Example #1
    def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, radii):
        # Finds the mass enclosed in each radius from the list of radii,
        # for a given particle type

        # Find the center of mass for given particle type
        COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, ptype)
        Gal_COM = COM.COM_P(1)

        # Create an array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype
        index = np.where(self.data['type'] == ptype)

        # Define the new coordinates and masses
        m_new = self.m[index]
        x_new = self.X[index] - Gal_COM[0]
        y_new = self.Y[index] - Gal_COM[1]
        z_new = self.Z[index] - Gal_COM[2]

        # The magnitude of the distance of the particle from COM
        R = np.sqrt(x_new**2 + y_new**2 + z_new**2)

        # Initialize the array that will contain the masses
        mass = np.array([])

        # Loop throught list of radii and find mass inside that radius
        for r in radii:
            # Select all particles within radius r
            list_index = np.where(R < r * u.kpc)

            # Find the total mass within the radius
            m = sum(m_new[list_index]) * 1e10 * u.Msun

            # Add the total mass to list
            mass = np.append(mass, m)

        return mass
    def MassEnclosed(self, type, radius):
        COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, type)  #calculate center of Mass
        galCOMP = COM.COM_P(0.1)

        index = np.where(self.data['type'] ==
                         type)  #Select desired indexes and adjust values
        xIndex = self.x[index] - galCOMP[0]
        yIndex = self.y[index] - galCOMP[1]
        zIndex = self.z[index] - galCOMP[2]

        RIndex = np.sqrt(xIndex**2 + yIndex**2 +
                         zIndex**2)  #Calculate the distance magnitudes
        mIndex = np.zeros(
            radius.size)  #initialize an array for storing all mass profiles

        for i in range(
        ):  #loop through each radius and sum up each total mass profile value
            index2 = np.where(radius[i] > RIndex)
            mIndex[i] = np.sum(self.m[index2])

        mIndex *= u.Msun

        return mIndex
Example #3
    def PosAndVels(self, filename, radius_cut):
        # calculates the relative positions and velocities of all halo particles, necessary for
        # vel anistropy and spin calculations
        # takes snap number and outer radius, returns position magnitude and components, and vel components

        # set COM params here
        delta = 5.0
        VolDec = 2

        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 1)
        xcom, ycom, zcom = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        vxcom, vycom, vzcom = COM.COM_V(xcom, ycom, zcom)

        # relative positions
        x = COM.x - xcom
        y = COM.y - ycom
        z = COM.z - zcom

        R = (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)**0.5

        # relative velocities
        vx = COM.vx - vxcom
        vy = COM.vy - vycom
        vz = COM.vz - vzcom

        # only return particles within radius cut
        index = np.where(R < radius_cut * u.kpc)

        return R[index], x[index], y[index], z[index], vx[index], vy[
            index], vz[index], COM.m[index] * u.Msun * 1e10
Example #4
 def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, Renc):
     # Input:
         # ptype - the particle type (Halo: 1, Disk: 2, Bulge: 3)
         # Renc - the galaxy radius within which the mass is enclosed
     # Output:
         # Menc - the mass enclosed within the given radius for the specified galaxy
     index = np.where(self.data['type'] == ptype) # Create an array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype
     COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, ptype) # Create a center of mass object
     COMP = COM.COM_P(0.1) # Calculate the center of mass position
     # Change the frame of reference to the newly computed COM position
     xNew = self.x[index] - COMP[0]
     yNew = self.y[index] - COMP[1]
     zNew = self.z[index] - COMP[2]
     rCOM = np.sqrt(xNew**2 + yNew**2 + zNew**2) # Calculate the distance from the COM position
     Menc = np.zeros(len(Renc)) # Initialize an array of 0's to store the total mass within a given radius
     for i in range(len(Renc)):
         rad = Renc[i]
         pindex = np.where(rCOM.value <= rad)
         Mpart = self.m[pindex]
         Menc[i] = np.sum(Mpart)
     if self.gname == 'M33' and ptype == 1: # To account for M33 having no bulge
         Menc = np.zeros(len(Renc))
     return Menc*1e10*u.Msun
    def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, radii):
        # find ptype particles. If not finded, print caveat and return
        ptype_index, = np.where(self.data['type'] == ptype)
        if len(ptype_index) == 0:
            print("CAVEAT: NO %s component in %s!" %
                  (INDEX2STR(ptype), self.gname))
            return 0, 0
        # to ensure radii is sorted
        radii = np.sort(radii)
        # get COM position and calculate R with regard to COM
        center = CenterOfMass(self.filename, ptype)
        COMP = center.COM_P(TOLERANCE())
        R = np.sqrt(
            np.sum((self.position[ptype_index] - COMP) *
                   (self.position[ptype_index] - COMP), 1))
        # loop through radii to deliver mass into bins
        self.massary = np.zeros(len(radii))
        mass = self.m[ptype_index]
        for i in np.arange(0, len(radii), 1):
            ind = np.where(R < radii[i])
            self.massary[i] = np.sum(mass[ind])
        # set units
        self.massary *= 1e10
        self.massary *= u.Msun

        return self.massary, 1
Example #6
def OrbitCOM(galaxy, start, end, n):
    #setup paramters for CenterOfMass, array, and output file
    fileout = "Orbit_" + "%s" % (galaxy) + ".txt"
    Orbit = np.zeros((int(end / n) + 1, 7))
    delta = 0.5
    VolDec = 4

