(np.float64)
        print('Unable to load data from {0}'.format(data_filename))

        binary_mask = nb.load(mask_filename).get_data().astype(np.int16)
        print('Unable to load data from {0}'.format(mask_filename))

    if not safe_shape(image_data, binary_mask):
        raise ValueError(
            'The data in {0} and {1} do not have a consistent shape'.format(
                data_filename, mask_filename))

    # make sure that the values in binary_mask are binary
    binary_mask[binary_mask > 0] = 1
    binary_mask[binary_mask != 1] = 0

    # reduce the image data to only the voxels in the binary mask
    image_data = image_data[binary_mask == 1, :]

    # filter out any voxels whose variance equals 0
    print('Removing zero variance components')
    image_data = image_data[image_data.std(1) != 0, :]

    if image_data.shape.count(0):
        err = "\n\n[!] No wm or csf signals left after removing those " \
              "with zero variance.\n\n"
        raise Exception(err)

    print('Detrending and centering data')
    Y = signal.detrend(image_data, axis=1, type='linear').T
    Yc = Y - np.tile(Y.mean(0), (Y.shape[0], 1))
    Yc = Yc / np.tile(
        np.array(Yc.std(0)).reshape(1, Yc.shape[1]), (Yc.shape[0], 1))

    print('Calculating SVD decomposition of Y*Y\'')
    U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(Yc, full_matrices=False)

    # write out the resulting regressor file
    regressor_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'compcor_regressors.1D')
               U[:, :num_components],

    return regressor_file
Example #2
def extract_tissue_data(data_file,
                        wm_seg_file, csf_seg_file, gm_seg_file,
                        wm_threshold=0.0, csf_threshold=0.0, gm_threshold=0.0):
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    import os    
    from CPAC.nuisance import erode_mask
    from CPAC.utils import safe_shape
    data = nb.load(data_file).get_data().astype('float64')
    ho_mask = nb.load(ho_mask_file).get_data().astype('float64')
    wm_seg = nb.load(wm_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
    csf_seg = nb.load(csf_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
    gm_seg = nb.load(gm_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
    print 'Tissues extraction thresholds wm %d, csf %d, gm %d' % (wm_threshold,
    if not safe_shape(data, ho_mask, wm_seg, csf_seg, gm_seg):
        raise ValueError('Spatial dimensions for data, masks and tissues do not match')
    wm_mask = erode_mask(wm_seg > wm_threshold)
    # Only take the CSF at the lateral ventricals as labled in the Harvard
    # Oxford parcellation regions 4 and 43
    csf_mask = (csf_seg > csf_threshold)*((ho_mask==43) + (ho_mask == 4))

    gm_mask = erode_mask(gm_seg > gm_threshold)
    wm_sigs = data[wm_mask]
    csf_sigs = data[csf_mask]
    gm_sigs = data[gm_mask]
    file_wm = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'wm_signals.npy')
    file_csf = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'csf_signals.npy')
    file_gm = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'gm_signals.npy')
    np.save(file_wm, wm_sigs)
    np.save(file_csf, csf_sigs)
    np.save(file_gm, gm_sigs)
    nii = nb.load(wm_seg_file)
    wm_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'wm_mask.nii.gz')
    csf_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'csf_mask.nii.gz')
    gm_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'gm_mask.nii.gz')
    nb.Nifti1Image(wm_mask, header=nii.get_header(), affine=nii.get_affine()).to_filename(wm_mask_file)
    nb.Nifti1Image(csf_mask, header=nii.get_header(), affine=nii.get_affine()).to_filename(csf_mask_file)
    nb.Nifti1Image(gm_mask, header=nii.get_header(), affine=nii.get_affine()).to_filename(gm_mask_file)
    return file_wm, file_csf, file_gm
Example #3
def nifti_individual_stability(subject_file, roi_mask_file, n_bootstraps, k_clusters, cbb_block_size = None, affinity_threshold = 0.5):
    Calculate the individual stability matrix for a single subject by using Circular Block Bootstrapping method
    for time-series data.
    subject_file : string
        Nifti file of a subject
    roi_mask_file : string
        Region of interest (this method is too computationally intensive to perform on a whole-brain volume)
    n_bootstraps : integer
        Number of bootstraps
    k_clusters : integer
        Number of clusters
    cbb_block_size : integer, optional
        Size of the time-series block when performing circular block bootstrap
    affinity_threshold : float, optional
        Minimum threshold for similarity matrix based on correlation to create an edge
    ism : array_like
        Individual stability matrix of shape (`V`, `V`), `V` voxels
    print(('Calculating individual stability matrix of:', subject_file))

