Example #1
class RESTFileMetadata(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity to handle job metadata information"""

    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)
        self.jobmetadata = DataFileMetadata(config)

    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            #TODO check optional parameter
            #TODO check all the regexp
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("outfilelumis", param, safe, RX_LUMILIST)
            validate_numlist("outfileruns", param, safe)
            if len(safe.kwargs["outfileruns"]) != len(safe.kwargs["outfilelumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different")
            validate_strlist("inparentlfns", param, safe, RX_PARENTLFN)
            validate_str("globalTag", param, safe, RX_GLOBALTAG, optional=True)
            validate_num("pandajobid", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("outsize", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("publishdataname", param, safe, RX_PUBLISH, optional=False)
            validate_str("appver", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_str("outtype", param, safe, RX_OUTTYPES, optional=False)
            validate_str("checksummd5", param, safe, RX_CHECKSUM, optional=False)
            validate_str("checksumcksum", param, safe, RX_CHECKSUM, optional=False)
            validate_str("checksumadler32", param, safe, RX_CHECKSUM, optional=False)
            validate_str("outlocation", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            validate_str("outtmplocation", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            validate_str("acquisitionera", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)#TODO Do we really need this?
            validate_str("outdatasetname", param, safe, RX_OUTDSLFN, optional=False)#TODO temporary, need to come up with a regex
            validate_str("outlfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=False)
            validate_num("events", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("filestate", param, safe, RX_FILESTATE, optional=True)
            validate_num("directstageout", param, safe, optional=True)
            safe.kwargs["directstageout"] = 'T' if safe.kwargs["directstageout"] else 'F' #'F' if not provided
        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_str("outlfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=False)
            validate_str("filestate", param, safe, RX_FILESTATE, optional=False)
        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_str("filetype", param, safe, RX_OUTTYPES, optional=False)
        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=True)
            validate_str("hours", param, safe, RX_HOURS, optional=True)
            if bool(safe.kwargs["taskname"]) == bool(safe.kwargs["hours"]):
               raise InvalidParameter("You have to specify a taskname or a number of hours. Files of this task or created before the number of hours"+\
                                        " will be deleted. Only one of the two parameters can be specified.")

    def put(self, taskname, outfilelumis, inparentlfns, globalTag, outfileruns, pandajobid, outsize, publishdataname, appver, outtype, checksummd5,\
                checksumcksum, checksumadler32, outlocation, outtmplocation, outdatasetname, acquisitionera, outlfn, events, filestate, directstageout):
        """Insert a new job metadata information"""
        return self.jobmetadata.inject(taskname=taskname, outfilelumis=outfilelumis, inparentlfns=inparentlfns, globalTag=globalTag, outfileruns=outfileruns,\
                           pandajobid=pandajobid, outsize=outsize, publishdataname=publishdataname, appver=appver, outtype=outtype, checksummd5=checksummd5,\
                           checksumcksum=checksumcksum, checksumadler32=checksumadler32, outlocation=outlocation, outtmplocation=outtmplocation,\
                           outdatasetname=outdatasetname, acquisitionera=acquisitionera, outlfn=outlfn, events=events, filestate=filestate, directstageout=directstageout)

    def post(self, taskname, outlfn, filestate):
        """Modifies and existing job metadata information"""

        return self.jobmetadata.changeState(taskname=taskname, outlfn=outlfn, filestate=filestate)

    def get(self, taskname, filetype):
        """Retrieves a specific job metadata information.

           :arg str taskname: unique name identifier of the task;
           :arg str filetype: filter the file type to return;
           :retrun: generator looping through the resulting db rows."""
        return self.jobmetadata.getFiles(taskname, filetype)

    def delete(self, taskname, hours):
        """Deletes an existing job metadata information"""

        return self.jobmetadata.delete(taskname, hours)
Example #2
class RESTFileMetadata(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity to handle job metadata information"""

    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)
        self.jobmetadata = DataFileMetadata(config)

    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            #TODO check optional parameter
            #TODO check all the regexp
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("outfilelumis", param, safe, RX_LUMILIST)
            validate_numlist("outfileruns", param, safe)
            if len(safe.kwargs["outfileruns"]) != len(safe.kwargs["outfilelumis"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different")
            validate_strlist("inparentlfns", param, safe, RX_PARENTLFN)
            validate_str("globalTag", param, safe, RX_GLOBALTAG, optional=True)
            validate_num("pandajobid", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("outsize", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("publishdataname", param, safe, RX_PUBLISH, optional=False)
            validate_str("appver", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_str("outtype", param, safe, RX_OUTTYPES, optional=False)
            validate_str("checksummd5", param, safe, RX_CHECKSUM, optional=False)
            validate_str("checksumcksum", param, safe, RX_CHECKSUM, optional=False)
            validate_str("checksumadler32", param, safe, RX_CHECKSUM, optional=False)
            validate_str("outlocation", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            validate_str("outtmplocation", param, safe, RX_CMSSITE, optional=False)
            validate_str("acquisitionera", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)#TODO Do we really need this?
            validate_str("outdatasetname", param, safe, RX_OUTDSLFN, optional=False)#TODO temporary, need to come up with a regex
            validate_str("outlfn", param, safe, RX_PARENTLFN, optional=False)
            validate_str("outtmplfn", param, safe, RX_PARENTLFN, optional=True)
            validate_num("events", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("filestate", param, safe, RX_FILESTATE, optional=True)
            validate_num("directstageout", param, safe, optional=True)
            safe.kwargs["directstageout"] = 'T' if safe.kwargs["directstageout"] else 'F' #'F' if not provided
        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_str("outlfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=False)
            validate_str("filestate", param, safe, RX_FILESTATE, optional=False)
        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=False)
            validate_str("filetype", param, safe, RX_OUTTYPES, optional=False)
        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_WORKFLOW, optional=True)
            validate_str("hours", param, safe, RX_HOURS, optional=True)
            if bool(safe.kwargs["taskname"]) == bool(safe.kwargs["hours"]):
               raise InvalidParameter("You have to specify a taskname or a number of hours. Files of this task or created before the number of hours"+\
                                        " will be deleted. Only one of the two parameters can be specified.")

    ## A few notes about how the following methods (put, post, get, delete) work when decorated with restcall.
    ## * The order of the arguments is irrelevant. For example, these two definitions are equivalent:
    ##   def get(self, a, b) or def get(self, b, a)
    ## * One can not assign default values to the arguments. For example, one can not write
    ##   def get(self, a, b = 'ciao').
    ## * The validate() function above is called for each of the methods. So for example, it is in the validate()
    ##   function where it is decided whether an argument is mandatory or not.
    ## * The name of the arguments has to be the same as used in the http request, and the same as used in validate().

    def put(self, taskname, outfilelumis, inparentlfns, globalTag, outfileruns, pandajobid, outsize, publishdataname, appver, outtype, checksummd5,\
            checksumcksum, checksumadler32, outlocation, outtmplocation, outdatasetname, acquisitionera, outlfn, events, filestate, directstageout, outtmplfn):
        """Insert a new job metadata information"""
        # Don`t want to have None in outtmplfn. This needs to be removed in 2015 February release
        # For old tasks submitted to old crabserver and which are not passing outtmplfn make it same as outlfn
        if not outtmplfn:
            outtmplfn = outlfn
        return self.jobmetadata.inject(taskname=taskname, outfilelumis=outfilelumis, inparentlfns=inparentlfns, globalTag=globalTag, outfileruns=outfileruns,\
                           pandajobid=pandajobid, outsize=outsize, publishdataname=publishdataname, appver=appver, outtype=outtype, checksummd5=checksummd5,\
                           checksumcksum=checksumcksum, checksumadler32=checksumadler32, outlocation=outlocation, outtmplocation=outtmplocation,\
                           outdatasetname=outdatasetname, acquisitionera=acquisitionera, outlfn=outlfn, outtmplfn=outtmplfn, events=events, filestate=filestate, \

    def post(self, taskname, outlfn, filestate):
        """Modifies and existing job metadata information"""

        return self.jobmetadata.changeState(taskname=taskname, outlfn=outlfn, filestate=filestate)

    def get(self, taskname, filetype):
        """Retrieves a specific job metadata information.

           :arg str taskname: unique name identifier of the task;
           :arg str filetype: filter the file type to return;
           :retrun: generator looping through the resulting db rows."""
        return self.jobmetadata.getFiles(taskname, filetype)

    def delete(self, taskname, hours):
        """Deletes an existing job metadata information"""

        return self.jobmetadata.delete(taskname, hours)
Example #3
class RESTFileMetadata(RESTEntity):
    """REST entity to handle job metadata information"""
    def __init__(self, app, api, config, mount):
        RESTEntity.__init__(self, app, api, config, mount)
        self.jobmetadata = DataFileMetadata(config)

    def validate(self, apiobj, method, api, param, safe):
        """Validating all the input parameter as enforced by the WMCore.REST module"""

        if method in ['PUT']:
            #TODO check optional parameter
            #TODO check all the regexp
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_strlist("outfilelumis", param, safe, RX_LUMILIST)
            validate_numlist("outfileruns", param, safe)
            if len(safe.kwargs["outfileruns"]) != len(
                raise InvalidParameter(
                    "The number of runs and the number of lumis lists are different"
            validate_strlist("inparentlfns", param, safe, RX_PARENTLFN)
            validate_str("globalTag", param, safe, RX_GLOBALTAG, optional=True)
            validate_num("pandajobid", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_num("outsize", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("appver", param, safe, RX_CMSSW, optional=False)
            validate_str("outtype", param, safe, RX_OUTTYPES, optional=False)
                         optional=False)  #TODO Do we really need this?
                "outdatasetname", param, safe, RX_OUTDSLFN,
                optional=False)  #TODO temporary, need to come up with a regex
            validate_str("outlfn", param, safe, RX_PARENTLFN, optional=False)
            validate_str("outtmplfn", param, safe, RX_PARENTLFN, optional=True)
            validate_num("events", param, safe, optional=False)
            validate_str("filestate", param, safe, RX_FILESTATE, optional=True)
            validate_num("directstageout", param, safe, optional=True)
            safe.kwargs["directstageout"] = 'T' if safe.kwargs[
                "directstageout"] else 'F'  #'F' if not provided
        elif method in ['POST']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("outlfn", param, safe, RX_LFN, optional=False)
        elif method in ['GET']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=False)
            validate_str("filetype", param, safe, RX_OUTTYPES, optional=False)
        elif method in ['DELETE']:
            validate_str("taskname", param, safe, RX_TASKNAME, optional=True)
            validate_str("hours", param, safe, RX_HOURS, optional=True)
            if bool(safe.kwargs["taskname"]) == bool(safe.kwargs["hours"]):
                raise InvalidParameter("You have to specify a taskname or a number of hours. Files of this task or created before the number of hours"+\
                                         " will be deleted. Only one of the two parameters can be specified.")

    ## A few notes about how the following methods (put, post, get, delete) work when decorated with restcall.
    ## * The order of the arguments is irrelevant. For example, these two definitions are equivalent:
    ##   def get(self, a, b) or def get(self, b, a)
    ## * One can not assign default values to the arguments. For example, one can not write
    ##   def get(self, a, b = 'ciao').
    ## * The validate() function above is called for each of the methods. So for example, it is in the validate()
    ##   function where it is decided whether an argument is mandatory or not.
    ## * The name of the arguments has to be the same as used in the http request, and the same as used in validate().

    def put(self, taskname, outfilelumis, inparentlfns, globalTag, outfileruns, pandajobid, outsize, publishdataname, appver, outtype, checksummd5,\
            checksumcksum, checksumadler32, outlocation, outtmplocation, outdatasetname, acquisitionera, outlfn, events, filestate, directstageout, outtmplfn):
        """Insert a new job metadata information"""
        return self.jobmetadata.inject(taskname=taskname, outfilelumis=outfilelumis, inparentlfns=inparentlfns, globalTag=globalTag, outfileruns=outfileruns,\
                           pandajobid=pandajobid, outsize=outsize, publishdataname=publishdataname, appver=appver, outtype=outtype, checksummd5=checksummd5,\
                           checksumcksum=checksumcksum, checksumadler32=checksumadler32, outlocation=outlocation, outtmplocation=outtmplocation,\
                           outdatasetname=outdatasetname, acquisitionera=acquisitionera, outlfn=outlfn, outtmplfn=outtmplfn, events=events, filestate=filestate, \

    def post(self, taskname, outlfn, filestate):
        """Modifies and existing job metadata information"""

        return self.jobmetadata.changeState(taskname=taskname,

    def get(self, taskname, filetype):
        """Retrieves a specific job metadata information.

           :arg str taskname: unique name identifier of the task;
           :arg str filetype: filter the file type to return;
           :retrun: generator looping through the resulting db rows."""
        return self.jobmetadata.getFiles(taskname, filetype)

    def delete(self, taskname, hours):
        """Deletes an existing job metadata information"""

        return self.jobmetadata.delete(taskname, hours)