    #calculate center of mass for every snap number and save into Orbit array
    for i in np.arange(start, end + n, n):
        ilbl = '000' + str(i)  # add string of filenumber to 000
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]  # keep last 3 digits
        filename = '/home/agibbs/VLowRes/' + "%s_" % (galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'

        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)  #disk particles only
        xcom, ycom, zcom = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        vxcom, vycom, vzcom = COM.COM_V(xcom, ycom, zcom)

        Orbit[int(i / n), 0] = float(COM.time / u.Myr)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 1] = float(xcom / u.kpc)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 2] = float(ycom / u.kpc)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 3] = float(zcom / u.kpc)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 4] = float(vxcom / u.km * u.s)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 5] = float(vycom / u.km * u.s)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 6] = float(vzcom / u.km * u.s)


    #save text file with complete array
               header='t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz',

Example #7
def OrbitCOM(galaxy, start, end, n):
    # define output filename, initialize
    fileout = "Orbit_%s.txt" % galaxy
    rows = int((end - start) / n) + 1
    Orbit = np.zeros((rows, 7))

    delta = 0.5
    VolDec = 4.

    # loop through snapnumbers
    for i in np.arange(start, end + 1, n):
        print("Looping at snap number = %d\n" % i)
        # index in array
        ct = int((i - start) / n)
        # construct filename
        filename = "%s/%s_%03d.txt" % ("../MW_VLowRes", galaxy, i)
        # construct COM object using disk particles, get COM info
        center = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)
        rc = center.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        vc = center.COM_V(30, rc)
        # write data into list
        Orbit[ct][0] = float(center.time / u.Gyr)
        Orbit[ct][1] = float(rc[0] / u.kpc)
        Orbit[ct][2] = float(rc[1] / u.kpc)
        Orbit[ct][3] = float(rc[2] / u.kpc)
        Orbit[ct][4] = float(vc[0] / (u.km / u.s))
        Orbit[ct][5] = float(vc[1] / (u.km / u.s))
        Orbit[ct][6] = float(vc[2] / (u.km / u.s))
    # print list
    np.savetxt(fileout, Orbit, header='#t x y z vx vy vz', \
     comments='# time in Gyr, position in kpc, velocity in km/s\n',\
    def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, r):
        marray = np.zeros(shape=len(r))
        #find the center of mass position using function from CenterOfMass that takes in filename and particle type and returns x,y,z components of center of mass to a certain toleance
        COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, ptype)
        COMP = COM.COM_P(1.0, 4.0)

        #array if indixes of partices of desired type
        index = np.where(self.data['type'] == ptype)
        #find postiion of all particles relative to center of mass
        m2 = self.m[index]
        x2 = self.x[index] - COMP[0]
        y2 = self.y[index] - COMP[1]
        z2 = self.z[index] - COMP[2]
        r2 = np.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2 + z2**2)
        #loop over radius array to define particles that are enclosed within the radius given at each element
        for radius in range(len(r)):
            #find and store particle masses that are within given radius
            index2 = np.where(r2 < r[radius])
            marray[radius] = np.sum(m2[index2])
            #sum to find mass enclosed
            msum = np.sum(mnew)
            #append to mass array
            marray[count] = msum
            count = count +1
        return marray * 10e10
Example #9
    def MassEnclosed(self, PType, r):
        # Function that will compute the mass within any given radius with respect
        # to the COM for a specified galaxy and specified component of that galaxy.
        # input: the array of all the radii of the total mass enclosed
        # return: the array of the mass of each particle within each specified
        #         radius.
        # read in COM position from last HW
        COM = CenterOfMass(COM_P)
        Position = COM.COM_P(0.1)
        # 1) find the x,y,z positions of each indicidual particle within
        #    specified radius.
        x = self.x - Position
        y = self.y - Position
        z = self.z - Position
        # 2) find the mass of each particle
        m = self.m
        # computes magnitude of position vector
        r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)

        # for loop to iterate over the radius given at each array element
        for i in range(0, r):
            particlepos = np.where(r1 <= r[i])  # individual particle position
            particlemass = m[particlepos]  # individual particle mass
            mass[i] = sum(particlemass)  # total mass of particles

        return mass * 1e10 * u.Msun
Example #10
def OrbitCOM(galaxy, start, end, n):
    A function that generates a text file containing orbital information in 7 columns. The file will have a header 't x y z vx vy vz', which serves as the name of each column. Going from left to right, the columns are time, x-position, y-position, z-position, x-velocity, y-velocity, z-velocity.
    galaxy: Name of the galaxy, e.g. 'MW'. Type = str
    start : Number of the first snapshot to be read in. Type = int
    end   : Number of the last snapshot to be read in. Type = int
    n     : Interval over which snapshots are iterated. Type = int
    fileout: Name of the generated file. Type = str
    Generates a text file named with the variable fileout in current working directory.

