def Plot_tRapid(): ''' ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(1) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) m_val = np.array([ 6.37119e+9, 1.05173e+10, 1.54219e+10, 2.55939e+10, 3.98025e+10, 6.06088e+10, 9.95227e+10, 1.57374e+11 ]) t_rap = np.array([ 8.04511e-1, 7.06767e-1, 6.69173e-1, 5.48872e-1, 3.23308e-1, 2.85714e-1, 2.25564e-1, 1.80451e-1 ]) sub.scatter(m_val, t_rap, c='k', s=16) m_arr = np.arange(9.5, 12.0, 0.1) sub.plot(10**m_arr, tRapid(m_arr), c=pretty_colors[1]) sub.plot(10**m_arr, sfr_evol.getTauQ(m_arr, tau_prop={'name': 'satellite'}), c=pretty_colors[3]) # x-axis sub.set_xscale('log') sub.set_xlim([5 * 10**9, 2 * 10**11.]) # y-axis sub.set_ylim([0.0, 4.0]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{t_{Q, rapid}}$', fontsize=25) plt.close() return None
def Plot_tRapid(): ''' ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(1) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) m_val = np.array([6.37119e+9, 1.05173e+10, 1.54219e+10, 2.55939e+10, 3.98025e+10, 6.06088e+10, 9.95227e+10, 1.57374e+11]) t_rap = np.array([8.04511e-1, 7.06767e-1, 6.69173e-1, 5.48872e-1, 3.23308e-1, 2.85714e-1, 2.25564e-1, 1.80451e-1]) sub.scatter(m_val, t_rap, c='k', s=16) m_arr = np.arange(9.5, 12.0, 0.1) sub.plot(10**m_arr, tRapid(m_arr), c=pretty_colors[1]) sub.plot(10**m_arr, sfr_evol.getTauQ(m_arr, tau_prop={'name':'satellite'}), c=pretty_colors[3]) # x-axis sub.set_xscale('log') sub.set_xlim([5*10**9, 2*10**11.]) # y-axis sub.set_ylim([0.0, 4.0]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{t_{Q, rapid}}$', fontsize=25) plt.close() return None
def plotCMS_SMF_MS(cenque='default', evol_dict=None): '''Plot the stellar mass function of the integrated SFR main sequence population and compare it to the theoretic stellar mass function of the main sequence population ''' # import evolved galaxy population MSpop = CMS.EvolvedGalPop(cenque=cenque, evol_dict=evol_dict) print MSpop.File() MSpop.Read() MSonly = np.where(MSpop.t_quench == 999.) # remove the quenching galaxies smf = Obvs.getSMF(MSpop.mass[MSonly], weights=MSpop.weight_down[MSonly]) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() # analytic SMF theory_smf = Obvs.getSMF(MSpop.M_sham[MSonly], weights=MSpop.weight_down[MSonly]) fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(theory_smf[0], theory_smf[1], lw=3, c='k', label='Theory') sub.plot(smf[0], smf[1], lw=3, c=pretty_colors[3], ls='--', label='MS Only') sub.set_ylim([10**-5, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([6., 12.0]) sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_xlabel(r'Mass $\mathtt{M_*}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel(r'Stellar Mass Function $\mathtt{\Phi}$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False) fig_file = ''.join([UT.fig_dir(), 'SMF_MS.CMS', MSpop._Spec_str(), '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def xi(Mr=20, Nmock=500): ''' Plot xi(r) of the fake observations ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() xir, cii = Data.data_xi(Mr=Mr, Nmock=Nmock) rbin = Data.data_xi_bins(Mr=Mr) fig = plt.figure(1) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(rbin, rbin*xir, c='k', lw=1) sub.errorbar(rbin, rbin*xir, yerr = rbin*cii**0.5 , fmt="ok", ms=1, capsize=2, alpha=1.) sub.set_xlim([0.1, 15]) sub.set_ylim([1, 10]) sub.set_yscale("log") sub.set_xscale("log") sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{r}\; (\mathtt{Mpc})$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{r} \xi_{\rm gg}$', fontsize=25) fig_file = ''.join([util.fig_dir(), 'xi.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def PlotFq_WetzelComp(): ''' Compare the quiescent function evolution for different analytic prescriptions of Wetzel et al. (2013) ''' lit = ['wetzel', 'wetzel_alternate'] M_arr = np.arange(9.0, 12.2, 0.2) #z_arr = np.arange(0.0, 1.2, 0.2) z_arr = np.array([0.0, 0.36, 0.66, 0.88]) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) qf = gp.Fq() for il, l in enumerate(lit): if il == 0: ls = '-' elif il == 1: ls = '--' for iz, z in enumerate(z_arr): if iz == 0: label = l.title() else: label = None fq_M = qf.model(M_arr, z, lit=l) sub.plot(M_arr, fq_M, c=pretty_colors[iz], lw=3, ls=ls, label=label) # Now plot Tinker et al. (2013)'s fQ^cen for iz, z in enumerate(z_arr): if z != 0.0: fq_file = ''.join( ['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'stats_z', str(iz), '.fq_cen']) mmm, fqcen = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1]) mmm = np.log10(mmm) else: fq_file = ''.join( ['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'fcen_red_sdss_scatter.dat']) mmm, fqcen = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1]) sub.scatter(mmm, fqcen, c=pretty_colors[iz], lw=0, s=10) sub.set_xlim([9.0, 12.]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M_{*}}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([0., 1.]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{f_Q}$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper left') fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/', 'Fq_Wetzel_Comparison.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def test_fit_tofz(): z_table, t_table = UT.zt_table() cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.274) prettyplot() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for deg in range(2,10): coeff = UT.fit_tofz(deg) if deg > 5: print 'deg = ', deg, coeff tofz = np.poly1d(coeff) z_arr = np.arange(0., 2., 0.1) t_arr = cosmo.age(z_arr).value sub.plot(z_arr, (tofz(z_arr) - t_arr)/t_arr, label='Degree='+str(deg)) t_of_z = interpolate.interp1d(z_arr, t_arr, kind='cubic') tint = t_of_z(z_table[1:20])#np.interp(t_table[:20], t_arr, z_arr) sub.scatter(z_table[1:20], (t_table[1:20] - tint)/tint, c='k', s=30) sub.plot(np.arange(0., 2., 0.1), np.repeat(-0.025, len(np.arange(0., 2., 0.1))), c='k', ls='--', lw=3) sub.plot(np.arange(0., 2., 0.1), np.repeat(0.025, len(np.arange(0., 2., 0.1))), c='k', ls='--', lw=3) sub.set_ylim([-0.05, 0.05]) sub.set_xlim([0., 2.]) sub.legend(loc='upper left')
def PlotLee2015_SFMS_zdep(): ''' Plot the S0 term (redshift dependence term of the SFMS parmaterization) of the Lee et al. (2015) SFMS fits. ''' z_mid = np.array([0.36, 0.55, 0.70, 0.85, 0.99, 1.19]) S0 = np.array([0.80, 0.99, 1.23, 1.35, 1.53, 1.72]) S0_err = np.array([0.019, 0.015, 0.016, 0.014, 0.017, 0.024]) zslope, const = Lee2015_SFMS_zslope() prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.errorbar(z_mid, S0, yerr=S0_err, c='k', elinewidth=3, capsize=10, label='Lee et al. (2015)') sub.plot(z_mid, zslope * (z_mid - 0.05) + const, c=pretty_colors[1], lw=2, ls='--', label='Best fit') ztext = '\n'.join(['Redshift slope', r'$\mathtt{A_z='+str(round(zslope,2))+'}$']) sub.text(0.1, 1.5, ztext, fontsize=20) sub.legend(loc='lower right') sub.set_ylabel('Lee et al. (2015) $S_0$ term', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([0.0, 1.5]) sub.set_xlabel('Redshift $(\mathtt{z})$', fontsize=25) fig_file = ''.join(['figure/', 'Lee2015_SFMS_zdep.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') return None
def gmf(Mr=20, Nmock=500): ''' Plot Group Multiplicty Function of fake observations ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() # import fake obs GMF gmf, sig_gmf = Data.data_gmf(Mr=Mr, Nmock=Nmock) # group richness bins gmf_bin = Data.data_gmf_bins() fig = plt.figure(1) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.errorbar( 0.5*(gmf_bin[:-1]+gmf_bin[1:]), gmf, yerr=sig_gmf, fmt="ok", capsize=1.0 ) sub.set_xlim([1, 60]) sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_ylabel(r"Group Multiplicity Function (h$^{3}$ Mpc$^{-3}$)", fontsize=20) sub.set_xlabel(r"$\mathtt{Group\;\;Richness}$", fontsize=20) # save to file fig_file = ''.join([util.fig_dir(), 'gmf.Mr', str(Mr), '.Nmock', str(Nmock), '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') return None
def LineageFinalDescendantSMF(nsnap_ancestor, subhalo_prop={ 'scatter': 0.0, 'source': 'li-march' }, sfr_prop={ 'fq': { 'name': 'wetzelsmooth' }, 'sfr': { 'name': 'average' } }): ''' Plot SMF of final descendant. Also mark the composition of the final SMF from Subhalos that gain stellar mass at different snapshots in the middle of the simulation. ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() bloodline = Lineage(nsnap_ancestor=nsnap_ancestor, subhalo_prop=subhalo_prop) bloodline.Read([1], sfr_prop=sfr_prop) final_desc = bloodline.descendant_snapshot1 mf = SMF() smf_plot = plots.PlotSMF() smf_plot.cgpop(final_desc, line_color='k') for isnap in range(2, nsnap_ancestor + 1)[::-1]: started_here = np.where(final_desc.nsnap_genesis == isnap) mass, phi = mf._smf(final_desc.mass[started_here]) try: phi_tot += phi smf_plot.sub.fill_between(mass, phi_tot - phi, phi_tot, color=pretty_colors[isnap], label='Nsnap=' + str(isnap)) except UnboundLocalError: phi_tot = phi smf_plot.sub.fill_between(mass, np.zeros(len(phi)), phi, color=pretty_colors[isnap], label='Nsnap=' + str(isnap)) smf_plot.set_axes() fig_file = ''.join([ 'figure/test/', 'LineageFinalDescendantSMF', '.ancestor', str(nsnap_ancestor), bloodline._file_spec(subhalo_prop=subhalo_prop, sfr_prop=sfr_prop), '.png' ]) smf_plot.save_fig(fig_file) return None
def TrueObservables(Mr=21, b_normal=0.25): ''' Plot xi and gmf for the data ''' # xi data xi_data = Data.data_xi(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal) cov_data = Data.data_cov(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal, inference='mcmc') data_xi_cov = cov_data[1:16, 1:16] xi_r_bin = Data.data_xi_bin(Mr=Mr) # gmf data data_gmf = Data.data_gmf(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal) cov_data = Data.data_cov(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal, inference='mcmc') data_gmf_cov = cov_data[16:, 16:] r_binedge = Data.data_gmf_bins() gmf_r_bin = 0.5 * (r_binedge[:-1] + r_binedge[1:]) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) sub_xi = fig.add_subplot(121) sub_gmf = fig.add_subplot(122) #sub_xi.errorbar(xi_r_bin, xi_data, yerr = np.sqrt(np.diag(data_xi_cov)), fmt="o", color='k', # markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=3, elinewidth=1.5) #sub_xi.scatter(xi_r_bin, xi_data, c='k', s=10, lw=0) sub_xi.fill_between(xi_r_bin, xi_data - np.sqrt(np.diag(data_xi_cov)), xi_data + np.sqrt(np.diag(data_xi_cov)), color=pretty_colors[1]) sub_xi.set_yscale('log') sub_xi.set_xscale('log') sub_xi.set_xlim(0.1, 20) sub_xi.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{r}\; [\mathtt{Mpc}/h]$', fontsize=25) sub_xi.set_ylabel(r'$\xi(r)$', fontsize=25) #sub_gmf.errorbar(gmf_r_bin, data_gmf, yerr=np.sqrt(np.diag(data_gmf_cov)), # fmt="o", color='k', # markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=4, elinewidth=2) #sub_gmf.scatter(gmf_r_bin, data_gmf, s=15, lw=0, c='k', label='Mock Observation') sub_gmf.fill_between(gmf_r_bin, data_gmf - np.sqrt(np.diag(data_gmf_cov)), data_gmf + np.sqrt(np.diag(data_gmf_cov)), color=pretty_colors[1]) sub_gmf.set_xlim(1, 20) sub_gmf.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{N}$ (Group Richness)', fontsize=25) sub_gmf.yaxis.tick_right() sub_gmf.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') sub_gmf.yaxis.set_label_position('right') sub_gmf.set_ylim([10**-7, 2.0 * 10**-4]) sub_gmf.set_yscale('log') sub_gmf.set_ylabel(r'$\zeta(\mathtt{N})$', fontsize=25) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05) fig_name = ''.join([ut.fig_dir(), 'paper.data_observables', '.pdf']) fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close() return None
