Example #1
    def validateConfig(self):

        Checking if needed input parameters are there
        valid, msg = SubCommand.validateConfig(self)
        if not valid:
            return False, msg

        ## Check that Data.unitsPerjob is specified.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'unitsPerJob'):
            except ValueError:
                msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter Data.unitsPerJob must be a valid number, not %s." % (self.configuration.Data.unitsPerJob)
                return False, msg

        ## Check that JobType.pluginName and JobType.externalPluginFile are not both specified.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName') and hasattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'externalPluginFile'):
            msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Only one of JobType.pluginName or JobType.externalPluginFile parameters can be specified."
            pluginName_default = getParamDefaultValue('JobType.pluginName')
            if pluginName_default:
                msg += "\nIf neither JobType.pluginName nor JobType.externalPluginFile would be specified,"
                msg += " the default JobType.pluginName = '%s' would be used." % (pluginName_default)
            return False, msg
        ## Load the external plugin or check that the crab plugin is valid.
        external_plugin_name = getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'externalPluginFile', None)
        crab_plugin_name = getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName', None)
        crab_job_types = {'ANALYSIS': None, 'PRIVATEMC': None} #getJobTypes()
        if external_plugin_name:
            addPlugin(external_plugin_name) # Do we need to do this here?
        if crab_plugin_name:
            if upper(crab_plugin_name) not in crab_job_types:
                msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter JobType.pluginName has an invalid value ('%s')." % (crab_plugin_name)
                msg += "\nAllowed values are: %s." % (", ".join(['%s' % job_type for job_type in crab_job_types.keys()]))
                return False, msg
            msg  = "Will use CRAB %s plugin" % ("Analysis" if upper(crab_plugin_name) == 'ANALYSIS' else "PrivateMC")
            msg += " (i.e. will run %s job type)." % ("an analysis" if upper(crab_plugin_name) == 'ANALYSIS' else "a MC generation")

        ## Check that the particular combination (Data.publication = True, General.transferOutputs = False) is not specified.
        if getattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publication', getParamDefaultValue('Data.publication')) and \
           not getattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferOutputs', getParamDefaultValue('General.transferOutputs')):
            msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Data.publication is True, but General.transferOutputs is False."
            msg += "\nPublication can not be performed if the output files are not transferred to a permanent storage."
            return False, msg

        ## Check that a storage site is specified if General.transferOutputs = True or General.transferLogs = True.
        if not hasattr(self.configuration.Site, 'storageSite'):
            if getattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferLogs', getParamDefaultValue('General.transferLogs')) or \
               getattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferOutputs', getParamDefaultValue('General.transferOutputs')):
                msg = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter Site.storageSite is missing."
                return False, msg

        ## If an input dataset and a DBS URL are specified, check that the DBS URL is a good one.
        ## Also, if the DBS URL is 'phys0x', check that the input dataset tier is USER.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'inputDBS'):
            if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'inputDataset'):
                msg = None
                dbs_urls_aliases = DBSURLS['reader'].keys()
                dbs_urls = DBSURLS['reader'].values()
                if (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS not in dbs_urls_aliases) and (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS.rstrip('/') not in dbs_urls):
                    msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter Data.inputDBS has an invalid value ('%s')." % (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS)
                    msg += "\nAllowed values are: "
                    msg += "\n                    ".join(["'%s' ('%s')" % (alias, url) for alias, url in DBSURLS['reader'].iteritems()])
                local_dbs_urls_aliases = ['phys01', 'phys02', 'phys03']
                local_dbs_urls = [DBSURLS['reader'][alias] for alias in local_dbs_urls_aliases if alias in DBSURLS['reader']]
                if self.configuration.Data.inputDBS in local_dbs_urls + local_dbs_urls_aliases:
                    inputDataset_parts = self.configuration.Data.inputDataset.split('/')
                    inputDataset_tier = inputDataset_parts[-1] if len(inputDataset_parts) == 3 else None
                    user_data_tiers = ['USER']
                    if inputDataset_tier not in user_data_tiers:
                        msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration: A local DBS instance '%s' was specified for reading an input dataset of tier %s." \
                               % (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS, inputDataset_tier)
                        msg += "\nDatasets of tier different than %s must be read from the global DBS instance; this is, set Data.inputDBS = 'global'." \
                               % (", ".join(user_data_tiers[:-1]) + " or " + user_data_tiers[-1] if len(user_data_tiers) > 1 else user_data_tiers[0])
                if msg:
                    inputDBS_default = getParamDefaultValue('Data.inputDBS')
                    if inputDBS_default:
                        inputDBS_default, inputDBS_default_alias = self.getDBSURLAndAlias(inputDBS_default, 'reader')
                        if inputDBS_default and inputDBS_default_alias:
                            msg += "\nIf Data.inputDBS would not be specified, the default '%s' ('%s') would be used." % (inputDBS_default_alias, inputDBS_default)
                    return False, msg