    fileout = "Orbit_%s.txt" % galaxy  #Name of the file to be generated
    size = int(end / n) + 1  #Number of rows for the orbit array
    Orbit = np.zeros(
        [size, 7])  #Initializing the array that will hold orbital parameters
    delta, VolDec = 0.5, 4  #Defining parameters required by the COM_P method

    #Looping over snapshots and generating orbital parameters at each snapshot
    for i in np.arange(start, end + 1, n):

        #Creating filename for desired snapshot
        ilbl = '000' + str(i)
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]  #making 3 digit numbers
        folder = 'VLowRes/'
        filename = folder + '%s_' % galaxy + ilbl + '.txt'

        #Creating the center of mass object
        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)

        #Generating orbital parameters for the i-th snapshot
        t = COM.time / 1000  #converting Myr to Gyr
        x, y, z = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        vx, vy, vz = COM.COM_V(x, y, z, 15)

        #Assigning values to the proper row of orbit array
        row_ind = int(i / n)
        Orbit[row_ind] = [
            t.value, x.value, y.value, z.value, vx.value, vy.value, vz.value
        print('%s i = %i' % (galaxy, i))

    #Saves the orbit array to a file in current directory
               header='t x y z vx vy vz',
               fmt=['%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f'])

    return fileout
Example #11
    def __init__(self, filename):
        # initialize class, filename is the output file to contain the future locations and velocities of M33.
        # initial conditions are for M31 and M33 are loaded without input.

        #determine relative position and velocity of M33 com to M31 com, and save
        M31COM = CenterOfMass('/home/agibbs/M31_000.txt', 2)
        M33COM = CenterOfMass('/home/agibbs/M33_000.txt', 2)
        x31, y31, z31 = M31COM.COM_P(0.1)
        x33, y33, z33 = M33COM.COM_P(0.1)
        vx31, vy31, vz31 = M31COM.COM_V(x31, y31, z31)
        vx33, vy33, vz33 = M33COM.COM_V(x33, y33, z33)
        self.x, self.y, self.z = x33 - x31, y33 - y31, z33 - z31
        self.vx, self.vy, self.vz = vx33 - vx31, vy33 - vy31, vz33 - vz31

        # mass and characteristic radii for disk, bulge, and halo
        # to be used in Hernquist and Miyamoto-Nagai profiles
        self.rdisk = 5 * u.kpc
        self.Mdisk = 1.2e11 * u.Msun

        self.rbulge = 1 * u.kpc
        self.Mbulge = 1.9e10 * u.Msun

        self.rhalo = 60 * u.kpc
        self.Mhalo = 1.92e12 * u.Msun

        self.filename = filename

Example #12
 def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, radii):
     # Return array of masses within specific radii of COM. Takes particle type and an array of radii to use.
     p_index = np.where(self.data['type'] == ptype)
     GALCOM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, ptype)
     GAL_xcom, GAL_ycom, GAL_zcom = GALCOM.COM_P(self.comdel)
     radius = ( (self.x[p_index] - GAL_xcom)**2 + (self.y[p_index] - GAL_ycom)**2 + \
                (self.z[p_index] - GAL_zcom)**2 ) ** 0.5
     mass = np.zeros(radii.size)
     p_mass = self.m[p_index]
     #print(np.argwhere(np.isnan(radius))) #debugging nan values
     for index, radii_val in enumerate(radii):
         r_index = np.where(radius < radii_val)
         mass[index] = np.sum(p_mass[r_index])
     return mass * u.Msun * 1e10
Example #13
    def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, r):
        Calculates the enclosed mass for a specific particle type.
            ptype = particle type
            r = array of radii to calculate enclosed mass (u.kpc)
            array of enclosed masses (u.Msun)
        # M33 does not have any bulge stars
        # check for this case before any calculations
        if self.gname == 'M33' and ptype == 3:
            return np.zeros(len(r))

        # create CenterOfMass object
        # always use disk stars for CoM
        COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, 2)  # ptype=2 for disk stars

        # get COM position
        delta = 0.1
        COMX, COMY, COMZ = COM.COM_P(delta)

        # get particle positions in COM frame of reference
        xNew = self.x - COMX
        yNew = self.y - COMY
        zNew = self.z - COMZ

        # select only particles of ptype
        ind = np.where(self.type == ptype)
        xNew2 = xNew[ind]
        yNew2 = yNew[ind]
        zNew2 = zNew[ind]
        mNew = self.m[ind]

        # Calculate magnitudes
        R = (xNew2**2 + yNew2**2 + zNew2**2)**(0.5)
        # create array to store answers
        encmass = np.zeros(len(r))

        # loop through r to do the calculations
        for i in range(len(r)):
            # find indices of particles within this radius
            index = np.where(R < r[i])

            # add their masses and store in our array
            encmass[i] = np.sum(mNew[index])

        # return masses with proper units
        return encmass * 1e10 * u.Msun
    def __init__(self, filename): 
            filename for file in which we will store the integrated orbit""" 