def SubhaloSMF(type, scatter=0.0, source='li-drory-march', nsnap_ancestor=20 ): ''' Test the Subhalos/CentralSubhalos imported from TreePM by comparing their measured SMFs to the analytic SMFs Parameters ---------- type : string String that specifies whether we're interested in CentralSubhalos or all Subhalos. scatter : float Float that specifies the scatter in the SMHM relation, which affects the SHAM masses source : string String that specifies which SMF is used for SHAM ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for i_snap in range(1, nsnap_ancestor+1): smf = SMF() if type == 'all': subh = Subhalos() elif type == 'central': subh = CentralSubhalos() else: raise ValueError subh.Read(i_snap, scatter=scatter, source=source, nsnap_ancestor=nsnap_ancestor) subh_mass, subh_phi = smf.Obj(subh, dlogm=0.1, LF=False) sub.plot(subh_mass, subh_phi, lw=4, c=pretty_colors[i_snap % 19], alpha=0.5) analytic_mass, analytic_phi = smf.analytic(get_z_nsnap(i_snap), source=source) sub.plot(analytic_mass, analytic_phi, lw=4, ls='--', c=pretty_colors[i_snap % 19], label=r"$ z = "+str(round(get_z_nsnap(i_snap),2))+"$") sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_ylim([10**-5, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([6.0, 12.0]) #sub.legend(loc='upper right') if type == 'all': subhalo_str = 'subhalo' elif type == 'central': subhalo_str = 'central_subhalo' else: raise ValueError fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/' 'SubhaloSMF', '.', subhalo_str, '.scatter', str(round(scatter,2)), '.ancestor', str(nsnap_ancestor), '.', source, '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def TrueObservables(Mr=21, b_normal=0.25): ''' Plot xi and gmf for the data ''' # xi data xi_data = Data.data_xi(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal) cov_data = Data.data_cov(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal, inference='mcmc') data_xi_cov = cov_data[1:16, 1:16] xi_r_bin = Data.data_xi_bin(Mr=Mr) # gmf data data_gmf = Data.data_gmf(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal) cov_data = Data.data_cov(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal, inference='mcmc') data_gmf_cov = cov_data[16:, 16:] r_binedge = Data.data_gmf_bins() gmf_r_bin = 0.5 * (r_binedge[:-1] + r_binedge[1:]) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) sub_xi = fig.add_subplot(121) sub_gmf = fig.add_subplot(122) #sub_xi.errorbar(xi_r_bin, xi_data, yerr = np.sqrt(np.diag(data_xi_cov)), fmt="o", color='k', # markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=3, elinewidth=1.5) #sub_xi.scatter(xi_r_bin, xi_data, c='k', s=10, lw=0) sub_xi.fill_between(xi_r_bin, xi_data-np.sqrt(np.diag(data_xi_cov)), xi_data+np.sqrt(np.diag(data_xi_cov)), color=pretty_colors[1]) sub_xi.set_yscale('log') sub_xi.set_xscale('log') sub_xi.set_xlim(0.1, 20) sub_xi.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{r}\; [\mathtt{Mpc}/h]$', fontsize=25) sub_xi.set_ylabel(r'$\xi(r)$', fontsize=25) #sub_gmf.errorbar(gmf_r_bin, data_gmf, yerr=np.sqrt(np.diag(data_gmf_cov)), # fmt="o", color='k', # markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=4, elinewidth=2) #sub_gmf.scatter(gmf_r_bin, data_gmf, s=15, lw=0, c='k', label='Mock Observation') sub_gmf.fill_between(gmf_r_bin, data_gmf-np.sqrt(np.diag(data_gmf_cov)), data_gmf+np.sqrt(np.diag(data_gmf_cov)), color=pretty_colors[1]) sub_gmf.set_xlim(1, 20) sub_gmf.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{N}$ (Group Richness)', fontsize=25) sub_gmf.yaxis.tick_right() sub_gmf.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') sub_gmf.yaxis.set_label_position('right') sub_gmf.set_ylim([10**-7, 2.0*10**-4]) sub_gmf.set_yscale('log') sub_gmf.set_ylabel(r'$\zeta(\mathtt{N})$', fontsize=25) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05) fig_name = ''.join([ut.fig_dir(), 'paper.data_observables', '.pdf']) fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close() return None
def test_Evolver_logSFRinitiate(sfh, nsnap0=None): ''' Test the log(SFR) initiate step within Evolver.Evolve() ''' # load in Subhalo Catalog (pure centrals) subhist = Cat.PureCentralHistory(nsnap_ancestor=nsnap0) print subhist.File() subcat = subhist.Read() # load in generic theta (parameter values) theta = Evol.defaultTheta(sfh) for k in theta.keys(): print k, '---', theta[k] eev = Evol.Evolver(subcat, theta, nsnap0=nsnap0) eev.Initiate() eev.Evolve(forTests=True) #subcat = eev.SH_catalog sfr_kwargs = eev.sfr_kwargs # SFR keyword arguments #logSFR_logM_z = self.logSFR_logM_z # logSFR(logM, z) function prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() if sfh in ['random_step', 'random_step_fluct']: #print 'dlogSFR_amp', sfr_kwargs['dlogSFR_amp'].shape #print 'tsteps', sfr_kwargs['tsteps'].shape i_rand = np.random.choice(range(sfr_kwargs['dlogSFR_amp'].shape[0]), size=10, replace=False) fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for ii in i_rand: #print sfr_kwargs['tsteps'][ii, :] #print sfr_kwargs['dlogSFR_amp'][ii, :] sub.plot(sfr_kwargs['tsteps'][ii, :], sfr_kwargs['dlogSFR_amp'][ii, :]) sub.set_xlim([UT.t_nsnap(nsnap0), UT.t_nsnap(1)]) elif sfh in ['random_step_abias']: i_rand = np.random.choice(range(sfr_kwargs['dlogSFR_amp'].shape[0]), size=10, replace=False) fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for ii in i_rand: #range(sfr_kwargs['dlogSFR_amp'].shape[1]): #print sfr_kwargs['tsteps'][ii, :] #print sfr_kwargs['dlogSFR_amp'][ii, :] sub.scatter(sfr_kwargs['dMhalos'][ii,:], sfr_kwargs['dlogSFR_corr'][ii,:]) sub.set_xlim([-0.2, 0.2]) sub.set_ylim([-3.*theta['sfh']['sigma_corr'], 3.*theta['sfh']['sigma_corr']]) else: raise NotImplementedError return None
def Subhalo_MhaloMag(scatter=0.0, source='cool_ages', nsnap_ancestor=20): ''' Test the Subhalos/CentralSubhalos imported from TreePM by comparing their measured SMFs to the analytic SMFs Parameters ---------- scatter : float Float that specifies the scatter in the SMHM relation, which affects the SHAM masses source : string String that specifies which SMF is used for SHAM ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for i_snap in [7, 4, 1]: mu_mag = [] sig_mag = [] subh = Subhalos() subh.Read(i_snap, scatter=scatter, source=source, nsnap_ancestor=nsnap_ancestor) subh.mag_r *= -1. m_halo = getattr(subh, 'halo.m.max') for m_low in np.arange(10., 15.5, 0.1): m_bin = np.where((m_halo > m_low) & (m_halo <= m_low + 0.1)) mu_mag.append(np.mean(subh.mag_r[m_bin])) sig_mag.append(np.std(subh.mag_r[m_bin])) #sub.errorbar(np.arange(10.05, 15.55, 0.1), mu_mag, yerr=sig_mag, c=pretty_colors[i_snap]) sub.fill_between(np.arange(10.05, 15.55, 0.1), np.array(mu_mag) - np.array(sig_mag), np.array(mu_mag) + np.array(sig_mag), color=pretty_colors[i_snap], alpha=0.75, label=r"$ z = " + str(round(get_z_nsnap(i_snap), 2)) + "$") sub.set_xlim([10, 15.5]) sub.set_ylim([-17.8, -23.]) sub.set_ylabel('$\mathtt{M}_\mathtt{halo}^\mathtt{peak}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel('Magnitude', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='lower right') fig_file = ''.join([ 'figure/test/' 'Subhalo_Mhalo_Mag', '.scatter', str(round(scatter, 2)), '.ancestor', str(nsnap_ancestor), '.', source, '.png' ]) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def Plot_fQcentrals(): ''' Plot the quiescent fractions from Tinker et al. (2013) ''' # mass binnning we impose m_low = np.array([9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 11.5]) m_high = np.array([10., 10.5, 11., 11.5, 12.0]) m_mid = 0.5 * (m_low + m_high) # SDSS fq_file = ''.join( ['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'fcen_red_sdss_scatter.dat']) m_sdss, fqcen_sdss, N_sdss = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1, 2]) fqcen_sdss_rebin = [] for im, m_mid_i in enumerate(m_mid): sdss_mbin = np.where((m_sdss >= m_low[im]) & (m_sdss < m_high[im])) fqcen_sdss_rebin.append( np.sum(fqcen_sdss[sdss_mbin] * N_sdss[sdss_mbin].astype('float')) / np.sum(N_sdss[sdss_mbin].astype('float'))) fqcen_sdss_rebin = np.array(fqcen_sdss_rebin) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot([9.] + list(m_mid), [0.] + list(fqcen_sdss_rebin), c='k') for iz, z in enumerate([0.36, 0.66, 0.88]): fq_file = ''.join( ['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'stats_z', str(iz + 1), '.fq_cen']) m_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos_low, fqcen_cosmos_high = np.loadtxt( fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3]) m_cosmos = np.log10(m_cosmos) fqcen_interp = interpolate.interp1d(m_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos) fqcen_low_interp = interpolate.interp1d(m_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos_low) fqcen_high_interp = interpolate.interp1d(m_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos_high) fqcen_cosmos_rebin = fqcen_interp(m_mid) fqcen_low_cosmos_rebin = fqcen_low_interp(m_mid) fqcen_high_cosmos_rebin = fqcen_high_interp(m_mid) sub.fill_between([9.] + list(m_mid), [0.] + list(fqcen_low_cosmos_rebin), [0.] + list(fqcen_high_cosmos_rebin), color=pretty_colors[2 * iz + 1]) sub.set_xlim([8.75, 12.0]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M_*}$', fontsize=30) sub.set_ylim([0., 1.0]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{f_Q^{cen}}$', fontsize=30)
def plot_predictions(Mr, nburnins, nchains, assembly = True, clotter = False): if (assembly == True): filename = 'Mr'+str(Mr)+'.hdf5' else: filename = 'adhoc_Mr'+str(Mr)+'.hdf5' sample = h5py.File(filename , "r")["mcmc"] npars = sample.shape[2] nwalkers = sample.shape[1] sample = sample[nchains-nburnins:nchains, : , :] sample = sample.reshape(sample.shape[0]*sample.shape[1] , sample.shape[2]) print np.percentile(sample , [16,50,84] , axis = 0) if (clotter==False): model = MCMC_model(Mr) model_wp = [] for i in xrange(len(sample) - nwalkers*5 , len(sample)-1): print i model_wp.append(model._sum_stat(sample[i] , prior_range = None)) np.savetxt("model_wp_assembly_"+str(Mr)+".dat" , np.array(model_wp)) else: theta_best = np.median(sample, axis = 0) print theta_best model = MCMC_model(Mr) wp_best = model._sum_stat(theta_best , prior_range = None) if Mr == 19.0: cov = np.loadtxt("../../data/wpxicov_dr72_bright0_mr19.0_z0.064_nj400")[:12,:12] data_wp = np.loadtxt("../../data/wpxi_dr72_bright0_mr19.0_z0.064_nj400")[:,1] if Mr == 20.0: cov = np.loadtxt("../../data/wpxicov_dr72_bright0_mr20.0_z0.106_nj400")[:12,:12] data_wp = np.loadtxt("../../data/wpxi_dr72_bright0_mr20.0_z0.106_nj400")[:,1] prettyplot() pretty_colors=prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16,12)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) wps = np.loadtxt("model_wp_assembly_"+str(Mr)+".dat") a, b, c, d, e = np.percentile(wps, [2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5], axis=0) rbin = np.loadtxt(path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), "../", "bin")) rbin_center = np.mean(rbin , axis = 1) ax.fill_between(rbin_center, a, e, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.3, edgecolor="none") ax.fill_between(rbin_center, b, d, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none") ax.errorbar(rbin_center, data_wp, np.diag(cov)**.5, markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=3, elinewidth=1.5) #ax.plot(rbin_center , wp_best , color = "red", lw=1.5) ax.set_xlabel(r'$r_{p}[\mathtt{Mpc}]$', fontsize=27) ax.set_ylabel(r'$w_{p}(\mathtt{r_{p}})$', fontsize=27) ax.set_title(r"posterior prediction of $w_p$ for $\mathrm{M_r}$<-"+str(Mr)) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xlim([0.05, 25.]) #ax.set_ylim([0.09, 1000.]) fig.savefig("posterior_prediction"+str(Mr)+".pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def test_analytical(): ''' Quick analystical test for the integration scheme ''' def logsfr(logmass, t0, **kwargs): return np.log10(2.0 * np.sqrt(10.0**logmass)) mass0 = 0.0 t_arr = np.arange(0.0, 14., 1.0) rk4_masses, euler_masses = [0.0], [0.0] rk4_sfrs, euler_sfrs = [0.0], [0.0] for tt in t_arr[1:]: rk4_mass_f, rk4_sfr_f = mass_evol.integrated_rk4(logsfr, mass0, np.min(t_arr), tt, f_retain=1.0, delt=0.01) euler_mass_f, euler_sfr_f = mass_evol.integrated_euler(logsfr, mass0, np.min(t_arr), tt, f_retain=1.0, delt=0.005) rk4_masses.append(rk4_mass_f) euler_masses.append(euler_mass_f) rk4_sfrs.append(rk4_sfr_f) euler_sfrs.append(euler_sfr_f) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 12)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) analytic = np.log10((t_arr * 10**9.)**2) sub.plot(t_arr, (rk4_masses - analytic) / analytic, lw=4, c=pretty_colors[1], label='RK4') sub.plot(t_arr, (euler_masses - analytic) / analytic, lw=4, ls='--', c=pretty_colors[3], label='Euler') sub.set_xlim([0.0, 14.0]) sub.set_xlabel('fake t', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel('(fake integrated M - fake analytic M)/ fake analytic M', fontsize=25) #sub.set_ylim([17.0, 20.0]) sub.legend(loc='lower right') return None
