Example #1
    def predictSolnCard(self, cardAName, cardBName, cardCName, cardDName):
        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

        D = Card(cardDName)
        #Predict number of nodes in D

        nodesInA = len(self.cards[cardAName].nodes)
        nodesInB = len(self.cards[cardBName].nodes)
        nodesInC = len(self.cards[cardCName].nodes)
        nodesInD = nodesInC - (nodesInA - nodesInB)            #################### got 1 que

        #return ansName
        # apply triangular properties and relations
        #  A--B
        #  |
        #  C
        # - Regus
        #for i in range(1, nodesInOption):
        # deducting  for 2x2
        ABRel = self.correspondenceList[cardAName+','+cardBName]
        ACRel = self.correspondenceList[cardAName+','+cardCName]
        # from ACRel.related, remove the sets which contain elements from AB.deleted
        validNodesInC = []
        for (x,y,w) in ACRel['related']:
            if x not in ABRel['deleted']:
                # find the related pair of x in ABRel[related] and match it with x
                for (p, q,r) in ABRel['related']:
                    if p == x:
                        #got it. form CBRel
                        validNodesInC.append((y, p, q, 0))

        print "CABRelation nodes in C:"

        #also add newly added nodes
        #for x in ABRel['added']:
        #    validNodesInC.append(x)

        for (c, a, b, w) in validNodesInC:
            c = self.nodes[c]
            a = self.nodes[a]
            b = self.nodes[b]

            dNode = Node(D.name+"_"+str(i), {}, {}, {})
            print "Initialized dNode"+dNode.name
            print "Creating nodes in "+dNode.name +"("+c.name+","+a.name+","+b.name+")"

            # predict properties:
            for property in b.properties:
                print "Recreating property: "+b.name+"."+ property+"="+b.properties[property]+ " in "+dNode.name

                # predict value of d.property based on the property type
                valA  = a.properties[property]
                valB = b.properties[property]
                valC = c.properties[property]

                if valA.isdigit() and valB.isdigit() and valC.isdigit():
                    valD = self.predictNumericProperty(property, int(valA), int(valB), int(valC))

                    print "Predicting number: "+valC+"+("+valB+"-"+valA+")="+str(valD)
                    print "int D."+property+" = "+str(valD)
                    dNode.addProperties(property, str(valD) )

                # Predict Boolean property
                elif self.isBool(valA):
                    if valA == valB:
                        dNode.addProperties(property, valC)
                        dNode.addProperties(property, self.invertBoolProperty(valC))

                    dNode.addProperties(property, self.predictFromChain(valA, valB, valC))

            #predict relations:
            for relation in b.relations:
                dNode.addRelation(relation, b.relations[relation])

            dNode.addProperties('inCard', D.name)
            self.addNode(dNode.name, dNode.properties, {})

        return D.name
Example #2
    def formSemanticNet(self, problem):
        graph = Graph()
        inCard = {}
        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

        #populate all inCard[obects] = figure, before parsing other things
        # example inCards[b] = A
        for figName, figure in problem.figures.iteritems():
            # print "Figure: "+figName
            # pp.pprint(figure.objects)

            for objName, obj in figure.objects.iteritems():
                inCard[obj.name] = figure.name

        # print "inCards are: "
        # pp.pprint(inCard)
        graph.inCard = inCard

        print "done building inCards. Initiating SemNet construction..."
        # now we can identify which attribute is an attribute and which attribute is a relation
        for figName, figure in problem.figures.iteritems():
            # print "Parsing Figure: "+figName
            # print figure.visualFilename
            # pp.pprint(figure.objects)

            card = Card(figure.name)
            for objName, obj in figure.objects.iteritems():
                properties = {}
                properties['inCard'] = figure.name # add the additional property to identify the parent figure
                relations = {}

                #print "Object attributes:"
                for attrib, val in obj.attributes.iteritems():
                    vals = val.split(",")
                    isNode = True
                    #print "Adding "+attrib+"==>"+val
                    for v in vals:
                        if v in inCard:
                            # relations are saved in the format: relation['inside'] = 'b',
                            # where inside is the relation and 'b; is the target node
                            if attrib in relations:
                                relations[attrib] = [v]
                            isNode = False

                    if not isNode:
                        # properties are saved in the format: properties['filled'] = 'yes'
                        properties[attrib] = val

                # got all relations and properties of the object. form the node now.
                graph.addNode(obj.name, relations, properties)
            # end of for

        return graph