        ### get the gravitational constant (the value is 4.498502151575286e-06)
        self.G = const.G.to(u.kpc**3/u.Msun/u.Gyr**2).value
        ### **** store the output file name
        self.fileout = filename
        ### get the current pos/vel of M33 
        # **** create an instance of the  CenterOfMass class for M33 
        M33COM = CenterOfMass("M33_000.txt", 2)
        #print("got M33COM")
        # **** store the position VECTOR of the M33 COM (.value to get rid of units)
        M33_COMP = M33COM.COM_P(0.1)
        # **** store the velocity VECTOR of the M33 COM (.value to get rid of units)
        M33_COMV = M33COM.COM_V(M33_COMP[0], M33_COMP[1], M33_COMP[2])
        ### get the current pos/vel of M31 
        # **** create an instance of the  CenterOfMass class for M31 
        M31COM = CenterOfMass("M31_000.txt", 2)
        #print("got M31COM")
        # **** store the position VECTOR of the M31 COM (.value to get rid of units)
        M31_COMP = M31COM.COM_P(0.1)
        # **** store the velocity VECTOR of the M31 COM (.value to get rid of units)
        M31_COMV = M31COM.COM_V(M31_COMP[0], M31_COMP[1], M31_COMP[2])
        ### store the DIFFERENCE between the vectors posM33 - posM31
        # **** create two VECTORs self.r0 and self.v0 and have them be the
        # relative position and velocity VECTORS of M33
        #M31_COMP is a vector
        self.r0 = (M33_COMP - M31_COMP).value
        self.v0 = (M33_COMV - M31_COMV).value
        ### get the mass of each component in M31 
        ### disk
        # **** self.rdisk = scale length (no units)
        self.rdisk = 5 #in kpc
        # **** self.Mdisk set with ComponentMass function. Remember to *1e12 to get the right units. Use the right ptype
        self.Mdisk = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 2)*1e12 #in M_sun
        ### bulge
        # **** self.rbulge = set scale length (no units)
        self.rbulge = 1
        # **** self.Mbulge  set with ComponentMass function. Remember to *1e12 to get the right units Use the right ptype
        self.Mbulge = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 3)*1e12
        # Halo
        # **** self.rhalo = set scale length from HW5 (no units)
        self.rhalo = 62 #kpc
        # **** self.Mhalo set with ComponentMass function. Remember to *1e12 to get the right units. Use the right ptype
        self.Mhalo = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 1)*1e12
Example #15
def r200(galaxy, start, end, n):
    #setup parameters for CenterOfMass, array, and output file
    fileout = "R200_" + "%s"%(galaxy) +  ".txt"
    R200 = np.zeros(( int(end/n) + 1, 3))
    delta = 5.0 # com params
    VolDec = 2
    crit_density = 147.712 * u.Msun / u.kpc**3 #critical density for closure

    #calculate r200 for every snap number and save into R200 array
    for i in np.arange(start, end+n, n):
        ilbl = '000' + str(i) # add string of filenumber to 000
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:] # keep last 3 digits
        #filename = '/home/agibbs/VLowRes/' + "%s_"%(galaxy) + ilbl +'.txt' # change comments for MW+M31
        filename = '/home/agibbs/400B/ASTR400B_Gibbs/Project/Remnant/MW+M31_'+ilbl+'.txt'

        #COM position
        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 1) #halo particles only
        xcom, ycom, zcom = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)

        #Find R200 radius
        xref = COM.x - xcom
        yref = COM.y - ycom
        zref = COM.z - zcom
        R = (xref**2 + yref**2 + zref**2)**0.5
        density = 1e9 * u.Msun / u.kpc**3 # initial density to start loop
        R_step = 0.1 * u.kpc # radius steps
        R_iter = 50.0 * u.kpc # first radius
        while density > crit_density * 200:
            R_iter = R_iter + R_step
            rindex = np.where(R < R_iter)
            mass = np.sum(COM.m[rindex]) * 1e10 * u.Msun
            volume = 4*np.pi/3 * R_iter**3
            density = mass / volume

        R200[int(i/n), 0] = float(COM.time / u.Myr)
        R200[int(i/n), 1] = float(R_iter / u.kpc)
        R200[int(i/n), 2] = float(R_iter * 0.25 / u.kpc)


    #save text file with complete array
    np.savetxt(fileout, R200, header='t, r200, qr200', comments='#', fmt='%.2f')

Example #16
    def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, radii):
        # Inputs:
        #    ptype = type of particle (1=halo, 2=disk, 3=bulge)
        #    radii = array of radii within given radius of COM position
        # Returns:
        #    masses = array of masses to calculate mass profile with later

        # Create array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype
        self.index = np.where(self.data['type'] == ptype)

        # Store the positions, velocities, and mass of only the particles of the given type
        x = self.x[self.index]
        y = self.y[self.index]
        z = self.z[self.index]
        m = self.m[self.index]

        # Define empty list of enclosed masses that's same size as radii list
        M_Enc = []

        # Determine COM position of galaxy
        COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, 2)
        COM_P = COM.COM_P(0.1)