def plotCMS_SFH_AsBias(cenque='default', evol_dict=None): ''' Plot the star formation history of star forming main sequence galaxies and their corresponding halo mass acretion history ''' # import evolved galaxy population egp = CMS.EvolvedGalPop(cenque=cenque, evol_dict=evol_dict) egp.Read() MSonly = np.where(egp.t_quench == 999.) # only keep main-sequence galaxies MSonly_rand = np.random.choice(MSonly[0], size=100) z_acc, t_acc = UT.zt_table() t_cosmic = t_acc[1:16] dt = 0.1 t_arr = np.arange(t_cosmic.min(), t_cosmic.max()+dt, dt) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub1 = fig.add_subplot(211) sub2 = fig.add_subplot(212) dsfrt = np.zeros((len(t_arr), len(MSonly_rand))) for i_t, tt in enumerate(t_arr): dsfr = SFR.dSFR_MS(tt, egp.sfh_dict) for ii, i_gal in enumerate(MSonly_rand): dsfrt[i_t,ii] = dsfr[i_gal] i_col = 0 for ii, i_gal in enumerate(MSonly_rand): tlim = np.where(t_arr > egp.tsnap_genesis[i_gal]) tcoslim = np.where(t_cosmic >= egp.tsnap_genesis[i_gal]) halo_hist = (egp.Mhalo_hist[i_gal])[tcoslim][::-1] halo_exists = np.where(halo_hist != -999.) if np.power(10, halo_hist[halo_exists]-egp.halo_mass[i_gal]).min() < 0.7: if i_col < 5: sub1.plot(t_arr[tlim], dsfrt[:,ii][tlim], lw=3, c=pretty_colors[i_col]) sub2.plot(t_cosmic[tcoslim][::-1][halo_exists], np.power(10, halo_hist[halo_exists]-egp.halo_mass[i_gal]), lw=3, c=pretty_colors[i_col]) i_col += 1 sub1.set_xlim([5.0, 13.5]) sub1.set_xticklabels([]) sub1.set_ylim([-1., 1.]) sub1.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{SFR(t) - <SFR_{MS}(t)>}$', fontsize=25) sub2.set_xlim([5.0, 13.5]) sub2.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{t_{cosmic}}$', fontsize=25) sub2.set_ylim([0.0, 1.1]) sub2.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{M_h(t)}/\mathtt{M_h(t_f)}$', fontsize=25) fig_file = ''.join([UT.fig_dir(), 'SFH_AsBias.CMS', egp._Spec_str(), '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def plotCMS_SFMS(cenque='default', evol_dict=None): ''' Plot the SFR-M* relation of the SFMS and compare to expectations ''' # import evolved galaxy population cms = CMS.CentralMS(cenque=cenque) cms._Read_CenQue() MSpop = CMS.EvolvedGalPop(cenque=cenque, evol_dict=evol_dict) MSpop.Read() MSonly = np.where(MSpop.t_quench == 999.) delta_m = 0.5 mbins = np.arange(MSpop.mass[MSonly].min(), MSpop.mass[MSonly].max(), delta_m) sfr_percent = np.zeros((len(mbins)-1, 4)) for im, mbin in enumerate(mbins[:-1]): within = np.where( (MSpop.mass[MSonly] > mbin) & (MSpop.mass[MSonly] <= mbin + delta_m) ) #sfr_percent[im,:] = np.percentile([MSonly[0][within]], [2.5, 16, 84, 97.5]) sfr_percent[im,:] = UT.weighted_quantile([MSonly[0][within]], [0.025, 0.16, 0.84, 0.975], weights=MSpop.weight_down[MSonly[0][within]]) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) # parameterized observed SFMS obvs_mu_sfr = SFR.AverageLogSFR_sfms(0.5*(mbins[:-1]+mbins[1:]), 0.05, sfms_dict=cms.sfms_dict) obvs_sig_sfr = SFR.ScatterLogSFR_sfms(0.5*(mbins[:-1]+mbins[1:]), 0.05, sfms_dict=cms.sfms_dict) sub.fill_between(0.5*(mbins[:-1] + mbins[1:]), obvs_mu_sfr - 2.*obvs_sig_sfr, obvs_mu_sfr + 2.*obvs_sig_sfr, color=pretty_colors[1], alpha=0.3, edgecolor=None, lw=0) sub.fill_between(0.5*(mbins[:-1] + mbins[1:]), obvs_mu_sfr - obvs_sig_sfr, obvs_mu_sfr + obvs_sig_sfr, color=pretty_colors[1], alpha=0.5, edgecolor=None, lw=0, label='Observations') # simulation sub.fill_between(0.5*(mbins[:-1] + mbins[1:]), sfr_percent[:,0], sfr_percent[:,-1], color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.3, edgecolor=None, lw=0) sub.fill_between(0.5*(mbins[:-1] + mbins[1:]), sfr_percent[:,1], sfr_percent[:,-2], color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.5, edgecolor=None, lw=0, label='Simulated') # x,y axis sub.set_xlim([9.0, 12.0]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M_*}\; [\mathtt{M}_\odot]$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([-2., 1.]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{SFR}\; [\mathtt{M}_\odot/\mathtt{yr}]$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='lower right', numpoints=1, markerscale=1.) fig_file = ''.join([UT.fig_dir(), 'SFMS.CMS', MSpop._Spec_str(), '.png']) plt.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def test_ancestors_without_descendant(nsnap_ancestor = 20, scatter = 0.0, source='li-drory-march'): ''' What happens to ancestors that do not have descendants at nsnap = 1 Notes ----- * More than 50% of the subhalos at nsnap=20 do not have descendants at nsnap = 1. What happens to them? * Do they become satellites? --> Some become satellites, others with no mass subhalos don't stay in the catalog at all ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) # Central subhalo at nsnap_ancestor (ancesotr) anc = CentralSubhalos(), scatter=scatter, source=source) # Centrals subhalo at nsnap = 1 (descendant) des = CentralSubhalos(), scatter=scatter, source=source) no_descendants = np.invert(np.in1d(anc.index, des.ancestor20)) massive_nodescendants = np.where(anc.mass[no_descendants] > 0.0) print 'N_SH no descendants ', len(anc.mass[no_descendants]) print 'N_SH total ', len(anc.mass) print np.float(len(anc.mass[no_descendants]))/np.float(len(anc.mass)) no_des_index = anc.index[no_descendants][massive_nodescendants][:5] print anc.mass[no_descendants][massive_nodescendants][:5] for isnap in range(1, nsnap_ancestor)[::-1]: i_des = CentralSubhalos(), scatter=scatter, source=source) #print isnap, np.in1d(no_des_index, i_des.ancestor20) #if not np.in1d(no_des_index, i_des.ancestor20)[0]: des_sh = Subhalos(), scatter=scatter, source=source) #if np.sum(np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)) != len(no_des_index): # raise ValueError print des_sh.ilk[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)][np.argsort(des_sh.ancestor20[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)])] print 'M* ', des_sh.mass[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)][np.argsort(des_sh.ancestor20[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)])] print 'M_halo ', getattr(des_sh, 'halo.m')[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)][np.argsort(des_sh.ancestor20[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)])] #print des_sh.mass[np.in1d(des_sh.index, no_des_index)] #np.in1d(i_des.ancestor20, no_des_index) sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_ylim([10**-5, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([6.0, 12.0]) sub.legend(loc='upper right')
def plot_nseriesbox_p_k_mu(imock, plot='2D', Ngrid=3600): ''' Plot P(k,mu). Option for plotting the monopole is included. ''' # read k, mu, counts, P(k,mu) k_bin, mu_bin, co, avgP = nseriesbox_pkmu(imock, Ngrid=Ngrid) prettyplot() pretty_color = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) if plot == '2D': colormap = cont = sub.pcolormesh(np.arange(-1.0, 1.1, 0.1), k_bin, avgP, cmap=colormap) plt.colorbar(cont) # y-axis sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{k \;(\mathrm{Mpc}/h})$', fontsize=20) # x-axis sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mu$', fontsize=20) elif plot == 'pk': proj_p0k = [] proj_p2k = [] Leg2 = 2.5 * (3.0 * mu_bin**2 - 1.0) # L_2(mu) for i in range(N_kbin): pkmu_k = avgP[i] co_k = co[i] tot_p0k = np.sum(co_k[~np.isnan(pkmu_k)] * pkmu_k[~np.isnan(pkmu_k)]) tot_count = np.sum(co_k[~np.isnan(pkmu_k)]) proj_p0k.append(tot_p0k/tot_count) tot_p2k = np.sum(co_k[~np.isnan(pkmu_k)] * pkmu_k[~np.isnan(pkmu_k)] * Leg2[~np.isnan(pkmu_k)]) tot_count = np.sum(co_k[~np.isnan(pkmu_k)]) proj_p2k.append(tot_p2k/tot_count) sub.plot(k_bin, proj_p0k, lw=4, c=pretty_color[0], label='Monopole') sub.plot(k_bin, proj_p2k, lw=4, c=pretty_color[2], label='Quadrupole') k, p0k, p2k = np.loadtxt('/home/users/hahn/power360z_BoxN7.dat', unpack=True, usecols=[0,-1,2]) sub.plot(k, p0k * (2*np.pi)**3, ls='--', c='k') sub.plot(k, p2k * (2*np.pi)**3, ls='--', c='k') # x-axis sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{k \;(\mathrm{Mpc}/h})$', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([10**-3, 10**1]) sub.set_xscale("log") #y-axis sub.set_ylabel(r"$\mathtt{P_{l}(k)}$", fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper right') else: raise ValueError sub.set_yscale("log") fig.savefig(''.join(['figure/', 'pkmu_', str(Ngrid), 'z_BoxN', str(imock), '.', plot, '.png']), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def Plot_dFqdt(): ''' Plot the evolution of the derivative of the quiescent fraction as a function of M* and t for different parameterized models of f_Q d f_Q / d t ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() dt = 0.01 M_arr = np.arange(9.0, 12.5, 0.5) t_arr = np.arange(6.0, 13.0, 0.2) fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for iM, Mstar in enumerate(M_arr): qf = gp.Fq() lit = 'wetzelsmooth' sub.plot(t_arr, [gp.dFqdt(Mstar, tt, lit=lit, dt=dt) for tt in t_arr], ls='-', lw=3, c=pretty_colors[iM], label=r"$\mathtt{M}_* = " + str(round(Mstar, 2)) + "$") lit = 'wetzel' sub.plot(t_arr, [gp.dFqdt(Mstar, tt, lit=lit, dt=dt) for tt in t_arr], ls=':', lw=3, c=pretty_colors[iM]) lit = 'cosmosinterp' t_blah = np.arange(8.0, 9.6, 0.1) sub.plot(t_blah, [gp.dFqdt(Mstar, tt, lit=lit, dt=dt) for tt in t_blah], ls='--', lw=3, c=pretty_colors[iM]) lit = 'cosmosfit' t_blah = np.arange(8.0, 9.6, 0.1) sub.plot(t_blah, [gp.dFqdt(Mstar, tt, lit=lit, dt=dt) for tt in t_blah], ls='-.', lw=3, c=pretty_colors[iM]) sub.set_xlim([t_arr.min(), t_arr.max()]) sub.legend(loc='upper left') sub.set_ylim([0., 0.2]) fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/', 'dfqdt.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') return None