        ## If a publication DBS URL is specified and publication is ON, check that the DBS URL is a good one.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publishDBS'):
            if getattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publication', getParamDefaultValue('Data.publication')):
                dbs_urls = DBSURLS['writer'].values()
                dbs_urls_aliases = DBSURLS['writer'].keys()
                if (self.configuration.Data.publishDBS not in dbs_urls_aliases) and (self.configuration.Data.publishDBS.rstrip('/') not in dbs_urls):
                    msg  = "Invalid CRAB configuration: Parameter Data.publishDBS has an invalid value ('%s')." % (self.configuration.Data.publishDBS)
                    msg += "\nAllowed values are: "
                    msg += "\n                    ".join(["'%s' ('%s')" % (alias, url) for alias, url in DBSURLS['writer'].iteritems()])
                    publishDBS_default = getParamDefaultValue('Data.publishDBS')
                    if publishDBS_default:
                        publishDBS_default, publishDBS_default_alias = self.getDBSURLAndAlias(publishDBS_default, 'writer')
                        if publishDBS_default and publishDBS_default_alias:
                            msg += "\nIf Data.publishDBS would not be specified, the default '%s' ('%s') would be used." \
                                 % (publishDBS_default_alias, publishDBS_default)
                    return False, msg

        if hasattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'scriptExe'):
            if not os.path.isfile(self.configuration.JobType.scriptExe):
                msg = "Cannot find the file %s specified in the JobType.scriptExe configuration parameter." % (self.configuration.JobType.scriptExe)
                return False, msg

        return True, "Valid configuration"
Example #2
    def validateConfig(self):

        Checking if needed input parameters are there
        valid, msg = SubCommand.validateConfig(self)
        if not valid:
            return False, msg

        ## Check that the configuration object has the sections we expect it to have.
        ## (WMCore already checks that attributes added to the configuration object are of type ConfigSection.)
        ## Even if not all configuration sections need to be there, we anyway request
        ## the user to add all the sections in the configuration file.
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'General'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Section 'General' is missing"
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'JobType'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Section 'JobType' is missing"
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'Data'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Section 'Data' is missing"
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'Site'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Section 'Site' is missing"
            return False, msg

        ## Some parameters may have been renamed. Check here if the configuration file has an old
        ## parameter defined, and in that case tell the user what is the new parameter name.
        for old_param, new_param in renamed_params.iteritems():
            if len(old_param.split('.')) != 2 or len(new_param.split('.')) != 2:
            old_param_section, old_param_name = old_param.split('.')
            if hasattr(self.configuration, old_param_section) and hasattr(getattr(self.configuration, old_param_section), old_param_name):
                msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter %s has been renamed to %s; please change your configuration file accordingly" % (old_param, new_param)
                return False, msg

        ## Check that Data.unitsPerjob is specified.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'unitsPerJob'):
            except ValueError:
                msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter Data.unitsPerJob must be a valid number, not %s" % self.configuration.Data.unitsPerJob
                return False, msg