        # Define components of COM
        XCOM = COM_P[0]
        YCOM = COM_P[1]
        ZCOM = COM_P[2]

        # Determine COM radius
        RCOM = np.sqrt((x - XCOM)**2 + (y - YCOM)**2 + (z - ZCOM)**2)

        # Measure mass enclosed within each radius
        for i in range(0, len(radii)):

            # Find indices of particles enclosed within RCOM
            new_index = np.where(RCOM < radii[i])

            # Fill out M_Enc array accordingly
            M_Enc.append(np.sum(m[new_index]) * 1e10)

        # Uncomment to test code
        return M_Enc * u.Msun
Example #17
def OrbitCOM(galaxy, start, end, n):
    fileout = "Orbit_{}.txt".format(galaxy)

    Orbit = np.zeros((int(end/n + 1),7))

    # Define the values for COM
    delta = 0.1
    VolDec = 2

    for i in np.arange(start, end+n, n):
        # add a string of the filenumber to the value “000”
        ilbl = '000' + str(i)
        # remove all but the last 3 digits
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
        # create the filename
        filename = "{:s}_{:s}.txt".format(galaxy, ilbl)

        # Create a Center of Mass object for the Galaxy
        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, ptype = 2)
        Gal_COM = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        Gal_COMV = COM.COM_V(Gal_COM)
        # Get the time, position, and velocities of the particles
        time  = float(COM.time/u.Myr)/1000.0
        X = float(Gal_COM[0]/u.kpc)
        Y = float(Gal_COM[1]/u.kpc)
        Z = float(Gal_COM[2]/u.kpc)
        Vx = float(Gal_COMV[0]/(u.km/u.s))
        Vy = float(Gal_COMV[1]/(u.km/u.s))
        Vz = float(Gal_COMV[2]/(u.km/u.s))

        # Store the values in the Orbit array
        Orbit[int(i/n),] = np.array([time, X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz])

        print("{} {}".format(galaxy, i))

    np.savetxt(fileout, Orbit, header='t x y z vx vy vz', comments='# ',\
               fmt=['%.2f ', '%.2f ','%.2f ','%.2f ','%.2f ','%.2f ','%.2f '])
    return None
Example #18
def OrbitCOM(galaxy, start, end, n):
    fileout = 'Orbits_M31.txt'
    shape = (
        int(end / n) + 1, 7
    )  #i think just putting row,column for the shape makes np.zeros think column is the dtype
    Orbit = np.zeros(shape)
    delta = 1
    VolDec = 5

    for i in np.arange(start, end + n, n):
        ilbl = '000' + str(i)
        # remove all but the last 3 digits
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
        # create filenames
        filename = '%s_' % (galaxy) + ilbl + '.txt'
        time, total, data = Read(filename)

        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)

        time = float(COM.time / u.Myr)
        #x = float(COM.x/u.kpc)

        R = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        V = COM.COM_V(R[0], R[1], R[2])
        Orbit[int(i / n), 0] = time / 1000

        Orbit[int(i / n), 1] = float(R[0] / u.kpc)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 2] = float(R[1] / u.kpc)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 3] = float(R[2] / u.kpc)

        Orbit[int(i / n), 4] = float(V[0] / u.km * u.s)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 5] = float(V[1] / u.km * u.s)
        Orbit[int(i / n), 6] = float(V[2] / u.km * u.s)
               header='t x y z vx vy vz',
               fmt=['%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f ', '%.2f '])
Example #19
def OrbitCom(galaxy, start, end, n):

    fileout = "Orbit_M31.txt"  #initialize file to contain all values

    delta = 0.1  #initialize delta and VolDec
    VolDec = 2

    snapID = np.arange(start, end, n)  #Array for deciding files to be read in
    orbit = np.zeros([snapID.size, 7])  #Array for containing all COM's

    for i, snapID in enumerate(snapID):
        ilbl = '000' + str(
            snapID)  #Initialize new file to be read in from desired galaxy
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]
        filename = "%s_" % (galaxy) + ilbl + ".txt"


        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)  #Take in COM values
        orbitCOMP = COM.COM_P(VolDec, delta)  #COM Position
        orbitCOMV = COM.COM_V(orbitCOMP[0], orbitCOMP[1],
                              orbitCOMP[2])  #COM Velocity

        orbit[i, 0] = COM.time.value  #assign time and COM values in order.
        orbit[i, 1] = orbitCOMP[0].value
        orbit[i, 2] = orbitCOMP[1].value
        orbit[i, 3] = orbitCOMP[2].value
        orbit[i, 4] = orbitCOMV[0].value
        orbit[i, 5] = orbitCOMV[1].value
        orbit[i, 6] = orbitCOMV[2].value

    #Output orbit array to file
               header="time  x  y  z  vx  vy  vz",
               fmt=['%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f'])

    return orbit
Example #20
    def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, R):
    # Function that determines the MassEnclosed of particles of a given type
    # input: ptype  Particle type,  1=Halo, 2=Disk, 3=Bulge
    #        R   An Array of Radii within which to compute the mass enclosed. 
    # return: an array with the Mass enclosed (units of Msun)
        # Determine the COM position using Disk Particles
        # Disk Particles afford the best centroiding.
        # Create a COM object
        COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename,2)
        # Store the COM position of the galaxy
        # Set Delta = whatever you determined to be a good value in Homework 4.
        GalCOMP = COM.COM_P(0.1)
        # create an array to store indexes of particles of desired Ptype                                                
        index = np.where(self.data['type'] == ptype)