def PlotFq_WetzelComp(): ''' Compare the quiescent function evolution for different analytic prescriptions of Wetzel et al. (2013) ''' lit = ['wetzel', 'wetzel_alternate'] M_arr = np.arange(9.0, 12.2, 0.2) #z_arr = np.arange(0.0, 1.2, 0.2) z_arr = np.array([0.0, 0.36, 0.66, 0.88]) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) qf = gp.Fq() for il, l in enumerate(lit): if il == 0: ls = '-' elif il == 1: ls = '--' for iz, z in enumerate(z_arr): if iz == 0: label = l.title() else: label = None fq_M = qf.model(M_arr, z, lit=l) sub.plot(M_arr, fq_M, c=pretty_colors[iz], lw=3, ls=ls, label=label) # Now plot Tinker et al. (2013)'s fQ^cen for iz, z in enumerate(z_arr): if z != 0.0: fq_file = ''.join(['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'stats_z', str(iz), '.fq_cen']) mmm, fqcen = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1]) mmm = np.log10(mmm) else: fq_file = ''.join(['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'fcen_red_sdss_scatter.dat']) mmm, fqcen = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1]) sub.scatter(mmm, fqcen, c=pretty_colors[iz], lw=0, s=10) sub.set_xlim([9.0, 12.]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M_{*}}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([0., 1.]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{f_Q}$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper left') fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/', 'Fq_Wetzel_Comparison.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def Subhalo_MhaloMag(scatter=0.0, source='cool_ages', nsnap_ancestor=20 ): ''' Test the Subhalos/CentralSubhalos imported from TreePM by comparing their measured SMFs to the analytic SMFs Parameters ---------- scatter : float Float that specifies the scatter in the SMHM relation, which affects the SHAM masses source : string String that specifies which SMF is used for SHAM ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for i_snap in [7, 4, 1]: mu_mag = [] sig_mag = [] subh = Subhalos() subh.Read(i_snap, scatter=scatter, source=source, nsnap_ancestor=nsnap_ancestor) subh.mag_r *= -1. m_halo = getattr(subh, 'halo.m.max') for m_low in np.arange(10., 15.5, 0.1): m_bin = np.where((m_halo > m_low) & (m_halo <= m_low+0.1)) mu_mag.append(np.mean(subh.mag_r[m_bin])) sig_mag.append(np.std(subh.mag_r[m_bin])) #sub.errorbar(np.arange(10.05, 15.55, 0.1), mu_mag, yerr=sig_mag, c=pretty_colors[i_snap]) sub.fill_between(np.arange(10.05, 15.55, 0.1), np.array(mu_mag) - np.array(sig_mag), np.array(mu_mag) + np.array(sig_mag), color=pretty_colors[i_snap], alpha=0.75, label=r"$ z = "+str(round(get_z_nsnap(i_snap),2))+"$") sub.set_xlim([10, 15.5]) sub.set_ylim([-17.8, -23.]) sub.set_ylabel('$\mathtt{M}_\mathtt{halo}^\mathtt{peak}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel('Magnitude', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='lower right') fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/' 'Subhalo_Mhalo_Mag', '.scatter', str(round(scatter,2)), '.ancestor', str(nsnap_ancestor), '.', source, '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' Class that generally encompasses all of the plotting I will do for the CenQue project ''' self.kwargs = kwargs prettyplot() self.pretty_colors = prettycolors() self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10]) self.sub = self.fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
def SubhaloLF(scatter=0.0, source='cool_ages', nsnap_ancestor=20): ''' Test the Subhalos/CentralSubhalos imported from TreePM by comparing their measured SMFs to the analytic SMFs Parameters ---------- scatter : float Float that specifies the scatter in the SMHM relation, which affects the SHAM masses source : string String that specifies which SMF is used for SHAM ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for i_snap in [11, 7, 4, 1]: smf = SMF() subh = Subhalos() subh.Read(i_snap, scatter=scatter, source=source, nsnap_ancestor=nsnap_ancestor) subh.mag_r *= -1. mass, phi = smf.Obj(subh, dlogm=0.1, m_arr=np.arange(-24.0, -16., 0.1), LF=True) sub.plot(mass, phi, lw=2, ls='-', c=pretty_colors[i_snap % 19]) analytic_mass, analytic_phi = smf.analytic(get_z_nsnap(i_snap), source=source) sub.plot(analytic_mass, analytic_phi, lw=4, ls='--', c=pretty_colors[i_snap % 19], label=r"$ z = " + str(round(get_z_nsnap(i_snap), 2)) + "$") sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_ylim([10**-7, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([-24.5, -17.8]) sub.legend(loc='upper right') fig_file = ''.join([ 'figure/test/' 'SubhaloLF', '.scatter', str(round(scatter, 2)), '.ancestor', str(nsnap_ancestor), '.', source, '.png' ]) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def test_analytical(): ''' Quick analystical test for the integration scheme ''' def logsfr(logmass, t0, **kwargs): return np.log10(2.0 * np.sqrt(10.0**logmass)) mass0 = 0.0 t_arr = np.arange(0.0, 14., 1.0) rk4_masses, euler_masses = [0.0], [0.0] rk4_sfrs, euler_sfrs = [0.0], [0.0] for tt in t_arr[1:]: rk4_mass_f, rk4_sfr_f = mass_evol.integrated_rk4( logsfr, mass0, np.min(t_arr), tt, f_retain = 1.0, delt = 0.01 ) euler_mass_f, euler_sfr_f = mass_evol.integrated_euler( logsfr, mass0, np.min(t_arr), tt, f_retain = 1.0, delt = 0.005 ) rk4_masses.append(rk4_mass_f) euler_masses.append(euler_mass_f) rk4_sfrs.append(rk4_sfr_f) euler_sfrs.append(euler_sfr_f) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,12)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) analytic = np.log10((t_arr * 10**9.)**2) sub.plot(t_arr, (rk4_masses-analytic)/analytic, lw=4, c=pretty_colors[1], label='RK4') sub.plot(t_arr, (euler_masses-analytic)/analytic, lw=4, ls='--', c=pretty_colors[3], label='Euler') sub.set_xlim([0.0, 14.0]) sub.set_xlabel('fake t', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel('(fake integrated M - fake analytic M)/ fake analytic M', fontsize=25) #sub.set_ylim([17.0, 20.0]) sub.legend(loc='lower right') return None
def Plot_fQcentrals(): ''' Plot the quiescent fractions from Tinker et al. (2013) ''' # mass binnning we impose m_low = np.array([9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 11.5]) m_high = np.array([10., 10.5, 11., 11.5, 12.0]) m_mid = 0.5 * (m_low + m_high) # SDSS fq_file = ''.join(['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'fcen_red_sdss_scatter.dat']) m_sdss, fqcen_sdss, N_sdss = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1,2]) fqcen_sdss_rebin = [] for im, m_mid_i in enumerate(m_mid): sdss_mbin = np.where( (m_sdss >= m_low[im]) & (m_sdss < m_high[im])) fqcen_sdss_rebin.append( np.sum(fqcen_sdss[sdss_mbin] * N_sdss[sdss_mbin].astype('float'))/np.sum(N_sdss[sdss_mbin].astype('float')) ) fqcen_sdss_rebin = np.array(fqcen_sdss_rebin) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot([9.]+list(m_mid), [0.]+list(fqcen_sdss_rebin), c='k') for iz, z in enumerate([0.36, 0.66, 0.88]): fq_file = ''.join(['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'stats_z', str(iz+1), '.fq_cen']) m_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos_low, fqcen_cosmos_high = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1,2,3]) m_cosmos = np.log10(m_cosmos) fqcen_interp = interpolate.interp1d(m_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos) fqcen_low_interp = interpolate.interp1d(m_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos_low) fqcen_high_interp = interpolate.interp1d(m_cosmos, fqcen_cosmos_high) fqcen_cosmos_rebin = fqcen_interp(m_mid) fqcen_low_cosmos_rebin = fqcen_low_interp(m_mid) fqcen_high_cosmos_rebin = fqcen_high_interp(m_mid) sub.fill_between([9.]+list(m_mid), [0.]+list(fqcen_low_cosmos_rebin), [0.]+list(fqcen_high_cosmos_rebin), color=pretty_colors[2*iz+1]) sub.set_xlim([8.75, 12.0]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M_*}$', fontsize=30) sub.set_ylim([0., 1.0]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{f_Q^{cen}}$', fontsize=30)
def plotCMS_SMHMR_MS(cenque='default', evol_dict=None): ''' Plot the Stellar Mass to Halo Mass Relation of the evolved Gal population ''' # import evolved galaxy population egp = CMS.EvolvedGalPop(cenque=cenque, evol_dict=evol_dict) egp.Read() # Calculate the SMHMR for the EvolvedGalPop m_halo_bin = np.arange(10., 15.25, 0.25) # M_halo bins m_halo_mid = 0.5 * (m_halo_bin[:-1] + m_halo_bin[1:]) # M_halo bin mid smhmr = np.zeros((len(m_halo_bin)-1, 5)) for im, m_mid in enumerate(m_halo_mid): inbin = np.where( (egp.halo_mass > m_halo_bin[im]) & (egp.halo_mass <= m_halo_bin[im+1])) smhmr[im,:] = np.percentile(egp.mass[inbin], [2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5]) #smhmr[im,:] = UT.weighted_quantile(egp.mass[inbin], [0.025, 0.16, 0.50, 0.84, 0.975], # weights=egp.weight_down[inbin]) # "observations" with observed scatter of 0.2 dex obvs_smhmr = np.zeros((len(m_halo_bin)-1, 2)) obvs_smhmr[:,0] = smhmr[:,2] - 0.2 obvs_smhmr[:,1] = smhmr[:,2] + 0.2 prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.fill_between(m_halo_mid, smhmr[:,0], smhmr[:,-1], color=pretty_colors[1], alpha=0.25, edgecolor=None, lw=0) sub.fill_between(m_halo_mid, smhmr[:,1], smhmr[:,-2], color=pretty_colors[1], alpha=0.5, edgecolor=None, lw=0, label=r'$\mathtt{Simulated}$') sub.plot(m_halo_mid, obvs_smhmr[:,0], color='k', ls='--', lw=3) sub.plot(m_halo_mid, obvs_smhmr[:,1], color='k', ls='--', lw=3, label=r"$\sigma = \mathtt{0.2}$") sub.set_xlim([10., 15.0]) sub.set_ylim([9., 12.0]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathtt{M_{halo}}\;\;[\mathtt{M_\odot}]$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathtt{M_{*}}\;\;[\mathtt{M_\odot}]$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper right') fig_file = ''.join([UT.fig_dir(), 'SMHMR_MS.CMS', egp._Spec_str(), '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def AllSubhaloSFMS(scatter=0.2, source='li-march', age_indicator=None): ''' ''' # import AllSubhalo object owl = AllSubhalos(scatter=scatter, source=source) owl.Build(age_indicator=age_indicator) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)) if age_indicator is None: sub1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # centrals sub1.scatter(getattr(owl, '')[owl.cen_index],[owl.cen_index], c=pretty_colors[3], lw=0) sub2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # satellites sub2.scatter(getattr(owl, '')[owl.sat_index],[owl.sat_index], c=pretty_colors[5], lw=0) else: sub1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # centrals cen = sub1.scatter(getattr(owl, '')[owl.cen_index],[owl.cen_index], c=owl.central_age, cmap='viridis', lw=0) plt.colorbar(cen) sub2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # satellites sub2.scatter(getattr(owl, '')[owl.sat_index],[owl.sat_index], c=pretty_colors[5], lw=0) sub1.text(9.5, -4., 'Central', fontsize=25) sub2.text(9.5, -4., 'Satellite', fontsize=25) sub1.set_xlim([9.0, 12.0]) sub1.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M}_*$', fontsize=25) sub1.set_ylim([-5.0, 2.0]) sub1.set_xlabel('SFR', fontsize=25) sub2.set_xlim([9.0, 12.0]) sub2.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M}_*$', fontsize=25) sub2.set_ylim([-5.0, 2.0]) sub2.set_yticklabels([]) if age_indicator is None: age_str = 'NOagematch' else: age_str = 'agematch_'+age_indicator fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/', 'AllSubhalosSFMS', '.sham', '.', str(scatter), '.', source, '.', age_str, '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def AllSubhalosSMF(scatter=0.2, source='li-march', age_indicator=None): ''' Compare the SMF of the AllSubhalo object to analytic SMF ''' # import AllSubhalo object owl = AllSubhalos(scatter=scatter, source=source) owl.Build(age_indicator=age_indicator) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) smf = SMF() # AllSubhalo SMF owl.mass = getattr(owl, '') subh_mass, subh_phi = smf.Obj(owl, dlogm=0.1, LF=False) sub.plot(subh_mass, subh_phi, lw=4, c=pretty_colors[3]) subh_mass, subh_phi = smf._smf(owl.mass[np.where( != -999.)], dlogm=0.1) sub.plot(subh_mass, subh_phi, lw=1, c='k') sub.vlines(9.7, subh_phi.min(), subh_phi.max(), linestyle='--', color='k') # Analytic SMF analytic_mass, analytic_phi = smf.analytic(0.05, source=source) sub.plot(analytic_mass, analytic_phi, lw=4, ls='--', c='k', label='Analytic') # y-axis sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_ylim([10**-5, 10**-1]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\Phi$', fontsize=25) # x-axis sub.set_xlim([6.0, 12.0]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M_*}$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='lower left') if age_indicator is None: age_str = 'NOagematch' else: age_str = 'agematch_'+age_indicator fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/', 'AllSubhalosSMF', '.sham', '.', str(scatter), '.', source, '.', age_str, '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def Plot_fQcen_SDSS(): ''' Compare the quiescent fraction of SDSS from the *corrected* SDSS fQ^cen from Tinker et al. (2013) versus the Wetzel et al. (2013) parameterization. ''' # mass binnning we impose m_low = np.array([9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 11.5]) m_high = np.array([10., 10.5, 11., 11.5, 12.0]) m_mid = 0.5 * (m_low + m_high) # SDSS fq_file = ''.join( ['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'fcen_red_sdss_scatter.dat']) m_sdss, fqcen_sdss, N_sdss = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1, 2]) fqcen_sdss_rebin = [] for im, m_mid_i in enumerate(m_mid): sdss_mbin = np.where((m_sdss >= m_low[im]) & (m_sdss < m_high[im])) fqcen_sdss_rebin.append( np.sum(fqcen_sdss[sdss_mbin] * N_sdss[sdss_mbin].astype('float')) / np.sum(N_sdss[sdss_mbin].astype('float'))) fqcen_sdss_rebin = np.array(fqcen_sdss_rebin) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) qf = Fq() fqcen_model = qf.model(m_mid, 0.05, lit='cosmos_tinker') sub.plot(m_mid, fqcen_model, c=pretty_colors[3], lw=3, label=r'Wetzel et al. (2013) fit') sub.scatter(m_mid, fqcen_sdss_rebin, color=pretty_colors[0], lw=0, s=40, label=r'Tinker et al. (2013)') sub.set_xlim([9.0, 12.0]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{log\;M_*}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{f_Q^{cen}}$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper left', scatterpoints=1, markerscale=3) fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/', 'Fq_central_SDSS.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def Test_Jackknife(n_jack, RADec_bins=[3, 3]): ''' Test the Jackknifing ''' cat_dict = { 'name': 'tinker', 'Mrcut': 18, 'primary_delv': 500., 'primary_rperp': 0.5, 'neighbor_delv': 500., 'neighbor_rperp': 5. } # read conformity catalog based on input catalog dictionary concat = clog.ConformCatalog(Mrcut=cat_dict['Mrcut'], primary_delv=cat_dict['primary_delv'], primary_rperp=cat_dict['primary_rperp'], neighbor_delv=cat_dict['neighbor_delv'], neighbor_rperp=cat_dict['neighbor_rperp']) catalog = concat.Read() jack_catalog = concat.Jackknife(catalog, n_jack, RADec_bins=RADec_bins) #jack_catalog = concat.ReadJackknife(n_jack, RADec_bins=RADec_bins) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.scatter(catalog['ra'], catalog['dec'], s=6, lw=0, c='k') sub.scatter(jack_catalog['ra'], jack_catalog['dec'], s=6, lw=0, c=pretty_colors[3]) # axes sub.set_xlabel('RA', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([-50, 400]) sub.set_ylabel('Dec', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([-20, 80]) sub.minorticks_on() fig_file = ''.join([ UT.dir_fig(), 'test_jackknife.', str(n_jack), 'of', str(RADec_bins[0]), 'x', str(RADec_bins[1]), '.png' ]) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def PlotkPk(name, version): peek = PK.Pk(name, version) peek.Read() prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(peek.k, peek.k * peek.p0k, lw=3, c=pretty_colors[3]) sub.set_xlabel('$\mathtt{k} (h/\mathtt{Mpc})$', fontsize=30) sub.set_ylabel('$\mathtt{k P_0(k)}$', fontsize=30)
def IntegTest(): ''' Test the convergence of integration methods by trying both euler and RK4 integration for different time steps and then comparing the resulting SMF Conclusions ----------- * The integration is more or less converged after tstep <= 0.5 dt_min especially for RK4. So for calculations use tstep = 0.5 dt_min. ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,6)) for ii, integ in enumerate(['euler', 'rk4']): sub = fig.add_subplot(1,2,ii+1) for i_t, tstep in enumerate([0.001, 0.01, 0.1]): evol_dict = { 'sfh': {'name': 'random_step', 'dt_min': 0.1, 'dt_max': 0.5, 'sigma': 0.3, 'assembly_bias': 'acc_hist', 'halo_prop': 'frac', 'sigma_bias': 0.3}, 'mass': {'type': integ, 'f_retain': 0.6, 't_step': tstep} } EGP = CMS.EvolvedGalPop(cenque='default', evol_dict=evol_dict) if not os.path.isfile(EGP.File()): EGP.Write() EGP.Read() MSonly = np.where(EGP.t_quench == 999.) # remove the quenching galaxies smf = Obvs.getSMF(EGP.mass[MSonly], weights=EGP.weight_down[MSonly]) sub.plot(smf[0], smf[1], lw=3, c=pretty_colors[i_t], ls='--', label=''.join([integ, ';', r'$\mathtt{t_{step} =', str(tstep),'}$'])) # analytic SMF for comparison theory_smf = Obvs.getSMF(EGP.M_sham[MSonly], weights=EGP.weight_down[MSonly]) sub.plot(theory_smf[0], theory_smf[1], lw=2, c='k', label='Theory') sub.set_ylim([10**-5, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([8., 12.0]) sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_xlabel(r'Mass $\mathtt{M_*}$', fontsize=25) if ii == 0: sub.set_ylabel(r'Stellar Mass Function $\mathtt{\Phi}$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False) fig_file = ''.join([UT.fig_dir(), 'IntegTest.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def plot_a_spectrum(): t_start = time.time() sps = fsps.StellarPopulation(zcontinuous=1) spec = sps.get_spectrum() print time.time() - t_start, ' seconds' # takes 3 mins... wtf prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for i in range(spec[1].shape[0]): sub.plot(spec[0], 1.e17 * (spec[1][i, :]), c=pretty_colors[i % 10]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([1000, 10000]) fig.savefig('aspectrum.png') plt.close() return None
def PlotABC_tQdelay(tf, cen_abcrun=None): ''' ''' abcrun_flag = cen_abcrun + '_central' theta_file = lambda pewl: ''.join([code_dir(), 'dat/pmc_abc/', 'Satellite.tQdelay.theta_t', str(pewl), '_', abcrun_flag, '.dat']) theta = np.loadtxt(theta_file(tf)) m_arr = np.arange(7.5, 12.0, 0.1) tdels = [] for i in xrange(len(theta)): i_tqdelay_dict = {'name': 'explin', 'm': theta[i][0], 'b': theta[i][1]} tdels.append(tDelay(m_arr, **i_tqdelay_dict)) tdels = np.array(tdels) a, b, c, d, e = np.percentile(tdels, [2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5], axis=0) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) mstar = np.array([1.56781e+11, 1.01089e+11, 6.27548e+10, 3.98107e+10, 2.49831e+10, 1.57633e+10, 9.89223e+9, 6.37831e+9]) tqdel_high = np.array([1.36456e+0 , 2.53148e+0 , 3.06686e+0 , 3.52693e+0 , 3.62625e+0 , 3.99574e+0, 3.99915e+0 ,3.99915e+0]) tqdel_low = np.array([8.15728e-1, 1.98257e+0, 2.29240e+0, 2.82772e+0, 2.99466e+0, 2.72548e+0, 2.99016e+0, 2.68333e+0]) sub.fill_between(mstar, tqdel_low, tqdel_high, color=pretty_colors[0], edgecolor="none", label='Roughly Wetzel+(2013)') #sub.plot(10**m_arr, tDelay(m_arr, **abc_tqdelay_dict), c=pretty_colors[3], label='ABC Best-fit') sub.fill_between(10**m_arr, a, e, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none", label='ABC Best-fit') sub.fill_between(10**m_arr, b, d, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=1., edgecolor="none") sub.plot(10**m_arr, tDelay(m_arr, **{'name': 'hacked'})) sub.set_ylim([0.0, 4.0]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{t_{Q, delay}}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([5*10**9, 2*10**11.]) sub.set_xscale("log") sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M}_*$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='lower left') fig.savefig('figure/sallite_tqdelay_'+cen_abcrun+'.png', bbox_inches='tight') return None
def SubhaloLF(scatter=0.0, source='cool_ages', nsnap_ancestor=20 ): ''' Test the Subhalos/CentralSubhalos imported from TreePM by comparing their measured SMFs to the analytic SMFs Parameters ---------- scatter : float Float that specifies the scatter in the SMHM relation, which affects the SHAM masses source : string String that specifies which SMF is used for SHAM ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for i_snap in [11, 7, 4, 1]: smf = SMF() subh = Subhalos() subh.Read(i_snap, scatter=scatter, source=source, nsnap_ancestor=nsnap_ancestor) subh.mag_r *= -1. mass, phi = smf.Obj(subh, dlogm=0.1, m_arr=np.arange(-24.0, -16., 0.1), LF=True) sub.plot(mass, phi, lw=2, ls='-', c=pretty_colors[i_snap % 19]) analytic_mass, analytic_phi = smf.analytic(get_z_nsnap(i_snap), source=source) sub.plot(analytic_mass, analytic_phi, lw=4, ls='--', c=pretty_colors[i_snap % 19], label=r"$ z = "+str(round(get_z_nsnap(i_snap),2))+"$") sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_ylim([10**-7, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([-24.5, -17.8]) sub.legend(loc='upper right') fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/' 'SubhaloLF', '.scatter', str(round(scatter,2)), '.ancestor', str(nsnap_ancestor), '.', source, '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def Plot_fQcen_SDSS(): ''' Compare the quiescent fraction of SDSS from the *corrected* SDSS fQ^cen from Tinker et al. (2013) versus the Wetzel et al. (2013) parameterization. ''' # mass binnning we impose m_low = np.array([9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 11.5]) m_high = np.array([10., 10.5, 11., 11.5, 12.0]) m_mid = 0.5 * (m_low + m_high) # SDSS fq_file = ''.join(['dat/observations/cosmos_fq/', 'fcen_red_sdss_scatter.dat']) m_sdss, fqcen_sdss, N_sdss = np.loadtxt(fq_file, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1,2]) fqcen_sdss_rebin = [] for im, m_mid_i in enumerate(m_mid): sdss_mbin = np.where( (m_sdss >= m_low[im]) & (m_sdss < m_high[im])) fqcen_sdss_rebin.append( np.sum(fqcen_sdss[sdss_mbin] * N_sdss[sdss_mbin].astype('float'))/np.sum(N_sdss[sdss_mbin].astype('float')) ) fqcen_sdss_rebin = np.array(fqcen_sdss_rebin) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) qf = Fq() fqcen_model = qf.model(m_mid, 0.05, lit='cosmos_tinker') sub.plot(m_mid, fqcen_model, c=pretty_colors[3], lw=3, label=r'Wetzel et al. (2013) fit') sub.scatter(m_mid, fqcen_sdss_rebin, color=pretty_colors[0], lw=0, s=40, label=r'Tinker et al. (2013)') sub.set_xlim([9.0, 12.0]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{log\;M_*}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{f_Q^{cen}}$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper left', scatterpoints=1, markerscale=3) fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/', 'Fq_central_SDSS.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def PlotCovariance(obvs, Mr=21, b_normal=0.25, inference='mcmc'): ''' Plot the covariance matrix for a specified obvs ''' # import the covariance matrix covar = Data.data_cov(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal, inference=inference) if obvs == 'xi': obvs_cov = covar[1:16 , 1:16] r_bin = Data.xi_binedges() elif obvs == 'gmf': obvs_cov = covar[17:, 17:] binedges = Data.data_gmf_bins() r_bin = 0.5 * (binedges[:-1] + binedges[1:]) n_bin = int(np.sqrt(obvs_cov.size)) # calculate the reduced covariance for plotting red_covar = np.zeros([n_bin, n_bin]) for ii in range(n_bin): for jj in range(n_bin): red_covar[ii][jj] = obvs_cov[ii][jj]/np.sqrt(obvs_cov[ii][ii] * obvs_cov[jj][jj]) prettyplot() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) cont = sub.pcolormesh(r_bin, r_bin, red_covar, plt.colorbar(cont) sub.set_xlim([r_bin[0], r_bin[-1]]) sub.set_ylim([r_bin[0], r_bin[-1]]) sub.set_xscale('log') sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{r}\;[\mathtt{Mpc/h}$]', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{r}\;[\mathtt{Mpc/h}$]', fontsize=25) fig_file = ''.join([util.fig_dir(), obvs.upper(), 'covariance', '.Mr', str(Mr), '.bnorm', str(round(b_normal,2)), '.', inference, '_inf.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def Test_KauffmannParent_Pssfr(): ''' look at the P(sSFR) of the Kauffmann et al. sample ''' catalog = clog.KauffmannParent() is_notnan = np.isnan(catalog['ssfr_fib']) == False fib_ssfr = catalog['ssfr_fib'][is_notnan] print len(catalog['ssfr_fib']) - np.sum(is_notnan), ' out of ', len( catalog['ssfr_fib']), ' galaxies have NaN SSFR' ssfr_min, ssfr_max = -13., -8.75 pdf, bins = np.histogram(fib_ssfr, range=[ssfr_min, ssfr_max], bins=20, normed=True) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]), pdf, c=pretty_colors[3], lw=3) sub.text(-12.8, 0.5, 'median sSFR = ' + str(round(np.median(fib_ssfr), 3)), fontsize=20) sub.vlines(np.median(fib_ssfr), 0., 10., color=pretty_colors[1], linewidth=3, linestyle='--') sub.set_title('Kauffmann et al.(2013) cuts on dr72bright34') # axes sub.set_xlabel(r'log(SSFR)', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([ssfr_min, ssfr_max]) sub.set_xticks([-13, -11, -9]) sub.set_ylabel(r'P(SSFR)', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([0.0, 0.6]) sub.set_yticks([0., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6]) sub.minorticks_on() fig_file = ''.join([UT.dir_fig(), 'KauffmannParent.Pssfr.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file) plt.close() return None
def PlotFq_WetzelTinker_comparison(): ''' Compare the quiescent function evolution for different analytic prescriptions ''' lit = ['wetzel', 'wetzel_alternate', 'cosmos_tinker'] prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() M_arr = np.arange(9.0, 12.2, 0.2) z_arr = np.arange(0.0, 1.2, 0.2) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,5)) qf = gp.Fq() for il, l in enumerate(lit): sub = fig.add_subplot(1,4,il+1) for iz, z in enumerate(z_arr): if iz == 0: label = (l.replace('_', ' ')).title() else: label = None fq_M = qf.model(M_arr, z, lit=l) sub.plot(M_arr, fq_M, c=pretty_colors[iz], lw=3, label=label) sub.set_xlim([9.0, 12.]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M_{*}}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([0., 1.]) if il == 0: sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{f_Q}$', fontsize=25) else: sub.set_yticklabels([]) sub.legend(loc='upper left') fig_file = ''.join(['figure/test/', 'Fq_Comparison.', '_'.join(lit), '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def PlotLee2015_SFMS_zdep(): ''' Plot the S0 term (redshift dependence term of the SFMS parmaterization) of the Lee et al. (2015) SFMS fits. ''' z_mid = np.array([0.36, 0.55, 0.70, 0.85, 0.99, 1.19]) S0 = np.array([0.80, 0.99, 1.23, 1.35, 1.53, 1.72]) S0_err = np.array([0.019, 0.015, 0.016, 0.014, 0.017, 0.024]) zslope, const = Lee2015_SFMS_zslope() prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.errorbar(z_mid, S0, yerr=S0_err, c='k', elinewidth=3, capsize=10, label='Lee et al. (2015)') sub.plot(z_mid, zslope * (z_mid - 0.05) + const, c=pretty_colors[1], lw=2, ls='--', label='Best fit') ztext = '\n'.join( ['Redshift slope', r'$\mathtt{A_z=' + str(round(zslope, 2)) + '}$']) sub.text(0.1, 1.5, ztext, fontsize=20) sub.legend(loc='lower right') sub.set_ylabel('Lee et al. (2015) $S_0$ term', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([0.0, 1.5]) sub.set_xlabel('Redshift $(\mathtt{z})$', fontsize=25) fig_file = ''.join(['figure/', 'Lee2015_SFMS_zdep.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') return None
def PlotFq_WetzelTinker_comparison(): ''' Compare the quiescent function evolution for different analytic prescriptions ''' lit = ['wetzel', 'wetzel_alternate', 'cosmos_tinker'] prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() M_arr = np.arange(9.0, 12.2, 0.2) z_arr = np.arange(0.0, 1.2, 0.2) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5)) qf = gp.Fq() for il, l in enumerate(lit): sub = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, il + 1) for iz, z in enumerate(z_arr): if iz == 0: label = (l.replace('_', ' ')).title() else: label = None fq_M = qf.model(M_arr, z, lit=l) sub.plot(M_arr, fq_M, c=pretty_colors[iz], lw=3, label=label) sub.set_xlim([9.0, 12.]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{M_{*}}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([0., 1.]) if il == 0: sub.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{f_Q}$', fontsize=25) else: sub.set_yticklabels([]) sub.legend(loc='upper left') fig_file = ''.join( ['figure/test/', 'Fq_Comparison.', '_'.join(lit), '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def plotCMS_SMF(cenque='default', evol_dict=None): ''' Plot the stellar mass function of the integrated SFR population and compare it to the theoretic stellar mass function ''' # calculate SMF cq = CMS.CentralQuenched(cenque=cenque) # quenched population cq._Read_CenQue() # import evolved galaxy population MSpop = CMS.EvolvedGalPop(cenque=cenque, evol_dict=evol_dict) MSpop.Read() smf = Obvs.getSMF( np.array(list(MSpop.mass)+list(cq.mass)), weights=np.array(list(MSpop.weight_down) + list(cq.weight_down)) ) prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() # analytic SMF theory_smf = Obvs.getSMF( np.array(list(MSpop.M_sham)+list(cq.M_sham)), weights=np.array(list(MSpop.weight_down) + list(cq.weight_down)) ) #Obvs.analyticSMF(0.1, source='li-march') fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.plot(theory_smf[0], theory_smf[1], lw=3, c='k', label='Theory') sub.plot(smf[0], smf[1], lw=3, c=pretty_colors[3], ls='--', label='Simul.') sub.set_ylim([10**-5, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([6., 12.0]) sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_xlabel(r'Mass $\mathtt{M_*}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel(r'Stellar Mass Function $\mathtt{\Phi}$', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False) fig_file = ''.join([UT.fig_dir(), 'SMF.CMS', MSpop._Spec_str(), '.png']) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def plot_spectrum_tage(): t_start = time.time() sps = fsps.StellarPopulation(zcontinuous=1) print time.time() - t_start, ' seconds' # takes 3 mins... wtf prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) for i, tage in enumerate(np.arange(1., 15., 2.)): wave, spec = sps.get_spectrum(tage=tage) sub.plot(wave, 1.e17 * spec, c=pretty_colors[i], label=r'$\mathtt{t_{age} = ' + str(tage) + '}$') sub.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([1000, 10000]) sub.set_xlabel(r'$f_\lambda$ (unknown scale)', fontsize=25) sub.legend(loc='upper left') fig.savefig('spectrum_tage.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def ABCvsMCMC_histogram(obvs, nwalkers=100, nburns=9000): ''' Plots that compare the ABC posteriors to the MCMC posteriors ''' if obvs == 'nbargmf': abc_dir = ''.join([ ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/run1/', ]) abc_theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [abc_dir, 'nbar_gmf_theta_t', str(tt), '.ABCnbargmf.dat']) tf = 8 mcmc_dir = ''.join([ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/']) mcmc_filename = ''.join([mcmc_dir, 'nbar_gmf.mcmc.mcmc_chain.p']) elif obvs == 'nbarxi': abc_dir = ''.join([ ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/', ]) abc_theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [abc_dir, 'nbar_xi_theta_t', str(tt), '.abc.dat']) tf = 9 mcmc_dir = ''.join([ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/']) mcmc_filename = ''.join([mcmc_dir, 'nbar_xi.mcmc.mcmc_chain.p']) else: raise ValueError prior_min, prior_max = PriorRange('first_try') prior_range = np.zeros((len(prior_min), 2)) prior_range[:, 0] = prior_min prior_range[:, 1] = prior_max # true HOD parameter true_dict = Data.data_hod_param(Mr=21) truths = [ true_dict['logM0'], # log M0 np.log(true_dict['sigma_logM']), # log(sigma) true_dict['logMmin'], # log Mmin true_dict['alpha'], # alpha true_dict['logM1'] # log M1 ] mcmc_sample = pickle.load(open(mcmc_filename, 'rb'))[nburns * nwalkers:, :] abc_sample = np.loadtxt(abc_theta_file(tf)) normie = norm() sig1lo = normie.cdf(-1) sig1hi = normie.cdf(1) sig2lo = normie.cdf(-2) sig2hi = normie.cdf(2) nsamples_mcmc = len(mcmc_sample[:, 2]) nsamples_abc = len(abc_sample[:, 2]) sig1lo_mcmc = int(sig1lo * nsamples_mcmc) sig2lo_mcmc = int(sig2lo * nsamples_mcmc) sig1hi_mcmc = int(sig1hi * nsamples_mcmc) sig2hi_mcmc = int(sig2hi * nsamples_mcmc) sig1lo_abc = int(sig1lo * nsamples_abc) sig2lo_abc = int(sig2lo * nsamples_abc) sig1hi_abc = int(sig1hi * nsamples_abc) sig2hi_abc = int(sig2hi * nsamples_abc) par_labels = [ r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_{0}$', r'$\mathtt{log}\;\sigma_\mathtt{log\;M}$', r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_\mathtt{min}$', r'$\alpha$', r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_{1}$' ] prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(20, 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3, height_ratios=[2.75, 1]) # first panel for i in [0, 1, 2]: if i == 0: i_col = 2 prior_range[i_col, 0] = 12.5 prior_range[i_col, 1] = 13. plot_range = prior_range[i_col, :] elif i == 1: i_col = 3 plot_range = prior_range[i_col, :] elif i == 2: i_col = 4 prior_range[i_col, 0] = 13.5 prior_range[i_col, 1] = 14.25 plot_range = np.array([13.5, 14.5]) ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) q = ax.hist(mcmc_sample[:, i_col], bins=20, range=[prior_range[i_col, 0], prior_range[i_col, 1]], normed=True, alpha=0.75, color=pretty_colors[1], linewidth=2, histtype='stepfilled', edgecolor=None) qq = ax.hist(abc_sample[:, i_col], bins=20, range=[prior_range[i_col, 0], prior_range[i_col, 1]], normed=True, alpha=0.75, color=pretty_colors[3], linewidth=2, histtype='stepfilled', edgecolor=None) ax.axvline(truths[i_col], color='k', ls='--', linewidth=3) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xlim([plot_range[0], plot_range[1]]) if i == 2: thick_line2 = mlines.Line2D( [], [], ls='-', c=pretty_colors[1], linewidth=4, label='$\mathcal{L}^\mathtt{Gauss}$ \nMCMC') thick_line1 = mlines.Line2D([], [], ls='-', c=pretty_colors[3], linewidth=4, label='ABC-PMC') ax.legend(loc='upper right', handles=[thick_line2, thick_line1], frameon=False, fontsize=25, handletextpad=-0.0) # general box properties boxprops = {'color': 'k'} medianprops = {'alpha': 0.} bplots1 = [] ax = plt.subplot(gs[i + 3]) # stats dict for each box bplots1.append({ 'med': np.median(mcmc_sample[:, i_col]), 'q1': np.sort(mcmc_sample[:, i_col])[sig1lo_mcmc], 'q3': np.sort(mcmc_sample[:, i_col])[sig1hi_mcmc], 'whislo': np.sort(mcmc_sample[:, i_col])[sig2lo_mcmc], 'whishi': np.sort(mcmc_sample[:, i_col])[sig2hi_mcmc], 'fliers': [] }) bplots1.append({ 'med': np.median(abc_sample[:, i_col]), 'q1': np.sort(abc_sample[:, i_col])[sig1lo_abc], 'q3': np.sort(abc_sample[:, i_col])[sig1hi_abc], 'whislo': np.sort(abc_sample[:, i_col])[sig2lo_abc], 'whishi': np.sort(abc_sample[:, i_col])[sig2hi_abc], 'fliers': [] }) whiskprop = dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=2, color='k') boxprops = dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=2, color='k') bxp1 = ax.bxp(bplots1, positions=[1, 2], vert=False, patch_artist=True, showfliers=False, boxprops=boxprops, medianprops=medianprops, whiskerprops=whiskprop) for ibox, box in enumerate(bxp1['boxes']): if ibox == 0: box.set(facecolor=pretty_colors[1], alpha=0.75) elif ibox == 1: box.set(facecolor=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.75) ax.axvline(truths[i_col], color='k', ls='--', linewidth=3) ax.set_xlim([plot_range[0], plot_range[1]]) ax.set_xlabel(par_labels[i_col], fontsize=25, labelpad=15) if i == 0: ax.set_yticks([1, 2]) ax.set_yticklabels([r"$\mathtt{MCMC}$", r"$\mathtt{ABC}$"]) else: ax.set_yticks([]) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.0) fig_name = ''.join([ut.fig_dir(), 'paper.ABCvsMCMC', '.', obvs, '.pdf']) print fig_name fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) return None
def Plot_rhoSFR(source='li-march', sfms_prop=None, fq_lit='wetzel', zslope=None): ''' Calculate the SFR density by integrating rho_SFR = int n(M*) SFR_MS(M*) (1 - fQ(M*)) dM* where n(M*) is given by the stellar mass function, SFR_MS is the SFMS SFR fQ is the quiescent fraction ''' if sfms_prop is None: if zslope is None: sfms_prop = {'name': 'linear', 'zslope': 1.5} else: sfms_prop = {'name': 'linear', 'zslope': zslope} # SMF smf_obj = gp.SMF() n_smf = smf_obj.analytic # SFMS Star Formation Rate sfr_ms = sfr_evol.AverageLogSFR_sfms # Quiescent Fraction qf_obj = gp.Fq() fq_model = qf_obj.model def rhoSFR_integrand(Mstar, z): M_smf, phi_smf = n_smf(z, source=source) n_smf_M = interpolate.interp1d(M_smf, phi_smf) return n_smf_M(Mstar) * 10.**sfr_ms(Mstar, z, sfms_prop=sfms_prop) * ( 1. - fq_model(Mstar, z, lit=fq_lit)) z_range = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 1.0]) #np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.2) rhoSFR_z = [] for zz in z_range: print zz rhoSFR_int_wrap = lambda mm: rhoSFR_integrand(mm, zz) rhoSFR_int, rhoSFR_int_err = quad(rhoSFR_int_wrap, 7.5, 12.0, epsrel=0.1) rhoSFR_z.append(rhoSFR_int) z_behroozi = [ 0.036209892874743854, 0.40889165564288144, 0.6761600913028816, 0.9616372266749669, 1.170544445309055, 1.4822192825461054, 1.6049075298939122 ] sfr_cosmic = [ 0.010063810047184728, 0.02228775362744163, 0.03802861399461939, 0.06050175265988725, 0.0805521892279678, 0.10063810047184728, 0.10862045113189879 ] prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111) sub.scatter(z_range, rhoSFR_z, s=10) sub.plot(z_range, rhoSFR_z, c='k', lw=2) sub.plot(z_behroozi, sfr_cosmic, lw=3, c='r', label='Behroozi Best-fit') sub.set_xlabel(r'Redshift $\mathtt{(z)}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_xlim([0.0, z_range.max()]) sub.set_ylim([0.001, 0.1]) sub.set_ylabel(r'$\rho_\mathtt{SFR}$', fontsize=25) sub.set_yscale('log') sub.legend(loc='upper left') fig_name = ''.join([ 'figure/test/', 'rhoSFR', '.SMF_', source, '.fq_', fq_lit, '.SFMS_zslope', str(round(sfms_prop['zslope'], 1)), '.png' ]) fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def PoolEvolution(obvs): ''' Demostrative plot for the evolution of the pool. Illustrate the pool evolution for log M_min versus log M_1, which has the starkest evolution from its prior. ''' if obvs == 'nbargmf': result_dir = ''.join([ ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/run1/', ]) theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [result_dir, 'nbar_gmf_theta_t', str(tt), '.ABCnbargmf.dat']) t_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8] elif obvs == 'nbarxi': result_dir = ''.join([ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/']) theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [result_dir, 'nbar_xi_theta_t', str(tt), '.abc.dat']) t_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9] else: raise ValueError prior_min, prior_max = PriorRange('first_try') prior_range = np.zeros((2, 2)) prior_range[:, 0] = np.array([prior_min[2], prior_min[4]]) prior_range[:, 1] = np.array([prior_max[2], prior_max[4]]) # true HOD parameter true_dict = Data.data_hod_param(Mr=21) true_pair = [true_dict['logMmin'], true_dict['logM1']] prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) all_fig = fig.add_subplot(111) for i_t, t in enumerate(t_list): sub = fig.add_subplot(2, len(t_list) / 2, i_t + 1) theta_Mmin, theta_M1 = np.loadtxt(theta_file(t), unpack=True, usecols=[2, 4]) corner.hist2d(theta_Mmin, theta_M1, bins=20, range=prior_range, levels=[0.68, 0.95], color='c', fill_contours=True, smooth=1.0) t_label = r"$\mathtt{t = " + str(t) + "}$" sub.text(13.0, 15.0, t_label, fontsize=25) if i_t == len(t_list) - 1: true_label = r'$``\mathtt{true}"$' else: true_label = None plt.scatter(np.repeat(true_pair[0], 2), np.repeat(true_pair[1], 2), s=75, marker='*', c='k', lw=0, label=true_label) if i_t == len(t_list) - 1: plt.legend(loc='lower left', scatterpoints=1, markerscale=2.5, handletextpad=-0.25, scatteryoffsets=[0.5]) if i_t == 0: sub.set_xticklabels([]) sub.set_yticklabels([13., 13.5, 14., 14.5, 15., 15.5]) elif (i_t > 0) and (i_t < len(t_list) / 2): sub.set_xticklabels([]) sub.set_yticklabels([]) elif i_t == len(t_list) / 2: sub.set_yticklabels([13., 13.5, 14., 14.5, 15.]) elif i_t > len(t_list) / 2: sub.set_yticklabels([]) all_fig.set_xticklabels([]) all_fig.set_yticklabels([]) all_fig.set_ylabel(r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_\mathtt{1}$', fontsize=30, labelpad=50) all_fig.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_\mathtt{min}$', fontsize=30, labelpad=25) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0) fig_name = ''.join( [ut.fig_dir(), 'paper_ABC_poolevolution', '.', obvs, '.pdf']) fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close()
def ABCvsMCMC_contour(obvs, nwalkers=100, nburns=9000, sigma=False): ''' Plots that compare the ABC posteriors to the MCMC posteriors ''' if obvs == 'nbargmf': abc_dir = ''.join([ ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/run1/', ]) abc_theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [abc_dir, 'nbar_gmf_theta_t', str(tt), '.ABCnbargmf.dat']) tf = 8 mcmc_dir = ''.join([ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/']) mcmc_filename = ''.join([mcmc_dir, 'nbar_gmf.mcmc.mcmc_chain.p']) elif obvs == 'nbarxi': abc_dir = ''.join([ ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/', ]) abc_theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [abc_dir, 'nbar_xi_theta_t', str(tt), '.abc.dat']) tf = 9 mcmc_dir = ''.join([ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/']) mcmc_filename = ''.join([mcmc_dir, 'nbar_xi.mcmc.mcmc_chain.p']) else: raise ValueError prior_min, prior_max = PriorRange('first_try') prior_range = np.zeros((len(prior_min), 2)) prior_range[:, 0] = prior_min prior_range[:, 1] = prior_max # true HOD parameter true_dict = Data.data_hod_param(Mr=21) truths = [ true_dict['logM0'], # log M0 np.log(true_dict['sigma_logM']), # log(sigma) true_dict['logMmin'], # log Mmin true_dict['alpha'], # alpha true_dict['logM1'] # log M1 ] mcmc_sample = pickle.load(open(mcmc_filename, 'rb'))[nburns * nwalkers:, :] abc_sample = np.loadtxt(abc_theta_file(tf)) par_labels = [ r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_{0}$', r'$\mathtt{log}\;\sigma_\mathtt{log\;M}$', r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_\mathtt{min}$', r'$\alpha$', r'$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_{1}$' ] prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(20, 6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3) # first panel for i in [0, 1, 2]: plot_range = np.zeros((2, 2)) if i == 0: col_pair = [2, 3] plot_range[0, 0] = 12.5 plot_range[0, 1] = 13.0 plot_range[1, 0] = prior_range[3, 0] plot_range[1, 1] = prior_range[3, 1] elif i == 2: col_pair = [4, 2] plot_range[0, 0] = 13.6 plot_range[0, 1] = 14.2 plot_range[1, 0] = 12.5 plot_range[1, 1] = 13.0 elif i == 1: col_pair = [3, 4] plot_range[0, 0] = prior_range[3, 0] plot_range[0, 1] = prior_range[3, 1] plot_range[1, 0] = 13.6 plot_range[1, 1] = 14.2 if i == 2: mcmc_label = r'$\mathcal{L}^\mathtt{Gauss}$ MCMC' abc_label = 'ABC-PMC' else: mcmc_label = None abc_label = None mcmc_par1 = mcmc_sample[:, col_pair[0]] mcmc_par2 = mcmc_sample[:, col_pair[1]] abc_par1 = abc_sample[:, col_pair[0]] abc_par2 = abc_sample[:, col_pair[1]] ax = plt.subplot(gs[i]) if sigma: lvls = [1 - np.exp(-0.5), 1 - np.exp(-0.125)] else: lvls = [0.68, 0.95] corner.hist2d(mcmc_par1, mcmc_par2, bins=20, range=plot_range, ax=ax, plot_datapoints=False, levels=lvls, color='#1F77B4', fill_contours=True, smooth=1.0, label=mcmc_label) corner.hist2d(abc_par1, abc_par2, bins=20, range=plot_range, ax=ax, levels=lvls, color='#FF7F0E', fill_contours=True, smooth=1.0, label=abc_label) ax.scatter(np.repeat(truths[col_pair[0]], 2), np.repeat(truths[col_pair[1]], 2), s=100, marker='*', c='k', lw=0, label=None) #ax.axvline(truths[i_col], color='k', ls='--', linewidth=3) #ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xlim([plot_range[0, 0], plot_range[0, 1]]) ax.set_ylim([plot_range[1, 0], plot_range[1, 1]]) if i == 2: thick_line1 = mlines.Line2D([], [], ls='-', c='#FF7F0E', linewidth=12, alpha=0.5, label='ABC-PMC') ax.legend(loc='upper right', handles=[thick_line1], frameon=False, fontsize=25, handletextpad=0.1, scatteryoffsets=[0.5]) elif i == 1: thick_line2 = mlines.Line2D( [], [], ls='-', c='#1F77B4', linewidth=12, alpha=0.5, label='$\mathcal{L}^\mathtt{Gauss}$ \nMCMC') ax.legend(loc='upper right', handles=[thick_line2], frameon=False, fontsize=25, handletextpad=0.1, scatteryoffsets=[0.5]) ax.set_xlabel(par_labels[col_pair[0]], fontsize=25, labelpad=15) ax.set_ylabel(par_labels[col_pair[1]], fontsize=25) if sigma: sigma_str = '.true1sigma' else: sigma_str = '' fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3) fig_name = ''.join([ ut.fig_dir(), 'paper.ABCvsMCMC.contour', '.', obvs, sigma_str, '.pdf' ]) fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) return None
def ABC_Convergence(weighted=False): ''' Plot the error bars on the parameters as a function of time step ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) for i_obv, obvs in enumerate(['nbargmf', 'nbarxi']): if obvs == 'nbargmf': result_dir = ''.join([ ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/run1/', ]) theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [result_dir, 'nbar_gmf_theta_t', str(tt), '.ABCnbargmf.dat']) w_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [result_dir, 'nbar_gmf_w_t', str(tt), '.ABCnbargmf.dat']) tf = 8 elif obvs == 'nbarxi': result_dir = ''.join([ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/']) theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [result_dir, 'nbar_xi_theta_t', str(tt), '.abc.dat']) w_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [result_dir, 'nbar_xi_w_t', str(tt), '.abc.dat']) tf = 9 else: raise ValueError t_list = range(tf + 1) columns = [ r"$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_0$", r"$\sigma_{\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}}$", r"$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_\mathtt{min}$", r"$\alpha$", r"$\mathtt{log}\;\mathcal{M}_1$" ] true_dict = Data.data_hod_param(Mr=21) true_theta = [ true_dict['logM0'], np.log(true_dict['sigma_logM']), true_dict['logMmin'], true_dict['alpha'], true_dict['logM1'] ] prior_min, prior_max = PriorRange('first_try') a_theta = np.zeros((len(t_list), 5)) b_theta = np.zeros((len(t_list), 5)) d_theta = np.zeros((len(t_list), 5)) e_theta = np.zeros((len(t_list), 5)) for i_t, tt in enumerate(t_list): theta_i = np.loadtxt(theta_file(tt), unpack=True) w_i = np.loadtxt(w_file(tt)) for i_par in range(len(theta_i)): if not weighted: a, b, d, e = np.percentile(theta_i[i_par], [2.5, 16, 84, 97.5], axis=0) else: a = ut.quantile_1D(theta_i[i_par], w_i, 0.025) b = ut.quantile_1D(theta_i[i_par], w_i, 0.16) d = ut.quantile_1D(theta_i[i_par], w_i, 0.84) e = ut.quantile_1D(theta_i[i_par], w_i, 0.975) a_theta[i_t, i_par] = a b_theta[i_t, i_par] = b d_theta[i_t, i_par] = d e_theta[i_t, i_par] = e keep_index = [2, 3, 4] for ii, i in enumerate(keep_index): if i == keep_index[-1]: true_label = r'$``\mathtt{true}"$' abc_1sig_label = r'ABC Pool' else: true_label = None abc_1sig_label = None sub = fig.add_subplot(2, len(keep_index), i_obv * len(keep_index) + ii + 1) sub.fill_between(t_list, a_theta[:, i], e_theta[:, i], color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.3, edgecolor="none") sub.fill_between(t_list, b_theta[:, i], d_theta[:, i], color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none", label=abc_1sig_label) sub.plot(t_list, np.repeat(true_theta[i], len(t_list)), c='k', ls='--', lw=2, label=true_label) if ii == 0: if obvs == 'nbargmf': sub.text(4.85, 13.4, r"$\bar{\mathtt{n}}$ and $\zeta(\mathtt{N})$", fontsize=25) elif obvs == 'nbarxi': sub.text(4.85, 13.4, r"$\bar{\mathtt{n}}$ and $\xi(\mathtt{r})$", fontsize=25) sub.set_ylabel(columns[i], fontsize=25) sub.set_ylim([prior_min[i], prior_max[i]]) sub.set_xlim([-1, 10]) if i_obv == 1: sub.legend(loc='upper right', borderpad=1.) sub.set_xlabel('iterations', fontsize=25) if i == 4: sub.set_yticklabels([13.0, 13.5, 14.0, 14.5, 15.]) else: sub.set_xticklabels([]) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.0) if weighted: weight_str = '.weighted' else: weight_str = '' fig_name = ''.join( [ut.fig_dir(), 'paper', '.ABCconvergence', weight_str, '.pdf']) fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=150) plt.close() return None
def OrphanSubhaloSMF(type, nsnap_ancestor=20, scatter=0.0, source='li-drory-march'): ''' SMF for orphan central subhalos that do not have ancestors at snapshot nsnap_ancestor. ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) # Central subhalo at nsnap_ancestor if type == 'central': subh = CentralSubhalos() elif type == 'all': subh = Subhalos() subh.Read(nsnap_ancestor, scatter=scatter, source=source, nsnap_ancestor=nsnap_ancestor) ancestor_index = subh.index ancestor_mass = subh.mass for i_snap in [1, 5, 10, 15]: if i_snap >= nsnap_ancestor: continue smf = SMF() if type == 'central': subh = CentralSubhalos() elif type == 'all': subh = Subhalos() subh.Read(i_snap, scatter=scatter, source=source, nsnap_ancestor=nsnap_ancestor) # total central subhalo SMF subh_mass, subh_phi = smf.centralsubhalos(subh) sub.plot(subh_mass, subh_phi, lw=4, c=pretty_colors[i_snap], alpha=0.5) # SMF of central subhalos who's ancestors are centrals at snapshot 20 if i_snap == 1: label = 'Galaxies that do not have Ancestors' else: label = None orphan = np.invert( np.in1d(getattr(subh, 'ancestor' + str(nsnap_ancestor)), ancestor_index)) orph_mass, orph_phi = smf.smf(subh.mass[orphan]) sub.plot(orph_mass, orph_phi, lw=2, ls='--', c=pretty_colors[i_snap], label=label) anc_mass, anc_phi = smf.smf(ancestor_mass) sub.plot(anc_mass, anc_phi, lw=4, c='gray', label='Total') sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_ylim([10**-5, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([6.0, 12.0]) sub.legend(loc='upper right') fig_file = ''.join([ 'figure/test/' 'OrphanSubhaloSMF', '.', type, '_subhalo', '.scatter', str(round(scatter, 2)), '.ancestor', str(nsnap_ancestor), '.', source, '.png' ]) fig.savefig(fig_file, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def PosteriorObservable(Mr=21, b_normal=0.25, clobber=False): ''' Plot 1\sigma and 2\sigma model predictions from ABC-PMC posterior likelihood ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 12)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, height_ratios=[2.5, 1], width_ratios=[1, 1]) for obvs in ['nbargmf', 'nbarxi']: if obvs == 'nbargmf': result_dir = ''.join([ ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/run1/', ]) theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [result_dir, 'nbar_gmf_theta_t', str(tt), '.ABCnbargmf.dat']) tf = 8 obvs_list = ['gmf'] elif obvs == 'nbarxi': result_dir = ''.join([ut.dat_dir(), 'paper/ABC', obvs, '/']) theta_file = lambda tt: ''.join( [result_dir, 'nbar_xi_theta_t', str(tt), '.abc.dat']) tf = 9 obvs_list = ['xi'] else: raise ValueError theta = np.loadtxt(theta_file(tf)) # import thetas #theta = theta[:10] obvs_file = ''.join( theta_file(tf).rsplit('.dat')[:-1] + ['.', obvs_list[0], '.p']) print obvs_file HODsimulator = ABC_HODsim(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal) if not os.path.isfile(obvs_file) or clobber: model_obv = [] for i in xrange(len(theta)): print i obv_i = HODsimulator(theta[i], prior_range=None, observables=obvs_list) model_obv.append(obv_i[0]) model_obv = np.array(model_obv) pickle.dump(model_obv, open(obvs_file, 'wb')) else: model_obv = pickle.load(open(obvs_file, 'rb')) if 'xi' in obvs: r_bin = Data.data_xi_bin(Mr=Mr) elif 'gmf' in obvs: r_binedge = Data.data_gmf_bins() r_bin = 0.5 * (r_binedge[:-1] + r_binedge[1:]) a, b, c, d, e = np.percentile(model_obv, [2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5], axis=0) # plotting if obvs == 'nbarxi': ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) elif obvs == 'nbargmf': ax = plt.subplot(gs[1]) if 'xi' in obvs: # 2PCF xi_data = Data.data_xi(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal) cov_data = Data.data_cov(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal, inference='mcmc') data_xi_cov = cov_data[1:16, 1:16] ax.fill_between(r_bin, a, e, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.3, edgecolor="none") ax.fill_between(r_bin, b, d, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none") ax.errorbar(r_bin, xi_data, yerr=np.sqrt(np.diag(data_xi_cov)), fmt="o", color='k', markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=3, elinewidth=1.5) ax.scatter(r_bin, xi_data, c='k', s=10, lw=0) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\xi_\mathtt{gg}(\mathtt{r})$', fontsize=27) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xlim([0.1, 20.]) ax.set_ylim([0.09, 1000.]) ax = plt.subplot(gs[2]) ax.fill_between(r_bin, a / xi_data, e / xi_data, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.3, edgecolor="none") ax.fill_between(r_bin, b / xi_data, d / xi_data, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none") ax.errorbar(r_bin, np.repeat(1., len(xi_data)), yerr=np.sqrt(np.diag(data_xi_cov)) / xi_data, fmt="o", color='k', markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=3, elinewidth=1.5) ax.plot(np.arange(0.1, 20., 0.1), np.repeat(1., len(np.arange(0.1, 20, 0.1))), c='k', ls='--', lw=2) ax.set_xlim([0.1, 20.]) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_ylim([0.5, 1.5]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{r}\;[\mathtt{Mpc}/h]$', fontsize=25) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\xi_\mathtt{gg}/\xi_\mathtt{gg}^\mathtt{obvs}$', fontsize=25) elif 'gmf' in obvs: # GMF data_gmf = Data.data_gmf(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal) cov_data = Data.data_cov(Mr=Mr, b_normal=b_normal, inference='mcmc') data_gmf_cov = cov_data[16:, 16:] ax.fill_between(r_bin, a, e, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.3, edgecolor="none") ax.fill_between(r_bin, b, d, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none", label='ABC Posterior') ax.errorbar(r_bin, data_gmf, yerr=np.sqrt(np.diag(data_gmf_cov)), fmt="o", color='k', markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=4, elinewidth=2) ax.scatter(r_bin, data_gmf, s=15, lw=0, c='k', label='Mock Observation') ax.legend(loc='upper right', scatterpoints=1, prop={'size': 25}, borderpad=1.0) ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\zeta$ $[(\mathrm{h}/\mathtt{Mpc})^{3}]$', fontsize=25) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim([1., 20.]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_ylim([10.**-7.2, 2 * 10**-4.]) ax = plt.subplot(gs[3]) ax.fill_between(r_bin, a / data_gmf, e / data_gmf, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.3, edgecolor="none") ax.fill_between(r_bin, b / data_gmf, d / data_gmf, color=pretty_colors[3], alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none") ax.errorbar(r_bin, np.repeat(1., len(data_gmf)), yerr=np.sqrt(np.diag(data_gmf_cov)) / data_gmf, fmt="o", color='k', markersize=0, lw=0, capsize=3, elinewidth=1.5) ax.plot(np.arange(1., 20., 1), np.repeat(1., len(np.arange(1., 20, 1))), c='k', ls='--', lw=1.75) ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax.set_ylim([-0.1, 2.1]) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\zeta/\zeta^\mathtt{obvs}$', fontsize=25) ax.set_xlim([1., 20.]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathtt{N}$ [Group Richness]', fontsize=25) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.0) fig_name = ''.join([ut.fig_dir(), 'paper', '.ABCposterior', '.pdf']) fig.savefig(fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return None
def test_ancestors_without_descendant(nsnap_ancestor=20, scatter=0.0, source='li-drory-march'): ''' What happens to ancestors that do not have descendants at nsnap = 1 Notes ----- * More than 50% of the subhalos at nsnap=20 do not have descendants at nsnap = 1. What happens to them? * Do they become satellites? --> Some become satellites, others with no mass subhalos don't stay in the catalog at all ''' prettyplot() pretty_colors = prettycolors() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) sub = fig.add_subplot(111) # Central subhalo at nsnap_ancestor (ancesotr) anc = CentralSubhalos(), scatter=scatter, source=source) # Centrals subhalo at nsnap = 1 (descendant) des = CentralSubhalos(), scatter=scatter, source=source) no_descendants = np.invert(np.in1d(anc.index, des.ancestor20)) massive_nodescendants = np.where(anc.mass[no_descendants] > 0.0) print 'N_SH no descendants ', len(anc.mass[no_descendants]) print 'N_SH total ', len(anc.mass) print np.float(len(anc.mass[no_descendants])) / np.float(len(anc.mass)) no_des_index = anc.index[no_descendants][massive_nodescendants][:5] print anc.mass[no_descendants][massive_nodescendants][:5] for isnap in range(1, nsnap_ancestor)[::-1]: i_des = CentralSubhalos(), scatter=scatter, source=source) #print isnap, np.in1d(no_des_index, i_des.ancestor20) #if not np.in1d(no_des_index, i_des.ancestor20)[0]: des_sh = Subhalos(), scatter=scatter, source=source) #if np.sum(np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)) != len(no_des_index): # raise ValueError print des_sh.ilk[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)][np.argsort( des_sh.ancestor20[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)])] print 'M* ', des_sh.mass[np.in1d( des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)][np.argsort( des_sh.ancestor20[np.in1d(des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)])] print 'M_halo ', getattr(des_sh, 'halo.m')[np.in1d( des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)][np.argsort(des_sh.ancestor20[np.in1d( des_sh.ancestor20, no_des_index)])] #print des_sh.mass[np.in1d(des_sh.index, no_des_index)] #np.in1d(i_des.ancestor20, no_des_index) sub.set_yscale('log') sub.set_ylim([10**-5, 10**-1]) sub.set_xlim([6.0, 12.0]) sub.legend(loc='upper right')