Example #1
    def validateConfig(self):

        Checking if needed input parameters are there.
        Not all the commands require a configuration.
        ## Check that the configuration object has the sections we expect it to have.
        ## (WMCore already checks that attributes added to the configuration object are of type ConfigSection.)
        ## Even if not all configuration sections need to be there, we anyway request
        ## the user to add all the sections in the configuration file.
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'General'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Section 'General' is missing."
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'JobType'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Section 'JobType' is missing."
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'Data'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Section 'Data' is missing."
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'Site'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Section 'Site' is missing."
            return False, msg

        ## Some parameters may have been renamed. Check here if the configuration file has an old
        ## parameter defined, and in that case tell the user what is the new parameter name.
        for old_param, new_param in renamedParams.iteritems():
            if len(old_param.split('.')) != 2 or len(new_param['newParam'].split('.')) != 2:
            old_param_section, old_param_name = old_param.split('.')
            if hasattr(self.configuration, old_param_section) and hasattr(getattr(self.configuration, old_param_section), old_param_name):
                msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s has been renamed to %s" % (old_param, new_param['newParam'])
                if new_param['version'] != None:
                    msg += " starting from CRAB %s" % (new_param['version'])
                msg += "; please change your configuration file accordingly."
                return False, msg

        ## Check if there are unknown parameters (and try to suggest the correct parameter name).
        all_config_params = configParametersInfo.keys()
        SpellChecker.DICTIONARY = SpellChecker.train(all_config_params)
        for section in self.configuration.listSections_():
            for attr in getattr(self.configuration, section).listSections_():
                param = (section + '.' + attr)
                if not SpellChecker.is_correct(param):
                    msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s is not known." % (param)
                    if SpellChecker.correct(param) != param:
                        msg += " Maybe you mean %s?" % (SpellChecker.correct(param))
                    return False, msg

        ## Check that each parameter specified in the configuration file is of the
        ## type specified in the configuration map.
        ## Check that, if a parameter is a required one and it has no default value,
        ## then it must be specified in the configuration file.
        for paramName, paramInfo in configParametersInfo.iteritems():
            requiredTypeName = paramInfo['type']
                requiredType = getattr(types, requiredTypeName)
            except AttributeError:
                msg = "Invalid type %s specified in CRABClient configuration mapping for parameter %s." % (requiredTypeName, paramName)
                return False, msg
            attrs = paramName.split('.')
            obj = self.configuration
            while attrs and obj is not None:
                obj = getattr(obj, attrs.pop(0), None)
            if obj is not None:
                if not isinstance(obj, requiredType):
                    msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s requires a value of type %s (while a value of type %s was given)." \
                          % (paramName, str(requiredType), str(type(obj)))
                    if paramName == "Data.userInputFiles":
                        msg += "\nIn CRAB v3.3.14 the configuration parameter Data.userInputFiles has been modified to directly take a (python) list of primary input files."
                        msg += " Previously it was taking the name of a local text file where the primary input files were listed."
                        msg += " One can still use a text file and convert its content into a python list by doing Data.userInputFiles = list(open('my_list_of_files.txt'))"
                    return False, msg
                elif requiredType == list:
                    if not all(isinstance(arg, str) for arg in obj):
                        msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s has to be a list of strings." % (paramName)
                        return False, msg
            elif getParamDefaultValue(paramName) is None and paramInfo['required']:
                msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s is missing." % (paramName)
                return False, msg

        return True, "Valid configuration"
Example #2
    def validateConfig(self):

        Checking if needed input parameters are there.
        Not all the commands require a configuration.
        ## Check that the configuration object has the sections we expect it to have.
        ## (WMCore already checks that attributes added to the configuration object are of type ConfigSection.)
        ## Even if not all configuration sections need to be there, we anyway request
        ## the user to add all the sections in the configuration file.
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'General'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Section 'General' is missing."
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'JobType'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Section 'JobType' is missing."
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'Data'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Section 'Data' is missing."
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'Site'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Section 'Site' is missing."
            return False, msg

        ## Some parameters may have been renamed. Check here if the configuration file has an old
        ## parameter defined, and in that case tell the user what is the new parameter name.
        for old_param, new_param in renamedParams.iteritems():
            if len(old_param.split('.')) != 2 or len(
                    new_param['newParam'].split('.')) != 2:
            old_param_section, old_param_name = old_param.split('.')
            if hasattr(self.configuration, old_param_section) and hasattr(
                    getattr(self.configuration, old_param_section),
                msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s has been renamed to %s" % (
                    old_param, new_param['newParam'])
                if new_param['version'] != None:
                    msg += " starting from CRAB %s" % (new_param['version'])
                msg += "; please change your configuration file accordingly."
                return False, msg

        ## Check if there are unknown parameters (and try to suggest the correct parameter name).
        all_config_params = configParametersInfo.keys()
        SpellChecker.DICTIONARY = SpellChecker.train(all_config_params)
        for section in self.configuration.listSections_():
            for attr in getattr(self.configuration, section).listSections_():
                param = (section + '.' + attr)
                if not SpellChecker.is_correct(param):
                    msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s is not known." % (
                    if SpellChecker.correct(param) != param:
                        msg += " Maybe you mean %s?" % (
                    return False, msg

        ## Check that each parameter specified in the configuration file is of the
        ## type specified in the configuration map.
        ## Check that, if a parameter is a required one and it has no default value,
        ## then it must be specified in the configuration file.
        for paramName, paramInfo in configParametersInfo.iteritems():
            requiredTypeName = paramInfo['type']
                requiredType = getattr(types, requiredTypeName)
            except AttributeError:
                msg = "Invalid type %s specified in CRABClient configuration mapping for parameter %s." % (
                    requiredTypeName, paramName)
                return False, msg
            attrs = paramName.split('.')
            obj = self.configuration
            while attrs and obj is not None:
                obj = getattr(obj, attrs.pop(0), None)
            if obj is not None:
                if not isinstance(obj, requiredType):
                    msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s requires a value of type %s (while a value of type %s was given)." \
                          % (paramName, str(requiredType), str(type(obj)))
                    if paramName == "Data.totalUnits" and isinstance(
                            obj, float):
                    if paramName == "Data.userInputFiles":
                        msg += "\nIn CRAB v3.3.14 the configuration parameter Data.userInputFiles has been modified to directly take a (python) list of primary input files."
                        msg += " Previously it was taking the name of a local text file where the primary input files were listed."
                        msg += " One can still use a text file and convert its content into a python list by doing Data.userInputFiles = list(open('my_list_of_files.txt'))"
                    return False, msg
                elif requiredType == list:
                    if not all(isinstance(arg, str) for arg in obj):
                        msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s has to be a list of strings." % (
                        return False, msg
            elif getParamDefaultValue(
                    paramName) is None and paramInfo['required']:
                msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter %s is missing." % (
                return False, msg

        return True, "Valid configuration"