        # Store positions of particles of given ptype from the COMP. 
        xG = self.x[index] - GalCOMP[0]
        yG = self.y[index] - GalCOMP[1]
        zG = self.z[index] - GalCOMP[2]
        # Compute the mag. of the 3D radius
        rG = np.sqrt(xG**2 + yG**2 + zG**2)
        # store mass of particles of a given ptype
        mG = self.m[index]
        # Array to store enclosed mass as a function of the input radius array
        Menc = np.zeros(np.size(R))
        # set up a while loop that continues until the end of the input radius array
        for i in range(np.size(R)):
            # Only want particles within the given radius
            indexR = np.where(rG < R[i]*u.kpc)
            Menc[i] = np.sum(mG[indexR])*1e10         
        # return the array of enclosed mass with appropriate units
        return Menc*u.Msun
Example #21
    def __init__(self, filename):
        # INPUTS:
        # filename -- string, name of the file to store integrated orbit

        ### get the gravitational constant (the value is 4.498502151575286e-06)
        self.G = const.G.to(u.kpc**3 / u.Msun / u.Gyr**2).value

        ### **** store the output file name
        self.filename = filename

        ### get the current pos/vel of M33
        # **** create an instance of the  CenterOfMass class for M33
        M33_com = CenterOfMass("M33_000.txt", 2)
        # Store postion and velocity vectors
        M33_comP = M33_com.COM_P(0.1)
        M33_comV = M33_com.COM_V(M33_comP[0], M33_comP[1], M33_comP[2])

        ### get the current pos/vel of M31
        M31_com = CenterOfMass("M31_000.txt", 2)
        M31_comP = M31_com.COM_P(0.1)
        M31_comV = M31_com.COM_V(M31_comP[0], M31_comP[1], M31_comP[2])

        ### store the DIFFERENCE between the vectors posM33 - posM31
        # **** create two VECTORs self.r0 and self.v0 and have them be the
        self.r0 = (M33_comP - M31_comP).value
        self.v0 = (M33_comV - M31_comV).value

        ### get the mass of each component in M31
        ### disk
        # **** self.rdisk = scale length (no units)
        self.rdisk = 5

        # **** self.Mdisk set with ComponentMass function. Remember to *1e12 to get the right units. Use the right ptype
        self.Mdisk = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 2) * 1e12  #in M_sun

        ### bulge
        # **** self.rbulge = set scale length (no units)
        self.rbulge = 1

        # **** self.Mbulge  set with ComponentMass function. Remember to *1e12 to get the right units Use the right ptype
        self.Mbulge = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 3) * 1e12

        # Halo
        # **** self.rhalo = set scale length from HW5 (no units)
        self.rhalo = 62

        # **** self.Mhalo set with ComponentMass function. Remember to *1e12 to get the right units. Use the right ptype
        self.Mhalo = ComponentMass("M31_000.txt", 1) * 1e12
    def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, radii):
        A method that calculates the mass enclosed within a given radius of the galaxy for a given component
        ptype  : Particle type. Possible values are 'Halo', 'Disk' or 'Bulge'. Type = str
        radii  : Radii within which total mass is to be computed. Type = Array
        masses : masses at each radii. Type = Array

        #creating exception for M33's non-existent bulge
        if (self.gname == 'M33') & (ptype == 3):
            return np.zeros(len(radii)) * u.Msun

        COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, ptype)

        #center of mass position of the galaxy
        xcom, ycom, zcom = COM.COM_P(1)  #tolerance level of 1kpc

        # calculating coordinates of each particle in COM's frame of reference
        xnew = COM.x - xcom
        ynew = COM.y - ycom
        znew = COM.z - zcom
        rnew = np.sqrt(
            (xnew**2) + (ynew**2) + (znew**2))  #position vecotr magnitudes

        masses = np.zeros(len(radii))  #initializing mass array to be returned
        #calculating mass at each radius
        for i, r in enumerate(radii):
            ind = np.where(
                rnew.value < r)[0]  #masking for particles within the radius
            mass = np.sum(COM.m[ind])
            masses[i] = mass.value
        return masses * u.Msun
Example #23
    def MassEnclosed(self, ptype, r):
        # Inputs:
        # ptype : particle type
        # r : magnitude radius
        # Returns:
        # An array of masses (in Msun) so we can use it to calculate the mass profile conveniently
        # Creating the COM object to then call COM position
        COM = CenterOfMass(self.filename, ptype)

        # Calling COM position
        delta = 0.1
        XCOM, YCOM, ZCOM = COM.COM_P(delta)

        # change reference frame to COM frame

        xNew = self.x - XCOM
        yNew = self.y - YCOM
        zNew = self.z - ZCOM

        index = np.where(self.type == ptype)
        xNew2 = xNew[index]
        yNew2 = yNew[index]
        zNew2 = zNew[index]