        ## Check that JobType.pluginName and JobType.externalPluginFile are not both specified.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName') and hasattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'externalPluginFile'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Only one of JobType.pluginName or JobType.externalPluginFile parameters can be specified"
            pluginName_default = getParamDefaultValue('JobType.pluginName')
            if pluginName_default:
                msg += "\nIf neither JobType.pluginName nor JobType.externalPluginFile would be specified, the default JobType.pluginName = '%s' would be used" \
                       % pluginName_default
            return False, msg
        ## Load the external plugin or check that the crab plugin is valid.
        external_plugin_name = getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'externalPluginFile', None)
        crab_plugin_name = getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName', None)
        crab_job_types = {'ANALYSIS': None, 'PRIVATEMC': None} #getJobTypes()
        if external_plugin_name:
            addPlugin(external_plugin_name) # Do we need to do this here?
        if crab_plugin_name and upper(crab_plugin_name) not in crab_job_types:
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter JobType.pluginName has an invalid value '%s'" % crab_plugin_name
            msg += "\nAllowed values are: %s" % ", ".join(['%s' % job_type for job_type in crab_job_types.keys()])
            return False, msg

        ## Check that the particular combination (Data.publication = True, General.transferOutputs = False) is not specified.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publication') and hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferOutputs'):
            if self.configuration.Data.publication and not self.configuration.General.transferOutputs:
                msg  = "CRAB configuration problem: Data.publication is on, but General.transferOutputs is off"
                msg += "\nPublication can not be performed if the output files are not transferred to a permanent storage"
                return False, msg

        ## Check that a storage site is specified if General.transferOutputs = True or General.transferLogs = True.
        if not hasattr(self.configuration.Site, 'storageSite'):
            if (hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferOutputs') and self.configuration.General.transferOutputs) or \
               (hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferLogs') and self.configuration.General.transferLogs):
                msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter Site.storageSite is missing"
                return False, msg

        ## If an input dataset and a DBS URL are specified, check that the DBS URL is a good one.
        ## Also, if the DBS URL is 'phys0x', check that the input dataset tier is USER.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'inputDBS'):
            if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'inputDataset'):
                msg = None
                dbs_urls_aliases = DBSURLS['reader'].keys()
                dbs_urls = DBSURLS['reader'].values()
                if (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS not in dbs_urls_aliases) and (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS.rstrip('/') not in dbs_urls):
                    msg  = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter Data.inputDBS has an invalid value '%s'" % self.configuration.Data.inputDBS
                    msg += "\nAllowed values are: "
                    msg += "\n                    ".join(["'%s' ('%s')" % (alias, url) for alias, url in DBSURLS['reader'].iteritems()])
                local_dbs_urls_aliases = ['phys01', 'phys02', 'phys03']
                local_dbs_urls = [DBSURLS['reader'][alias] for alias in local_dbs_urls_aliases if alias in DBSURLS['reader']]
                if self.configuration.Data.inputDBS in local_dbs_urls + local_dbs_urls_aliases:
                    inputDataset_parts = self.configuration.Data.inputDataset.split('/')
                    inputDataset_tier = inputDataset_parts[-1] if len(inputDataset_parts) == 3 else None
                    user_data_tiers = ['USER']
                    if inputDataset_tier not in user_data_tiers:
                        msg  = "CRAB configuration problem: A local DBS instance '%s' was specified for reading an input dataset of tier %s" \
                               % (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS, inputDataset_tier)
                        msg += "\nDatasets of tier different than %s must be read from the global DBS instance; this is, set Data.inputDBS = 'global'" \
                               % (", ".join(user_data_tiers[:-1]) + " or " + user_data_tiers[-1] if len(user_data_tiers) > 1 else user_data_tiers[0])
                if msg:
                    inputDBS_default = getParamDefaultValue('Data.inputDBS')
                    if inputDBS_default:
                        inputDBS_default, inputDBS_default_alias = self.getDBSURLAndAlias(inputDBS_default, 'reader')
                        if inputDBS_default and inputDBS_default_alias:
                            msg += "\nIf Data.inputDBS would not be specified, the default '%s' ('%s') would be used" % (inputDBS_default_alias, inputDBS_default)
                    return False, msg

        ## If a publication DBS URL is specified and publication is ON, check that the DBS URL is a good one.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publishDBS'):
            publication_default = getParamDefaultValue('Data.publication')
            if getattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publication', publication_default):
                dbs_urls = DBSURLS['writer'].values()
                dbs_urls_aliases = DBSURLS['writer'].keys()
                if (self.configuration.Data.publishDBS not in dbs_urls_aliases) and (self.configuration.Data.publishDBS.rstrip('/') not in dbs_urls):
                    msg  = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter Data.publishDBS has an invalid value '%s'" % self.configuration.Data.publishDBS
                    msg += "\nAllowed values are: "
                    msg += "\n                    ".join(["'%s' ('%s')" % (alias, url) for alias, url in DBSURLS['writer'].iteritems()])
                    publishDBS_default = getParamDefaultValue('Data.publishDBS')
                    if publishDBS_default:
                        publishDBS_default, publishDBS_default_alias = self.getDBSURLAndAlias(publishDBS_default, 'writer')
                        if publishDBS_default and publishDBS_default_alias:
                            msg += "\nIf Data.publishDBS would not be specified, the default '%s' ('%s') would be used" \
                                 % (publishDBS_default_alias, publishDBS_default)
                    return False, msg

        if hasattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'scriptExe'):
            if not os.path.isfile(self.configuration.JobType.scriptExe):
                msg = "Cannot find the file %s specified in the scriptExe configuration parameter" % self.configuration.JobType.scriptExe
                return False, msg

        return True, "Valid configuration"
Example #3
    def validateConfig(self):

        Checking if needed input parameters are there
        valid, msg = SubCommand.validateConfig(self)
        if not valid:
            return False, msg

        ## Check that the configuration object has the sections we expect it to have.
        ## (WMCore already checks that attributes added to the configuration object are of type ConfigSection.)
        ## Even if not all configuration sections need to be there, we anyway request
        ## the user to add all the sections in the configuration file.
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'General'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Section 'General' is missing"
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'JobType'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Section 'JobType' is missing"
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'Data'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Section 'Data' is missing"
            return False, msg
        if not hasattr(self.configuration, 'Site'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Section 'Site' is missing"
            return False, msg

        ## Some parameters may have been renamed. Check here if the configuration file has an old
        ## parameter defined, and in that case tell the user what is the new parameter name.
        for old_param, new_param in renamed_params.iteritems():
            if len(old_param.split('.')) != 2 or len(
                    new_param.split('.')) != 2:
            old_param_section, old_param_name = old_param.split('.')
            if hasattr(self.configuration, old_param_section) and hasattr(
                    getattr(self.configuration, old_param_section),
                msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter %s has been renamed to %s; please change your configuration file accordingly" % (
                    old_param, new_param)
                return False, msg

        ## Check that Data.unitsPerjob is specified.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'unitsPerJob'):
            except ValueError:
                msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter Data.unitsPerJob must be a valid number, not %s" % self.configuration.Data.unitsPerJob
                return False, msg

        ## Check that JobType.pluginName and JobType.externalPluginFile are not both specified.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName') and hasattr(
                self.configuration.JobType, 'externalPluginFile'):
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Only one of JobType.pluginName or JobType.externalPluginFile parameters can be specified"
            pluginName_default = getParamDefaultValue('JobType.pluginName')
            if pluginName_default:
                msg += "\nIf neither JobType.pluginName nor JobType.externalPluginFile would be specified, the default JobType.pluginName = '%s' would be used" \
                       % pluginName_default
            return False, msg
        ## Load the external plugin or check that the crab plugin is valid.
        external_plugin_name = getattr(self.configuration.JobType,
                                       'externalPluginFile', None)
        crab_plugin_name = getattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'pluginName',
        crab_job_types = {'ANALYSIS': None, 'PRIVATEMC': None}  #getJobTypes()
        if external_plugin_name:
            addPlugin(external_plugin_name)  # Do we need to do this here?
        if crab_plugin_name and upper(crab_plugin_name) not in crab_job_types:
            msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter JobType.pluginName has an invalid value '%s'" % crab_plugin_name
            msg += "\nAllowed values are: %s" % ", ".join(
                ['%s' % job_type for job_type in crab_job_types.keys()])
            return False, msg

        ## Check that the particular combination (Data.publication = True, General.transferOutputs = False) is not specified.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publication') and hasattr(
                self.configuration.General, 'transferOutputs'):
            if self.configuration.Data.publication and not self.configuration.General.transferOutputs:
                msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Data.publication is on, but General.transferOutputs is off"
                msg += "\nPublication can not be performed if the output files are not transferred to a permanent storage"
                return False, msg

        ## Check that a storage site is specified if General.transferOutputs = True or General.transferLogs = True.
        if not hasattr(self.configuration.Site, 'storageSite'):
            if (hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferOutputs') and self.configuration.General.transferOutputs) or \
               (hasattr(self.configuration.General, 'transferLogs') and self.configuration.General.transferLogs):
                msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter Site.storageSite is missing"
                return False, msg

        ## If an input dataset and a DBS URL are specified, check that the DBS URL is a good one.
        ## Also, if the DBS URL is 'phys0x', check that the input dataset tier is USER.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'inputDBS'):
            if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'inputDataset'):
                msg = None
                dbs_urls_aliases = DBSURLS['reader'].keys()
                dbs_urls = DBSURLS['reader'].values()
                if (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS not in dbs_urls_aliases
                    ) and (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS.rstrip('/')
                           not in dbs_urls):
                    msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter Data.inputDBS has an invalid value '%s'" % self.configuration.Data.inputDBS
                    msg += "\nAllowed values are: "
                    msg += "\n                    ".join([
                        "'%s' ('%s')" % (alias, url)
                        for alias, url in DBSURLS['reader'].iteritems()
                local_dbs_urls_aliases = ['phys01', 'phys02', 'phys03']
                local_dbs_urls = [
                    for alias in local_dbs_urls_aliases
                    if alias in DBSURLS['reader']
                if self.configuration.Data.inputDBS in local_dbs_urls + local_dbs_urls_aliases:
                    inputDataset_parts = self.configuration.Data.inputDataset.split(
                    inputDataset_tier = inputDataset_parts[-1] if len(
                        inputDataset_parts) == 3 else None
                    user_data_tiers = ['USER']
                    if inputDataset_tier not in user_data_tiers:
                        msg  = "CRAB configuration problem: A local DBS instance '%s' was specified for reading an input dataset of tier %s" \
                               % (self.configuration.Data.inputDBS, inputDataset_tier)
                        msg += "\nDatasets of tier different than %s must be read from the global DBS instance; this is, set Data.inputDBS = 'global'" \
                               % (", ".join(user_data_tiers[:-1]) + " or " + user_data_tiers[-1] if len(user_data_tiers) > 1 else user_data_tiers[0])
                if msg:
                    inputDBS_default = getParamDefaultValue('Data.inputDBS')
                    if inputDBS_default:
                        inputDBS_default, inputDBS_default_alias = self.getDBSURLAndAlias(
                            inputDBS_default, 'reader')
                        if inputDBS_default and inputDBS_default_alias:
                            msg += "\nIf Data.inputDBS would not be specified, the default '%s' ('%s') would be used" % (
                                inputDBS_default_alias, inputDBS_default)
                    return False, msg

        ## If a publication DBS URL is specified and publication is ON, check that the DBS URL is a good one.
        if hasattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publishDBS'):
            publication_default = getParamDefaultValue('Data.publication')
            if getattr(self.configuration.Data, 'publication',
                dbs_urls = DBSURLS['writer'].values()
                dbs_urls_aliases = DBSURLS['writer'].keys()
                if (self.configuration.Data.publishDBS not in dbs_urls_aliases
                    ) and (self.configuration.Data.publishDBS.rstrip('/')
                           not in dbs_urls):
                    msg = "CRAB configuration problem: Parameter Data.publishDBS has an invalid value '%s'" % self.configuration.Data.publishDBS
                    msg += "\nAllowed values are: "
                    msg += "\n                    ".join([
                        "'%s' ('%s')" % (alias, url)
                        for alias, url in DBSURLS['writer'].iteritems()
                    publishDBS_default = getParamDefaultValue(
                    if publishDBS_default:
                        publishDBS_default, publishDBS_default_alias = self.getDBSURLAndAlias(
                            publishDBS_default, 'writer')
                        if publishDBS_default and publishDBS_default_alias:
                            msg += "\nIf Data.publishDBS would not be specified, the default '%s' ('%s') would be used" \
                                 % (publishDBS_default_alias, publishDBS_default)
                    return False, msg

        if hasattr(self.configuration.JobType, 'scriptExe'):
            if not os.path.isfile(self.configuration.JobType.scriptExe):
                msg = "Cannot find the file %s specified in the scriptExe configuration parameter" % self.configuration.JobType.scriptExe
                return False, msg

        return True, "Valid configuration"