async def create_attempt( *, attempt_create: attempt_schemas.Create, session: Session = Depends(dal.get_session), ) -> attempt_schemas.Details: """ Create new attempt DB record """ conditions = and_( == attempt_create.team_id, ) db_team = team_ops.query_teams_by_(session, conditions).first() if not db_team: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail="Team not found", ) conditions = and_( == attempt_create.challenge_id, ) db_challenge = challenge_ops.query_challenges_by_(session, conditions).first() if not db_challenge: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail="Challenge not found", ) db_attempt = attempt_ops.create_attempt(session, attempt_create) return db_attempt
def lead_team( *, team_create: team_schemas.Create, db_player: User = Depends(auth_ops.get_current_user), session: Session = Depends(dal.get_session), ) -> player_schemas.Details: """ Create team and assign this player as the captain """ # Player is not part of another team if is not None: raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="You are already part of a team") # Team name is already taken conditions = and_( ==, ) db_team = team_ops.query_teams_by_(session, conditions).first() if db_team is not None: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT, detail=f"The name: { } is already taken", ) db_team = team_ops.create_team(session, team_create) db_player = player_ops.lead_team(session, db_player, db_team) return db_player
async def get_all_teams( *, session: Session = Depends(dal.get_session)) -> List[team_schemas.Details]: """ Get all team records from DB """ db_teams = team_ops.query_teams_by_(session).all() return db_teams
async def delete_team(*, id: int, session: Session = Depends(dal.get_session)): """ Delete team record from DB """ conditions = and_( == id, ) db_team = team_ops.query_teams_by_(session, conditions).first() if db_team is None: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail="Team not found", ) team_ops.delete_team(session, db_team)
async def get_team_by_name( *, name: str, session: Session = Depends(dal.get_session) ) -> team_schemas.Details: """ Get team record from DB """ conditions = and_( == name, ) db_team = team_ops.query_teams_by_(session, conditions).first() if db_team is None: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail="Team not found", ) return db_team
async def create_team( *, team_create: team_schemas.Create, session: Session = Depends(dal.get_session), ) -> team_schemas.Details: """ Create new team DB record """ # Make sure unique fields are not already used conditions = and_( ==, ) db_team = team_ops.query_teams_by_(session, conditions).first() if db_team is not None: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_409_CONFLICT, detail=f"The name: { } is already taken", ) db_team = team_ops.create_team(session, team_create) return db_team
async def update_team( *, id: int, team_update: team_schemas.Update, session: Session = Depends(dal.get_session) ) -> team_schemas.Details: """ Update team record from DB """ conditions = and_( == id, ) db_team = team_ops.query_teams_by_(session, conditions).first() if db_team is None: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail="Team not found", ) db_team = team_ops.update_team(session, db_team, team_update) return db_team
def accept_invite( *, team_id: int, db_player: User = Depends(auth_ops.get_current_user), session: Session = Depends(dal.get_session), ) -> player_schemas.Details: """ Accept player invitation to join the team """ # User is already in a team if is not None: raise HTTPException( status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="You are already part of a team", ) conditions = and_( == team_id, Team.player_invites.any(, ) db_team = team_ops.query_teams_by_(session, conditions).first() # Team doesn't exist if db_team is None: raise HTTPException( status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="The team is not found", ) # The team is full if len(db_team.players) >= constants.MAX_TEAM_MEMBERS: raise HTTPException( status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail="The team is full", ) player_ops.accept_invite(session, db_player, db_team)