        # Calculate magnitude
        R = (xNew2**2 + yNew2**2 + zNew2**2)**0.5
        # Create array
        enmass = np.zeros(len(r))
        # Loop over the radius array
        for i in range(len(r)):
            index2 = np.where(R < r[i])
            # Adding the masses
            enmass[i] = np.sum(self.m[index][index2])
        return enmass*1e10*u.Msun
	def __init__(self, filename):
		self.filename = filename
		M31 = CenterOfMass(m31snap0,2) # realization of M31
		M33 = CenterOfMass(m33snap0,2) # realization of M33
		R_M31 = M31.COM_P(delta, VolDec) # Absolute position, kpc
		V_M31 = M31.COM_V(15.,R_M31) # Absolute velocity, km/s
		R_M33 = M33.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
		V_M33 = M33.COM_V(15.,R_M33)
		self.x = (R_M33 - R_M31)[0] # relative position of M33 to M31
		self.y = (R_M33 - R_M31)[1] # kpc
		self.z = (R_M33 - R_M31)[2]
		self.vx = (V_M33 - V_M31)[0] # relative velocity '''
		self.vy = (V_M33 - V_M31)[1] # km/s
		self.vz = (V_M33 - V_M31)[2]
		self.rd = 5.*u.kpc # disk scale length, kpc
		self.Mdisk = ComponentMass(m31snap0,2) # disk mass, M_sun
		self.rbulge = 1.*u.kpc # bulge scale length, kpc
		self.Mbulge = ComponentMass(m31snap0,3) # bulge mass, M_sun
		self.rhalo = 60.*u.kpc # determined from Assignment 3, kpc
		self.Mhalo = ComponentMass(m31snap0,1) # halo mass, M_sun
Example #25
    def __init__(self, filename):
        # Set the name of the file for the output
        self.filename = filename

        # Define the Gravitational constant
        self.G = 4.498768e-6*u.kpc**3/u.Msun/u.Gyr**2

        # Create a Center of Mass object for M31
        M31_COM = CenterOfMass("M31_000.txt", ptype=2)
        M31_COMP = M31_COM.COM_P(0.1, 2)
        M31_COMV = M31_COM.COM_V(M31_COMP)

        # Create a Center of Mass object for M33
        M33_COM = CenterOfMass("M33_000.txt", ptype=2)
        M33_COMP = M33_COM.COM_P(0.1, 2)
        M33_COMV = M33_COM.COM_V(M33_COMP)

        # Recenter to COM position of M33 centered on M31
        self.x = M31_COMP[0] - M33_COMP[0]
        self.y = M31_COMP[1] - M33_COMP[1]
        self.z = M31_COMP[2] - M33_COMP[2]

        # Recenter to COM velocity with respect to M31
        self.vx = M31_COMV[0] - M33_COMV[0]
        self.vy = M31_COMV[1] - M33_COMV[1]
        self.vz = M31_COMV[2] - M33_COMV[2]

        # Set the scale lengths of the disk, bulge, and halo of M31
        self.rd = 5.0*u.kpc
        self.rbulge = 1.0*u.kpc
        self.rhalo = 63.0*u.kpc

        # Set Masses for the disk, bulge, and halo
        self.Md = ComponentMass('M31_000.txt', 2)
        self.Mbulge = ComponentMass('M31_000.txt', 3)
        self.Mhalo = ComponentMass('M31_000.txt', 1)

        return None
Example #26
        for l, s in zip(contour.levels, strs):
            fmt[l] = s
        ax.clabel(contour, contour.levels, inline=True, fmt=fmt, fontsize=12)

    return contour

# Use the CenterOfMass code to compute the positions and velocities of all particles in M31's disk relative to its center of mass position and motion.

# In[ ]:

# Create a COM of object for M31 Disk Using Code from Assignment 4
#always give particle type two = dust particles
COMD = CenterOfMass("M31_000.txt", 2)

# In[ ]:

# Compute COM of M31 using disk particles

# In[ ]:

# Determine positions of disk particles relative to COM
xD = COMD.x - COMP[0].value
yD = COMD.y - COMP[1].value
zD = COMD.z - COMP[2].value

# total magnitude
Example #27
for i, snap_id in enumerate(snap_ids):

    # Compose the data filename (be careful about the folder)
    # Add string of filenumber to value 000
    ilbl = '000' + str(snap_id)

    # Remove all but last 3 digits of string
    ilbl = ilbl[-3:]

    # Assign filename based on snapshot and galaxy inputs
    MW_file = 'C:/Users/Jimmy/Downloads/MW/MW_' + ilbl + '.txt'
    M31_file = 'C:/Users/Jimmy/Downloads/M31/M31_' + ilbl + '.txt'
    M33_file = 'C:/Users/Jimmy/Downloads/M33/M33_' + ilbl + '.txt'

    # Define CoM object for each galaxy
    COMD_MW = CenterOfMass(MW_file, 2)
    COMD_M31 = CenterOfMass(M31_file, 2)
    COMD_M33 = CenterOfMass(M33_file, 2)

