class Stress(Game): #--------------------------------------------------- # Initializing attributes, and adding action methods #--------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, players): super(Stress, self).__init__(players) self.playFlag = False self.currentPlayer = None self.skipNextTurn = False # Discard pile used to pick up with cheat moves self.played = Deck() # Dictionary to define possible actions to take self.actions = { "{players}" : self.getPlayers, "{start}" : self.playStress, "{play}" : self.playCards, "{hand}" : self.showHand, "{help}" : self.getHelp } #--------------------------------------------------- # Defining game actions #--------------------------------------------------- def getHelp(self, player, msglist): player.tell("To play cards on your turn, write {play} followed by the card you want to drop and the card you want to take. ") player.tell("For example, write \"{play} H4 S4\" to drop the 4 of Hearts and pick up the 4 of Spades. ") player.tell("In order to play a card, the card must you're picking up must be on the table. ") player.tell("The goal of the game is to have " + str(48 / len(self.players)) + " piles of four of a kind. ") player.tell("To see your hand, write {hand}. For help, write {help}.") def showHand(self, player, msglist): player.tell("The cards in your hand:") player.tell(player.getHand()) def playStress(self, player, msglist): size = len(self.players) if size != 2 and size != 3 and size != 4 and size != 6 and size != 12: player.tell("The number of players must divide twelve (2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 people") else: self.playing = True def getPlayers(self, player, msglist): player.tell("Current players: ") msg = "" for p in self.players: msg += ( + "\n") player.tell(msg[:-1]) def playCards(self, player, msglist): cards = msglist[1:] playedCards = [] for card in cards: card = Card(str(card[0]),str(card[1:])) playedCards.append(card) if not self.playing: player.tell("Wait for the game to start...") elif player != self.currentPlayer: player.tell("Wait for your turn...") elif (len(msglist) != 3): player.tell("You must drop one card and pick up one card.") elif (playedCards[1] not in player.tell("You must pick up one of the played cards.") elif (playedCards[0] not in player.tell("You must own the card you want to drop.") else: self.played.addToDeck(playedCards[0])[0]) player.addToHand(self.played.remove(playedCards[1])) self.broadcast(str(self.currentPlayer) + " dropped " + str(playedCards[0]) + " and picked up " + str(playedCards[1])) self.showGUIHand(self.currentPlayer) self.playFlag = True #--------------------------------------------------- # Defining game rules #--------------------------------------------------- def pregameActions(self): # Set to players self.nextPlayer = iter(self.nextPlayerIterFunc()) # Make game announcements self.broadcast("The Stress Game is starting!") self.broadcast("There are %d players playing!" % len(self.players)) self.wait(1) for p in self.players: self.getHelp(p, None) self.wait(2) self.deck.shuffle() self.deck.dealCards(self.players, 48 / len(self.players)) self.played.addToDeck(self.deck.draw()) self.played.addToDeck(self.deck.draw()) self.played.addToDeck(self.deck.draw()) self.played.addToDeck(self.deck.draw()) for p in self.players: p.tell("//{hand}//" + p.getHand()) return True def preplayGuards(self): self.broadcast("It is %s\'s turn!\n" % self.wait(.25) self.broadcast("Current cards are " + str(self.played)) self.wait(1) self.showHand(self.currentPlayer, None) return True def doPlay(self): while not self.playFlag: pass self.playFlag = False return True def checkForVictory(self): types = [] suits = { "H" : 0, "S" : 0, "D" : 0, "C" : 0 } for card in if card.rank not in types: types.append(card.rank) suits[card.suit] = 1 return suits["H"] == 1 and suits["D"] == 1 and suits["S"] == 1 and suits["C"] and types == 48 / len(self.players) def endGame(self): self.wait(1) self.broadcast(str(self.currentPlayer) + " has " + str(48 / len(self.players)) + " piles of four of a kind and wins!") self.broadcast("Thanks for playing!")
def testDeckRemove(self): deck = Deck() card23 = Card(2, 3) deck.remove(card23)