    from CPAC.basc import individual_stability_matrix
    from CPAC.utils import safe_shape
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os

    data = nb.load(subject_file).get_data().astype('float64')
    roi_mask_file = nb.load(roi_mask_file).get_data().astype('float64').astype('bool')
    if not safe_shape(roi_mask_file, data):
        raise ValueError('Subject %s with volume shape %s conflicts with mask shape %s' % (subject_file,
                                                                                           str(roi_mask_file.shape)) )
    Y = data[roi_mask_file].T
    print(('(%i timepoints, %i voxels) and %i bootstraps' % (Y.shape[0], Y.shape[1], n_bootstraps)))
    ism = individual_stability_matrix(Y, n_bootstraps, k_clusters, cbb_block_size=cbb_block_size, affinity_threshold=affinity_threshold)
    ism_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'individual_stability_matrix.npy')
    np.save(ism_file, ism)
    print(('Saving individual stability matrix %s for %s' % (ism_file, subject_file)))
    return ism_file
Example #4
def nifti_individual_stability(subject_file, roi_mask_file, n_bootstraps, k_clusters, cbb_block_size = None, affinity_threshold = 0.5):
    Calculate the individual stability matrix for a single subject by using Circular Block Bootstrapping method
    for time-series data.
    subject_file : string
        Nifti file of a subject
    roi_mask_file : string
        Region of interest (this method is too computationally intensive to perform on a whole-brain volume)
    n_bootstraps : integer
        Number of bootstraps
    k_clusters : integer
        Number of clusters
    cbb_block_size : integer, optional
        Size of the time-series block when performing circular block bootstrap
    affinity_threshold : float, optional
        Minimum threshold for similarity matrix based on correlation to create an edge
    ism : array_like
        Individual stability matrix of shape (`V`, `V`), `V` voxels
    print 'Calculating individual stability matrix of:', subject_file

    from CPAC.basc import individual_stability_matrix
    from CPAC.utils import safe_shape
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os

    data = nb.load(subject_file).get_data().astype('float64')
    roi_mask_file = nb.load(roi_mask_file).get_data().astype('float64').astype('bool')
    if not safe_shape(roi_mask_file, data):
        raise ValueError('Subject %s with volume shape %s conflicts with mask shape %s' % (subject_file,
                                                                                           str(roi_mask_file.shape)) )
    Y = data[roi_mask_file].T
    print '(%i timepoints, %i voxels) and %i bootstraps' % (Y.shape[0], Y.shape[1], n_bootstraps)
    ism = individual_stability_matrix(Y, n_bootstraps, k_clusters, cbb_block_size=cbb_block_size, affinity_threshold=affinity_threshold)
    ism_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'individual_stability_matrix.npy')
    np.save(ism_file, ism)
    print 'Saving individual stability matrix %s for %s' % (ism_file, subject_file)
    return ism_file
Example #5
def joint_mask(subjects_file_list, mask_file, dtype='float64'):
    Creates a joint mask (intersection) common to all the subjects in a provided list
    and a provided mask.
    The mask for each subject is created by first computing the standard 
    deviation at each voxel (i.e., a voxelwise maps of the std across time). 
    Then this standard deviation map is binarized and used as the mask.
    subjects_file_list : list of strings
        A length `N` list of file paths of the nifti files of subjects
    mask_file : string
        Path to a mask file in nifti format (this will serve as a prior mask)
    dtype : string
        Numpy data type, should be one of 'float16', 'float32', or 'float64'
    joint_mask : string
        Path to joint mask file in nifti format
        (this will be the current directory followed by join_mask.nii.gz)
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from CPAC.utils import safe_shape
    mask_img    = nb.load(mask_file)
    mask        = mask_img.get_data().astype('bool')
    for subject_file in subjects_file_list:
        subj_mask = nb.load(subject_file).get_data().astype(dtype).std(-1)
        if not safe_shape(subj_mask, mask): raise ValueError('Subject %s with volume shape %s conflicts \
                                                              with mask shape %s' % ( subject_file,
                                                                                      str(mask.shape) ) )
        mask *= subj_mask.astype('bool')

    print '... joint subject/roi mask loaded'

    img = nb.Nifti1Image(mask, header=mask_img.get_header(), affine=mask_img.get_affine())
    img_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'joint_mask.nii.gz')
    return img_file
Example #6
def joint_mask(subjects_file_list, mask_file):
    Creates a joint mask (intersection) common to all the subjects in a provided list
    and a provided mask
    subjects_file_list : list of strings
        A length `N` list of file paths of the nifti files of subjects
    mask_file : string
        Path to a mask file in nifti format
    joint_mask : string
        Path to joint mask file in nifti format
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os

    from CPAC.utils import safe_shape

    nii = nb.load(mask_file)

    mask = nii.get_data().astype('bool')
    for subject_file in subjects_file_list:
        sdata = nb.load(subject_file).get_data().astype(np.float64).sum(-1)
        if not safe_shape(sdata, mask):
            raise ValueError('Subject %s with volume shape %s conflicts \
                                                          with mask shape %s' %
                             (subject_file, str(sdata.shape), str(mask.shape)))
        mask *= sdata.astype('bool')

    print '... joint subject/roi mask loaded'

    img = nb.Nifti1Image(mask,
    img_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'joint_mask.nii.gz')

    return img_file
Example #7
File: cwas.py Project: ssikka/C-PAC
def joint_mask(subjects_file_list, mask_file):
    Creates a joint mask (intersection) common to all the subjects in a provided list
    and a provided mask
    subjects_file_list : list of strings
        A length `N` list of file paths of the nifti files of subjects
    mask_file : string
        Path to a mask file in nifti format
    joint_mask : string
        Path to joint mask file in nifti format
    import nibabel as nb
    import numpy as np
    import os

    from CPAC.utils import safe_shape

    nii = nb.load(mask_file)

    mask = nii.get_data().astype("bool")
    for subject_file in subjects_file_list:
        sdata = nb.load(subject_file).get_data().astype(np.float64).sum(-1)
        if not safe_shape(sdata, mask):
            raise ValueError(
                "Subject %s with volume shape %s conflicts \
                                                          with mask shape %s"
                % (subject_file, str(sdata.shape), str(mask.shape))
        mask *= sdata.astype("bool")

    print "... joint subject/roi mask loaded"

    img = nb.Nifti1Image(mask, header=nii.get_header(), affine=nii.get_affine())
    img_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "joint_mask.nii.gz")

    return img_file
Example #8
def extract_tissue_data(data_file,
                        wm_seg_file, csf_seg_file, gm_seg_file,
                        wm_threshold=0.0, csf_threshold=0.0, gm_threshold=0.0):
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    import os    
    from CPAC.nuisance import erode_mask
    from CPAC.utils import safe_shape
    print('Tissues extraction thresholds wm %d, csf %d, gm %d' % (wm_threshold,

        data = nb.load(data_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % data_file)

        lat_ventricles_mask = nb.load(ventricles_mask_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % lat_ventricles_mask)

    if not safe_shape(data, lat_ventricles_mask):
        raise ValueError('Spatial dimensions for data and the lateral ventricles mask do not match')

        wm_seg = nb.load(wm_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % wm_seg)

    if not safe_shape(data, wm_seg):
        raise ValueError('Spatial dimensions for data, white matter segment do not match')

    wm_mask = erode_mask(wm_seg > wm_threshold)
    wm_sigs = data[wm_mask]
    file_wm = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'wm_signals.npy')
    np.save(file_wm, wm_sigs)
    del wm_sigs

        csf_seg = nb.load(csf_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % csf_seg)

    if not safe_shape(data, csf_seg):
        raise ValueError('Spatial dimensions for data, cerebral spinal fluid segment do not match')

    # Only take the CSF at the lateral ventricles as labeled in the Harvard
    # Oxford parcellation regions 4 and 43
    csf_mask = (csf_seg > csf_threshold)*(lat_ventricles_mask==1)
    csf_sigs = data[csf_mask]
    file_csf = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'csf_signals.npy')
    np.save(file_csf, csf_sigs)
    del csf_sigs

        gm_seg = nb.load(gm_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % gm_seg)

    if not safe_shape(data, gm_seg):
        raise ValueError('Spatial dimensions for data, gray matter segment do not match')

    gm_mask = erode_mask(gm_seg > gm_threshold)
    gm_sigs = data[gm_mask]
    file_gm = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'gm_signals.npy')
    np.save(file_gm, gm_sigs)
    del gm_sigs

    nii = nb.load(wm_seg_file)
    wm_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'wm_mask.nii.gz')
    csf_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'csf_mask.nii.gz')
    gm_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'gm_mask.nii.gz')
    nb.Nifti1Image(wm_mask, header=nii.get_header(), affine=nii.get_affine()).to_filename(wm_mask_file)
    nb.Nifti1Image(csf_mask, header=nii.get_header(), affine=nii.get_affine()).to_filename(csf_mask_file)
    nb.Nifti1Image(gm_mask, header=nii.get_header(), affine=nii.get_affine()).to_filename(gm_mask_file)

    return file_wm, file_csf, file_gm
Example #9
def extract_tissue_data(data_file,
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    import os
    from CPAC.nuisance import erode_mask
    from CPAC.utils import safe_shape

    print 'Tissues extraction thresholds wm %d, csf %d, gm %d' % (
        wm_threshold, csf_threshold, gm_threshold)

        data = nb.load(data_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % data_file)

        ho_mask = nb.load(ho_mask_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % ho_mask)

    if not safe_shape(data, ho_mask):
        raise ValueError(
            'Spatial dimensions for data and ho_mask do not match')

        wm_seg = nb.load(wm_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % wm_seg)

    if not safe_shape(data, wm_seg):
        raise ValueError(
            'Spatial dimensions for data, white matter segment do not match')

    wm_mask = erode_mask(wm_seg > wm_threshold)
    wm_sigs = data[wm_mask]
    file_wm = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'wm_signals.npy')
    np.save(file_wm, wm_sigs)
    del wm_sigs

        csf_seg = nb.load(csf_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % csf_seg)

    if not safe_shape(data, csf_seg):
        raise ValueError(
            'Spatial dimensions for data, cerebral spinal fluid segment do not match'

    # Only take the CSF at the lateral ventricals as labled in the Harvard
    # Oxford parcellation regions 4 and 43
    csf_mask = (csf_seg > csf_threshold) * ((ho_mask == 43) + (ho_mask == 4))
    csf_sigs = data[csf_mask]
    file_csf = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'csf_signals.npy')
    np.save(file_csf, csf_sigs)
    del csf_sigs

        gm_seg = nb.load(gm_seg_file).get_data().astype('float64')
        raise MemoryError('Unable to load %s' % gm_seg)

    if not safe_shape(data, gm_seg):
        raise ValueError(
            'Spatial dimensions for data, gray matter segment do not match')

    gm_mask = erode_mask(gm_seg > gm_threshold)
    gm_sigs = data[gm_mask]
    file_gm = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'gm_signals.npy')
    np.save(file_gm, gm_sigs)
    del gm_sigs

    nii = nb.load(wm_seg_file)
    wm_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'wm_mask.nii.gz')
    csf_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'csf_mask.nii.gz')
    gm_mask_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'gm_mask.nii.gz')
    nb.Nifti1Image(wm_mask, header=nii.get_header(),
    nb.Nifti1Image(csf_mask, header=nii.get_header(),
    nb.Nifti1Image(gm_mask, header=nii.get_header(),

    return file_wm, file_csf, file_gm