    # Find CoM components for position and velocity of the MW
    COMP_MW = COMD_MW.COM_P(0.1)

    # Center the MW in the images
    xD_MW = COMD_MW.x - COMP_MW[0].value
    yD_MW = COMD_MW.y - COMP_MW[1].value
    zD_MW = COMD_MW.z - COMP_MW[2].value

    # Define positions of M31 Disk Particles
    xD_M31 = COMD_M31.x - COMP_MW[0].value
    yD_M31 = COMD_M31.y - COMP_MW[1].value
# my modules
from ReadFile import Read
from CenterOfMass import CenterOfMass
from MassProfile import MassProfile

# yt
import yt
from yt.units import kiloparsec, Msun, Gyr

# In[ ]:

# Create a COM of object for MW Disk Using Code from Assignment 4
# using highest res files - HR

COMD = CenterOfMass("MW_HR_000.txt", 2)

# In[ ]:

# Compute COM of MW using disk particles
COMP = COMD.COM_P(0.1, 4.0)
# In assignment 6 you are asked to modify the CenterOfMass.py file so that
# in addition to a 'delta' (tolerance) there is also a volume decrement value.
# dividing the volume by 4.0 actually works better than dividing by half (RMAX/4 instead)

# store COM Velocity

# ## (PART 1) Edit Below:
# ### Define the remaining data properties: yD, zD, vxD, vyD, vzD
Example #29
def OrbitCOM(galaxy, start, end, n):
    # This function will compute the time and COM position and velocity
    # vectors of a given galaxy in each snapshot and save that output into a file
    # INPUTS:
    #   galaxy - the name of the galaxy as a string, e.g. “MW”
    #   start - The number of the first snapshot to be read in
    #   end - the number of the last snapshot to be read in.
    #   n - n integer indicating the intervals over which COM will be returned.
    # RETURNS:
    #   No returns?

    # compose the filename for output
    fileout = "Orbit_" + galaxy + ".txt"

    # set tolerance and VolDec for calculating COM_P in CenterOfMass
    # for M33 that is stripped more, use different values for VolDec
    if galaxy == "M33":
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 4.0
        delta = 0.1
        VolDec = 2.0

    # generate the snapshot id sequence
    snap_ids = np.arange(start, end, n)

    # it is always a good idea to also check if the input is eligible (not required)
    if len(snap_ids) == 0:
        print("snap_ids array initialization failed. Check inputs")

    # initialize the array for orbital info: t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz of COM
    # NOTE: maybe could replace "len(snap_ids)" with "n", but not certain
    orbit = np.zeros((len(snap_ids), 7))
    #orbit = np.zeros((n,7))

    # print for awareness of what is going on
    print("\n\ncalculating data for " + galaxy + "\n")

    # a for loop
    for i, snap_id in enumerate(snap_ids):  # loop over files

        # compose the data filename (be careful about the folder)
        loc = "/Users/colinhauch/Documents/College/Undergraduate/Semester8/400B/400B_hauch/Homeworks/Homework6"
        galaxyFolder = "/" + galaxy + "_VLowRes/"

        # create snap number string
        ilbl = '000' + str(snap_id)

        #remove all but last 3 digits to finalize snap number string
        ilbl = ilbl[-3:]

        # finalize the file name
        filename = loc + galaxyFolder + galaxy + "_" + ilbl + ".txt"

        # Initialize an instance of CenterOfMass class, using disk particles
        COM = CenterOfMass(filename, 2)

        # Store the COM pos and vel. Remember that now COM_P required VolDec
        GalCOMP = COM.COM_P(delta, VolDec)
        #GalCOMV = COM.COM_V(GalCOMP[0].value, GalCOMP[1].value, GalCOMP[2].value)
        GalCOMV = COM.COM_V(GalCOMP[0], GalCOMP[1], GalCOMP[2])

        # store the time, pos, vel in ith element of the orbit array, without units (.value)
        # note that you can store
        # a[i] = var1, *tuple(array1)
        orbit[i] = COM.time.value / 1000, GalCOMP[0].value, GalCOMP[
            1].value, GalCOMP[2].value, GalCOMV[0].value, GalCOMV[
                1].value, GalCOMV[2].value

        # print snap_id to see the progress

    # write the data to a file
    # we do this because we don't want to have to repeat this process
    # this code should only have to be called once per galaxy.
    np.savetxt(fileout, orbit, fmt = "%11.3f"*7, comments='#',
                      .format('t', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz'))
# import plotting modules
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')

# my modules
from ReadFile import Read
from CenterOfMass import CenterOfMass

# In[5]:

# Create a COM of object for MW Disk Using Code from Assignment 4
# using highest res files
# modified CenterOfMass so that it doesn't return rounded values
COMD = CenterOfMass("MW_HR_000.txt", 2)

# In[6]:

# Compute COM of MW using disk particles
COMP = COMD.COM_P(0.1, 4.0)

# In[7]:

# Determine positions and velocities of disk particles relative to COM motion
xD = COMD.x - float(COMP[0] / u.kpc)
yD = COMD.y - float(COMP[1] / u.kpc)
zD = COMD.z - float(COMP[2] / u.kpc)

# In[8]: